Chapter 238 : Holy Flame vs Hell Fire (II)

"I am not the leader of the Angel of Vengeance. I am the first Angel of Vengeance under my lord," Annie shouted loudly, and the Holy Flames on her body continued to attack the Ghost Rider like waves.

At the same time, the two missiles turned around and blasted towards the Ghost Rider.

"You can't kill me."

Facing Annie's terrifying offensive, the Ghost Rider roared furiously, and the Hell Fire on his body erupted like a volcano, turning into billowing flames and rushing towards the Holy Flame.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

When the two missiles collided with the flames, they rumbled and exploded. Hell Fire, Holy Flames, and shockwaves swept the surrounding area frantically.

Trees and the nearby house were overturned, and then ablaze. As the flame collided, half of the hospital was destroyed.

Annie and the Ghost Rider didn't care so much and immediately rushed towards each other. The sword of Holy Flame and the magic chain collided fiercely in the air. Each time, a strong shock wave was generated, severely damaging the surrounding buildings.

Seeing this, Madame Gao and Colleen quickly took Pepper out of the room to the open space outside. Madame Gao apologized, "I'm sorry. They were fighting a little loudly."

"It's Fine."

Pepper waved her hand. She touched her stomach and said worriedly, "Madame Gao, Ghost Rider said 'Mephisto' just now. Is my son the reincarnation of Hell Demon King Mephisto?"

"No matter who he is reincarnated as, in this life, he is just your son. What he will look like depends entirely on how you and Mr. Stark teach him."

Madame Gao said, "The ones outside are all reincarnations of Angels, but do you think they are good people?"

"That's true."

Pepper couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. It seems that she will spend more time with her children in the future, and she can't be busy with work every day.

Bert, who was hiding in the dark, narrowed his eyes slightly. The child was really the son of Mephisto. What is this guy trying to do? Also, how thick is his skin to actually come to be Tony's son?

"The devil is really shameless."

Bert couldn't help shaking his head. He thought for a while, sent the Soul Stone (Damon's soul) to Annie's arms, and then opened the space door to watch the battle on Tony Stark's side.

Looking at the vigorous battle over there, Spider-Man couldn't help but click his tongue: "Sister Annie is so powerful?"

Electro said: "If she's not very powerful. How can she be the leader of Mr. Wang's bodyguard?"

"By the way, does Mr. Wang really need guards?"

Wind Demon couldn't help but complain: "He is the number one powerhouse on Earth."

"Without guards, Mr. Wang has to deal with every cat and dog that comes his way by himself?"

Absorbing Man said: "Besides, how good are the nine beautiful guards?"

Everyone said with envy: "That's true."

Compared to superheroes, Moreau's face was quite ugly. Ghost Rider is their trump card. As a result, he was actually blocked by a woman he had never heard of.

"These traitors are really hateful."

Moreau gritted his teeth, raised the Angel's holy sword, and shouted at the superheroes: "You all get out of the way immediately, otherwise, I will immediately let everyone outside commit suicide."

At this moment, thousands of people had gathered outside the defensive dome. As soon as they heard Moreau's order, they immediately put their weapons on their necks.

"You dare?" The superheroes roared, and Peter couldn't help but scold: "You deserve to be called an Angel if you do this?"

"Why don't we deserve it? We are saving the world. It is an honor for them to sacrifice for the world and for God. When they arrive in heaven, God will reward them well." Moreau said confidently. "Get out of the way immediately. We have no time to waste with you."

The crowd gritted their teeth angrily. These Angels were really damn.

"It's okay if you don't let me go, but don't stop me. Otherwise, everyone outside will die." Moreau snorted coldly and walked towards Pepper with eight Angels.

"Let me carry this sin. Anyway, I'm not a good person, and it's a big deal to be treated as a sacrifice." Harry glanced at Peter and was about to make a move. At this moment, the ordinary people outside suddenly fainted one by one.

"What happened?" The superheroes and Angels were greatly shocked. At this moment, a little girl with purple hair, purple clothes, and a mask rolled in the air and landed firmly on the ground. Then, she said proudly, "Hit-Girl is here to help you."

Those ordinary people were all poisoned by the Hit-Girl's poisonous 'Chi'. Her Dragon soul was a wood Dragon that could heal and release poison.

Peter shouted happily, "Mindy, you're amazing."

"Idiot, you can't call me by my real name." Mindy snorted and flew towards the hospital with controlled anger.

