Chapter 245 : Truth

"The reason they don't believe you is that you have no evidence, while we, HYDRA and the Great Elder, have a lot of evidence regarding gods, demons, and vampires," Baron Strucker smiled slightly and turned to the Great Elder. "Am I right, Great Elder?"

Great Elder replied, "There is indeed a lot of evidence."

The Elder chimed in, "I can even find a reincarnated angel to collaborate with you."

The candidate was thrilled at first but then asked, "Uh, won't the wings fall off?"

The others wanted to roll their eyes, but the Elder reassured him, "Don't worry, it definitely won't. The last time there was a problem, it was because you were surrounded by traitors."

"Not all of them, not my advisor," the candidate retorted. He added excitedly, "Soon, the whole world will know that I'm not a fool; they are."

'No, you are a real fool,' Baron Strucker secretly complained.

He then said to the candidate, "In addition to what you just said, you have to tell the world the truth: Iron Man's son is the reincarnation of Mephisto, the devil of hell, and he will destroy the world."

"Iron Man's son is the reincarnation of the Demon King of Hell?" the candidate was stunned, then nodded vigorously. "The American people have the right to know the truth. At that time, I'll see what Tony Stark's megalomaniac will do."

"The Demon King must be eliminated," the Elder said firmly. "Baron Strucker, it's not too late. I'll take someone to find the reincarnated angel right away."

"Okay, we at HYDRA will do our best to help you eliminate the Demon King of Hell. After all, no one wants the world to be destroyed," Baron Strucker said with a smile.

Soon after, the Elder and the satisfied candidate left one after another. The candidate used Pir's body portal to leave, as Sokovia was not close to New York.

After the guests had left, Pietro appeared out of thin air and shouted anxiously, "Baron, do you have any news about my sister?"

"Yes, Pietro, I'm just as concerned as you are," Baron Strucker replied. "According to our investigation, Wanda is not with S.W.O.R.D. or Stark Group. She was taken away by a martial arts master who suddenly appeared. We haven't found out where the master is yet."

Pietro shouted, "I'll check. That guy is terrible."

"Where are you going to check? Also, those superheroes are looking for you now," Baron Strucker said. "If you want to save your sister, you'll have to exchange hostages."

"Exchange hostages?" Pietro was stunned.

"Yes," Baron Strucker nodded. He then controlled the tablet to display a hologram with pictures of three little girls on it.

"These are the three apprentices of the Blood God: Mindy, the daughter of Ghost Rider, Lina, and Hai, whose origin is unknown. They often leave the Blood God Manor and travel outside. Just catch any one of the three, and we can exchange them for Wanda. That martial arts master is said to be the brother of the Blood God."

"Catch the apprentice of the Blood God?" Pietro was a little surprised. He asked, "Baron, is it safe? They're all little girls, and I heard the Blood God is very scary."

"Only this method can rescue Wanda as quickly as possible. As for the Blood God, don't be afraid. We have a way to deal with him."

Baron Strucker was obviously overconfident. He said, "The Blood God has sent many people to protect them, but because they've been safe and sound, these bodyguards aren't very vigilant. As long as we're unexpected, we can definitely catch them."

"I'll go with you."

Pietro hesitated for a while and said, "However, when my sister is rescued, they must be released. We can't harm children."

"I'll hand them over to you then."

Baron Strucker said, but he sneered in his heart. How could he put away such a good bargaining chip? The apprentice of the Blood God could not only be exchanged for Wanda's artifacts and the Unsealing Angel, but it could also contain the Blood God!


Let's go back to yesterday at noon, in a mansion in Manhattan. Wanda sat at the dining table with messy hair, tattered clothes, a pale face, covered in water, and looking like she'd been through a lot.

Bert placed a hot cup of coffee in front of Wanda and said angrily, "I told you not to run away, but you ran away more than ten times this morning, and your vitality was severely damaged. This will be seen by others. I thought something happened to you. Although your reputation isn't important, my reputation is."

