Chapter 244 : HYDRA's Base

In S.W.O.R.D. headquarters, Hank Pym, and Hope walked into an office under the jurisdiction of agents. Peggy Carter and Darren Cross were waiting for them.

Upon seeing Carter, Dr. Pym raised his handcuffed hands and mockingly said, "Ms. Carter, you are truly majestic."

"Prestige doesn't count, but at least I'm an innocent person, unlike you, who has turned yourself into a criminal."

Carter motioned for the agent to release the handcuffs of Pym and his daughter, and then scolded, "It's not enough to be a criminal yourself, but to also bring your daughter? You think you are a good father?"

Dr. Pym angrily retorted, "Isn't that because you stole my Pym particles?"

"Teacher, the idea really came from you, but I have been doing independent research all the time, and I haven't stolen your information," responded Darren.

Darren said dissatisfiedly, "After you research it, others can't research it, right?"

Dr. Pym stubbornly replied, "My Pym particles can't be used to help the tyrants."

Carter scolded unceremoniously, "Isn't it you who made a fool of yourself by helping a tyrant? You actually helped someone murder the child in Pepper's belly, Hank Pym. You used to be a bastard, but now you are a disgusting scum."

"Murdering the child in Pepper's womb?" Dr. Pym asked in amazement. "What did you say? I just helped those Holy Light warriors to steal from the church."

Hope hurriedly interjected, "Aunt Carter, we really don't know about this."

"Well, I hope so," replied Carter.

Carter continued, "Hank, my patience with you is exhausted. There are two options. First, you and Darren will set up a company to jointly operate Pym Particles. The formula cannot be disclosed, but it must be kept. One is on file with Steve."

"You should trust Steve's character. I'm not trying to steal your Pym particle, but this thing is a treasure of mankind and cannot be lost."

"Set up a company?" Dr. Pym was stunned for a moment, then said, "Darren, didn't you already research the Pym particle?"

Darren sighed and said, "I'm sure I can make it within two years, but the Blood God doesn't want to wait that long."

Dr. Pym looked extremely ugly and said, "That is to say, this is a game from start to finish, a game to pull me in?"

"It can be said that, in addition, although this game was not designed by me, I have no objection," Carter didn't deny it. She said, "Because they just moved the time forward, and two years from now, you'll do the same."

Dr. Pym said angrily, "What if I don't agree to your terms?"

"Then go to jail. Your Pym particle, we will confiscate it on the grounds of endangering human safety," Carter replied grimly. "Hank, we've been sincere enough. If it were another organization, we would have already attacked you."/*/*

"As expected of the founder of S.H.I.E.L.D., she is ruthless and resolute," Dr. Pym commented.

Dr. Pym snorted, realizing that he was completely lost this time. After a moment's thought, he said, "I can agree, but I have one condition: fire Scott Lang and revert him back to being a precarious situation thief."

"Dad," Hope shouted in surprise.

"He's an asshole," Dr. Pym scolded.

"I'm sorry, S.W.O.R.D. is not S.H.I.E.L.D., and it won't sacrifice its own people to trade," Carter firmly refused. "In addition, Scott Lang will become a superhero under S.W.O.R.D. and the spokesperson of the new company."

Dr. Pym expressed his displeasure and said, "In other words, not only will he not be punished, but he will also reach the pinnacle of his life?"

Carter replied, "Yes, whether you agree or not."

"That kid is cheap," Dr. Pym cursed. "I agree with your conditions, but you must support me in building a quantum channel, and Hope must be the chairman of the new company."

Carter was surprised. "I thought you would refuse."

Dr. Pym said coldly, "If you agree to my conditions, then I will definitely refuse because it means that you are no different from the previous S.H.I.E.L.D."

Carter finally smiled. "Of course, S.W.O.R.D. is not S.H.I.E.L.D. Hope will be the chairman of the new company, and I will be the president."

Darren interjected, "In terms of management, you are far inferior to me, teacher. You are in charge of production and supervision, and I am in charge of sales."

Dr. Pym looked at Darren and said, "Darren, you are very similar to me, but you are more extreme than me, and you have no feelings."

