Chapter 230 : Gladiator Elektra

"Don't be so shocked. The Dragon Soul is indeed highly esteemed in Kun-Lun, but in my case, it is not very valuable," Bert said with a smile.

"Madame Gao, I promised you before that I would help you return to Kun-Lun, but now I think it's better for you to contact them yourself," he added.

"Call back to Kun-Lun myself?" Madame Gao was surprised.

Bert nodded in affirmation. "Yes, fight back, and fight back with a group of Iron Fists."

Bert had no interest in Kun-Lun's old Dragon, Shou Lao, especially after killing the Dragon God. He believed that Madame Gao and the others should solve their own problems.

Madame Gao had changed her ways in recent years and would not commit any more wrongdoings. Additionally, there were Skye and the others.

"Thank you, Blood God." Madame Gao knelt down to Bert gratefully.

Bert waved her to get up and said, "I said, I don't like others kneeling to me. Colleen, you have served me for a few years, and it is considered a good thing. You are now ready to take over the Charitable Project of the Blood God Group."

"Yes, Blood God," Colleen replied excitedly. She was pleased to be officially accepted by the Blood God. Moreover, she had made up for the mistakes she had made in the past few years.

Bert then injected the two Dragon souls into Madame Gao and Colleen's bodies respectively and waited quietly.

Soon, Madame Gao, Skye, and Little Hela completed their transformations, one after another. Their fists lit up with lights of different colors, which indicated that they had officially become Iron Fists. Jessica, Trish, Mindy, and Colleen were equally successful in their transformations.

Bert nodded in satisfaction. All of his disciples were strong, except for Lina, who was not yet successful. This was normal, as Lina was too lazy to do anything.

"In the future, we will strengthen Lina's training. Speaking of which, what's going on with Lina? Why is she always eating?" Bert wondered to himself. He had checked Lina's body, and although she eats more than what ten people could eat a day, she did not gain weight. Her body was perfectly normal.

Suddenly, the Dragon Soul screamed in Lina's body, and her body lit up with a dazzling blue light, quickly becoming taller.

Everyone was shocked, and Bert sensed that Lina's life energy was skyrocketing. After a while, the light on Lina dimmed, and a teenage girl with long hair appeared in front of them. It was Lina, who had grown up.

Mindy glanced at Lina and angrily said to Bert, "Master, you lied to me. Isn't this a Dragon Soul that helps others grow up?"

"Cherish your girly time, and don't think about growing up all the time," Bert replied angrily, and then asked Lina, "Lina, what happened?"

"Master, why do you all seem shorter to me?" Lina asked in astonishment. Then, a little embarrassedly, she added, "The Dragon hit me just now, but I couldn't beat it, and in a fit of rage, I took a bite out of it. And then, for some reason, I swallowed it."

"Did you swallow the Dragon soul?" Bert asked in disbelief. He approached Lina to check her body and found that she not only didn't have the Dragon soul but also had stopped breathing.

"Have you noticed any changes in yourself?" he asked.

"Changes?" Lina tilted her head, contemplating for a while, then nodded and said, "Yes, I think so."

She raised her hand, and the surrounding water vapor gathered, forming a small water ball. "I can control water now," she said excitedly. "I'll be able to drink water whenever I want!"

Mindy, looking at Lina with envy, jealousy, and hatred, complained, "Besides eating and drinking, what else do you remember?"

This girl has two abilities she wants the most, one is to eat without getting fat, and the other is to grow up suddenly.

"In other words, after swallowing the Dragon soul, you inherited the abilities of the Water Dragon?" Bert was becoming more and more astonished. "Madame Gao, take Lina to the hospital for examination and find out all the changes,"

Madame Gao agreed, having never witnessed such a change.

"Okay, go back and familiarize yourself with your new powers," Bert said, clapping his hands. He touched Lina's head and reassured her, "Don't worry. You're my apprentice, and I'll protect you."

