Chapter 253 : Devil Worshippers

"President Ellis, my son is indeed the reincarnation of Mephisto, but he will not destroy the world. He will become the protector of the Earth. You don't have to worry. Yes, I can assure you," Tony reassured the president before hanging up the phone.

Immediately after, another communication came in, and Tony answered it with a sigh. This was one of dozens of such calls he had received that morning.

Each call was from a powerful individual, some of whom even implied that they would sacrifice the devil's son for the greater good. Tony refused their demands with a firm attitude, and those powerful individuals could only hang up.

Inside the room, Colleen asked Tony, "I don't understand, why didn't Mr. Stark bring out the Blood God? With the Blood God's face, those people would definitely not dare to say anything more."

"On the one hand, I don't want to transfer the pressure to Bert, and on the other hand, because he is too proud," Tony replied.

Pepper touched her big belly and said proudly, "He's Tony Stark."

"Ms. Pepper, it's true that those big people have a lot of scruples. Generally, they won't take action against Mr. Stark. At most, they will play some small tricks," Madame Gao said. "But some special organizations that think they are just, I'm afraid they won't let it go."

"Then let them come. The Stark family won't be intimidated by them," Tony said bitterly. "HYDRA is really vicious. In the future, our children are afraid that they will have to live under scrutiny."

Pepper replied confidently, "It's okay. He is Tony Stark's child, and he will not be defeated by a mere mortal."

"That's right. That's my Tony Stark's kid," Tony laughed. Then, he thought of something and said unhappily, "This dead child began to pit me even before he was born."

The three of them couldn't help but laugh. Suddenly, a shout came from a distance. Tony frowned and shouted, "Jarvis, what's the situation?"

"Sir, it's Friday for you, and Jarvis is evolving," Friday, the smart housekeeper, projected an image in front of the hospital.

"Someone is demonstrating outside, asking you to kill your child, kill the reincarnation of the devil, and defend the world. The Candidate is also among them, and he claims that God entrusted him with a dream and made him responsible for eradicating the reincarnation of the devil."

"Damn it. Let all the unmanned armors and bodyguards be vigilant. Anyone who dares to enter the hospital should be directly arrested and transferred to the police station. If they resist, use more force," Tony ordered.

"Understood, Mr. Stark," Friday replied. "There are a lot of TV stations and reporters who want to interview you."

"Reject them all. I won't go anywhere during this time," Tony said impatiently. "Let the police station send someone to drive away those people outside, and I will donate a sum of money to the police station afterward."/*/*

"Start working on things Friday," said Tony.

Pepper comforted him, "Tony, don't worry so much, everything was fine last time, and it will be fine this time."

"I'm not worried, I just feel annoyed. The flies are so annoying," Tony replied, shaking his head.

"When everything is settled, I must make that bastard candidate look good," he added.

Pepper smiled and was about to speak when Colleen suddenly sensed something. The samurai sword around her waist slashed into the air, and the next moment, an evil eye was slashed by the long sword and divided into two parts in the air. It then transformed into magic energy and dissipated.

"Devil believers!" Madame Gao shouted. "Colleen, they should be nearby. Go out and catch them. We want them alive."

"Good," Colleen said, disappearing from the window like lightning.

Tony's expression was extremely ugly. He comforted Pepper and asked Madame Gao, "Devil believer?"

"Yes, it was the eye just now, Mr. Stark. This time, the situation may be more troublesome than we originally expected," Madame Gao replied. "Good and evil are eyeing us at the same time."

"The Peeping Eye? I hate magic," Tony scolded, as he was on the technology side and was not familiar with magic at all.

Pepper couldn't help but ask, "Why does evil have their sights on us?"

"If I guessed correctly, they should be trying to get to the reincarnation of the demon king. As for whether to sacrifice or use him to destroy the world, it is unknown," Madame Gao replied.

"They won't get away with it," Tony and Pepper said at the same time. Tony took out his phone and said, "I'll ask a professional for help."

The professional was not Bert, but Strange. He did not return to Kamar-Taj and was chasing his ex-girlfriend in the hospital.

