Chapter 243 : Viper

"Someone will come to save me soon, and both you and Tony Stark will die," Wanda said, looking at Bert with a bit of stubbornness and fear.

Tony couldn't help but shout, "Hey, what do you have against me?"

Wanda glanced at Tony with hatred, turned her head, and said nothing.

"Tony, you'd better get a DNA test. You used to have so many girls; it's normal to have an illegitimate daughter, or in other words, it's not normal if you don't have one," Hawkeye joked.

Tony rolled his eyes, but he was a little suspicious. He seemed to have met a lot of beauties with reddish-brown hair before. He thought about it; there seemed to be a dozen or so starting with A, and twenty or so starting with B. One starting with C...

Skye ignored the farce and transmitted a voice message to Bert, "Master, what the hell are you doing?"

Bert replied in a serious voice, "Child, I'm your uncle, the brother of the Blood God. You can call me... let me think about my name... yes, it's called You Yazi."

"Can you be more professional when you lie? How can anyone think of their own name?" Skye complained as she walked up to Bert and shouted, "Uncle, thank you for coming to support us."

"You're welcome. Junior brother is busy, he asked me to watch you,"

Bert glanced at Tony and said disdainfully. "Junior brother told me that your superheroes are very powerful; you can handle it yourself. I just need to observe. But in the end, I'm very disappointed. It seems that junior brother has poor judgment."

"Hey, what do you mean? We can handle it without you," Tony was furious and asked suspiciously, "Are you Bert's senior brother? Why haven't I heard of you? Also, where did that guy come from?"

"Do I need to explain to you?" Bert waved his sleeves, mentioned the unwilling Wanda with anger, and took her to the distance. "Skye, call me if you need anything."

"Yes, Master," Skye shouted angrily, and Strange couldn't help but touch his nose - he recognized Bert.

"These high-level people just know how to play," Strange shook his head, opened a portal to the hospital, and said, "Send the wounded to the hospital for treatment first."

"Don't go to the hospital; go to the medical room in the Oscorp Building," Tony said. "There is a regeneration cradle on Bert's side that can quickly regenerate body tissue. Although it is expensive, these warriors are eligible for such a service."

"Dr. Helen Cho's regenerative cradle project was a success?" Strange was surprised. "When I injured my hand a few years ago, her plan was still in the experimental stage."

"Bert threw billions at her, and the device worked," Tony shrugged. "As long as the damage isn't too big, it can be repaired and regenerated with nanotechnology."

As Strange opened the new portal, he said excitedly, "It's amazing. I can't wait to see her."

Tony looked Strange up and down and sneered, "Given your size, Dr. Cho should not be interested in you. She only likes muscular guys, and Bert turned into a super muscular guy to win her over.

After they broke up, he returned to his original shape and dumped her without even giving a breakup gift. He's a model of a scumbag."/*/*

When Tony said this, he was full of resentment because Dr. Cho had ignored him completely.

Skye rolled her eyes to the side. Her master was good at everything except his personal hobbies, which were too unhealthy.

"I have a girlfriend, and what I care about is that the regenerative cradle can benefit a large number of patients. It is an epoch-making masterpiece," said Tony.

Strange looked contemptuous, and Tony sneered. From the first time they met, he knew that this guy was an arrogant bastard, just like himself.

Peers are always more sensitive.

Soon, everyone arrived at the Oscorp Building, where Dr. Helen Cho happened to be. Seeing so many people injured, she quickly asked the doctor to help and activated the regeneration cradle, ready to 'print' new body tissue for the injured.

Strange couldn't wait to talk to Helen. She recognized the world's most powerful surgeon and chatted happily with him.

Skye knew a lot of the inside story and sighed: "The regeneration cradle is good for everything, but it is too expensive and impossible to make it accessible to everyone."

"After all, high-end nanotechnology is used. My next-generation suits also plan to use nanotechnology. At that time, these bulky suits will be eliminated," said Tony.

Tony shook his head, trying to remember something and whispered to Skye: "Skye, was that guy just now Bert's brother? When I fell into a hallucination, he beat me up, he must be nearby."

