Chapter 236 : Zarathos

On a hillside outside the Holy Light Warrior underground base, Tony scanned the surrounding terrain and quickly located the entrance to the base. After considering the situation, he dispatched a large number of unmanned battle armors to block the surrounding area.

Tony said, "Ant-Man, zoom out the camera and investigate inside."

"Sure thing, leave it to me," Scott replied eagerly. "Mr. Stark, would you mind signing something for me after this? My daughter is a huge fan of yours,"

"Of course, it's a father's duty to make his daughter's dreams come true," Tony replied, beaming with enthusiasm as an expectant father.

"Thank you so much," Scott said gratefully.

Scott then flew towards the entrance of the underground base on a flying ant while everyone else gathered in front of the screen to watch the pictures captured by the camera.

Hawkeye expressed surprise, "I didn't expect such advanced technology to exist."

Everyone nodded in agreement; the Pym particle seemed almost like magic to them.

"I always suspected that Hank Pym was an alien. Can you believe that this technology was developed decades ago?" Tony mused. "With the Pym particle, the strength of Earth could be greatly increased, and it has numerous applications in various fields,"

Hawkeye then asked, "Will Dr. Pym hand over the Pym particle?"

"Yes, unless he wants to go to jail. We're not here to steal from him, but to cooperate with him," Tony responded.

"Leave that aside for now, Let's see what a mouse nest looks like," Tony remarked.

Ant-Man had already flown into the underground base and reported back, "It seems like they know we're here."

"It's a minor inconvenience, we can deal with it," Tony said.

Tony turned to Strange and asked, "Strange, can you block the space here? I want to take them all out."

Strange created a golden magic circle with both hands and replied, "Sure thing. But my blockade isn't as strong as Bert's. If they have special space treasures, they might be able to break through."

"Don't worry, I'm not expecting too much from you," Tony reassured him.

Strange glanced at Tony speechlessly, and then asked Hawkeye next to him, "How did you put up with him for so long without killing him?"

Hawkeye Barton smiled while sorting out the arrows: "Trust me, if he hadn't paid me wages, I would have shot the arrows into his chest long ago, or exploding arrows."

Everyone couldn't help laughing. Tony rolled his eyes and decided to deduct this guy's salary when he went back.

After Strange cast the spell, he put down his hand and said, "Okay, the space has been blocked."

Tony scanned the surroundings and commented, "Your technique doesn't seem like it's from a fraudster at all."

Strange glanced at Tony arrogantly, as if he were a university student looking at an illiterate person. Tony was annoyed but didn't say anything. Skye and the others then arrived on the scene.

Skye understood the situation and asked Tony, "What should I do next? The director said that this time you are in full command."

"There are so many traps in the underground base. We definitely can't rush into it directly. It's no different from sending us to our deaths."

Tony turned to Strange and asked, "Can you open a portal to the interior of the underground base?"

"As long as the video is clear enough, it should be fine."

Strange replied, "However, those people may have the means to destroy the portal. After all, Kamar-Taj is their worst enemy."

"Like this?"

Tony thought for a while and asked Skye, "Skye, can you collapse the underground foundation?"

"Of course. Why do these people always like to hide underground? Doesn't this give me a chance to show off?"

Skye smiled and said, after becoming Iron Fist, her strength was several times stronger than before. She could go all out without having to be careful.

Tony said, "That's good. Scott, scan the terrain, and I will calculate the most armorable shock wave impact point to ensure that the entire base collapses."

"Shatter the base? Wouldn't everyone in there die?"

Ant-Man said in astonishment, "I don't think they are bad people. They are rich, but they live, eat, and wear simple things."

"If They're not bad people then who are bad people? They don't even spare unborn babies."

Tony snorted coldly, turned to Strange and asked, "What do you think?"

"Blood God and Sorcerer Supreme thinks that those who practice holy light will be killed without mercy."

Strange was silent for a while and said, "Everyone who can cultivate the Holy Light is a fanatical believer and cannot be transformed back to normal."

Tony glanced at Strange. The guy didn't say his opinion, obviously, he didn't agree. Strange, after all, is a doctor.

