Chapter 232 : Great Elder

The crazy appearance of the Holy Light Warrior both shocked and puzzled Pepper. She raised her left hand, and the silver bracelet transformed into a silver dragon that charged at the Holy Light Warrior.

"For God, for the world," Father Moreau yelled. Disregarding his own safety, he hurled his large sword at the silver dragon, knocking it out directly.

The Holy Light Warriors immediately brandished their weapons and sought to kill Pepper. Just then, the Angel crystal exploded with a bang, and the Angel who regained his freedom halted these Holy Light Warriors and shouted indignantly, "You dare to touch God's child?"

"Children of God?" Tony was stunned for a moment, but he had no time to ponder over it. He saw Pepper, who was heavily pregnant, cowering behind the Angel pathetically, and quickly called Bert for help.

Tony had just finished calling for assistance when Bert appeared at the hospital. When Moreau saw Bert arrive, he knew it was all over and shouted, "For God, sacrifice yourself!"

All the Holy Light Warriors shouted in unison, "Sacrifice yourself to God!"

Their Holy Light surged and expanded wildly, indicating their intent to detonate.

"Damn, what's going on?" Bert promptly waved all the Holy Light Warriors out of the hospital. He then looked towards Moreau's direction and saw that the individual resembling Heimdall had vanished, leaving only Father Thomas on the ground.

Bert narrowed his eyes, muttering, "What a ruthless guy; he sacrificed others to save himself."

At this moment, there were consecutive explosions and rumblings outside. Bert snorted coldly, severed the chains on Tony's body with a wave of his hand, and asked, "What's the situation? Why did the Church of Angels send someone to kill Pepper?"

"How should I know?" Tony retorted angrily. He then unbuttoned his shirt and strode towards Pepper, inquiring anxiously, "Pepper, are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Pepper waved her hand and leaned weakly against Tony. The previous events had been too thrilling for her, especially since she was pregnant.

Tony quickly assisted Pepper in lying beside him. The Angel, the golden dragon, and the silver dragon nodded at Bert simultaneously before transforming into a pendant and a bracelet and returning to Pepper.

After settling Pepper, Tony thanked Bert, "Bert, thank you."

"Don't mention it; they are also my godson and goddaughter."

Bert waved his hand and added, "Tony, I'll take Pepper to another hospital for a checkup. Ask this priest what their intentions were exactly."

"I'll definitely interrogate him thoroughly," Tony gritted his teeth. If Bert had not left three treasures for Pepper, something terrible might have occurred today.

Bert did not say much; he opened a portal, conjured an air bed, and escorted Pepper away.

After the inspection, Pepper looked at Bert curiously and asked, "Bert, are you really the reincarnation of God?"

"As long as you have the heart to protect the world, everyone is a god," Bert replied, smiling.

Annie and the others had created an Angel army for him, and he had to maintain the identity of the reincarnated God for a while.

"It's unimaginable," Pepper shook her head in disbelief. She recounted the events that had transpired earlier, and then asked with concern, "Bert, is the boy I'm pregnant with really a devil?"

Bert used his spiritual eyes to examine the two babies in Pepper's belly. After a while, he said, "I can assure you that what is in your belly is a human being, with a human body and a human soul."

Pepper breathed a sigh of relief. "That's good,"

Bert's eyes flashed slightly. The fact that the baby had a human soul and body didn't necessarily mean that he wasn't the reincarnation of a demon. He could only say that he wasn't a demon in this life, but no one knew what he was in his past life.

'Is the Church of Angels mistaken, or is there a demon who gave up everything and reincarnated as a human? The question is, how can he destroy the world if he gave up everything?' Bert wondered. He wasn't very familiar with reincarnation and its workings.

Just then, Madame Gao and Colleen Wing rushed over, and Bert introduced them to Pepper. He said, "Next, let them protect you. With their strength, even if the Angel comes again, you don't have to worry."

With the current strength of Madame Gao and Colleen, ordinary Angels didn't stand a chance against them.

"Thank you," Pepper said gratefully.

"You're welcome. I'm happy to protect the new life," Madame Gao replied, smiling kindly.