It was about the Demon King. Strange quickly opened the portal and rushed over. He was about to express his opinion when Colleen returned with two cloaked guys with marks on their faces.

Colleen didn't bring the two captives back to the room. She shouted from the garden outside, "They are indeed demon believers. There is a small altar outside, which I destroyed."

"I'm a believer of the lord," one of the devotees shouted frantically.

Strange glanced at them and asked the two believers coldly, "What are you doing here?"

"We are waiting for the devil to be born, and then consecrate him to the devil," one of the believers shouted.

"As long as you bring back that baby for the devil, the devil will give us infinite power and make us immortal," the other believer added.

"If the world is destroyed, what's the use of your immortality?" Colleen sneered.

"Stupid, then we will definitely go to the realm of the gods and live with the devil," the believer replied.

"The devil lives in hell, you two idiots," Tony scolded. The brains of these two guys were obviously unclear.

"If they're not stupid, how can they believe in the devil? We, Kamar-Taj, have seen many such stupid people," Strange shook his head. "Let's deal with them. They are not qualified to live."

Even Strange was killing all demon believers.

To become a Demon God believer, one must first kill someone and then rely on murder and sacrifice to get the Demon God's reward. Looking at the magic power of these two guys, they had killed at least ten people.

"Good," Colleen vanished with two demon believers. As she didn't want to kill in front of a pregnant woman./*/*

"Mr. Stark, this time it may be more troublesome," said Strange. "Your son is a good vessel like no other in the world."

"Ok?" Tony and Pepper looked at Strange dissatisfiedly. "You are the container, and your whole family is the container,"

Strange clarified. "It's just a metaphor. He is the reincarnation of Mephisto, born to accommodate the soul of the devil. That is to say, those devils can descend on him. Let's put it this way, your son is the devil's version of the Son. If those devils get him, they can use his body to enter the main universe."

Tony asked, "That means there will be a large number of demon believers gathered?"

Strange nodded. "Yes. Just people, believers of demon gods, and spies that may be sent from various countries. This hospital will be very lively next time."

"Damn, Bert and S.W.O.R.D. have other things to do and can't fully support me," Tony scolded. The HYDRA side is equally important. If they are not careful, the world will really be destroyed.

"Two things got mixed up," Strange interjected. "Mr. Stark, your son is already pitting you."

In fact, the Devil Believer was Mephisto's second-step plan, but unfortunately, he was killed by Bert before he had time to "suck him" again.

Originally, this plan would have been terminated because of this, but HYDRA filled in the missing link - spreading the matter to the whole world - so the plan continued.

Tony felt a headache when he heard this. He used to think creating problems was okay, but now, it's really troublesome. Tony hesitated and said to Strange, "Strange, I hope you can stay here to protect Pepper."

Seeing Tony's rare positive attitude, Strange smiled. "No problem, this is my responsibility. Although it is a bad thing, it is not completely without benefits. Those devil believers are hidden in the crowd, and they are not as easy to find as devils. This time, they can be wiped out."

Tony smiled and said, "Looks like I don't have to pay you anymore."

"Hope your son isn't as annoying as you are," Strange sneered. At this time, Madame Gao asked, "Mr. Strange, can you take Pepper to the New York Temple for protection? The New York Temple is not only safe but also isolates those ordinary people."

Strange was silent for a while and said, "Those demon kings will definitely send people to attack the defensive net, dragging the Blood God and Kamar-Taj. The New York Temple may not be safe. In addition, the thoughts of other Kamar-Taj mages may not necessarily be like mine."

Everyone understood that Kamar-Taj's mage might also want to kill Tony's son. This is normal, after all, he is the reincarnation of the Demon King.

Strange thought for a while and said, "Mr. Stark, I suggest you find the guy who specializes in killing demons for help. With him, the demon believers will never be able to sneak into the hospital."

"You mean that fire skeleton?" Tony hesitated. That guy is really powerful. The question is, will he burn Pepper with him?

