Chapter 237 : Holy Flame vs Hell Fire (I)

"I have no idea," Damon replied with a bitter smile in response to Bert's inquiry. "However, Zarathos should know that he hates Mephisto deeply, and no matter what form Mephisto takes, he can track him down."

"Like this?" Bert asked.

After a moment of consideration, Bert instructed, "Mindy, call Madame Gao and tell them to be on high alert. The Ghost Rider and the nine angels are preparing to attack them."

Mindy was stunned. "Master, can't you go and help them? Even with their strength, they won't be able to stop the Ghost Rider and the Angel."

"Don't worry, they'll be fine," Bert reassured her. "I'll ask Annie to help us verify if that reincarnated demon is Mephisto. Oh, and don't reveal my identity."

"Okay," Mindy said, relieved, and proceeded to call Madame Gao.

Damon was amazed. "Bert, what's going on? And who is Mephisto's reincarnation?"

"It's my godson, the real son of Iron Man."

Bert recounted the situation, leaving Damon stunned. After pondering for a moment, Damon asked, "Could it be that Mephisto wants to force you to sever ties with Tony?"

"Why should I break ties with Tony? Even if that kid is Mephisto's reincarnation, I wouldn't harm him," Bert replied. "Although he was Mephisto in his past life, he is innocent in this one."

"But that's Mephisto," Damon argued. "Regardless of whether he has memories of his past life or not, he will always be a supervillain. That's his essence, and it won't change, even after reincarnation."

Mephisto's reincarnation can never be a good person, there is no doubt about this.

Bert glanced at Damon and inquired, "If your daughter were the reincarnation of Mephisto, would you kill her?"

"My daughter couldn't possibly be the reincarnation of Mephisto," Damon retorted. "She's kind and innocent."

Bert looked at Mindy, who was wiping her Vibranium dagger clean after retrieving it from the white angel's body. He asked Damon, "Are you sure?"

Damon hesitated before admitting, "Well, she's righteous. But Bert, I know what you're thinking. Mephisto definitely has a plot."

"I'll figure it out," Bert said. "Mindy, go get some rest."

As he spoke, Bert waved the white angel into a small space. This creature would be used for Dr. Lizard's experiments. Bert didn't approve of experimenting on live beings, but the white angel wasn't human. It was a beast.

Mindy protested, "Rest? My father's body is missing. Why should I rest? I'm going to help Madame Gao and the others."

"With me here, what do you have to worry about?" Bert snapped.

Damon chimed in, "Yes, Mindy, go get some rest. Bert and I will handle this."

Mindy spoke with resentment, "I can single out a hundred agents. Why don't you let me continue to be a superhero?"

"Wait until you're sixteen. Otherwise, it will appear that Damon and I are incompetent and need a little girl's help," Bert replied.

He shook his head and disappeared with Damon, leaving only one warning: "Don't sneak away, or you'll be doing math homework at home every day during winter vacation this year."

"Fuck!" Mindy was angry and stomped her feet. She wished she could grow up suddenly like Lina.

But wait, Mindy realized that Lina also lived in her house. She rushed to Lina's room and found her drooling and talking in her sleep about food.

"chicken legs, sausages, tofu... delicious, delicious..."

Mindy was speechless and felt a third thing she wanted from Lina: heartlessness.

After confirming Lina was fine, Mindy rode her beloved motorcycle in the backyard and rushed to the hospital. Her dad was in trouble.

'Isn't it just math homework, it's not a big deal, I'll let others do it for me.'


At the private hospital of the Blood God Group, Madame Gao put down the phone and said to Pepper, "Ms. Pepper, those angels are coming again, but don't worry. You'll be fine."

Pepper smiled and said, "I'm not worried. After all, the child's godfather is the reincarnated god."

"He deserves the title," Madame Gao smiled.

She instructed all the doctors and nurses to hide in the backyard and said through the communicator, "The enemy will come soon. Get ready. This time, in addition to the angel, there is also the Ghost Rider who is already controlled by the other party."

"No problem, we've been monitoring the surroundings," Electro replied.

