Chapter 239 : Moreau's Death

Colleen felt a little worried as she saw the huge movement on the right. She asked, "Is no one there? I've just recently become the Iron Fist, so I still can't control my power."

Pepper looked into the distance and smiled, "Don't worry, if I remember that direction correctly, it should be the hotel that the candidate is about to build. No one is there."

"That candidate's hotel? That should be fine."

When everyone heard the words, they replied indifferently, and Electro said, "He is really unlucky, the hotel was smashed by a meteorite."

"It's unfortunate. Of course, it may also be that he did too many bad things and was punished."

Wind Demon nodded in agreement, and Peter looked at the people who were shirking their responsibilities and asked hesitantly, "Is this bad?"

"You want to use your money to pay for his hotel?"

Absorbing Man asked, "That's the money you and Harry made by selling your bodies."

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Peter's face flushed with anger, and Harry gave everyone a fierce middle finger. He decided to find a girlfriend as soon as he went back, so that Peter wouldn't suffer the "unrighteous injustice".

At this time, there was a huge rumbling sound not far away, and everyone turned to look. They found that Ghost Rider had been slammed into the ground by Annie.

The battle armor of Ghost Rider was produced by the Oscorp. The group could remotely control it, but it was limited to Bert, Mercury, and Ivan.

Just now, Annie asked Mercury to control Ghost Rider's battle armor at a critical moment. Then, she blasted him into the ground with holy flames while he was unprepared.

Ghost Rider roared but couldn't get up because Annie's holy flame was frantically consuming the hellfire on him.

"Although his strength has become stronger, his intelligence has dropped dramatically."

Annie shook her head and threw the stone into Ghost Rider's eye socket. Damon's soul immediately returned to his body and competed with the Spirit of Vengeance for control of the body.

Damon had been taught by the Ancient One, and his soul was stronger. After a while, he suppressed the Spirit of Vengeance.

Then, Damon shouted, "Annie, take back the holy flame; otherwise, I won't dare to change back."

Annie didn't talk nonsense. When she raised her hand, the holy flame and the surrounding flames all flew back into her body. Damon breathed a sigh of relief. The flames quickly disappeared, and the skull changed back to a human face.

Damon, in his pajamas, got up while clutching his chest and said, "Annie, your holy flame is really powerful."

"Of course, Why do you even need to say it?"

Annie snorted coldly. She glanced at the corpses of the reincarnated angels on the ground, flapped her wings, and flew to the hotel in the distance. She wanted to confirm whether Moreau had really died.

"Really proud."

Damon shook his head. At this moment, Mindy ran over and asked with concern, "Dad, are you alright?"

Damon smiled and said, "It's fine, except it's a little cold."

Mindy said with contempt, "Ghost Rider is feeling cold; this is really a cold joke."

Damon smiled, and he turned his head to look at Pepper with a big belly. His eyes flickered with fire.

Not only had the Spirit of Vengeance moved the killing intent, but he had also moved.

Pepper keenly sensed Damon's killing intent and turned her head to look at him without fear. "I don't know if the child in my womb is the reincarnation of Mephisto, but I will protect him, and I will teach him to be a good person," she declared.

"Some people can never change, like Mephisto," Damon replied. "He is even more evil than Loki of Asgard, Miss Pepper. You should give him up."

Pepper stood her ground. "No, I will never give up, and I won't let anyone touch him."

Sensing the tension, Electro immediately surrounded Pepper. Damon frowned and said, "Guys, that's Mephisto. Aren't you worried?"

"You don't worry about killing an unborn baby?" Peter said, shaking his head.

But Harry's eyes flickered slightly. He was inclined to kill the baby, having seen the cruelty and horror of Mephisto.

"Dad, that's not cool at all. Even if it's really Mephisto, what harm can an unborn baby do?" Mindy shouted.

"We have so many people watching him. Even if he can do something, it would be better to kill him then. He's just the Demon King of Hell. Several Demon Lords of Hell work for my master. What's the big deal?"

Everyone was speechless. Pepper didn't know whether to praise or scold Mindy. After hearing this, it seemed that Mephisto was no big deal.

"Now I believe that Mr. Wang is the reincarnation of God. How can he conquer so many demon kings?" Absorbing Man said.

"I heard that Hulk is fighting in Hell recently, and his strength has risen rapidly," someone else added.