"Yes, it's up to you to decide whether to invite him or not." Strange said. Tony thought for a while and said, "Ok Friday, ask Officer Damon to come to the hospital, and I'll talk to him."/*/*

Strange glanced at Tony and said, "I'm going to set up the magic circle. Additionally, I suggest you drive away those parade people outside; otherwise, it will be very troublesome. Devil worshippers are very good at offering sacrifices with human life. Those guys are simply offerings that are automatically delivered to the door."

"I'll try my best," Tony sighed.

America is a free country with developed media, and with the Candidates supporting their troubles, he has very few means - he can't rush out and smash that candidate into pieces, right? Although he did have this idea in his mind.


A few days later, at the HYDRA base, Pietro (Bert) sat on the sofa and browsed the news with a tablet. He looked at the more and more spectacular parade in the video and said with a smile, "Tony's trouble is getting bigger and bigger. Luckily it wasn't me."

"With Iron Man's strength, why can't he handle this all the time? He is one of the top three richest men in America."

Wanda was a little puzzled. It is worth mentioning that there is no surveillance in this room. Additionally, Bert filled the entire room with Chi. If anyone peeps, he will find out immediately.

"On the one hand, the candidate has been jumping up and down. The general election is not over yet. His identity is relatively special. Even Tony can't do anything about him."

"On the other hand, it's the acquiescence of the American government," Bert explained.

Wanda was stunned: "The acquiescence of the American government? Isn't the relationship between the government and superheroes very good?"

"It's just a matter of interest. There must be many high-level executives who don't want the birth of the Demon King."

Bert smiled and said, "It's Iron Man, and if it were someone else, it would have been solved in secret long ago."

"Is it so dark?"

Wanda became more and more astonished. Bert smiled and said, "This world is not as simple as you think. Don't talk about this. When HYDRA is solved, all the troubles will be solved."

That is to say, but the situation on Tony's side is not very good. Ordinary people and justice organizations are nothing; the key is the devil worshippers.

In just a few days, a large number of demon believers have sneaked into New York. Although Damon has been cleaning them up, there are too many of them. Coupled with the cover of some caring people, it is impossible to remove them all.

These demon worshippers are preparing and waiting-- waiting for Pepper to give birth to the reincarnated demon king. When that time comes, they will act together and take away the reincarnated demon king./*/*

Wanda looked at the disgusting candidate on the tablet and said viciously, "Don't let this bastard get away with it."

"Of course he won't. He is waiting to go to prison to promote his ideals."

Bert snorted, and at that moment, he had an idea and opened the door slightly. The Wasp, Carter, flew in.

"The Kree situation and the location of the Anti-matter bomb have been identified," said Carter. "But there are two underground places that Ant-Man and I couldn't check."

Bert asked, "Which two places?"

"One is the tenth underground floor, which is a large ice warehouse with strange energy fluctuations. Ant-Man and I didn't go in for fear of being detected."

Carter continued, "The other is the last floor, completely closed. If I'm not mistaken, the Supreme Intelligence should be there."

"Ice Warehouse and Supreme Intelligence? It will be clear then," Bert sneered. "S.W.O.R.D. has already transferred heavy troops to Sokovia's neighboring country, Latveria in Doom. As long as our side is ready, they will take action and cooperate with us inside and outside to deal with HYDRA."

Carter asked, "When exactly will we start?"

"After Pepper finishes giving birth," Bert replied. "After we take care of the matter on Pepper's side, we can attack HYDRA with all our strength."

"That's right. I hope Pepper and the baby in her belly are safe and sound," said Carter, sighing.

"I and Ant-Man will investigate again, try to understand the situation in those two places as much as possible, and increase the odds of winning," added Carter.

"Okay, be careful," Bert nodded.

After Carter left, Bert began to read the next news: The "Vampire Police Department" spinoff movie "Battle of Xandar" is about to be released. The film will feature space shooting and holographic projection shooting, interpreting a space war that is no different from reality.

"Special reminder," Bert read aloud, "this film will feature the legendary Blood God."