Chapter 252 : Infiltrate

On the next day at noon, HYDRA and S.W.O.R.D. exchanged hostages at sea, and both sides made many preparations. HYDRA aimed to rescue the Maximoff brother and sister smoothly, while S.W.O.R.D. intended to save the Fireman and follow the clues to find the HYDRA base.

Eventually, using the special abilities of the Inhumans, Baron Strucker rescued Wanda and Pietro and erased all traces, making it impossible for S.W.O.R.D. to track them. However, S.W.O.R.D. still succeeded in rescuing the Fireman.

To ensure their safety, Pir did not directly send the Maximoff brother and sisters back to Sokovia. Instead, he transited through several places and conducted a thorough check to ensure that they had no trackers before returning to the base with them.

Upon seeing Wanda and Pietro's successful return, Baron Strucker expressed relief and said, "That's great, I finally got you back."

Bert, who was actually Pietro, expressed his gratitude, "Baron, thank you."

Baron Strucker dismissed it, "Don't thank me, I have always regarded you as my children."

However, Bert couldn't help but wonder if Baron Strucker was taking advantage of them.

Meanwhile, Baron Strucker noticed that something was wrong with Wanda and asked if something had happened to her, as she appeared to be in low spirits. "Wanda, did something happen to you?"

Wanda pretended to be shaken and said that the S.W.O.R.D. experts had told her a lot about HYDRA being the bad guys.

Baron Strucker was not angry, he said: "Those hypocrites are best at confounding black and white. The S.W.O.R.D. is just a tool for the United States to exploit the world."

Bert (Disguised as Peitro) said: "That's right, sister, I told you already, they can't be trusted."

Wanda shook his head: "I didn't believe them."

Baron Strucker asked, "You didn't tell them about us, did you?"

"Of course not, I just, I just..." Wanda was a little conflicted, so she didn't know what to say.

Baron Strucker shook his head and didn't care. Wanda was young and can be swayed easily.

Pietro (Bert) said, "What kind of energy did that powerful guy use to block my body, I couldn't even use my abilities."

Wanda also said: "My ability was also blocked."

"Chi? This power from the East is very mysterious, and we have little understanding of it." Baron Strucker said: "However, you don't have to worry, with the Scepter, sooner or later, this Chi will be cracked."

"That's good."

Wanda and Pietro (Bert) nodded, with Bert's purpose in making up this lie being both truthful and a means to get closer to the Scepter containing Mind Stone.

In this battle, the biggest variable is the Mind Scepter, and other things are easy to mention.

Baron Strucker said with a smile. "You guys rest first. By the way, remember to watch TV in the afternoon. There is a good show to watch."

Pietro (Bert) asked excitedly, "Good show? Could it be that the S.W.O.R.D. is gonna be unlucky?"

Baron Strucker replied, "No, better than that. It's Iron Man's bad luck."


That afternoon, the Candidate held another press conference, and a large number of reporters rushed over without even the help of HYDRA this time. The previous press conference had greatly increased their sales and ratings, and the Candidate was still very popular at this stage.

Black and red were also popular, and the audience liked this foolishness, which is why the consultants recommended that the Candidate play clowns in the first place.

A reporter asked with a smile, "Mr. Candidate, are you going to continue to tell us the truth this time?"

Many reporters laughed, and the Candidate replied proudly, "Yes, this time, I will continue to tell you the truth, no nonsense. Look at the evidence."

After speaking, the Candidate motioned for everyone to look at the screen, and a large amount of evidence was displayed one by one: the corpse of a hundred-meter giant snake, the head of the devil, the feathers of an angel, and various records related to the devil and angels. These records came from the church and SHIELD.

While the reporters took pictures, they were dubious. These evidences were quite real, but after all, they were just photos, and there was a high possibility of forgery.

"Many people say I'm an idiot, but I'm not. I'm just an honest man who exposes the truth," the Candidate continued. With so much evidence and the support of HYDRA, he would never lose again.

