Chapter 246 : Date

Bert's words silenced Wanda for a moment, and after a while, she asked, "Tony Stark is great? Isn't he a arrogant, annoying bastard?"

"He's an asshole with a foul mouth, but that doesn't stop him from being great," Bert replied with a smile.

"Actually, he didn't even realize that he was becoming great. He works hard every day now, just like an old scalper. If one day, he needs to sacrifice for the world, he will do it, although it's one of the things he despises the most."

"I don't believe you," Wanda said angrily, and Bert shrugged. In fact, Wanda wasn't bad-hearted, but the grievances that had accumulated over the years must be vented.

After a while, Wanda asked, "Iron Man is guarded against you like this, don't you blame him?"

"It's strange, so I beat him up before, which was pretty cool," Bert said with a smile.

"But I won't stop him. If one day, I really turn evil, I hope someone will stop me. Maybe you don't believe it, but I really love the Earth."

Wanda was a little moved. At this moment, Bert continued, "After all, only the Earth can produce beautiful women that make my heart move. If the Earth is gone, what will I do in the long life in the future?"

Wanda was speechless. Although she knew it was indecent, she still gave Bert a middle finger.

"Ladies shouldn't do that," Bert said, closing Wanda's hands. "Little girl, Tony and I are working hard to help the Earth. The organization behind you wants to sabotage our efforts. I hope you can tell me who they are."

"Working hard to help the Earth? For your own ambitions, you arrogantly pushed the Earth into the interstellar age, causing countless people to lose their jobs and suffer. And you call it trying to help the Earth? Without your efforts, the Earth would be better off," Wanda snorted coldly.

These were the thoughts that Baron Strucker usually instilled in her. In short, HYDRA was good, and superheroes were bad.

"Do you actually think so?"

Bert was a little surprised and disappointed. "Okay, little girl, eat first, and after dinner, I'll take you to see what Tony, Steve, and I, did.

Entering the interstellar age was never because of ambition. If it was because of ambition, I would turn the Earth back into the Middle Ages and make the whole world my slave."

Wanda didn't believe it, and Bert didn't say much. He first invited Wanda to eat some top-quality steaks, and then took her to the garage. Wanda touched her stretched stomach and asked very puzzled, "Isn't this an underground parking lot? How did it become your garage?"

"This is my garage," Bert shrugged. He ignored the expensive sports cars, took Wanda to a cool-looking black motorcycle and said, "Get on the bike, I'll take you for a ride."

Wanda was a little suspicious, "A motorcycle?"

Bert didn't say much, he got on the motorcycle, Wanda hesitated, and carefully sat behind Bert. She was about to support the back when Bert suddenly started the motorcycle. She hugged Bert subconsciously, so as not to fall.

"Sit still," Bert said as he accelerated the motorcycle, flying all the way to the exit, and then, along the ramp of the exit, flew straight into the sky.

In mid-air, the two wheels of the motorcycle turned into two plasma engines. Then, the engines spewed flames, and the motorcycle flew towards the seaside at an astonishing speed. At the same time, a protective cover appeared next to the motorcycle, blocking all the surrounding winds.

"A flying motorcycle?" Wanda was a little surprised.

Bert smiled and said, "To be precise, it is a sea, land, and air amphibious motorcycle. Flying is not the most expensive part of it, but the defense cover. The cost of this motorcycle alone is more than one billion US dollars."

"More than a billion dollars?" Wanda clicked his tongue and said, "You're too extravagant, aren't you? Spending more than a billion dollars on a motorcycle to pick up girls."

The motorcycle was extremely fast, and it had already left Manhattan and reached the sea. Bert accelerated again, and the violent airflow even split the sea below into two sides.

"I drove a flying sports car. This motorcycle is a gift I plan to give to the Ghost Rider. In addition to the defensive cover, it has many offensive weapons," Bert said with a smile.

After flying for a distance, he controlled the motorcycle and rushed into the sea. Wanda looked at the beautiful scenery in the sea through the defensive cover, and her eyes lit up. This was Wanda's first time in the sea.