In addition to him, there were superheroes such as Spider-Man, Harry Osborn, Wind Demon, and Absorbing Man in the security room.

To protect his wife, Tony paid a lot of money to the superheroes of the Watchmen Company. His own company's superheroes were all brought in to solve the lair of the Holy Light Warriors.

"Max, Ghost Rider has an immortal body and The Penance Stare. Can we deal with it?" Spider-Man asked.

Everyone was embarrassed. It was easy to say that Ghost Rider was immortal. The question was, how does the Ghost Rider decide who to stare at and who is to be killed?

At that moment, Anne, Bert's personal bodyguard, suddenly spoke up: "I will deal with the Ghost Rider."

Everyone turned their heads to look at her in surprise. They hurriedly stood up and shouted, "Miss Anne."

Annie's eyes stayed on Harry for a moment, and she said, "You focus on dealing with those angels. They must be desperate when they come here this time."

"Understood," everyone nodded.

Harry subconsciously hid behind Peter. Anne's eyes were terrifying, as if she could burn him.

Electro asked, "Miss Anne, why are you back? Didn't you rectify the Angel army on Ego Star?"

Annie replied simply, "I am back to receive the Angel Legion. We have too few angels to be worthy of the identity of the Blood God."

"I see," everyone replied, except for Electro, whose expression was complicated. They all revered the Blood God, but the question was whether the thing about reincarnated god was taking things too far.

At this moment, a sudden warning sound interrupted their confrontation. Everyone turned their heads to see a large number of red dots rapidly approaching the hospital.

"How come there are so many people?" exclaimed someone.

Spider-Man quickly controlled the drone to take pictures of the surrounding situation, and everyone was stunned.

The red dots were not angels, but the surrounding residents who had rushed to the hospital in a frenzy, shouting, "Kill the devil, kill the devil…"

"What happened?" Everyone was confused and overwhelmed by this sudden turn of events.

Annie explained "They are controlled by the Artifact used by Angels. These angels, as expected, have fallen and used ordinary people as cannon fodder."

"What kind of angel is it called?" Peter, a devout believer, scolded with dissatisfaction, not expecting angels to be so evil.

Electro hated them and said, "They all deserve to die."

"What should we do with these people?" Wind Demon said: "We can't use cannons, laser cannons, or electromagnetic cannons to bombard them, right?"

In this hospital, Tony prepared a lot of weapons, but he didn't expect the Angels to use such a trick.

"That definitely won't work, they're all innocent." Peter shook his head, and he asked Annie, "Sister Annie, is there a way to bring them back to their senses?"

"I'm not good at this kind of thing, I'm only good at purification." Annie looked at Harry and said, Harry was horrified, and thought, why are you looking at me?

Electro thought for a while and said, "Peter, raise the small shield."

"Okay." Peter immediately activated the instrument, and a translucent mask quickly emerged, firmly protecting the hospital.

After getting a lot of cosmic techs, this type of shield isn't much of a problem - except for the cost.

Soon, those ordinary people rushed to the front of the protective dome, and they yelled and attacked the protective dome. At the same time, more people rushed towards this side.

"Can't go on like this, should we take the initiative to attack?" Absorbing said irritably: "They must be hiding outside, let's go out and deal with them and let those people return to their senses."

Annie refused directly. She thought about it and said, "Open the top side of the protective dome in the garden, Spider-Man, let them in, and fight directly."

Harry asked, "Will they come?"

Annie looked at Ghost Rider, and said confidently, "Go out and prepare."

Everyone nodded: "Yes, Miss Anne."

Meanwhile, in a small alley not far from the hospital, a female reincarnated angel was uncomfortable with using citizens as cannon fodder. "How can we use citizens as cannon fodder?"

Moreau, who controlled the people with the holy angel's sword, justified it by saying that it was an honor to dedicate themselves to God and that death was not the end.

The female angel is still a little unacceptable, as are the other angels, which are completely different from the angels they imagined.

Ghost Rider stared at Moreau closely, and said: "You are guilty."

"I am innocent." Moreau remained unfazed, believing that everything he did was right.

