Chapter 229 : Iron Fists

Thanos and the Kree Empire are intricately linked. After the destruction of Supreme Intelligence by Bert, some Kree individuals retrieved the intelligent program of the Supreme Intelligence to find Thanos, hoping he could assist in resurrecting it.

Thanos agreed to help and assisted the Kree in infiltrating Earth quietly, asking them to contact Baron Strucker.

Baron Strucker didn't know much, but he welcomed the Kree and promised to find a way to resurrect the Supreme Intelligence. He also allowed the Kree to use human experiments to create Inhumans, which he had a morbid obsession with.

Although the Kree Empire created the Inhumans, the technology has been lost, with only a few records remaining on the Supreme Intelligence's side. According to these records and the Scepter (Mind Stone), Kree scientists used humans for experiments at the HYDRA base.

After numerous failed attempts, three months ago, they successfully created the first Inhumans. They continued to refine their technology and developed a significant number of Inhumans.

However, their success rate was less than 30%, and the mortality rate was alarmingly high. Baron Strucker was indifferent to the loss of human life, as it was worthless to him in Eastern Europe.

Using these Inhumans, Baron Strucker swiftly annexed other HYDRA factions and is now the true leader of HYDRA.

Due to Bert's absence, the superheroes fighting in the universe was completely unaware of this information.

"The number of Inhumans are still insufficient. To influence that idiot, let him create more Inhumans," thought the Supergiant. "This American election is a good opportunity. If it succeeds, the Earth will fall into a civil war, and they will no longer be able to threaten Thanos' plan."

Supergiant went to the tenth floor underground, where a large cold storage was present, containing a massive corpse frozen in ice. When all HYDRA members saw this corpse, they would shout in their hearts, "HAIL HYDRA."

Looking at the Hive's corpse, Supergiant smiled. In addition to the HYDRA, she had another trump card against the Blood God- Herself.

The Mind Stone was not just about controlling people; she could exert its true power.

After examining the Hive's body, Supergiant proceeded to the last floor of the secret base. There was no one present, only countless complex computers. This was the body of the Supreme Intelligence.

At this moment, these computers were enveloped in spiritual energy's light. If everything went well, the Supreme Intelligence would soon be resurrected. At that point, the Earth's technology and network would become tools of the Supreme Intelligence.

"Blood God, I'll give you a big surprise when the time comes," Supergiant said, nodding in satisfaction. She hesitated and thought, "Should I inform Loki about this? I heard she has built up the Frost Giants well. If a Frost Giant army arrives at a critical time, it may have a miraculous effect."

"Let's wait and see; that guy is like Ebony Maw, full of schemes and very annoying."

Supergiant shook her head, her figure dissipated, and she returned to the Mind Scepter.


In a Manhattan mansion, a man dressed in a black and red uniform with a large helmet was warming up in the aisle.

After a while, the man rushed towards a closed door and attempted to enter the room by shrinking to fit through the key hole.

Unfortunately, he didn't shrink fast enough and crashed into the door with a loud bang, falling to the ground.

Hank Pym, a white-haired, bespectacled, and stern-looking man scolded him: "You've failed again, Scott Lang. You're a disappointment."

"I know, I'll try again," replied Scott. He returned to his original size and walked towards the opposite side feebly.

Scott Lang, an electrical engineer who had stolen money from his boss and returned it to the victims, was known as a modern Robin Hood.

However, he ended up in prison and upon release found that no company was willing to hire him, not even restaurants or coffee shops.

To support his daughter, Scott decided to turn to stealing once again. As a result, he was caught by Hank Pym and forced to work for him as the new Ant-Man.

Hank Pym's daughter, Hope, who had an old-fashioned look about her, suggested that she could take on the mission instead of Scott.

However, Hank Pym refused, citing his concern for her safety.

Scott complained, "I can hear it." He then attempted to shrink himself and fit through the door hole again, this time succeeding.

Hope shook her head, and she said, "Dad, maybe we should consider the proposal of Blood God and Stark, and they had been restrained towards them."

"There is no good person in the Stark family, let alone the Blood God, he is a vampire, how can we trust a vampire?" However, Hank Pym was against the idea, believing that they couldn't trust a vampire.

Hank Pym was determined to stop Darren from researching the Pym particles, fearing that humans would be ruled by Vampires.

"Aunt Carter said that Blood God has the ability to destroy the world. If he really wants to rule mankind, what is the difference between one more Pym particle and one less Pym particle?"

Hope advised, " We should focus on the quantum channel, and with the support of the Blood God, we could be able to complete it."

"Carter, she's also a vampire now, and she's equally untrustworthy." Pym said, "Scott, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and start, do you still want the salary?"

"No problem, starting right away." Scott shouted, his eyes flickered.

"There is no time to waste." Pym said: "According to the intelligence, within a month, Darren will be successful. He also designed the suit. We must destroy all data and Pym particles experiments before he succeeds."

Scott assured them that he would succeed, stating that he was the most famous thief in recent years. He then attempted to shrink himself again but failed, causing Hank Pym and Hope to become exasperated.


At night, in Blood God Manor, Bert's six apprentices stood in front of him, along with Madame Gao and Colleen Wing, who worked as a maid.

The six apprentices are: Trish Walker, Earth's most famous female talk show host, who has become popular worldwide in recent years and doesn't even have time to be a superhero.

Then there's Trish's sister, Jessica Jones. Although she was one of the first superheroes to debut, she is now almost obsolete due to her rudeness, lack of dedication, and alcoholism. She can't even pay her rent and lives with Trish.

It's not so much Jessica Jones as it is Jessica, the poor.

Next are the three daughters: Mindy, Lina, and Little Hela. Mindy wants to be a superhero every day and has practiced kung fu and completed her homework well. When she grows up, she wants to be a top agent and superhero.