Pepper looked at Mindy with glowing eyes and said, "If only my daughter could be like her."

"You don't want your daughter to be like her," Madame Gao shook her head.

Hit-Girl, if not suppressed by the Blood God and Damon, would definitely be a terrifying little demon star.

"Kill them." Without worrying about the future, Electro immediately blasted a large amount of electricity at Moreau and the others.

Moreau swung the holy sword and cut off the electricity in front of him with one sword. His face was extremely ugly.

The superheroes were all simmering in a fire, and when they saw Electro shot, they rushed up immediately.

"Come here for me." Peter and Harry shot spider web at the same time, towards the Angel, and then pulled hard. Two Angels flew towards them involuntarily.

Immediately afterwards, Peter and Harry jumped up at the same time, kicked the Angel's chest hard, and kicked them far away.

"Even the action is the same? No wonder your comics sell so well, unlike me, who always appears in some weird comics, and the supporting role is always Dr. Reed." Absorbing Man turned his body into rubber while complaining, and then used his body as a rope to firmly entangle the female Angel.

The female Angel felt horrified, and a dazzling holy light erupted from her body, trying to get rid of the entanglement of Absorbing Man.

"Just your style of play and your look, how can you not appear in weird comics?" Wind Demon suddenly appeared behind an Angel and said with a smile,

"Brother will take you to play games." After finishing speaking, the wind demon rolled the Angel around and kept spinning around the big windmill.

The Angel was dizzy and couldn't fight back at all.

This trick is the ultimate Windmill move created by the Wind Demon, referring to Bert's secret technique of shaking left and right.

At the same time, other superheroes are also facing off against the Angels. Basically, except for Moreau and Electro who have come and gone, all the other Angels have fallen behind.

This is normal. These reincarnated Angels are not real warriors. In fact, half a month ago, they were just ordinary people.

And which superhero isn't battle-hardened? The Earth has never been calm, whether it's aliens or supervillains.

"Despicable," Moreau said. He was shocked and angry. This was the last chance. If they failed, they would be completely defeated.

"We must not let the Elders' sacrifices go to waste. Everyone, sacrifice your lives and souls for God."

Moreau made a decision, shouted loudly, and then he made a statement first. The holy light on his body burned like a flame, and the huge momentum even made all the small objects around him fly away.

The eight Angels were hesitant to hear the words, but soon, the brand engraved in the Angel's soul made them make a choice.

The eight Angels burned their lives and souls at the same time. Their strength skyrocketed, and even the superheroes felt the pressure.

When the strength reaches a certain level, the effect of skills will be greatly reduced.

"I hate you idiots more and more," said Electro, a little annoyed. He bounced a coin.

The next moment, the coin was accelerated by the electromagnetic field and shot towards Moreau at an unimaginable speed. An orange light even appeared in the air.


Seeing the coin in Electro's hand, Moreau knew what he was going to do. He blocked the holy sword in front of him for the first time. The next moment, with a bang, Moreau was blasted out and collapsed the house behind him.

The power of the railgun was extremely terrifying, and Moreau's hands were split open, but under the action of the Holy Light, his wounds healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Immediately afterwards, Moreau got up, threw an object at Electro, then turned and rushed towards Pepper.

Electro completely ignored the object and turned into an electric current that appeared in front of Moreau instantly. Then, he condensed the electric current into an electric whip and slammed it down at Moreau.

Moreau turned sideways to avoid, and Electro was about to attack again. The object that Moreau had thrown before turned a corner in the air and turned into a net of holy light towards him.

Just as Electro was about to avoid it, Moreau suddenly raised the holy sword to control him—that holy sword could control all those who had believed in Angels. The deeper the belief, the stronger the control.

Electro was a pan-believer of the Church. Under the illumination of the holy sword, his consciousness became a little dizzy, but that was all. The holy sword could not control him.

Moreau didn't intend to control Electro. All he wanted was to delay him a little — the Net of Holy Light flew over, and Electro was firmly trapped.

Immediately afterwards, the Net of Holy Light shrank crazily inwards, and Electro shouted angrily, his body surging with lightning, trying to destroy the Net of Holy Light.

Moreau knew that the net of light could not stop Electro for long, and rushed to Pepper at the fastest speed.

"I'm not quite cruel to myself, but unfortunately I'm an idiot," Madame Gao smiled disdainfully. She asked Colleen to protect Pepper, leaned on crutches, and walked to the front tremblingly.