Bert thought, and said to Pepper: "Pepper, if you are free, you can learn Chi from Madame Gao."

Madame Gao suggested that Pepper learn Chi from her, which could help calm her mood and make her pregnancy go more smoothly.

Pepper was surprised, being a female president, she didn't expect to learn martial arts. However, Bert explained, "After learning Chi, your skin and figure will return to the state of youth."

Pepper's eyes brightened, "Really? Madame Gao, when can you teach me?"

"Anytime," Madame Gao replied.

After a while, Tony rushed over. He and Pepper spent some time together, and then Tony pulled Bert aside to discuss the information he had obtained from Father Thomas.

"After you swept away the churches, those who possessed the Holy Light had to hide,"

Tony said with an ugly face. "Last month, those people received a divine revelation that the boy in Pepper's belly was the reincarnation of a demon and would destroy the world once born. The group of Holy Light warriors immediately contacted their own people in the Church and made plans to eliminate the child in Pepper's belly. For over a month, I've been feeling prying because, according to Father Thomas, they have a mirror that shows what's going on my side."

After a pause, Tony asked hesitantly, "Bert, is the child in Pepper's belly really a devil?"

Bert asked with a half-smile, "If so, what are you going to do?"

Tony was silent for a while and said, "Whatever he is, he is my child. Unless he truly intends to destroy the world, I will never kill him."

"I always thought you couldn't be a good father, but now it seems that I was wrong," Bert said with a smile, patting Tony on the shoulder. Then he shared his speculation, leaving Tony stunned. "You mean a devil gives up everything and reincarnates into my son? Will he have any memory?"

"Of course not. Otherwise, what's the point of giving up everything? However, the premise of all this is that the divine revelation of the Church of Angels is correct."

After a pause, Bert continued, "The problem is that, with the current situation in heaven, if the demons are found to be reincarnated, they will not be ordered to kill them because they are in the same group as the demons. Moreover, that demon gave up everything and has no ability to destroy the world again."

Tony retorted, "That's not necessarily true. He is my son. Maybe he will have my wisdom. Technology can also destroy the world."

Bert looked at Tony speechlessly and said, "That's true, but let's not go and destroy him. It's just a joke, and besides, technology matters; it's not up to heaven."

Tony hurriedly stopped him and asked cautiously, "Bert, that is to say, you won't purify my child?"

"What are you worried about? He's my godson too," Bert replied angrily. "Let's not say that he's not. Even if he is, the worst thing that can happen is that I will take out the demon's soul and put a blank soul in it."

"You're playing high-end," Tony said, completely relieved. He then asked murderously, "Bert, what should we do next? I won't just let it go."

Bert asked, "Did Father Thomas tell you where the Holy Light Warrior's lair is?"

"Father Thomas doesn't know where they are," Tony shook his head. "I'm afraid it's not easy to find those guys. They are very good at hiding; otherwise, you would have killed them long ago."

"It's not easy, but that doesn't mean it's impossible," Bert said as he made a move. The Angel in Pepper's pendant turned into a ray of light and flew over, saluting with great reverence. "My lord, what are your orders?" the Angel asked.

Tony was surprised to see the Angel respecting him so much. Bert then asked, "Was that black man an Angel before? Why are there still Angels on Earth?"

"This is the trump card for the Church from heaven," the Angel replied. "Back then, when the Ancient One swept the Earth and all the gods and demons were forced to withdraw, Heaven left two means in order to make a comeback and protect the Church.

The first method is to seal a part of the Angel Legion on Earth. I don't know the exact number, but there are at least a thousand.

As for the second method, it is to fuse the Angel soul with the human soul, and then let the Angel be reincarnated as a human.

Before awakening, this kind of reincarnation is no different from human beings. Once awakened, they will turn back into Angels. This is the case with that black Angel. The Church has a special method to find reincarnated Angels.

These two methods will only be used at the most critical time, because once they are discovered by Kamar-Taj, they will definitely destroy all the Angels."

"It seems that they never gave up on Earth."

