Chapter 247 : Changing Team

On the land of Africa, Bert took Wanda to visit several places related to the interstellar age, such as the Center for Disease Elimination, the Center for Cloning of Disappeared Species, the Center for Intelligence, and the Center for Space Research, among others.

Some people may be curious why these places are in Africa. The reason is simple: conducting experiments in Africa results in less interference. Additionally, this is only a sub-base, and the headquarters are still in the United States.

As dawn approached, Bert parked his motorcycle beside a grassland, and while watching the beautiful sunrise, he said to Wanda, "The interstellar era is not only about technology but also about spirit and goals. The sea of stars is enough to make human beings put their minds in the same direction, protect the world, expand the territory, make a name for history, embark on interstellar adventures, and traverse the universe... Isn't this what people pursue in life?"

"You're great," Wanda said admiringly.

Bert smiled and replied, "I'm not great, but we're definitely not bad people, Wanda."

Wanda was a little lost, and then her heart moved as she asked suspiciously, "Wait, you're so great, why do you still have so much time to pick up girls? Shouldn't you be like Tony Stark's old scalper, working every day?"

"Because I'm only in charge of formulating macro strategies and grasping the big picture," Bert shrugged. "Tony, Steve, and President Ellis are in charge of the specific matters."

Wanda looked contemptuous and said, "That is to say, you push everything to them and then enjoy yourself all day long?"

"I've done a lot of things, okay? Half of the alien technology on Earth is bought by me, and the other half is called back by me," Bert replied angrily.

"Without me, it is impossible for Earth to enter the interstellar age. It will only experience internal friction and civil war every day. I am the most important person on Earth."

Wanda snorted and said, "You're the laziest person on Earth."

Bert shrugged and walked towards Wanda. He looked down at her and asked, "Wanda, would you like to be mine..."

Wanda was stunned for a moment, and her heart was beating violently. Was the Blood God trying to confess his love? Should she agree, or should she hold back?

Suddenly, Bert smiled and said, "Hey, you don't think I want to confess, do you? Judging by your peach blossom face, you seem to want to agree."

"What?" Wanda was stunned. After a while, she reacted, embarrassed and angry, and her face was blushing and smoking.

"Bastard, I'll kill you," Wanda exclaimed, and the crimson light rose into the sky, destroying the energy in her body.

Wanda controlled the crimson energy into a small ball and threw it at Bert frantically.

Bert dodged and smiled, "Try to hit that motorcycle. Then you'll have to work for me for the rest of your life to pay off the debt."

"Asshole," Wanda gritted her teeth and controlled the crimson energy to wrap around Bert.

She squeezed it hard, but Bert's body shook violently, which caused Wanda's crimson energy to disperse. Then, he grabbed Wanda from the air with his big hand and brought her in front of him. "No hurry, let's get to know each other better before making any decisions," he said with a smile.

Wanda's eyes were almost spitting fire. She stepped on Bert's foot and cursed, "Damn playboy."

"It's a playboy, not a scumbag. Fortunately, I didn't buy you high heels," Bert replied, moving his foot. "Okay, Wanda, I believe you already know who is on the righteous side. I hope that you will protect the world with us."

"To protect the world together?" Wanda was stunned for a moment, and then asked excitedly, "You mean, let me be a superhero too?"

Bert smiled. "If you want, we can sign you up to be a superhero."

"Who wants to work for you?" Wanda snorted coldly. She hesitated and said, "Blood God, I can tell you everything I know, but you must ensure the safety of my brother Pietro."

Bert said, "Don't worry, as long as he doesn't make any big mistakes, I won't do anything to him."

"Pietro won't make a big mistake," Wanda replied, relieved. "Blood God, we are actually from HYDRA, and our leader is Baron Strucker..."

Bert listened quietly and then asked, "Apart from you, are there any other superhumans in the hands of Baron Strucker?"

"There are many," Wanda nodded. "I don't know how many, but those researchers said that people with supernatural abilities are born every day."

Wanda only knew about the superhumans, not the Inhumans, and Baron Strucker didn't tell her much.

