Chapter 228 : Supergiant

'That guy's prediction is not accurate at all, maybe it's a boy,' Tony thought to himself.

After a while, he snorted coldly. How could such a proud person believe in the so-called prophecy? Even if it were true, Tony Stark believed he could change his life and defy fate.

"Jarvis, give Happy a month off, and then find a group of love experts and have them teach Happy how to woo Peter's aunt. It's an employee benefit," Tony instructed Jarvis in a low voice.

Jarvis replied, "Yes, sir."

Pepper had not heard Tony's order and hesitated for a moment before suggesting, "Tony, let's make Bert the Godfather of the child, okay?"

Tony flew into the Stark Building, removed his suit, and walked in front of Pepper. He asked, "Why are you looking for him? That guy isn't religious at all. He even sent someone to hack Gabriel to death before. The brutal kind."

Pepper was left speechless. Wasn't Bert an odd choice for a godfather? "I just want to give the child a guarantee," Pepper explained. She was not only doing it for the child, but also for Tony. She was afraid that Bert's prophecy would come true.

"Then find someone else. Although I am enough, Pepper, I won't let my child suffer," Tony replied, still a little upset. At this moment, he heard a smug laugh and quickly checked his surroundings, but found nothing.

Tony was about to ask Jarvis to scan the area when Pepper suddenly said, "Tony, kneel down, you haven't proposed to me yet!"

Tony was stunned for a moment, then knelt down honestly and asked, "Pepper, I can't survive without you, will you marry me?"

"Yes, I do," Pepper replied tearfully. After so many years, they had finally achieved a positive result.


The year was now 2012, an election year in the United States, making everything particularly lively. President Ellis had been re-elected, and his performance had been dazzling, resulting in a high approval rate.

His slogan was to make himself the last president of the United States by promoting the establishment of the Earth Federation during his term.

Another candidate had a completely different slogan than President Ellis, and at this moment, he was presenting his ideas to voters.

"Since 2008, when some idiot revealed that he is Iron Man, the world has been suffering from disasters. I hate the current world, and I hate those bastard aliens and the so-called Earth Federation. After I am elected, I will abolish superheroes, abolish the Earth Federation, abolish the interstellar era, abolish Artificial intelligence - Everything.

No one knows aliens better than I do. As long as we maintain a low-level civilization, they will not attack us. The reason why we are attacked is because some bastards are taking too big steps. My slogan is to let America return to 2008."

"Return America to 2008," supporters cheered. In the past two years, Artificial intelligence and other high technologies have developed rapidly, causing many people to lose their jobs.

Although the government and companies have been aiding re-employment and Resource Planet requires a significant amount of manpower, many people still struggle to adapt or refuse to adapt. They yearn for 2008 and fervently support this senseless candidate.

"This kind of speech can have so many supporters, and the state of education in the United States is concerning."

In the building above the assembly, Bert held a wine glass and commented lightly. He was projecting himself as his main body was still sleeping underground in New York and on the verge of completing its transformation.

Recently, there has been a lot of war in Hell, and Kamar-Taj is relatively calm, so he went out for a walk.

"America has always been anti-intellectual. In Hollywood movies, it's usually the elites, high-class individuals, or mad scientists who destroy the world," Tony, who appeared tired, sneered. "What's more outrageous is that it's always the uneducated little people who save the world."

Skye, summoned by Bert, poured wine for the two men and retorted, "Can't the 'little people' save the world?"

Tony shook his head and replied, "Yes, they can, but it's not scientific."

"Why are you so tired, Tony? You look like you're about to pass out," Bert inquired. "If you pass away, your estate, wife, and children will fall into other hands."

"Many things have been happening lately: company affairs, S.W.O.R.D.'s affairs, Resource Planet's affairs, and Pepper's due date is coming up," Tony sighed. "Pepper is like a different person. Can you believe it? I'm losing my mind with her constant requests for me to say 'I love her' a hundred times a day."

"She used to take care of you, now you take care of her," Bert retorted.

At this moment, the candidate below shouted, "Elect me! When I become president, I will tell you the truth, demons, vampires, aliens, all the truth!"

Bert couldn't help but laugh. "Ha, this guy is incredibly brave."