Skye smiled and said, "He's my uncle. Besides, Mr. Stark, I think you should examine why so many people want to beat you."

"Skye, you learned badly from that bastard Bert," said Tony, waving his hand in disgust. Skye shrugged and found a corner to call Steve to report the situation.

Tony was about to call Pepper when Damon suddenly came to him and took him to a secluded place.

Without wasting any time, Damon explained the matter of Mephisto in detail, including the 'pit father's plan,' and the complete termination of Mephisto by Bert.

"Mephisto reincarnated as my son?" Tony was stunned. "I think I might need a drink, Jarvis, bring a bottle of whiskey here."

While surprised, Tony was quite grateful. Bert was too good a friend, and he really shouldn't have thought of him that way before.

Damon said frankly, "Bert has something to do, so let me explain to you, Tony. Although Mephisto is dead, I still feel that you shouldn't keep that child."

"What do you want to do? Dude, that's my son," Tony shouted dissatisfiedly.

"Mephisto is dead, and I won't do anything more, it's just a suggestion," Damon replied, shaking his head.

"By the way, Bert has another message. He said he would love to see you being slapped by his own son, and he wants you to live longer, lest he has no jokes to watch."

"Tell him to get lost," Tony said angrily. His gratitude to Bert was greatly reduced. That guy was still an asshole.

"Tell him yourself, Tony. Good luck. Your hard days are just beginning," Damon shrugged, turned, and flashed. It was almost dawn, and he was going to work at the police station./*/*

"Isn't it the reincarnation of Mephisto? I, Iron Man, can't handle it? I don't believe it. That kid can't trick me," Tony said disdainfully.

Despite his shock, he was also a little proud that his son was the reincarnation of Mephisto. Tony Stark was amazing, and his son should be extraordinary.


At the Sokovia HYDRA Base, Pietro kept checking the time. After a while, he couldn't help but turn around and shout to Baron Straker, who was talking with the Elder, "My sister hasn't come back yet. Something must have happened, and we have to save her."

"We must save her, no doubt about that, Pietro. I care about Wanda as much as you do, and I even consider her my child," Baron Strucker replied.

"But don't be in a hurry. You should know how strong the superheroes are. We can't act rashly," he added.

"We should act as soon as possible. It's very dangerous for Wanda to fall into their hands, and they will definitely torture her," Pietro anxiously shouted.

"You can rest assured that superheroes won't be so mean," Baron Strucker shook his head. "Wanda is in their hands and is very safe. At most, she is locked up. We have enough time to rescue her."

"I can't wait," Pietro shouted.

"Even If you can't wait, you have to wait. Your injuries are not okay. Also, do you know where Wanda is being held? It will take time to investigate. Pietro, I promise you, as soon as you're ready, I'll send someone to rescue Wanda immediately," Baron Strucker said.

"What!" Pietro knew that what Baron Strucker said was reasonable, and he knew that he cared about his siblings. But he was still anxious in his heart. He roared and turned into a phantom, running outside. Running was the only way to calm his heart.

"Let the Great Elder laugh, kid. You're a little anxious," Baron Strucker said, smiling at the Great Elder.

"It's okay, Baron Strucker. I know you're HYDRA, but I don't care," the Elder said. "I came to you with only one purpose, and that is to get rid of the reincarnation of the demon. As long as this purpose can be achieved, we can even give up our lives."

"You and I are both people of faith," Baron Strucker nodded with satisfaction. "By the way, it was so critical just now. Why didn't you ask your God for help?"

"God has been helping, but because of the defensive net set up by the Ancient One and the Blood God, he cannot come in person," the Elder said. "Otherwise, this filthy world would have been purified by us long ago."

"Blood God is a big trouble," Baron Strucker sighed. "Elder, your strength is a little weak now."

"There are still many reincarnated angels on Earth. I can find them and restore their angelic abilities and memories," the Great Elder said.

"In addition, the underground base was sealed with the Angel Legion. If you can help me get the artifact, I can unseal that Angel Legion to fight."

Baron Strucker's eyes lit up. "Where is that artifact?"