"Abilities are Born every day? In other words, the Inhumans that Gordon sensed were created by Baron Strucker?" Bert squinted slightly and asked, "Is the Scepter in the hands of Baron Strucker?"

"Yes, our power is directly related to the Scepter," Wanda replied. "In addition, the Scepter is generally placed in the treasure room, and it is only taken out for research and use."

"Is that so?" Bert frowned a little. There was definitely a strong person who could hide his blood, but both Baron Strucker and his partner Dr. Liszt were just ordinary people.

"It seems that there is a hidden master behind it," Bert snorted coldly. At this time, Wanda said hesitantly, "Blood God, I don't know if something is true or not, but I think I should tell you."

Bert asked, "What's the matter?"

"Baron Strucker once said that even if he is defeated by the Blood God, he will be fine because he has a way to destroy the Earth. At that time, even the Blood God will obediently let him go."

Wanda continued, "Baron Strucker said it only once, and I don't know if what he said was true or false."

"Destroy the Earth?" Bert squinted his eyes. Was he just bragging, or was it real? If it's the latter, he has to be careful.

After thinking about it, Bert said to Wanda, "You are tired after shopping all day. I will take you back to rest. We will meet Tony and Steve at noon."

Bert added, "If you want to beat Tony, I won't stop you."

Wanda was silent for a while, then shook her head and said, "Forget it, he has been fighting for the Earth, and the mortar shell matter is not entirely his fault."

"Looks like you really let it go."

Bert patted Wanda's hair and smiled. Wanda pushed his hand away in dissatisfaction and said, "I'm not a child."

Bert smiled and didn't say much. He took Wanda on a motorcycle and drove towards Manhattan.

Wanda hugged Bert, feeling extremely at ease, and gradually fell asleep.


Recalling the morning news from Annie, Bert squinted slightly. Thousands of Inhuman troops, Rumlow, and General Ross - this was the rhythm of the big gathering of villains.

"Conservative forces are dying."

Bert snorted coldly. At this moment, Steve, Coulson wearing a wig, Tony, and Skye walked in.

When Tony saw Bert, he sneered, "Isn't this the brother of the Blood God? By the way, what's your name?"

"My name is..."

Bert blinked, and asked Skye with a voice transmission, "Apprentice, what's my name?"

Skye was speechless and she voiced her reply, "Master, how can you forget your own name? Your name is You Yazi."

"I'm Senior Brother of Blood God, you can call me Yazi."

Bert said with a blank face, "This is Wanda. After my persuasion, she has decided to give up the dark to the light. Now, she will introduce you to the situation of the HYDRA Baron Strucker."

"Sure enough, it's HYDRA."

Steve was not surprised. He let out a breath and said, "Finally found them."

"Yeah, finally found the bastard Baron Strucker."

Coulson also said, "More than a year of hide and seek can finally end."

Wanda glanced at Bert, got up, and told the story of HYDRA. Steve asked in surprise, "Are there a lot of superhumans as powerful as you?"

Wanda said confidently, "It shouldn't be. Pietro and I are the strongest, otherwise Baron Strucker wouldn't value us so much."

"That's good to know."

Steve nodded and said, "Since we know where HYDRA is, let's send troops to eliminate them as soon as possible and make HYDRA history."

"Sokovia is in Eastern Europe, and we can borrow troops from Doom and kill them all."

Tony popped up the holographic projection and while searching for Sokovia's information, he said, "HYDRA or something, it's long outdated."

"Wait a minute."

Bert suddenly said, "According to Wanda, Baron Strucker may have the ability to destroy the Earth. You should be careful."

"The ability to destroy the Earth?" Everyone was stunned. Bert looked at Wanda, who nodded and repeated the sentence. Then she said, "I don't think he's bragging."

Tony said suspiciously, "It doesn't sound like him. The problem is that destroying the Earth isn't an easy task. It's much harder than destroying humans."

Skye suggested, "We can investigate first. Ant-Man can come in handy."