Pepper was stunned. She looked at Colleen in astonishment, wondering why an old lady was being relied on to lead the charge.

Colleen smiled without saying a word. Madame Gao, who had lived for hundreds of years, was not so simple.


Without any hesitation, Moreau slashed downwards with his several-meter-long sword towards Madam Gao. She smiled contemptuously, let go of her crutch, and appeared on Moreau's left side with a speed that did not fit her shape.

Madam Gao tapped on his shoulder. Moreau turned sideways, sweeping his long sword towards Madam Gao. She immediately moved behind him like a phantom and slapped his back, which was full of holy light, with a palm.

The holy light on Moreau's back shattered on the spot. Then, Madame Gao lightly patted his back. Really lightly, Moreau could hardly feel her power.

Moreau was a little puzzled, but he didn't pay much attention to it. He turned and slashed towards Madame Gao. She avoided it again, and then kept walking beside him like a butterfly wearing flowers, while hitting him with her palms in different positions one after another.

Because Madame Gao was too fast, it appeared as if several Madame Gao's were attacking Moreau at the same time.

"Wow, cool," Peter couldn't help shouting.

Madame Gao was not only extremely fast, but her moves were also precise.

Pepper's eyes also brightened. She didn't expect Madame Gao to be so powerful. Her martial arts were as pleasing to the eye as art.

Moreau was going crazy. He couldn't hit Madame Gao at all. He was beaten like a sandbag. The only fortunate thing was that Madame Gao's palms were weak.

After more than ten seconds, Madame Gao retreated to where her crutches were. Then, without looking at Moreau, she grabbed the crutches, turned, and walked towards Pepper.

"What do you mean?" Moreau looked confused.

The old woman played around, but could it be to touch him? At this moment, explosions sounded in Moreau's body one after another, and a large amount of blood spurted out of his body.

Moreau looked at Madam Gao in disbelief and fell straight down. His internal organs, meridians, and bones were all shattered.

Even with the power of an Angel, he died suddenly on the spot.

Everyone was stunned. What happened? Why did Moreau suddenly die?

"Idiot, this is the palm of the heart," Mindy, who was fighting with Peter, said disdainfully.

Madame Gao stood beside Pepper and said angrily, "Don't make up names like your master."

"How can there be any mistake? Look at my heart-shattering fingers," Mindy smiled and pointed a seemingly weak finger at the back of an Angel's head.

The Angel's eyes widened and quickly turned red. Then his body swayed from side to side as if he would fall at any moment.

Mindy said unhappily, "He didn't faint. It seems that I haven't practiced it much yet."

"Hey, why don't she teach this move? Didn't I study with you?" Peter asked dissatisfiedly while covering the Angel with a spider web.

Mindy said with contempt, "Because you are too stupid, Madame Gao is not willing to teach you."

"I'm too stupid? No way, I always thought I was a martial arts genius," Peter was hit hard, and Madame Gao shook her head.

She didn't teach Peter "Chi" because Peter didn't need it. What he wanted to do was to fully utilize the power of Spider-Man.

At this moment, the dead Moreau suddenly stood up straight. Everyone was startled. Is this a corpse?

Madame Gao was also very surprised. She sensed it and sighed, "To overcome death with your own will, Moreau, it seems that I underestimated you. But unfortunately, you are loyal to a person who should not be loyal, or in other words, God."

Moreau was dead, but his soul, surpassing death with supreme will, controlled the corpse and stood up again. He hadn't completed God's mission, how could he die?

"For God," Moreau, who stood up, looked a little sluggish. He raised his holy sword and shouted loudly.

"For God."

No nonsense about the eight Angels. Their body is getting old at a rate visible to the naked eye.

Immediately afterwards, eight Angels composed of holy light flew out of their bodies and flew straight into Moreau's body. Moreau roared in the sky, his body swelled frantically, and the holy light rolled violently like thunder.

"Damn, he wants to die along with us," everyone was shocked when they saw this and rushed over to stop Moreau.

At this moment, Colleen appeared in front of Moreau out of thin air and put her hand on him.

The next moment, Moreau disappeared directly, leaving only his desperate roar in the air: "No."

"Why can't I have the Dragon soul of the Dragon of space like you?" Mindy said enviously, and Colleen smiled. "Because the Dragon of space has physical requirements. I'm just right."

Mindy wanted to say something else, but at this moment, there was a loud bang, and a huge explosion sounded in the distance to the right. Then it seemed that some building collapsed, and the ground kept shaking.