"I know you have always thought that my mind was not right," Darren smiled. "But so what? I won't be stupid enough to betray the Blood God, and I won't be stupid enough to give up my status as a super-rich man."

"I hope so," Dr. Pym sighed. At this point, Pym particles officially fell into the hands of Bert, and corresponding developments could begin immediately. The strength of the Blood God Group and S.W.O.R.D. would be greatly improved.


The next day, at the Sokovia HYDRA base, Baron Strucker personally received the Candidate and the Elder. He smiled and said, "You are about to see our army, an army beyond imagination."

The candidate was critical. "Stronger than Captain America's space team?"

"In front of my army, what is their team?" Baron Strucker laughed and led the candidate, the Elder, Viper, and a small black man to the second basement where more than a thousand soldiers dressed in HYDRA uniforms were waiting for them.

These soldiers looked very powerful, but the Elder secretly frowned. They were very hostile and did not seem like good people.

"Hey, isn't that the Peacemaker?" The candidate looked at the leading captain and asked in surprise. "Didn't you get caught by S.W.O.R.D.?"

That captain, the driver of the Peacemaker and the former S.H.I.E.L.D. commando captain Rumlow, was captured in the battle of HYDRA and later 'killed' in prison. No one thought he would be here.

Rumlow grinned and said slyly, "You can call me Crossbones. S.W.O.R.D., can't keep me."/*/*


Baron Strucker nodded at the little black man who followed them, meeting the candidate's doubtful eyes.

It's worth mentioning that the reason the candidate was able to arrive at the HYDRA base instantly from the New York office was due to this small black man.

"Yes, Baron," Pir responded, his demeanor devoid of nonsense as his body quickly expanded and thinned like a super-large cloth.

Immediately after, the cloth turned transparent, revealing a prison on the opposite side. Upon seeing the sudden appearance of the light curtain, the prisoners immediately stood up and saluted, whispering, "HAIL HYDRA."

Baron Strucker gestured to Viper, who blew a gentle breath towards the opposite side, causing the HYDRA prisoner to fall to the ground, lifeless.

"Isn't this too heavy?" The candidate jumped at the sudden attack by Viper and hurriedly moved away. Everyone looked at him speechlessly, wondering how tone had anything to do with the poisonous gas attack.

"He's in a state of suspended animation now, and even S.W.O.R.D. can't find him," Baron Strucker ignored the candidate's nonsense and continued.

"According to S.W.O.R.D. rules, he should've been sent to the crematorium for cremation. We've bribed a few crematorium workers and asked them to help us steal his body, so that he can be rescued without suspicion."

"The S.W.O.R.D. thinks that Rumlow is dead, but they don't know that he's now the captain of our HYDRA army," Baron Strucker finished and waved his hand, causing Pir to revert to his original state and remain silently on the side.

"I see," the candidate suddenly realized after a moment of contemplation. "Baron Strucker, although you have a lot of people, you can't deal with superheroes with them, right?"

Baron Strucker smiled proudly, "They're not ordinary people; they're all Inhumans, and each has special abilities, Crossbones."

Hearing Baron Strucker's order, Rumlow immediately shouted, and his body swelled quickly, turning into a little metal giant. He then spoke in a heavy metal voice, "One day, I will unscrew Captain's head with my own hands."

"Thousands of Inhumans?" The candidate was stunned, and even the Elder was surprised. No wonder the master had asked her to investigate; it turned out that HYDRA had become a formidable force.

"More than that, this is just the most outstanding batch. Mr. Candidate, Great Elder, our HYDRA has mastered the ability to create Inhumans, and we can have as many Inhumans as we want,"

Baron Strucker laughed. "No matter how strong the superheroes are, there are only dozens of them. How can they stop my Inhuman army."/*/*

"It certainly can't be stopped," the candidate got a little excited and asked, "Baron Strucker, can you defeat the Blood God? He can't be done with a lot of people."

"We have a special trump card to deal with the Blood God. You can rest assured," Baron Strucker replied.

"Mr. Candidate, some of these Inhumans can control computers, and some can control humans. With our help, you can easily become the president," he continued.

"President?" the candidate couldn't help but gulp. If Baron Strucker wasn't lying, then he really had a chance to become president.