"I'll go after him. I have to break through my own limits. Otherwise, I'll always be a battery," Electro said.

Absorbing Man nodded. "I'll go with you."

Damon glanced at everyone and finally let go of his killing intent. He touched Mindy's head and said, "Let's talk about something cool. How much math homework are you going to do since you sneak out?"

"That's not cool at all. I saved everyone. Why do I still have to do homework, especially math? The people who invented math must be sinful. You should go and burn them to death," Mindy protested.

Pepper couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. She knew that keeping her son safe would not be easy.

'Son, you started causing trouble for your mother even before you were born,' Pepper sighed.

At that moment, Annie flew back with the angel sword and announced, "Moreau has been completely annihilated."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. "That's great. To be honest, that guy was quite scary," they all agreed.

"Too persistent, too fanatical," Annie shook her head. She looked at the ordinary people outside the shield and said, "I'll leave first. You can clean up the battlefield yourselves."

After speaking, Annie disappeared, but she entered the Mirror Dimension where Bert was. She glanced at the battle opposite the space door and said to Bert, "Master, the battle here is over, and all the angels have been wiped out."

"I see. You're doing very well. Watch the show with me first, and when the battle is over, you can take the artifact to release the Angel Legion and bring them under your command."

Bert threw the box containing the artifact to Annie.

That artifact box was undone by the Ancient One early in the morning, and she also made a copy of one.

As for the First Elder saying that only he can solve it, that's just a joke. Not to mention the Ancient One, even Bert can solve it violently.

Annie took the box and said excitedly, "Yes, Master."

Let's move the time back a little bit. Through Ant-Man's investigation, Tony quickly determined the best position for the shockwave to hit. Then he called Ant-Man back and said to Skye, "It's time to start."

"Okay. You're ready for battle. There will definitely be fish that slip through the net."

Skye nodded, and then she put her hands on the ground. The ground shook slightly, and the sand on the ground kept rolling.

After a while, Skye released energy. The entire underground base shook violently, and a large stone fell from the sky, smashing several Holy Light soldiers to death.

Skye's ability, coupled with Tony's precise calculations, made the shockwave's power reach its limit.

"Damn, why aren't they using portals?"

While avoiding the falling stone, the First Elder cursed loudly. He had specially prepared means to deal with the portal. Who would have thought that they would directly demolish the base?

"These guys are totally out of control."

A priest rushed over and shouted to the Elder, "Elder, run away! The base is about to collapse!"

"It won't collapse."

The First Elder staggered and ran to the statue of Gabriel, knelt down, and shouted loudly, "Archangel, please protect us."

Accompanied by the voice of the Great Elder, the holy light of the icon made a great effort. Then, the light quickly spread to the ceiling and walls, firmly protecting the base.

This was not Gabriel's real power, but the holy power accumulated for thousands of years in the icon was working.

The Holy Light Warriors breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, the Great Elder shouted, "Everyone, rush out and fight the Blood God's lackey to the death."

While speaking, the Elder took out a scepter to cast a spell, and a large amount of white mist appeared outside the base.

"Yes, Great Elder."

Everyone knew that the Holy Light wouldn't last long, so they picked up their weapons and rushed out from several different passages.

Such an underground base naturally cannot have only one passage, or else they would be trapped like fish in a barrel.

"Mr. Stark, there is a force preventing me from destroying the underground base," Skye shouted.

Tony was just about to say something when a large amount of white fog suddenly appeared around him, and he couldn't even see his companions one meter away.

"Magic," Tony snorted coldly. While switching to infrared vision, he said, "Everyone, get ready for battle. They're coming out."

"No problem, are you afraid they won't succeed?" Everyone shouted.

Those who could be brought here by Tony were all elites.

As for fog, that's nothing at all. Which of them doesn't have auxiliary equipment? The S.W.O.R.D. is supported by two super-military consortiums, and all the equipment is top-notch.

Tony nodded with satisfaction, ordered the unmanned battle armors to fly down, aimed the weapon at the several entrances and exits detected before, and waited for the Holy Light Warriors to come out.

It didn't take long for the Holy Light warriors to rush out from several entrances and exits, and the unmanned armors immediately activated the miniature missiles, which were densely shot towards the entrances and exits.