A reporter asked maliciously, "Mr. Candidate, is there any more evidence? For example, a living vampire or something."

The reporters laughed, and the Candidate said angrily, "Of course. This time, I brought you an angel, a real angel."

"Angel?" Everyone exclaimed, and the reporter asked again, "Will the angel's wings fall off? Mr. Candidate, have you checked it?"

"Of course, I checked, and this time, there will never be any problems," the Candidate replied angrily.

The reporters laughed again, and the Candidate gritted his teeth. He was too lazy to say more and asked the bodyguard to bring up the reincarnated angel.

It is worth mentioning that, except for the 'faithful' advisor, all the others around the Candidate had been replaced by HYDRA.

Soon, the reincarnated angel was brought up, and everyone looked at the pair of holy, glittering wings and couldn't help but exclaim if what the Candidate said was true.

The owner of the wings was a tattooed man who looked a little ugly. He was very happy that he had received so much attention and immediately opened his hands, ready to reward the reporters with holy light and shout a few more slogans.

At that moment, several Agents pushed the reporter away and walked in. Skye, the leader of the team of Agents, held a tablet and said to the white angel, "Ibrahimovic Alis, you are suspected of illegally holding a weapon and hurting people violently. Please come with us."

On the tablet was a wanted notice.

The reporters were stunned. The Angel was a wanted criminal. Isn't this a bit funny?

The Candidate shouted in dissatisfaction, "Who are you? How dare you arrest the angel?"

Skye presented her credentials and declared, "Agent of S.W.O.R.D., he is not an ordinary person. We will take over. Ibrahimovic Alis, come with us. Don't resist."

Naturally, the white angel refused to leave obediently with Skye. He shouted, "How dare you blaspheme against angels and gods?"

Accompanied by his shouting, the holy light surrounding the white angel intensified. Skye snorted and charged forward, standing in front of the white angel. With her right hand vibrating constantly, she destroyed the holy light surrounding the white angel in an instant. Skye then placed her palm on the white angel's chest.

A powerful shockwave erupted from the white angel's body, causing him to spew out a large amount of blood mixed with internal organs. Simultaneously, his clothes were destroyed.

"The so-called angels are nothing more than that."

Upon seeing that the white angel wanted to resist, Skye kicked him to the ground, grabbed his light wing, raised her right hand, and slashed down with a violent vibration, instantly breaking the light wing.


The white angel screamed shrilly as the holy light and wings on his body quickly disappeared, including the half in Skye's hand.

"Why did it disappear again?"

The Candidate was stunned. This angel was too weak; he had been beaten to the ground after only two moves.

Skye shouted coldly, "Cuff him."

Several agents immediately stepped forward and handcuffed the severely injured white angel. They then dragged the white angel and followed Skye out.

"This agent is so powerful and beautiful."

The reporters reacted and took pictures of Skye and the arrested white angel. They also asked, "Is he really an angel? Also, why did your S.W.O.R.D. appear here so coincidentally?"

Seeing the reporters blocking the way, Skye stopped and said, "I don't know if he is an angel. But anyone on Earth must obey the laws of Earth. Otherwise, S.W.O.R.D. will arrest them."


Many reporters whistled; this type of dramatic showdown was perfect for their news stories.

Skye did not linger, waving her hand to disperse the reporters and leaving with her team.

Observing Skye's departure, some reporters' eyes flickered. The S.W.O.R.D. agent had not denied the existence of angels and demons.

Director Steve had promised that S.W.O.R.D. would not lie. If they did not deny something, it often meant it was true. This was big news.

Unlike the excited reporters, the Candidate's face was filled with embarrassment and indignation. S.W.O.R.D. had come to slap him in the face, and it was a heavy slap.

"Damn S.W.O.R.D.! When I become President, you will be withdrawn."

The Candidate gritted his teeth and shouted, "I have another big truth to tell you."