At this time, a group of colorful fish just happened to swim in front of them. Bert reduced the speed of his motorcycle and drove into the school of fish. When Wanda saw the fish swimming beside her, she couldn't help laughing and even put her hand on the defensive cover covered by the fish.

This was just the beginning. Next, Bert took Wanda to play in the sea for an afternoon. Not only did she see various schools of fish, but she also interacted with sharks and whales. Wanda was as happy as a child and forgot about herself being a prisoner.

When it got dark, Bert brought Wanda to the African continent and drove quickly forward.

Wanda gradually calmed down and remembered her performance in the afternoon. Her face was a little red, and then she thought of something, let go of Bert's hand, and asked him, "What do you want to do to me? According to the information, you can open the portal. There is no need to drive a motorcycle at all."

Bert smiled and said, "You are really ruthless. You were so happy in the afternoon; you hugged me and cheered all the time. Now that you are happy, you start to question me."

Wanda blushed even more, and she said, "I won't be fooled by you, scumbag. Give up."

Bert smiled and didn't say anything more. Wanda blinked and became suspicious. Is this guy just trying to manipulate her?

At this moment, Bert stopped his motorcycle and pointed to the construction site that was still under construction at night.

He introduced, "It is a super-high-speed construction site. The Oscorp has already negotiated with most countries in Africa to build a surrounding Super speed in Africa. This is just the beginning. In the future, this super high speed will cross the sea and circle the world."

"Superspeed around the world?" Wanda was a little shocked. She looked at the robot working in the distance and asked in surprise, "Hey, why are they all robots?"

"This is a building robot. Although the intelligence is not high, it is enough," Bert said. "They have not been put into other markets for the time being, because that would make many construction workers unemployed. Wanda, we are not as radical as you think. At every step, we will measure the impact on the original system."

Before in the sea, Wanda had already told Bert her name.

Wanda hesitated and asked, "What exactly is super speed?"

"It's a super-high-speed train that is faster than a plane. It can connect the world and become a true global village," Bert replied.

"There is a saying that if you want to get rich, you must build a road first. This super-high speed can free countless people in Africa from poverty, war, disease, and suffering," Bert continued.

Wanda was silent. Although she hadn't read much, she also knew how important a road was.

After visiting for a while, Bert started his motorcycle and continued on his journey, this time to the crop experiment base near Wakanda.

Looking at the neat golden wheat fields in the moonlight, Wanda asked in shock, "Aren't these wheat fields too tall, they are taller than me?"

"Get down and have a look," Bert smiled. He controlled the motorcycle to stop and brought Wanda to the wheat field. "This is wheat cultivated with alien technology, and the yield can be several times the original."

"How many times?" Wanda exclaimed.

"This is only the most conservative technology, and more advanced ones are still being verified," Bert replied.

"Wanda, what do you think would happen if people all over the world lived the American life?" Bert asked.

Wanda shook her head and said, "This is impossible; the Earth doesn't have that many resources."

"Yes, the lack of resources is doomed to internal friction," Bert agreed.

"If you want to change this situation, the only way is to develop technology and create resources that can satisfy everyone. The alien technology in our hands can not only double the output of wheat but also greatly increase the output of cattle and sheep. In a few years, we will be able to feed the whole world.

In addition, the new energy of Stark Industries' has begun to be popularized. At that time, the price of energy will be greatly reduced, and most people will be able to use high-quality and cheap resources. Wanda, we want to enter the interstellar age, not for any ambition, but for the whole world to live the American life, and even beyond this life."

Wanda was a little shocked. She really didn't expect Blood God and Iron Man to have such great ambitions. As a poor woman, she had once yearned for a rich life in America.

"It's not that simple, is it?" Wanda asked, almost persuading herself.

"Of course, it's not that simple, and there are still many things to do, but as long as the political situation is stable, advanced technology will definitely make human life better and better," Bert said with a smile.

"Over the years, Tony has been stabilizing the world situation. When the Earth Federation is truly established, there will be no more wars on Earth. All human beings will work together to make efforts in space."

"Will there be no more wars?"