The Elder suddenly asked, "Being president by cheating, would those superheroes let it go?"

"Of course not, but what does that matter? We're not afraid of them," Baron Strucker replied.

"Furthermore, after the election is successful, righteousness will be on our side. Those radicals in the military have long been dissatisfied with the Blood God and President Ellis."

"I don't know people from the military," the candidate hesitated. "They may not support me."

"They will," Baron Strucker assured him as he clapped his hands. An old man, full of energy and iron and blood, came over.

The candidate saw him and exclaimed, "General Ross!"

That's right; it was General Ross who came. He said without nonsense, "After you become president, I will persuade the radicals to stand on your side. It's ridiculous that the United States is asking a vampire for protection. This is a shame for all soldiers."

"That's great!" the candidate was overjoyed. He thought of something and asked, "Wait, why didn't I hear the news of your death? With your notoriety, there must be many people applauding your death."

'Don't be angry. He is a fool to control,' Baron Strucker comforted Ross secretly.

"I'm not dead. An Inhuman is in jail for me," General Ross replied, holding his fists that suddenly turned red and steamed, and said with a grim expression:

"Blood God and Bruce Banner, I will definitely show them a good look, and I will do everything they did to me a thousand times over. Give them back."/*/*

"It seems that you have mutated too, General Ross. When I become President, you will be my Secretary of State."

The candidate suddenly felt that the future was bright. He laughed and said, "No one knows HYDRA better than me, Baron Strucker. We will be the best partners."

Baron Strucker looked at the candidate and said with a smile, "No, future Mr. President, we are our own."

The candidate was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted. He hesitated for a while and shouted loudly, "HAIL HYDRA!"


Baron Strucker laughed. With General Ross, the future President, and the Legion of Inhumans, who else could stop HYDRA?

Viper glanced at Baron Strucker and the candidate with a sarcastic look and asked the Scepter in the treasure room through her consciousness, "Is there something wrong with that Elder? I feel that he is weird."

"You are a believer of the Heretic God, and he is an Elder angel. It is normal for you to see that he is uncomfortable," Supergiant's voice sounded in Viper's mind.

"He has the protection of the Holy Light, and with his firm will, I can't probe his mind, but judging from what they have done, there is definitely no problem."

"The question is, aren't angels and devils a team?" Viper asked, which was the reason why she had doubts about the Great Elder.

Supergiant said, "I don't know about this either, but it doesn't matter. We just use him anyway."

"Yes," Viper nodded. In fact, she was the real collaborator to the Supergiant, which was why she surrendered to Baron Strucker.

"When the war starts, there will be a lot of souls. My God, I will sacrifice a lot of souls to you."

Viper touched the ring made of the viper's crown on her hand, and a frenzy flashed in her eyes. How could the so-called dominance be compared to the favor of God? Hegemony will eventually come to an end, and God can make you immortal and even have the power to destroy the world.

The Supergiant sensed the viper crown ring on Viper's hand, and her eyes flickered. This ring was the reason why she chose to cooperate with Viper. Viper is not important; what is important is the entity she believes in.

Leaving that aside, after the candidate joined HYDRA, Baron Strucker became more and more enthusiastic about him and took him to visit many places, such as the energy weapon room, the intelligence room, and so on.

However, Baron Strucker would definitely not tell the candidate about such core secrets as the Kree, the Supreme Intelligence, the Mind Scepter, and the Corpse.

Even so, the candidate was shocked that HYDRA was much stronger than he thought.

'It's definitely more than I thought. I must continue to investigate,' the Elder's eyes flickered slightly.

She didn't immediately upload what she saw to Bert because she was worried that she would be found by the Scepter, and she would contact the master when she had a chance to go out.

"Baron Strucker, what should we do next? I can't wait to become President."

The candidate was obviously a bit superior. He said, "I will be the best President in American history. There must be my head on the President's Hill."

"Not necessarily, but only your avatar," Baron Strucker smiled and said, "Next, you have to continue to tell the truth, the truth about gods, angels, devils, and Blood God, and tell them everything."

Thinking of the humiliation suffered that night, the candidate said with an ugly expression: "Those idiots won't believe it."