When the reporters' attention was focused on him, the Candidate continued, "The soon-to-be-born son of Iron Man Tony Stark is the reincarnation of Mephisto, the devil of hell. Yes, the same Mephisto who invaded New York. He will destroy our world."


The reporters were all shocked, and one reporter couldn't help but ask, "Mr. Candidate, are you sure you don't need to get a mental health examination?"

The reporters burst into laughter. "The devil of Hell reincarnated as the son of Iron Man? Who would believe this?"

"This is absolutely true. God personally entrusted me with a dream, to let me eradicate Mephisto and protect this world," the Candidate replied.

The reporters sneered again. "God gave you a dream? Are you sure you're not mistaken? Only Satan will give you dreams because the devil likes idiots the most."

At the HYDRA base, Pietro (Bert) looked at the TV and asked Baron Strucker in confusion, "Baron, what's the use of this? No one believes it."

"Reporters don't believe it because they don't know the truth of the world. People who know the truth of the world will believe it," Baron Strucker replied with a smile. "The good days of Iron Man have just begun. Those people will not allow the world to be destroyed. Even if there is a Blood God, Iron Man will be in constant trouble."

"Great! The worse Iron Man is, the better," Pietro (Bert) said excitedly. Wanda rolled her eyes secretly; she knew that Bert was not acting and really wanted to see Iron Man in trouble.

"He's going to be very miserable," Baron Strucker said with a proud smile. "This is just the beginning. Next, I will use HYDRA's resources to fully support that Candidate and let him make trouble with those superheroes instead of us."

Wanda couldn't help but ask, "Baron, isn't this useless? Moreover, it will make those resources discovered by S.W.O.R.D.."

"It doesn't matter. This time we will win," Baron Strucker replied. "When this thing ferments for a while, I will put a fire on them and make the situation completely out of control. Next month is the general election, and our new president, with his supporters, will tear American society apart."

'The plan is good, but unfortunately, I already knew it in advance,' Bert sneered secretly. "I dream of Iron Man and America being unlucky."

"You'll soon have your dream come true," Baron Strucker said. After seeing the excitement, he got up and left, leaving only Pietro (Bert) and Wanda in the room.

Bert's eyes flashed, and he commanded the two people in his sleeves through the mind: "You can start to act. Ant-Man, listen to the orders of Wasp. Don't act without authorization. This time, it is related to the life and death of the entire Earth."

Ant-Man Scott Lang confidently stated, "Don't worry, I am an official agent of S.W.O.R.D. and I will never make any mistakes." Because of his last successful mission, Scott turned his situation into a positive one.

"It's hard to believe you," Bert secretly complained. In the movie, he found Scott completely unreliable, which is why he brought the Wasp along for the mission.

"We will find out what happened to the Kree and locate the Anti-matter bomb," Wasp's voice announced. It's worth noting that the Wasp was not Hope, Hank Pym's daughter, but Peggy Carter, who obtained the Wasp's suit from Pym.

"Be careful, the Kree have very high-tech sensors," Bert cautioned. "If you're caught and can't escape, surrender and I'll come to rescue you."

Ant-Man grinned, "I like this order. S.W.O.R.D. is humane."

Bert replied, "At this time, you should express that you're not afraid of death, not ready to surrender with a sigh of relief."

Ant-Man explained, "I still have a daughter to raise. How can I die so easily?"

"Looks like you're a good dad," Bert smiled. He believed that people who lack emotions would not be successful in their endeavors.

"Let's go," Bert ordered.

"Good," Wasp responded. Ant-Man and Wasp left to begin their dangerous investigation.

"Wanda, do you think the Scepter can break the 'Chi' in us?" Bert suddenly sensed an invisible spiritual energy surrounding them. He discussed the matter with Wanda, who was nervous but gradually calmed down under Bert's guidance.

Supergiant was probing them with her psychic energy. She was curious about Wanda, who had unlimited potential. "What exactly is 'Chi'?" Supergiant wondered. She decided to investigate slowly after using the Scepter when her plan is completed.