Bert snorted. He thought for a while and said, "There must be their people in the Church. Clean up the Church, find the traitors, and then follow the clues to find the Holy Light Warriors.

After they are found, kill them directly. At that time, the black hand behind the scenes will naturally appear."

"Your method is really simple, but I like it," Tony said. "Dare to touch my son, and they have to pay the price."

"Of course," Bert said with a smile. Then the two of them called at the same time to start the cleanup of the Church again. This time, it would be more thorough and cruel than the last time.


Inside a certain mountain in the United States, Father Moreau knelt in front of a benevolent white-haired Elder and said guiltily, "I'm sorry, Great Elder, I failed."

"No one could have imagined that the Blood God would suddenly return. Fortunately, that is not the body of the Blood God, but his projection. His body has not appeared for a long time. There must be a problem."

The white-haired Elder waved his hand, motioned for Moreau to get up, and then said, "I will contact God and ask him to cause Kamar-Taj some trouble and force the projection back. The Ancient One was seriously injured, and now only she can protect Kamar-Taj."

"Elder, this time, Iron Man will definitely send heavy troops to protect Pepper. It is almost impossible for us to kill her."

Moreau stood up and said worriedly, "In half a month, she will give birth to a reincarnated demon, and then the Earth will be in danger."

"The situation is indeed very bad, but it is not completely impossible. Come with me."

The Elder took Moreau to the holy place deep in the cave, where there was a stone wall carved with a large number of Angels.

These Angels, lifelike, gave the impression of being alive. In fact, they were alive - they were the sealed Angel legion.

"We have found a lot of reincarnated Angels, plus these sealed Angel legions. As long as the Blood God is not there, we definitely have the opportunity to kill the demons and prevent the catastrophe," the first Elder said. "The problem now is that the artifact to open the Angel's seal is not in our hands."

Moreau was stunned and asked, "Not in our hands?"

"Yes, that artifact has been kept in the treasure house of the Angel Church headquarters. Last time the headquarters was in chaos, we were unable to bring it out," the Elder explained.

"The false pope who was supported by the Vampires didn't know about this, fortunately, so we still have a chance," the first Elder said.

Moreau immediately suggested, "Elder, I will take someone to rob the treasure house."

"No, the treasure house is heavily guarded, and more importantly, Iron Man and the others have a copycat Bifrost Bridge, and they can come to support at any time," the first Elder responded, shaking his head.

"We must steal the artifact silently without disturbing the church," he continued.

"Steal it silently? Great Elder, this is impossible, right? You said it yourself, the treasure house is heavily guarded," Moreau frowned.

"We can't steal it, someone can. I know Ant-Man who is also very dissatisfied with the Blood God. We can ask him for help," the first Elder suggested.

"Moreau, take advantage of this time to teach new Angels. They were not believers before, and they have been reincarnated for too long, so they are not as pious as you. I will remind them of their mission," the first Elder instructed.

"Great Elder, the Vampires will definitely clean the church again, should we send someone to meet them?" Moreau asked.

"No, that would reveal our location. However, we can do something to distract the Vampires, so that they can't clean the church with all their strength," the first Elder responded.

"What's the matter?" Moreau asked.

"The matter of the Vampires is made public, after all, they are bats that cannot be seen. Once people know of their existence, they will have a lot of trouble," the first Elder explained.

"Elder, the people will not believe us, the Pope is their person," Moreau said with some disappointment.

"There's an election in America, and there's a good person to talk about," the first Elder replied.

"Okay, Moreau, it's not too late, I'll contact Ant-Man and that guy. You go and teach the new Angel. We must kill that woman before she gives birth to a demon," the first Elder instructed.

"Yes, Great Elder," Moreau responded respectfully before leaving.

After Moreau had left, the first Elder looked at the Angel on the mountain wall, a trace of mockery flashed in his eyes, but he quickly returned to piety.

The Elder then sent a priest to contact Hank Pym. Dr. Pym was not a devout believer, and he didn't want to have a branch at this time, so he politely rejected the other party.

"Dr. Pym," the pastor exhorted. "If you don't get that, the world will soon be destroyed."