"It should be in the hands of the superheroes," the Elder replied.

Baron Strucker was suddenly a little disappointed. The Elder asked, "Baron Strucker, your HYDRA must have more than this amount of power, right?"/*/*

"Of course, not only that, Great Elder. You rest first, and tomorrow I will show you the base of our HYDRA," Baron Strucker said with a smile.

These Holy Light Warriors are valuable chess pieces and cannot be wasted.

"Good." The Elder did not speak further, got up, and left.

Baron Strucker pondered and then sent someone to New York to contact the presidential candidate who had fallen to the bottom of the valley and was almost invincible.

'It's time to reach out to him. After all, he has hit rock bottom,' Baron Strucker thought.


"Bastards! They are all bastards! It was obviously those superheroes who blew up my hotel. Why are all the reports from insurance companies claiming it's a natural disaster and no compensation?" The candidate yelled in his office.

The consultant beside him replied lightly, "Because the insurance companies you've insured with are all owned by the Blood God Group, and they naturally protect their own people."

Although the consultant had betrayed the candidate before, the candidate did not suspect him because the bodyguard and secretary had taken the blame and shouted a few words. Therefore, he was still the consultant now.

"Fuck Blood God Group! Fuck the insurance company! Fuck superheroes! I'm going to sue them," the candidate cursed through gritted teeth.

The consultant said, "Of course, you can sue them as long as you have money. By the way, your bank loan is about to expire. I talked to the bank, and they do not accept extensions."

"Damn bank!" The candidate cursed like a shrew. After a while, he slumped back in his chair as if he had lost all strength, his eyes full of despair.

It's over, everything is over. Although he is still a candidate, no one has supported him since that scandal. Everyone thinks he is an idiot — a rich idiot before, and now bankrupt.

Just when the candidate was feeling hopeless, the representative of HYDRA arrived — Madame Viper, one of the leaders of HYDRA, also known as Madame Hydra.

Madame Viper used to be the leader of a faction of HYDRA. Recently, she surrendered to Baron Strucker and joined forces with him for the great cause of HYDRA.

As soon as the woman with a scar on her face and wearing a green robe walked in, she said straight to the point, "I am a representative of HYDRA. You can call me Viper."

"HYDRA? Quick, call the police!" The candidate was startled and shouted around, but what surprised him was that neither the advisers nor the bodyguards moved. They even foolishly kept their original movements./*/*

"They were all poisoned by me,"

Viper smiled lightly and said, "Listen to me. You are now in a desperate situation, and only HYDRA can help you. We will support you in becoming the president."

"Do you really think I'm stupid? It's amazing to fail to run for president and go bankrupt. Haven't I ever broken before?" The candidate shouted.

"Mixing with you HYDRAs, I'll end up dead sooner or later. When did your HYDRAs ever win against the Blood God?"

"Having never won before doesn't mean we won't be able to win in the future," Viper replied with a smile.

"It seems I still need to give you some confidence first. I'll invite you to visit the HYDRA base, and then you'll know how powerful we are. Don't reject me because you can't afford it. We are your only chance to turn things around."

After speaking, Viper turned around and left neatly. The candidate waited for the door to close, breathing a sigh of relief, with cold sweat all over their back.

Then the candidate pulled his tie and was about to call the guard outside. At this time, the advisor and others all woke up.

The consultant had absolutely no idea of what happened before. "Sir, I think you should use your status as a candidate to make money, so you don't go bankrupt after losing the election,"

The candidate was a little surprised by HYDRA's ability. "How do I make money? Now, in the eyes of everyone, I'm a fool."

The consultant looked at the candidate without saying a word. The candidate was stunned for a moment, then they understood and said angrily, "You want me to be a clown and an idiot?"

"With your current reputation, you can make a lot of money," the consultant explained. "Sir, all my proposals are based on your interests."

"Let me consider it," the candidate sighed helplessly. At this time, he remembered Mrs. Viper's invitation, and his heart moved. Maybe he should take a look. If HYDRA really had enough skills, he may as well give it a try.

The candidate still wants to be president. He feels that he has this fate and that being president is the most profitable business.