"Aren't you going to do anything? He wants to reveal your Vampire's secrets," Tony asked.

"I will not sabotage the election," Bert replied. "Besides, if the matter of the Vampires were to become public, who else would dare to provoke us?"

"With you here, who would dare to provoke the vampires? If the secret were to be exposed, a group of people would likely cry and clamor to become a part of it," Tony replied.

"Don't worry, that guy's approval rating is far lower than President Ellis's. Moreover, most of the consortiums have invested money in the aerospace industry and won't allow the Earth to reverse course," Tony reassured Bert.

Tony had done a lot of work in this regard, pulling many consortia into the interstellar interest circle. If the interstellar era went bankrupt, they would also go bankrupt.

At this point, the interstellar era cannot be stopped unless there's a civil war.

"As a capitalist, what needs to be done must still be done."

Bert thought about it, called Lilith, and said, "Let the major TV stations, Twitter, and Facebook completely block this candidate's remarks on the grounds that his IQ is too low. Also, check the source of that guy's funds and cut them all off."

"No problem, Blood God." Lilith agreed swiftly and neatly. It was not difficult for her, or rather, for the vampires.

"You don't mean to sabotage the general election?" Skye was stunned. If everything was blocked, why was the candidate even running?

"This is a legitimate and legal means. In fact, everyone is playing like this." Bert shrugged and said, "Fools are contagious, so it's better to lock them up. Speaking of which, I'm still too kind. If I were ruthless, I'd ask Dr. Reed to invest in those people's companies directly."

"That's a strategic weapon. You can't use it indiscriminately." Tony said with a smile. Even he was tricked by Dr. Reed, let alone others.

Tony asked, "Bert, if that guy really wins the election and really wants to bring America back to 2008, what are you going to do?"

"I will build a new America and then block all those who do not agree with the interstellar age in one state." Bert said, "Since they want to stay in 2008, then I will fulfill their wish and set up a human museum so that archaeology will be convenient in the future."

Tony and Skye were both stunned. "Are you serious?"

"You think I'm joking?" Bert said, "Humans must enter the interstellar age. This is not negotiable. I won't allow anyone to drive us backwards."

"On this point, I agree, but your methods are too cruel."

Tony shook his head and changed the subject, "By the way, how many days do you plan to stay on Earth this time? You haven't been back for nearly a year. President Ellis and the others are very flustered and call S.W.O.R.D. and Blood God Group every day, asking when you'll come back. Hey, those presidents heard that you were fascinated by Sovereign's beauties and proposed to send beauties to you."

"I've been here, but you didn't know it." Bert shrugged. He didn't mention anything about his sleep and pretended to stay in Sovereign the whole time.

Tony said, "At this point, the Earth can't function without you and me."

Bert complained, "Does it have to function without me? What are you doing butting in?"

"You're too embarrassed to say this even if you're a shopkeeper?"

Tony said with contempt, "Stop talking. I'm busy. I'll go see Pepper when I have time. You promised to be my child's godfather. By the way, your prediction was wrong. The child in Pepper's womb is a twin."

"Twins? It's a good thing. It seems like fate has completely changed," Bert smiled. It was not surprising that Pepper was pregnant with a child ahead of time, and now it has become a twin.

"Install, continue to install," Tony rolled his eyes, put on Mark's armor, and flew into the distance. At this time, Jarvis asked, "Sir, why didn't you tell Mr. Wang about that?"

"Because I couldn't tell if there was a real enemy or if I was suffering from prenatal depression," Tony said angrily. During this time, he always felt that there was someone beside him and Pepper, but Pepper didn't feel anything, and Jarvis didn't find anything either.

Tony always felt that this matter was not that simple. He used the unmanned armor to firmly protect Pepper. Although Pepper was annoyed, she did not object.

"Don't worry, it's not a big deal. After all, Bert is back," Tony said.

In the office, Bert shook his glass and asked Skye, "Do you know why I came to see you today?"

Skye felt a little guilty and asked casually, "Do you want to continue hiring me to take care of Mindy and the others?"

Bert smiled and said, "I'm giving you another chance, Skye. Don't let me down."

Skye looked at Bert and suddenly felt so blessed. She raised her wine glass and knelt down, shouting, "Master."