Wanda glared at Bert, raised her left hand, pointed to the ring on her ring finger, and said, "A beautiful young girl was taken home by a guy who looked weird, and then the guy put a ring on the beautiful girl's ring finger. If it were you, would you run? Ring on a ring finger. Don't tell me you don't know what that means?"

"I have no idea."

Bert was a little embarrassed, and then he said cheekily, "I'm a person from hundreds of years ago, and I just left the customs. In my time, rings didn't represent anything."

To be honest, Bert was a bit wronged. That ring was one of the ten rings, which was used to prevent Wanda from possessing the power of the mind scepter.

Mento-Intensifier Ring, aka The Liar was always worn on Bert's left ring finger, so he subconsciously put it on Wanda's ring finger.

Then, Wanda misunderstood and ran away desperately one morning, lest someone do something bad to her. She backlashed three times, fell from the balcony twice, hit the fence twice, fell into the swimming pool once... So, Wanda became what she is now.

Wanda gritted her teeth and said, "Can you be more straightforward? Your words are entirely modern. Also, tell me, you're an ancient person, why are you using refrigerators, electric lights, microwave ovens, and computers?"

"Because I'm a genius. You mortals have no idea how powerful geniuses like us are," Bert said. Wanda scoffed, took a sip of coffee, and her eyes lit up. This coffee was really delicious. It should be worth a lot of money, and the capitalists really enjoyed it.

At this time, the doorbell rang outside, and Bert went out to open the door. After a while, he came back with a few LV bags and said, "These are your clothes and shoes. You'll change them after a shower, and then we will Let's get to the main point."

"Main point?"

Wanda held a coffee cup with a vigilant look on her face, and Bert angrily reminded her, "Don't forget, you're a prisoner now, so this is an interrogation."

Wanda snorted and looked suspiciously at the expensive bags in the room. "You buy such expensive clothes for a prisoner? I've seen this brand in magazines, and each piece costs several thousand dollars."

"I randomly picked it online. That store happened to be the closest, so I chose it," Bert replied casually, as money was no longer an issue for him.

"You evil capitalist," Wanda scolded, drank her coffee, and excitedly headed towards the bathroom with the bags. She had never worn such expensive clothes before.

Bert shouted from behind, "Hey, don't run away, or I'm afraid I'll die of laughter."

Wanda blushed and glared at Bert before entering the bathroom to take a shower.

Bert shook his head and prepared to give Mindy, his student, some math problems for her winter vacation. He was a dedicated teacher.

After a while, Wanda emerged from the bathroom wearing a white short dress, and Bert's eyes lit up. Wanda was indeed a beautiful woman, with a stunning figure. It was unjust for her to be with Vision, it's a tragedy within a tragedy.

Wanda felt a bit uncomfortable wearing such an expensive dress, and she asked Bert, "Why does this dress fit me so well?"

Bert teased, "I have clairvoyance, didn't I tell you?"

Wanda was shocked and quickly covered her chest. Bert laughed and explained, "Do you really believe that? I've seen so many women that I can tell their size at a glance."

Wanda breathed a sigh of relief, and then insulted Bert by saying, "It seems that you're just as bad as the Blood God."

Bert retorted, "Hey, you're slandering me. And where is the Blood God, by the way?"

Wanda replied, "Everyone knows that he's a scumbag. He's either picking up girls or on his way to do so."

Bert corrected her, "He's a playboy, not a scumbag."

Wanda asked, "What's the difference?"

Bert explained, "The difference is huge. A scumbag uses emotions to deceive women, causing them to suffer greatly. A playboy uses things like money, material possessions, good looks, and a fit body to satisfy women. Women know from the start that it's just a fling or a transaction. Therefore, when it ends, women don't feel sad, but rather satisfied."

Wanda was stunned by this theory, but then insulted Bert again, "Anyone who can say that is definitely a scumbag. After all, aren't they all just looking for girls?"

"It's different, my junior brother, Blood God, is just searching for his true destiny," said Bert.