Lina doesn't have much to say. She eats whatever she wants but has managed to stay slim and tall over the years. She envies Mindy, who eats diet meals every day.

Finally, Little Hela, is addicted to games, but she has never failed in her homework and excels in Chi mastery, surpassing Mindy and Lina.

If Mindy is a rare genius, then Little Hela is an even rarer genius.

The last apprentice was Skye. She looked at Bert strangely and asked, "Master, why are all your apprentice's women? And they are all beautiful women?"

"Are you complimenting yourself?" Bert retorted. "There are also men - Frank, Ivan, and Captain America, the Blood God Guards. They've all learned from me and are my apprentices."

"Did they learn from you or me?" Madame Gao complained, claiming that all of Bert's apprentices were taught by her.

"It's the same," Bert laughed and said, "I brought you all here today to help you become Iron Fist. I've prepared the top dragon souls for you, and you can choose your own attributes."

After speaking, Bert opened his hand, and more than a dozen majestic dragon souls shone around his palm.

Everyone's eyes lit up, knowing what it meant to become Iron Fist.

"So many dragon souls?" Madame Gao was stunned. Can Iron Fists be mass-produced?

Trish was the first to say, "Master, I want Wind Dragon. I've been too busy recently, and Wind Dragon can save me time."

Bert waved the wind dragon's soul into Trish's body. Trish's eyes froze, and her consciousness entered the consciousness space where a wind dragon was roaring at her.

Trish had to defeat the wind dragon to obtain the dragon soul. If she failed, the dragon soul would be sealed in her body, waiting for her next challenge.

Jessica asked, "Is there a wine dragon, the kind that turns air into wine?"

Bert was speechless. Among so many apprentices, Jessica was the one who failed the most. Not that she was completely useless; she also helped a lot of people, but she was really not suitable to be a superhero.

"There is no wine dragon. You should choose the dragon of power. When you become an Iron Fist, I will send you to the Ravager Alliance, which should be very suitable for you. Those pirates quarrel, drink, and fight every day."

Bert angrily sent the dragon of power into Jessica's body. Then, he looked at Mindy and asked, "Which one do you choose?"

Mindy asked, "Is there a dragon soul that can make me grow up faster?"

"No, you are Hit-Girl. You should choose the wooden type dragon, which can both save people and poison them."

After making a choice for Mindy, Bert asked Lina, "Which one do you choose?"

Lina said with a bitter face, "Can I not choose? After I get angry, I feel even hungrier. I used to eat ten Big Macs to be full, but now I have to eat twenty."

"Then you should choose the magic water dragon, which can help you absorb energy from the outside world."

Bert sent the water dragon into Lina's body, and Lina's eyes immediately became dull.

Then, Bert looked at Little Hela and asked, "Hai, what kind of dragon soul do you want?"

Little Hela asked, "Darkness, is there any dragon soul of death attribute?"

"No, Hai, you are the woman who will become the Speaker of the Earth in the future. How can you have anything to do with darkness and death? I will give you the soul of the Dragon of Light, which can greatly increase the goodwill of others towards you."

Bert glanced at Little Hela and said, "Maybe it can even cure your dark circles. I have to ask, do you secretly play games every night? Why have your dark circles never disappeared?"

"Maybe it's my genetics," Little Hela shrugged and said, "The Dragon of Light is fine. Maybe I can become the Speaker of the Earth a few years earlier. I will take the Earth and conquer the entire galaxy."

"As long as you don't use killing and death as your means, I will support you."

Bert laughed, and Skye asked in astonishment, "Master, are you joking?"

With the status of the Blood God today, he could really decide who would be the Speaker.

"My apprentice will not disappoint," Bert replied.

Bert smiled and said, "Little Hela is excellent in every aspect."

"Of course," Little Hela smiled proudly. She thought of one thing and asked, "Master, the new version of the 'Superhero' game, Hela's Revenge, also known as Odin's 108 Ways to Die, was compiled by you, is it real?"

Skye replied, "Of course, it's made up. How can there be a big princess in Asgard? Only the Husky Prince and the Fawn Princess."

Bert designed this version, and on the day the expansion was updated, old guy Odin called and scolded him for a full hour. Then he found someone to scold him for a day and a night. However, Odin did not prevent the expansion, and this account must be repaid after all.

"What do you think of Hela?" Bert asked

Little Hela asked without the slightest hesitation. "Hela is very pitiful, but if she wants revenge, I will stop her. Her way is wrong. Death and killing cannot bring peace or conquer the universe,"

"Well said," Bert nodded with satisfaction, and pushed the would of Light Dragon into Little Hela's body.

As soon as the Dragon of Light entered the consciousness space, he saw countless long swords rushing towards him, and Little Hela shouted proudly, "Look at my ten thousand swords."

Because of Bert's relationship, his apprentices are very interested in Eastern culture.

Finally, Bert turned his head to look at Skye and said, "I specially prepared a steel dragon for you, which can greatly enhance your body. Skye, your abilities are extremely powerful. Great potential, don't slack off."

"I know. I can feel the vibration of the Earth now," Skye nodded excitedly. She remembered something and said, "Master, Raina is looking for you. She said she sensed something important related to Inhumans."

"I will find her as soon as possible. Don't worry. With me, plus her predictive ability, there will be no problems with the Inhumans," Bert smiled. Then he injected the dragon soul into Skye's body. With Skye's ability, it was not a big problem to subdue the steel dragon.

After dealing with his apprentice, Bert turned to look at Madame Gao and Colleen Wing and said with a smile, "You can choose one too."

"We have a share too?" both Madame Gao and Colleen were stunned. They were a prisoner and a maid. Although they were very envious of Skye, they never thought that they could also have a dragon soul.