"Then send people to investigate first. Anyway, it'll take time to deploy troops. HYDRA's strength is much stronger than expected," said Steve.

"I will personally direct the battle of Sokovia and destroy HYDRA. That is my mission," he continued.

Coulson said admiringly, "Director, it's the mission of everyone in S.W.O.R.D."

Tony didn't object. "I'll get Ant-Man some new equipment so he won't be discovered. He has many special abilities."

"I can help," Wanda said. "Baron Straker values me very much, and he'll definitely send someone to rescue me. When that happens, I can go back and be an undercover agent."

Everyone was a little wary when they heard Wanda's words. Bert said, "I believe her. She's a good girl."

Wanda glanced at Bert gratefully, but Tony snorted coldly. "Excuse me, who are you? Why should we believe you?"

Wanda was speechless. Iron Man's mouth really stank, as in the legend.

'Blood God is lazy and likes to enjoy. Iron Man is stinky and mean. These two guys have nothing to do with greatness,' Wanda thought to herself. 'It's better to believe Director Steve. He's upright, and he's a big hero at a glance.'

Bert looked at Tony and sneered, "Our sect is proficient in looking at big pictures, Tony Stark. You'll be out of luck soon."

"I hope your prediction is more accurate," Tony sneered. "Bert's prediction is not accurate at all."

Skye said to Steve, "Director, what my uncle said is as credible as my master."

"Equally believable?" Steve thoughtfully said. "Wanda, I believe in you, but wouldn't it be too risky for you to go back? HYDRA is not a good thing."

Wanda said resolutely, "This is my responsibility. Please give me a chance to make up for my fault."

"Okay, I will allow Ant-Man to cooperate with you. Additionally, we have now mastered the Pym particle, so you can learn how to use it. If anything happens, the Pym particle can help you escape from the HYDRA base," said Steve, to which Wanda gratefully responded, "Thank you, Captain, Steve, no, Chief."

Tony suddenly asked Wanda, "Little girl, what kind of issue do I have with you? If you don't clarify, it's hard for me to be at ease."

Wanda did not hide anything and repeated the matter. Tony's eyes suddenly became complicated, and he hesitated before saying, "Although it is not my fault, you can apply for compensation from my foundation."

"I finally understand why everyone wants to beat you up," complained Wanda, and everyone couldn't help but laugh.

Tony snorted unhappily, as he had been beaten up for nothing last time. What was even more frustrating was that the bastard Hawkeye came to ask for a reward afterward, which almost made him angry.

"Fortunately, the quality of the arms produced by the Stark Industries is not very good. Otherwise, Miss Wanda would have been gone," said Bert lightly.

"Does S.W.O.R.D. have anything from Stark Industries? If so, I suggest replacing it as soon as possible. I don't want any problems during the decisive battle," he added.

Tony snorted coldly and replied, "If it was produced by Stark Industries, it must be a fine product. Maybe that shell was counterfeited by the Hammer Group. Their stuff goes wrong every day."

'Hammer Industries? Yes, because I changed Ivan's fate, the Hammer Industries has never closed down,' thought Bert, who was stunned for a moment before getting up and saying, "Wanda, you stay in S.W.O.R.D. Skye, you need to train her. In the final battle, I will follow you. If you can't, I will help, just like last time."

"The next decisive battle is Modern Warfare, I hope you won't be frightened, old man," sneered Tony.

At this point, he suddenly asked, "By the way, where did you hide the speakers? Why is the effect so good? The sound is clear and three-dimensional surround, and if you were on the scene, many people could hear my sound. If you feel noisy, the effect is far inferior to yours."

Everyone was speechless, and Steve complained, "I'm really outdated, and I don't have a dedicated BGM."

Skye then said, "Director, there are BGMs, only these two aliens in front of you."

Bert was too lazy to pay attention to these guys, turned to leave, and Elektra woke up. He was going to greet her.

The next afternoon, Bert received a call from Lilith in the underground space. She said, "Blood God, Betty wants to see you and says there is something very urgent."

"I'll come right away," said Bert, whose intuition told him that Betty's visit was related to General Ross.