"I wasn't thinking about anything," Lina replied, embarrassed. "I was just a little hungry."

Bert was speechless. Lina had just swallowed a whole Dragon soul, but now she was hungry again? "Luckily, your master is wealthy. Otherwise, I'd be ruined sooner or later."

Bert sighed: "Go check first, after checking, you can eat whatever you want."

"Thanks, Master," Lina said happily. All she needed was food to be content.

After sending his apprentices away, Bert pondered, 'Is Lina an alien? Her DNA is the same as humans, so does it automatically change itself?'

Bert didn't care much about Lina's identity; as long as she was his apprentice, the rest was unimportant.

After a while, he teleported to the underground space beneath the Blood God Building. The blood rivers that once flooded the area were now clear and even had a faint glow.

Bert's power had already broken through to a new level, and within a month, he would be able to awaken.

However, he didn't come to see the main body this time. He walked to the corner and looked at Elektra, who was bound by chains and roaring like a demon.

"Why bother, Elektra?" he asked.

The reason Elektra had become like this was that she had devoured too many demon souls, causing problems of her own.

"Full of evil and chaos," Bert explained, referring to the demon souls.

Elektra's eyes flickered with understanding, and she grabbed the Vibranium chains, roaring like a mad woman. "I want to become stronger. I don't want to be useless anymore."

During the last battle on Ego Planet, Elektra couldn't come out early on. She had been hiding in Bert's shadow, and if she had shown herself, everyone would have known that the Blood God had returned.

Later, although she had no restrictions, still she couldn't help Bert with her strength. Therefore, Elektra had stayed on the sidelines, dissatisfied with her own inactivity, and had begun to devour demon souls while protecting Bert.

The Devil's soul has indeed greatly increased Elektra's strength, but it has also made her inhuman and ghostly. If Bert hadn't come over in time to trap her, Manhattan might have been bleeding into a river.

The current Elektra is no different from a lunatic.

"Well, you can be the Devil King of Hell."

Bert said, "Adam has swallowed Lucifer Hell and One-Eyed Hell. I asked him to give up One-Eyed Hell to you."

Elektra stubbornly said, "I don't want it."

"You want to pursue strength, and I gave you the position of the Devil King of Hell, but you actually said no?"

Bert laughed angrily, "Elektra, that's the Demon King of Hell, a Hell Lord. Do you know how many people would kill for it if it was released?"

"I know what the Hell Demon King represents, but I don't want it."

Elektra gritted her teeth and said with difficulty, "If I become the Demon King of Hell, I will not be able to stay by your side any longer."

Bert was stunned for a moment. He smiled and said, "Don't tell me you like me? You're in my shadow every day, and you should know how much of a scumbag I am."

"As a strong man, isn't it natural to have a lot of beautiful women?"

Elektra looked at Bert and made no secret of her love, "Blood God, you are the strongest person I have ever met, not only in strength, but also in wisdom, scheming, and shrewdness. I am willing to follow you forever."

"Where are all your values?"

Bert couldn't help shaking his head. He thought about it and said, "Since you don't want to be the Devil King of Hell, then I'll give you another way, a way that is very likely to result in death."

"What way?" Elektra said, "As long as I can become stronger and stay by your side, I'm willing to do anything."

"Dr. Lizard has been studying the bloodline of Kallark. Some time ago, he came up with a Kallark bloodline serum."

Bert said, "This type of bloodline has the potential to make people stronger with increased confidence, provided that it is successfully absorbed."

Elektra asked, "Has anyone been successful?"

"No, the failure rate is 100 percent," replied Bert.

"But you have the ability to heal yourself and an immortal body, so perhaps you can give it a try. However, Elektra, I must state in advance that your genes are inherently complicated, and using the Kallark bloodline serum may not even have a one in ten-thousand chance of success. The process will be very painful, even more so than the last time," cautioned Bert.

Elektra didn't care about the danger that Bert mentioned. She asked excitedly with red eyes, "If it succeeds, what will happen?"