The Holy Light Warriors had long anticipated the attack, and all the people in the front were wearing the Holy Light Shield. But they didn't expect Tony to be so aggressive, going straight for the missiles.

The Holy Light Shield is very strong, but no matter how strong it is, it can't stop the missiles. In the dense explosion, a large number of Holy Light soldiers died tragically on the spot.

The remaining Holy Light Warriors quickly retreated to the entrance and exit. At this time, several other Holy Light Warriors from the hidden entrances and exits rushed out and slashed at the unmanned battle armors with weapons flashing with Holy Light.

The unmanned battle armors avoided immediately, then turned to shoot at the Holy Light Warriors, who raised the Holy Light Shield to resist the bullets and fought with a group of unmanned battle armors.

"For God."

The unmanned battle armor was restrained, and the remaining Holy Light warriors rushed out immediately, trying their best to attack the unmanned battle armor, and the battle escalated directly.

"Are we back in the Middle Ages? It's all cold weapons? I thought at least there were rockets," Tony smiled disdainfully.

The oversized Arc reactor on his chest was fully activated. Yes, oversized. Only that Lunatic Ivan would hang so many Arc reactors on his body. Want more power, make the reactor bigger.

Too many reactors will only increase the difficulty of defense. As for the heat dissipation problem, No worries, Tony does not need to consider this problem.

Tony's thoughts moved, and a dazzling high-temperature red light lit up on his body. He was injected with a perfect enhanced version of the Extremis Virus, which was much stronger than the original Killian.

Immediately afterward, Tony popped out two red Vibranium short blades from his arms. He took a deep breath and dashed forward to a Holy Light warrior, beheading his head with one knife. The wound was charred black, and even blood did not flow out.

"Happy now, who said Iron Man is a weak chicken and can't melee?" Tony laughed and rushed towards a group of Holy Light Warriors.

The powerful motivation, the terrifying high temperature, and Jarvis's fighting simulation made him like a God of War, killing the Holy Light Warriors one after another.

As Tony acted arrogantly, the others didn't remain idle and rushed to join the battlefield.

"When you accuse others of being medieval, isn't it the same for yourself?" complained Hawkeye, who was wearing battle armor. He then released his hand, and the long arrow pierced the body of a Holy Light Warrior and continued straight into the chest of another.

He killed two birds with one arrow.

"Welcome to the Middle Ages," laughed Human Torch as he flew and smashed a fireball downward.

But at that moment, several long arrows of holy light were shot from the top of the mountain, hitting his chest, and he screamed as he fell from the sky.

In the white fog, the line of sight was narrow, and only one spot was particularly bright. If he didn't shoot, who would he shoot?

Fortunately, Human Torch's defense greatly increased after turning into Pyroman, so he didn't die in battle, but he was injured. He didn't dare to fight back and hurriedly hid behind a valley to call for medics.

"Don't underestimate the enemy like the idiot Human Torch. This is the strongest power of the Church. It's not that simple," Tony shouted hurriedly, and everyone nodded, playing it safe and quickly harvesting the lives of the Holy Light Warriors.

Looking at the slaughter on the battlefield, Strange sighed. He didn't do much. He could mercilessly kill the demons, but he didn't want to kill.

The strength of the Holy Light Warriors was far inferior to Tony and the others, and they would soon be defeated. The Elders were not surprised by this. Tony Stark was here to annihilate them, and his troops must be very strong.

"The problem is, this time, we don't want to live at all," sneered the Elder. The holy light on the icon no longer protected the underground base, but rushed out of the ground and turned into a holy light that enveloped the Holy Light Warriors.

"For God," said the Holy Light Warrior without saying another word, and they immediately burned their life, and the Holy Light on their body soared.

As previously stated, their purpose this time was to die here with each other.

The Holy Light Warriors began to fight harder, and the pressure on everyone suddenly increased, even on Iron Man, because these guys were too ruthless.

Tony stabbed his opponent's chest with a knife, destroying his heart. Under normal circumstances, the opponent would have died, but after burning his life, even if his heart was destroyed, the Holy Light Warrior would not die immediately.

The Holy Light Warrior hugged Tony's steel arm with all his strength and then shouted for others to come and help, while the Holy Light swelled wildly.

Several Holy Light Warriors rushed over to help. They didn't care about their lives at all. They hugged Tony's arms and legs with all their injuries and wanted to die with him.