Chapter 231 : Angel Raid

"Shouldn't you report this to Steve?" Bert asked, puzzled, after hearing what Raina had said.

"I suspect that HYDRA created the new Inhumans," Raina said. "Although S.W.O.R.D. has been attacking HYDRA, their efforts have been minimal. The Scepter has not even been recovered, so I would like to ask you to handle it."

"It shouldn't have been made by HYDRA," Bert shook his head. Baron Strucker did not have the ability to create Inhumans - the Wanda siblings were superhumans, not Inhumans.

Raina was stunned. "Blood God, how do you know?"

Bert smiled and said, "I have my sources."

"If it wasn't for HYDRA, then you'd have to do it yourself," Raina said. "That shows that there is still a powerful dark force hidden on Earth."

"That's true," Bert touched his chin, hesitant. He is a projection responsible for guarding Earth's defense network and can't leave for too long.

Bert came to New York this time mainly to take a break and visit Pepper. Although Doctor Strange has grown rapidly, he is still a little far from the position of Sorcerer Supreme, and Bert cannot be a hand-picker now.

"I'll check it out. It shouldn't take much time," Bert made up his mind. At this moment, Tony suddenly called him.

After connecting, Tony shouted anxiously, "Bert, come to the hospital to help me! Someone is going to kill my child."

"Okay," Bert didn't waste any time and immediately teleported to the private hospital where Pepper was.

Let's go back in time a little.

To give Pepper a peace of mind to raise the baby, Tony put Pepper in Stark Group's private hospital.

Because he suspected that someone was lurking around, Tony not only hired a large number of bodyguards but also arranged ten unmanned armors to protect Pepper. In fact, if it wasn't for Pepper's objection, he would have transferred the unmanned armors over.

Today, Tony is out talking business, and Pepper has a guest she hasn't seen in a long time - a priest she used to go to church with as a child.

Seeing the old man, Pepper was very happy and hurriedly asked the bodyguards outside to let the priest in. Then, she asked, "Father Thomas, why are you here?"

"Come to New York for a conference and drop by to see you," Sitting across from Pepper, Father Thomas, with Mediterranean hair, said with a smile. "Also, on behalf of the church, thank you for your donations over the years."

Pepper smiled. "Father, you are too polite. This is what I should do."

After some courtesies, Father Thomas asked inexplicably, "Pepper, are you in any trouble? There are so many bodyguards in the hospital."

"It's alright. Tony is just being cautious," Pepper touched her big belly and said happily. Father Thomas looked at this scene, hesitant, but immediately became firm.

After chatting for a while, Father Thomas said, "Pepper, I have nothing to give you. I'll pray to God for your safety."

"Thank you, Father."

Pepper was pleased, even though she knew that Angels could be unreliable, she was accustomed to the Church.

"You are welcome," Father Thomas replied before opening the Bible and reading the scriptures at an incredibly fast pace. Pepper was stunned, wondering why he was reading so quickly that she could barely hear him.

Just then, Jarvis's voice came through the speaker next to them: "Light energy detected, Father Thomas. Please stop immediately, or, as per Mr. Stark's instructions, we will have to take you down."

With Jarvis's warning, the six unmanned battle armors around Father Thomas began moving simultaneously, poised to attack him.

Not only did Father Thomas not stop reading, but he read faster and faster. As he prayed, white light began to emanate from the Bible.

Seeing this, Jarvis was about to give the order to attack when Pepper interrupted: "Jarvis, don't kill him."

"Subdue him," Jarvis replied, sending two unmanned armors towards Father Thomas.

At that moment, the holy light emanating from Father Thomas's Bible began to grow and soon enveloped him and Pepper inside a protective cover.

Seeing this, Jarvis ordered the unmanned armors to fire pulse cannons at the defensive cover, but the protective shield proved too tough to break.

Meanwhile, gunshots could be heard outside the building as armed assailants attacked the hospital. Jarvis immediately notified Tony and mobilized the unmanned armors and bodyguards to fight back.

Pepper asked Father Thomas, "What are you doing?"

"Don't blame me, Pepper. It's God's will."

Father Thomas took out a dagger that shimmered with holy light and said, "Pepper, I don't want to hurt you, but your child cannot live."

"You're going to kill my child?" Pepper demanded, angry. "Father Thomas, do you even know what you're doing?"

"I do, Pepper. I said it was God's will. Your child is the devil."