"If you succeed, with your self-confidence, you should be able to break through a new level of power. At that time, the negative emotions and demonic energy in you will no longer be able to interfere with you," answered Bert.

"Then hurry up and inject me with Kallark's blood," Elektra eagerly said.

Bert shook his head and said, "Elektra, aren't you thinking about the Demon king anymore? This is safe, and the success rate is 100%."

"No, I will always be by your side and be your assassin," declared Elektra.

"Oh well," sighed Bert. However, instead of administering the blood vessel medicine, he took out a crystal - Elektra's soul crystal.

Bert then inserted the soul crystal into Elektra's body, which shocked her. "Aren't you afraid that I will betray you?" she asked.

Bert held Elektra's face, kissed her on the forehead, and said, "I believe in you."

Elektra, who wore only a few pieces of cloth and never knew what shyness was, suddenly blushed and did not dare to look at Bert.

Bert couldn't help but laugh. He took out the Kallark bloodline serum and said, "Let's start now. I will accompany you."

"I will definitely succeed," Elektra said with confidence.

"I believe you will," Bert replied, and proceeded to inject Elektra with the serum. After a while, her bloodlines began to merge, causing Elektra to scream and her body to disintegrate - her genes collapsed.

The pain of gene collapse is more terrifying than any pain in the world. Even though Elektra has experienced such an experience before, she still couldn't help but want to die.

'I can't die; master needs me, and I want to be by his side for the rest of my life,' Elektra thought firmly, and then died in severe pain.

The immortal body worked, Elektra resurrected, died again, resurrected again... the cycle repeated.

Bert couldn't help shaking his head. In fact, he hoped that Elektra would choose to be the Demon King of Hell. He did not lack helpers, but Elektra had her own choice.

Bert opened the eyes of the soul and found that Elektra's soul did not weaken but instead became more tenacious after death. The souls that was previously swallowed was turned into nourishment, allowing her soul to grow rapidly.

"If you can overcome such pain, you will be the most confident assassin in the future," Bert murmured to himself, thinking that the bloodline of Gladiator (Kallark) would make Elektra a true demon.


A few days later, at the headquarters of S.W.O.R.D.

Raina had a previously gloomy demeanor, but since she began following Skye and working towards the Inhumans' cause, her whole persona became brighter.

Additionally, genetic technology to modify skin color had become increasingly popular, and many people in the United States chose to change their skin color - in all kinds of colors. As a campaigner put it, "a group of demons dances wildly."

"These thorns on your body, I can have someone remove them for you," Bert offered.

"With Sovereign Star's technology, it's not difficult," Raina agreed.

"Then it's out of character, and men are just distractions," Raina continued, steering the conversation towards business. "Blood God, Gordon sensed that a large number of Inhumans were born during this time."

"Isn't that a good thing?" Bert asked.

"There are far from enough Inhumans now. In order to acquire Inhumans, the conditions offered by some countries are better than others, and ordinary people are envious," Raina explained.

The resource planet needed many strong individuals, so countries were fighting to acquire Inhumans. Inhumans were not discriminated against, but were envied, causing jealousy and hatred.

"Under normal circumstances, about thirty to forty Inhumans are born every day," Raina continued. "But during this period, hundreds of Inhumans are born every day, and, according to Gordon, these new Inhumans are full of hostility and are completely different from ordinary Inhumans."

Bert was a little surprised. "Can this be sensed?"

"This is because those new Inhumans are too hostile. Unfortunately, Gordon can't locate them," Raina said. "Blood God, I suspect that someone is secretly creating Inhumans."

"Secretly creating Inhumans?" Bert frowned. "Raina, have you foreseen what those new Inhumans will do?"

"I cannot predict the future of those new Inhumans," Raina replied, shaking her head. "Blood God, we must find these Inhumans as soon as possible. With their ill will, they will cause great damage to the world. Other Inhumans will be implicated."