To the astonishment of Ghost Rider, Moreau had nothing to do with it. The reason was very simple. He didn't think he was wrong. Everything he did was right.

"You are guilty." The flames in Ghost Rider's eyes became more intense, and he planned to physically purify Moreau.

Moreau said, "Mephisto is the one who should be purified the most."

Hearing Mephisto's name, the flames on the Ghost Rider's body suddenly soared, and several angels retreated in fright.

At that moment, a gap suddenly appeared at the top of the hospital's protective dome, and a voice called out, "Despicable angel, dare to come in?"

"Do you think I'm an idiot?" replied Moreau, smirking disdainfully.

He knew that with so many hostages here, it was unnecessary to fight them head on. It would be foolish to run in recklessly for a decisive battle. He had never been kicked in the head by a donkey.

Ghost Rider rose into the sky and flew towards the hospital without any hesitation. Since the entrance had been opened, he would rush in and kill Mephisto's reincarnation.

Moreau couldn't help but curse. He knew that his head had not been kicked by a donkey, but it seemed that Ghost Rider's had been.

The female angel asked, "Moreau, what should we do?"

"What else can we do?" Moreau scolded and shouted with the angel holy sword, "Go, go in and fight. We can't kill the demon without the Ghost Rider."

After finishing his sentence, Moreau followed with a group of angels. Upon seeing this, Spider-Man and the others were relieved.

They were not afraid of fighting, but they did not want to hurt the innocent.

Soon, the Ghost Rider and the angels flew into the hospital garden one after another. The Ghost Rider landed on the ground, and all the surrounding flowers, plants, and trees burned.

Annie walked out with a group of superheroes. Peter looked at Ghost Rider and couldn't help but sigh, "I have to say, this guy is really cool."

"It's cool. If you didn't have a relationship with Harry, you wouldn't have as many fans as him," replied Electro, glancing at Peter. "The sales of the special comics of the two of you have always ranked first."

"When did I have a relationship with Harry? Also, why don't I know about comics?" Peter was dumbfounded and hurriedly shouted.

Everyone was about to make fun of him and Harry when the Ghost Rider suddenly turned to look at the room where Pepper was and shouted angrily, "Mephisto."

After confirming the existence of Mephisto, the Ghost Rider immediately flew towards Pepper.

Annie snorted, a sword of holy fire slashed at the Ghost Rider, and the Ghost Rider was directly slashed and flew out, falling on the side square.

"I'll deal with him. You clean up these angels," said Annie, spreading her wings behind her back and quickly flying towards the Ghost Rider.

The Ghost Rider got up from the ground and recognized Annie's identity. He roared in dissatisfaction, "Why not punish sinners?"

"I am punishing sinner, and you are a sinner," replied Annie, with a raging holy flame burning on her body. "Being too persistent is also a sin. You and those angels have committed such a sin."

"Nonsense, you have fallen, and I will purify you," exclaimed the Ghost Rider as he flew into the sky. He threw his magic chain, burning with fire, hard at Annie.

At the same time, two missiles popped out of his shoulders and shot at Annie in flames.

Annie smiled disdainfully, her right hand burning with holy flame firmly grasping the magic chain. At the same time, two holy flames flew out of her and hit the two missiles. The missiles did not explode; the hellfire on them was quickly swallowed by the holy flame.

Not only did the holy flame devour the hellfire on the missiles, but also the hellfire on the magic chain. The holy flame devoured the hellfire all the way and quickly spread to the Ghost Rider.

When the Ghost Rider saw this scene, he immediately cut off the magic chain, and at the same time shouted in shock: "Devouring Holy Flame! It's you, the leader of the Angels of Vengeance."

At that time, God sent a group of vengeful angels to the Earth to punish sinners. The leader was Annie. Of course, she was not called this name at the time.

Later, Annie led a group of angels and element lords to fight, and in the end, both lost, Mephisto took the opportunity to sneak attack and wiped them all out, and this was the Ghost Rider.

The reason why Anne can become the leader of the Angel of Vengeance is because her holy flame can devour all flames.