Father Thomas brandished the dagger and advanced towards Pepper, who said, "Father Thomas, if I were you, I wouldn't do this. Do you know who the godfather of my child is? Even your god would tremble at the thought."

"The vampire who dared to defile the church will be purged by God sooner or later."

Father Thomas was enraged by her words, raised the dagger, and plunged it into Pepper's stomach. But Pepper remained calm and sighed.

The next moment, the Angel pendant hanging around Pepper's neck glowed with holy light, and Father Thomas was kicked out and slammed into the defensive cover.

Stunned, Father Thomas exclaimed, "An Angel!"

"Yes, an Angel. Bert sent it to me, and he said that if I died, Tony would go crazy."

Pepper smiled. "So, he sent an Angel to protect me. Father Thomas, do you think you represent God, or do I?"

Father Thomas roared furiously, "Angel, you actually betrayed Heaven? Become a vampire's servant?"

"Heaven has fallen, and the vampire you call is the reincarnated God," the Angel said proudly. "Anyone who dares to blaspheme him will be purified."

"Reincarnated God?" Not only was Father Thomas dumbfounded, but Pepper was also taken aback. She asked, "Wait, are you kidding me? How could Bert be a reincarnated god? He's a vampire."

The Angel said frantically, "He is the reincarnated god. Under his leadership, the vampires have changed their wicked ways and returned to righteousness. With such a great cause, who else can do it except God?"

Pepper was really taken aback this time. Bert, who was greedy for enjoyment and liked beautiful women, was actually the reincarnation of God? Was this joke too big? Was she supposed to worship the God who had grown up since childhood, was by her side, and would become the godfather of her children? Pepper felt a little dizzy.

"No, it's impossible. I don't believe it. He's just a despicable vampire." Father Thomas roared and rushed over. The Angel was about to destroy him.

Pepper shouted, "Don't kill him. I want to know."

Hearing her words, the Angel waved his hand, and the holy light turned into a chain, tying the priest firmly in the air.

Pepper said, "Father Thomas, you say my child is a devil. Why?"

Father Thomas shouted, "This is God's will, Pepper. The baby boy you are carrying is the reincarnation of the devil, and he will destroy the world when he is born. He must be killed before he is born."

"Nonsense! If he is a demon, how can I not find out?" The Angel was very disdainful. "Which bastard told you this? Let him come to me, and I will explain it to him."

Pepper was speechless. This Angel was really domineering, asking her to call her parents directly.

At that moment, an unmanned battle armor was blasted into the room with a loud bang, followed by a black man in a leather jacket with a long sword of holy light and a few men and women flashing with holy light.

These people were surprised when they saw the Angel. The black man shouted, "That's fake! You deal with these unmanned armors, and I'll kill the devil."

After that, the black man rushed towards the defensive cover, and the unmanned battle armor was about to stop him. Those holy light warriors rushed over and fought with the unmanned battle armor.

These warriors with holy light flashing on their bodies were far stronger than ordinary people. In addition, the rooms were relatively small, and there was no advantage in unmanned battle armors. They were soon entangled by the warriors.

Soon, the black man rushed into the protective cover. The protective cover did not stop him, and then he slashed at Pepper with a sword, shouting at the same time, "Ms. Pepper, I'm sorry, but the devil cannot be born."

"My child is not a devil!" Pepper shouted angrily.

The Angel raised his hand, blocked the black man's long sword with holy light, then kicked on the black man's chest, and the man flew out and slammed into the defensive cover.

The Angel said to Pepper, "Don't worry, your child is not a devil; otherwise, I would have purified them long ago."

Pepper gave the Angel a speechless look, surprised that the Angel could speak like that.

At that moment, the black man rose from the ground and shouted loudly. A dazzling holy light shone on his body, and a pair of Angel wings appeared behind him.

"You are also an Angel?" Pepper was amazed, wondering if Angels were so common now.

The Angel saw the black wing of light and, while condensing a long sword with holy light, shouted loudly, "Are you a Reincarnated Angel? Who gave you the power to activate the power of the Church?"

"The power God has given us. He wants us to kill the devil who is about to reincarnate at all costs." The black man wasted no time and charged forward with a long sword of holy light.

The Angel stepped forward to block him and asked, "The power can only be given by God, the Archangel Gabriel, and the chief warrior Michael are qualified to activate it. Who gave you the power?"