He then smiled and continued, "When he finds it, he will treat his partner wholeheartedly and use all the skills he has learned to make her the happiest woman."

Wanda sneered, "Can playboys really change?"

"Of course, Tony Stark and his father, Howard Stark, were both playboys before they got married. After marriage, they were both very loyal to their wives," replied Bert.

"Blood God can do it too," he added confidently.

Wanda stubbornly retorted, "Maybe it's all fake."

Bert replied, "Blood God who follows his heart, the richest man on Earth, handsome, strong, unbeatable, emotionally sensitive, and skilled in all areas to please women?"

Wanda couldn't help but feel a little twinkle in her eyes, this is the Prince Charming that every woman dreams of.

Suddenly, Wanda reacted and glared at Bert. "You deliberately make women think they can become the real deal, and then leave after playing with them. You are a scumbag, Blood God!"

"I have no obligation to fulfill their fantasies," shrugged Bert, unsurprised that Wanda had figured out his identity. He had not been hiding it.

Wanda blushed slightly at Bert's words and then bared her teeth. As she expected, he was a scumbag with thick skin. Fortunately, she was smart enough to see through his lies and not be fooled.

"I bought you these clothes and invited you for coffee. Let's get down to business," said Bert, changing the subject.

"Name, gender, home address," he added in a businesslike manner.

Wanda looked at Bert, speechless. "Blood God, I won't tell you anything," she replied.

Bert didn't seem to care and asked, "Why do you hate Tony so much? Is it because you are his illegitimate daughter?"

Wanda was silent for a while and then slowly said, "I was ten years old at the time. My brother, father, mother, and I were having a happy dinner when suddenly a mortar shell fell, creating a huge hole in the ground. My parents fell into that pit, and then the whole building started to collapse."

"Then came the second shell, just three feet away from my brother and me, but luckily it didn't explode. For the next two days, my brother and I were trembling with fear as we watched the mortar shell. We were afraid it would explode."

"On the side of the shell facing us, there was a name, Stark Industries."

Bert commented, "The quality of Stark Industries' missiles is so poor? I want to despise him because Tony boasts about his company's product quality every day."

"Do you still have any sympathy?" Wanda asked angrily. "Shouldn't I be comforted with a few words and then scold Tony Stark?"

"You're still here, which means the shell didn't explode," Bert replied, shaking his head.

He then took out a bracelet and helped Wanda put it on. As he grabbed her hand, Wanda blushed slightly. Apart from Pietro and the unfeeling researchers, she had never let anyone get close to her as she grew up. Although Bert was an asshole, he was still a very attractive man.

Wanda lacked love in her heart, maybe that's why she had fallen in love with Vision - he had always taken care of her.

After Bert finished putting on the bracelet, Wanda snorted coldly, "What kind of magic tool is this?"

"This is the latest personal computer from Xander," Bert replied. He then used his wristband to control Wanda's wristband, and a hologram popped up from it. On it were the news and insider tracking of Stark Industries' closure of the weapons department.

Wanda read it carefully and, after finishing, she said bitterly, "Let's not say whether the report is true or not. Even if it is, isn't Tony Stark responsible?"

"Yes, supervisory responsibility. Although it doesn't appear on the surface, Tony has always been guilty of negligence. That's why he became Iron Man, and he has also been compensating for those injured by Stark Industries' arms over the years."

Bert nodded and continued, "Do you know? He has been researching the anti-Blood God battle armor. He thought I didn't know, but in fact, I know everything. I even sold him some materials at a high price, ten times the usual rate."

"The anti-Blood God Battle Armor?" Wanda was stunned. "I don't understand. Aren't you good friends? Why is he so wary of you? In the fantasy world, he was most worried about you turning evil."

"He's wary of me because I'm too powerful. Once I turn evil, no one on Earth can stop me. He's very disturbed by this, so he's desperately preparing preventive measures."

"He doesn't want to, and he doesn't dare to neglect it again," Bert concluded.