"Those people can sacrifice everything for God."

Hawkeye said, "Killing them is the best and easiest way."

Everyone nodded, "Yes, on the battlefield, there is no room for pity, because pity will only affect your own people."

"Ant-Man, start scanning."

Seeing that most people supported him, Tony directly instructed Ant-Man to start scanning.

While analyzing the data, Tony asked Skye, "Is your control over Shockwave okay?"

"Of course, no problem."

Skye's eyes lit up when she heard the words. She ran back to the car and took out a dice clock. Then she opened the lid and showed everyone the dice inside.

Everyone was puzzled, "What do you mean?"

Skye smiled and closed the lid, shaking her hands quickly. After a while, she opened the lid, and the six dice were stacked together, and the points were all the same.

"I know what you mean, but do you need to perform it?" Tony complained, "What's more outrageous is that you actually carry a dice clock with you?"

"When there is an opportunity, of course, I have to perform. My master wants to perform every day, but so far I haven't had the opportunity."

Skye smiled and said, "By the way, I will also use a shock wave to peel Eggshells. Do you want to see it? Raw Eggs, after peeling, the Eggs are still a whole."

"Are your masters and apprentices going to change careers in talent shows?"

Tony was speechless. He said, "Wait until my son and daughter are born before you perform. Now focus on dealing with these bastards who wants to kill my son."


Everyone nodded, and under Hawkeye's command, they quickly arranged defenses and positions.

Meanwhile, in a small villa in Midtown Manhattan, Ghost Rider Damon and his daughter Mindy opened their eyes simultaneously, sensing an uninvited guest.

"It's finally time for me to show my skills," Mindy wasn't afraid at all. She immediately got up and whispered to the dragon-skin bracers, "Transform."

Accompanied by Mindy's voice, the bracers radiated a brilliant light, wrapping her entire body. When the light disappeared, Mindy was wearing an amazingly defensive and lightweight dragon-skin battle armor.

It was the same bracer that Bert gave to his apprentices, made by Ancient One herself with the skin of the Dragon God.

Mindy couldn't wait to pick up two Vibranium daggers and rushed outside. She had to hurry up; otherwise, her dad would take care of the enemy soon.

As soon as Mindy rushed outside, she saw a figure being kicked away by Damon. Then, Damon in pajamas said to the group of people coldly, "The breath on your body is disgusting. You are not human."

"We are Angels," Moreau said, raising his hand to stop the other angels. "Ghost Rider, we need you to fulfill your duty and punish sin."

"It should be, it should be," Damon nodded, and Moreau was overjoyed. He didn't expect it to go so smoothly.

Damon's head turned into a burning skull, and he said hideously, "Let me send you to Hell. Bert said no Angel can appear on Earth without his permission."

Moreau cursed in his heart, knowing Damon was talking about them. He shouted, "Ghost Rider, there is a demon reincarnated as a human. You must help us eliminate him."

"Devil reincarnated? Not interested," Damon said disdainfully, waving to Mindy to go back quickly. He didn't want her to stay up all night and affect her height.

"What if that reincarnated demon is Mephisto?" Mordo shouted, knowing Ghost Rider and Mephisto had a deep hatred.

"Mephisto reincarnated?" The flames in Damon's eye sockets rose sharply, and he asked, "Where is he? After I finish killing you, I will deal with him immediately."

"I'll take you there," Moreau suddenly smiled. Damon sensed that something was not right and was about to shoot, but a dazzling hexagram magic circle suddenly appeared under his feet. Countless holy lights turned into chains and entangled him firmly.

"Die!" Damon roared, the fire of Hell on his body burning wildly. The chains of holy light were quickly burned and melted.

"Dad!" Mindy rushed over in shock and anger, stabbing a white angel in the chest with a dagger.

The white angel didn't pay any attention to Mindy at all, raised his hand to grab her wrist. Mindy suddenly accelerated, easily avoiding his big hand. She then shoved the white angel's waist hard, pushing him towards the magic circle on the ground.

Mindy wanted to destroy the magic circle, but unfortunately, the circle was able to defend itself automatically.