"You're not stupid after all. From today, you are my apprentice. Get up," Bert took the wine glass with a smile. Skye's Shockwave ability placed a heavy burden on her body, and sometimes even injured her.

Mindy and the others played games with Skye every day. When they saw her being injured, they passed on their anger to her and even got a lot of dragon bones to send her. Anyway, there are many masters, and the warehouse is full.

"Is it that simple? It made me worry for a long time. It's all because of Mindy, who keeps making me watch martial arts movies," Skye's heart fell. She stood up and said, "In those movies, people who steal martial arts will be hunted down."

"In my sect, there aren't so many restrictions," Bert smiled and said, "After all, it didn't even have a name until last year."

Skye looked blank and asked, "Does our sect have a name?"

"Yes, it's called the Dragon Subduing Gate," Bert waved his hand indifferently and said, "Come to my manor tonight."

Skye asked cautiously, "What do you want to do?"

"What's with that expression?" Bert said angrily, "I'll help you become an Iron Fist tonight."

Skye snorted with contempt. Most of the women of Blood God are dumped after playing, typical scumbags.

"I think we should follow the routine in martial arts movies," Bert shouted solemnly, "Demon girl, how dare you stealthily learn my martial arts of my sect, and you will be captured quickly?"

"Master, I'll come over at night," Skye left a sentence and immediately turned around to dodge. Bert shook his head. He looked at the assembly below and smiled disdainfully.

Then, Bert closed his eyes and sensed the drop of blood attached to the Scepter (Mind Stone). According to the information recorded in it, Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver had already been born. However, they were slightly different.

"Why did such a change happen?"

'In the movie, Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver are brother and sister. In addition, Scarlet Witch's appearance and body are the same as in the movie, but Quicksilver's appearance is somewhat different.'

'How should I put it, it's a bit like the combination of the two Quicksilver from "Avengers 2" and "X-Men"'

Although Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver had already been born, they still needed to be adjusted with the Scepter. Bert thought about it and decided not to withdraw the scepter immediately. He had waited for so long, and waiting for a little longer didn't bother him.

Next, Bert sensed the situation of Hydra and found that everything was under control. He nodded in satisfaction and interrupted the sensing.

Bert didn't know that just after he interrupted the induction, the scepter lit up with a faint light, followed by a mocking voice: "Whether it is a human being or a God, it is easy to falter after a long time."

With this voice, a woman with navy blue skin in a silver battle suit and cloak emerged from the scepter.

She was Supergiant, a member of Thanos' Black Order

This Supergiant was proficient in mind control, telepathy, mind transmission, and memory stealing. Thanos let her hide in the Scepter to steal data and execute her own plans.

Due to the protection of the Mind Stone, neither Loki, Mephisto, nor Bert were able to discover the existence of Supergiant.

Supergiant walked out of the treasure room and happened to see Wanda and Pietro training. Contrary to what Bert knew, they were completely stable and did not need to be adjusted.

The reason for this is because Supergiant had modified the information obtained from their blood. In short, what Bert knows is what the Supergiant wants him to know.

In this world, there is no invincible ability, and Bert's blood sense met its nemesis.

In fact, Bert was a little light on the Scepter, which was also the result of the Supergiant's secret influence through blood.

Wanda's crimson energy and Pietro's super speed made Baron Strucker, who wore an eyepatch, very excited, and he said: "Pietro, you will become the fastest man on Earth, faster than the Blood God."

Pietro proudly replied: "Of course, Baron Strucker. Can you buy me another pair of running shoes? My shoes are wearing out again."

"Of course, I can give you as many running shoes as you want," Baron Strucker laughed.

Supergiant couldn't help shaking her head. What is a frog in the well? This is called the frog at the bottom of the well, Blood God has become a god, and these Hydras are measuring him by the strength of the battle of New York.

It is worth mentioning that no one can see the Supergiant; only Wanda has a slight feeling, but she thinks it is an illusion.

Then, the Supergiant went underground, where many blue-skinned Kree were experimenting on humans.

That's right, the Kree. They were secretly sent by Thanos.


In Comics, Supergiant was a member of Thanos' Black Order; she was a mentally unstable omnipath and telepathic parasite who seeks out intellect and devours it.