Wanda looked a little dazed. Maybe she shouldn't blame Tony Stark, but she should also blame the bastard who started the war.

"Come on, let's visit other places," Bert waved to Wanda.

Wanda nodded, got on the motorcycle, and hugged Bert naturally.

Half an hour later, Bert pointed to a city under construction and introduced Wanda to it, "This used to be the most chaotic place in Africa. In order to help the poor here, Wakanda sent troops to solve all those warlords.

After that, Wakanda moved people on a large scale with abundant funds, and they planned to build Africa's first supercity here, a fully modernized smart supercity. Urbanization is a major trend in the future.

In the future, intelligent robots and a small number of humans will farm outside, and everyone else will live in the city. Occasionally travel and vacation, humans, and nature will reach a balance. In addition, the city will arrange a defensive dome to ensure safety."

Wanda listened with relish, and she couldn't help asking, "Will the city be big enough to live in?"

"Yes, we will build a super building with hospitals, schools, entertainment venues, etc., which is equivalent to a small town," Bert smiled and said. "Let's not talk about this for a while. The following is a school run by an old friend. Let's go and check it out."

This old friend was none other than Karl Mordo. Wanda looked at the holographic projection teacher in the classroom and asked in surprise, "It's not a real teacher?"

"Not many teachers are willing to come to Africa. Fortunately, technology can solve this problem. There is no difference between holographic projection and the presence of real people," Bert explained.

"The development of science and technology can solve many problems, such as the lack of educational resources. In fact, holographic projection is not the best technology to use. In the future, we will create a virtual world. At that time, educational resources will become fair and abundant. No matter how poor you are, you can't be poor in education. As long as you are educated, any place can flourish, and Africa is no exception. These children are the future of this city."

"It's great to be able to go to school," Wanda said with some envy. She used to hate going to school, but since the shell fell, she has never had the chance to go to school.

By this point, Wanda already knew that Bert and Tony Stark were really good people. At the same time, Wanda also recognized Bert's interstellar age - only the interstellar age can solve the current problems of mankind.

"Let's go and visit other places," Bert took Wanda's hand and said with a smile. Wanda did not refuse and left with Bert.

Not long after the two left, Mordo took a machete and desperately chased and killed the red-clothed mercenary Wade from behind. Seeing his appearance, he was obviously mad.

Wade roared in dissatisfaction, "Mordo, are you crazy? I helped you as a teacher for free for a day, and you actually want to kill me?"

Mordo roared back, "You bastard! You actually taught my students how to cheat and swindle. If I don't get rid of you, I can't be the principal of this school."

Wade shouted back, "I'm teaching them deception lessons so they don't get deceived later."

"You are using them to make money. Don't think I don't know. All the money is going into your pocket," Mordo retorted. When he saw someone noticing this, he quickly opened the Mirror Dimension and took Wade in. Then he and a group of poisonous corpses frantically chased and killed Wade.

"That's the teaching fee. I'll wipe it. Why are there more poisonous corpses here? Hey, One Eye, I see you've lost weight again," Wade said while running away and greeting a 'cooked' corpse. Suddenly, he turned his head and shouted, "Mordo, you hate me so much. Why don't you let me leave here?"

"You think I want you bitch to stay here? You're a damned source of pollution. Anyone who gets close to you will be spoiled by you," Mordo scolded. Wade was appointed by the Ancient One to stay, and if he guessed correctly, She probably didn't want this bastard to go out and harm other people.

"You don't want me to stay, but you keep me. You don't like me, right? I tell you, I will never betray myself without a million dollars," Wade shouted. Mordo threw an axe directly at Wade, hitting him and causing him to fall into the group of corpses.

"You don't shout your martial arts move, but you dare to attack," Wade cursed loudly. Then he shouted to the poisonous corpses surrounding him, "They're all acquaintances. Tap, oh..."

Half-life and half-death, Wade saw the noble and glamorous figure again. He tried his best to look at the other party, attempting to see what the other person looked like. Unfortunately, as always, when he was about to see clearly, he left that state.

Wade thought with a look of fascination, "What a pity. That must be a super beauty. It seems that I will have to die a few more times in the future."