"Archangel Gabriel, naturally."

While resisting the black man's attack, the Angel said disdainfully, "Impossible. Gabriel and the devil are in cahoots. How could it be possible to give you such an order?"

"Nonsense, how could the Archangel collude with the devil?" The black man said angrily, "You traitor, I will kill you."

Meanwhile, screams were heard outside, and more and more Holy Light warriors rushed into the room. Under the command of Jarvis, the warriors in battle armor desperately tried to stop them.

At this moment, a colorful light fell from the window, and then the scarlet Mark armor smashed through the window and rushed in. Tony Stark, Reed, Susan, and the Thing arrived.

Tony had received Jarvis's alarm and immediately contacted Reed. Reed activated the fake Bifrost Bridge to transfer him to the satellite and then teleported to the hospital with his team.

Black man shouted, "Stop them," and the Holy Light warriors rushed toward Tony and the others.

Tony was shocked when he saw the black man: "Heimdall, what do you mean? You came to kill my child?"

This black man looked exactly like Heimdall, except for the color of his pupils.

"I don't know who Heimdall is. I am the reincarnated Angel, Father Moreau."

While shouting, the black man, Moreau, took out a bottle of white sand from his arms and threw it forcefully toward the Angel.

This was holy sand, the treasure of the Church of Angels, with a peculiar power. When the Angel was sprinkled with the holy sand, their body immediately crystallized.

Moreau took the opportunity to stab Pepper hard with a sword, and Tony was shocked. A pulse cannon sent a Holy Light warrior flying, and then fired a Fire beam toward the protective cover. The protective cover was quickly melted, but it was too late to stop Moreau.

Seeing that Moreau was about to succeed, the dragon-shaped bracelet on Pepper's left hand turned into a golden light and slammed into Moreau's chest. Moreau screamed and flew backwards, hitting the defensive cover heavily.

Immediately afterwards, the golden light kept attacking Moreau. Although Moreau tried his best to deal with it, the golden light was too fast.

Taking a closer look, the golden light was clearly a golden miniature dragon.

Seeing that Pepper was safe, Tony heaved a sigh of relief. While quickly melting the protective cover, he asked curiously, "Where did that bracelet come from?"

As Tony was dealing with the defensive cover, Reed and his team rushed into the room and stopped the Holy Light warriors with the unmanned armors.

"Bert sent a pair - the gold one for the boy and the silver one for the girl."

Pepper raised the dragon-shaped silver bracelet on her other hand and smiled. "He said he wanted to raise both children into Iron Fists."

"My kids don't need to be Iron fists. They're going to be the best scientists," Tony replied, sounding a little unhappy.

At that moment, the protective cover was burned through by the laser beam and quickly disintegrated.

Tony was overjoyed and just as he was about to rush in, Moreau roared. The light wing behind him shone brightly and the feathers on the wing flew up, landing on the Holy Light warriors.

"All for God," the Holy Light warriors chanted.

Without hesitation, the warriors allowed the feathers to integrate into their bodies. The Holy Light on their bodies skyrocketed, and their strength improved by leaps and bounds.

This was the Holy Light Sacrifice of the Angelic Church, which meant sacrificing vitality in exchange for strength.

The Holy Light warriors didn't waste any time. Half of them stayed to contain the Fantastic Three and the Unmanned Battle armors, while the other half rushed fiercely towards Tony and Pepper.

Tony was furious and stopped holding back. The back of his right hand emitted with laser, and as he turned, half of the Holy Light warriors were cut off.

However, what made Tony depressed was that as the Holy Light shone, the wounds on the waists of these Holy Light warriors healed quickly, just like the original Desperate Warriors.

This kind of self-healing was not without cost; these Holy Light warriors aged more than ten years in an instant.

"Self-healing again? I hate this ability," Tony muttered, preparing to launch a powerful missile.

At that moment, several Holy Light warriors raised their hands to him at the same time, and a large number of Holy Light chains came out and tied him firmly.

Tony shouted angrily, and the temperature on the battle armor rose sharply. The chains of Holy Light began to melt. Several Holy Light warriors saw this and stimulated the Holy Light to repair the chains with their vitality. Even if they died, they would entangle Tony.

While several Holy Light warriors restrained Tony, the remaining warriors rushed towards Pepper. The Holy Light on them burned like a flame, and at the same time, they visibly aged - they were desperate.