The white angel was directly knocked out by the Holy Light. Moreau ignored Mindy, took out a Stone from his arms and smashed it hard at Damon.

With a snap, the Stone smashed on Damon, and his soul was directly extracted into the Stone.

Damon's soul had been separated from his body, and the flames on the Ghost Rider not only failed to disappear but also skyrocketed, burning even the chains of Holy Light.

Soon after, the Ghost Rider fell to the ground, laughing maniacally, and the surrounding trees and houses caught fire. This was the real Ghost Rider – the one currently controlling the body was the Spirit of Vengeance, who would judge sins at all costs.

As mentioned earlier, Damon's spirit of vengeance was particularly powerful, as it was a collection of spirits of vengeance and the elemental demon lord Zarathos.


Mindy was completely shocked. She quickly used her Chi and grabbed the Stone from the air. Moreau glanced at her, but he did not care and instructed the Ghost Rider, "Follow us and kill Mephisto."

"Mephisto, die!"

The Ghost Rider shouted with murderous intent, and then he raised his hand, causing the Sin Buster that had been upgraded several times to fly to him and wrap around him. Then, under the transformation of hellfire, the Sin Buster became extremely hideous.


Moreau nodded with satisfaction, revealing wings of light, and flew towards the hospital where Pepper was, with a group of reincarnated angels and the burning Ghost Rider.

The white angel who was thrown away by Mindy did not act. He shouted to Moreau , "I will deal with this little girl so that she will not call for help."

"Don't kill her, just stun her. We are angels, not demons."

Moreau nodded and left directly. It is worth mentioning that they covered themselves and the Ghost Rider with treasures. Otherwise, it would be impossible for them to conceal the cool appearance of the Ghost Rider, even if it were late at night.

After Mordo and the others left, the white angel smiled excitedly at Mindy, "I'll play with you."

The reason why the white angel acted this way was that he had been like this before becoming an angel. A reincarnated angel did not necessarily have to be a good person.

"No wonder Master said that you angels all deserve to die."

Mindy smiled disdainfully. She put away Damon's Soul Stone and struck the Angel with a palm in the air. The Angel was caught off guard and was thrown out, rolling over and over on the ground.

Even with the strength of a white angel, the palm strike had caused him great pain. He roared, and dazzling wings of light appeared behind him. He then used the holy light to condense a long sword and slashed at Mindy.

Mindy became even more disdainful, slamming forward and then tilting her body. The Vibranium dagger penetrated the holy light, and she stabbed the waist of the white angel fiercely.

It wasn't over yet, and then the Chi on the Vibranium dagger exploded, hitting the internal organs of the White Angel madly. Even the White Angel was rolling on the ground in pain.

"A fool who doesn't know how to use his power," Mindy said in disgust.

She kicked the White Angel's head heavily in the air with the drill strength taught by Madame Gao. The kick exploded directly in the White Angel's head, and the White Angel fainted on the spot.

Winning an Angel who has all the power but doesn't know how to control it is not at all difficult for Mindy. After all, she is the Hit-Girl, or an Iron Fist Hit-Girl who has been trained by Madame Gao for several years.

After dealing with the White Angel, Mindy immediately called Bert, "Master, it's not good, a group of angels suddenly came to attack us..."

As soon as Mindy spoke, a man in a three-color robe teleported to her. She looked at him vigilantly with a puzzled expression. Why did he feel so familiar?

Bert smiled and used the dragon soul to resonate with Mindy's dragon soul. Mindy was stunned and then asked in surprise, "Master, have you changed your appearance?"

"What is appearance-changing? Play fewer games," Bert said angrily. "Give me Damon's soul."

As he spoke, Bert waved his hand, and all the flames around him went out.

"Okay," Mindy handed the Soul Stone to Bert, and he flicked it. Damon's soul flew out under the package of Chi.

Damon shouted anxiously, "Bert, stop Zarathos quickly, or he will set the whole of Manhattan on fire."

"Don't worry, is that demon really the reincarnation of Mephisto?" Bert asked. If it's true, then this matter is a bit troublesome. Mephisto is the most cunning demon in hell. He was reincarnated into Pepper's belly, not because he wanted to be a good person.