Chapter 255 : Against Supergiant

With Supergiants' heightened sensing ability, even if Bert were to use Pym particles to shrink his own soul, he would still be detectable without the mystical soul powder. After all, Supergiant is a master of telepathy, and she is currently manipulating the Mind Stone.

The Collector's collection is truly impressive. Bert sometimes thinks about creating a loophole for the Collector to escape through, only to later retrieve him and claim the spoils for himself.

'Let's not talk about that,' Bert thought to himself, as he entered the interior of the Mind Stone. It was a mental world, shaped by the user's state of mind.

Supergiant's state of mind was gloomy, resulting in a barren, ruinous landscape. Bert closed his eyes and began to connect with Supergiant's mind.

"I mean, seriously, could you be any weirder?" Bert complained aloud.

Supergiant was one of Thanos' subordinates, an orphan who was very lonely and had attempted suicide before. Thanos promised to grant her the death of her dreams as long as she served him, and she eventually became his most loyal follower.

"Should I just leave you alone?" Bert was speechless, wondering why he had to deal with such an odd individual.

"Hiding Supergiant in the Mind Stone, Thanos is truly ruthless. Thankfully, I found her, or I wouldn't know how much trouble she would have caused in the future," Bert thought to himself.

Suddenly, the world shook, and a blue-faced Supergiant wearing silver-black armor and a cape appeared before Bert, who was now the size of an ant.

"I have never seen anyone as stupid as you, who would come to my home court to die. Do you have a hole in your head?" Supergiant sneered.

"Supergiant, do you want to defect and become my subordinate?" Bert returned to his original size and smiled. "Thanos did not give you a deadline to die, but I can give you one. If you serve me for one year, I will grant your wish of death. Well, maybe you won't survive even a year, as I will definitely utilize you to your fullest potential. Have you heard of Zero Seven?"

"You cannot kill me; only the great Thanos can grant me eternal death," Supergiant said with a disdainful smile.

"Since you've delivered yourself to my doorstep, I will take control of you and use you to deal with Blood God," Supergiant said as she quietly began to manipulate her invisible spiritual energy to envelop Bert.

However, Bert was well-prepared, and the power of the Iron Fist effortlessly blocked all the spiritual energy from the outside.


Supergiant's starry eyes narrowed, and she raised her hands. A large amount of pale-yellow spiritual energy emerged around her, rushing towards Bert like waves.

This was the power of the Mind Stone. With its aid, Supergiant could even control gods. In fact, she could already stand on equal footing with them.

Bert held both hands, and a huge Buddhist golden bell appeared in front of him, blocking the spiritual energy that was heading towards him.

"It's useless. This is my home court, and there is an endless stream of spiritual energy," said Supergiant.

Supergiant laughed and continued, "I am the owner of the Mind Stone."

"The owner of the Mind Stone?" questioned Bert.

Bert smiled disdainfully and clarified, "The Mind Stone, or in other words, the Infinity Stone, has no owner. You can use the Mind Stone because of the Scepter."

The Infinity Stone does not recognize an owner but allows someone to use it. Additionally, the power of the Infinity Stone is too strong and often requires props to assist. The primary function of these props is to limit the energy output of the Infinity Stone.

The Eye of Agamotto, Ronan's Cosmi-Rod, the Scepter of the Mind Stone, and the Cube outside the Space Stone are all examples of such props.

"I now have a Scepter, and the Mind Stone is willing to be used by me. What is the difference between me and the owner of the Mind Stone?" Supergiant sneered. Simultaneously, the pale-yellow wave swelled violently, shaking Admiralty with its impact.

"Of course, there are differences," Bert smiled slightly. Meanwhile, in the laboratory, Wanda suddenly screamed, and a dragon made of Chi flew out of her chest, hitting the Scepter before anyone could react.

Shortly after, the dragon exploded, the Scepter shattered, and the yellow Mind Stone fell to the ground with a ding.

Then, Wanda and Pietro collapsed simultaneously to the ground.

Dr. Liszt and others were shocked and immediately checked Wanda, Pietro, and the Mind Stone's situation.

A researcher was fascinated by the Mind Stone and couldn't help grabbing it. The next moment, his eyes filled with a pale-yellow light, and he died tragically on the spot, bleeding from his seven orifices.

"Don't touch that stone; mortals can't bear its power," Dr. Liszt shouted hurriedly. At this point, Baron Strucker rushed over and, upon seeing Wanda and the others fainted and the Scepter destroyed, angrily asked, "Liszt, what happened?"

"We were outsmarted by the Blood God brother," Dr. Liszt replied with an ugly face. "He had an assassin in Wanda's body. Due to the stimulation of spiritual energy, the assassin was triggered, and the Scepter was destroyed."

"Assassin?" Baron Strucker's expression changed, and he quickly asked, "Wait, can that Blood God brother sense his trump card?"

Dr. Liszt hesitated and replied, "It shouldn't be detected. After all, it's so far away, and the energy just now was passively stimulated. If he could sense it, the S.W.O.R.D. personnel would have already come after us. Those guys have always been quick to kill us HYDRA."

"That's true," Baron Strucker breathed a sigh of relief. He thought for a moment and then said, "Check on Wanda and Pietro to ensure they're all right."

"Okay," Dr. Liszt nodded and checked on the situation. He instructed someone to use equipment to pick up the Mind Stone and place it properly.

Baron Strucker hesitated and asked HYDRA to increase vigilance to avoid accidents while preparing for the transfer. "The general election is still about a month away. I hope nothing happens," he thought to himself, feeling increasingly covetous.

Inside the Mind Stone, the light-yellow energy vanished instantly. Supergiant sensed the situation outside and changed expression. "You destroyed the Mind Scepter?"

"Yes, now you are on the same line with me," Bert said with a smile. "If I didn't prepare, do you think I dare to come in?"

Supergiant scolded, "Idiot, without the Scepter, we will never be able to leave here."

"It's just that you can't get out. I can leave anytime," Bert smiled. "Blood God is my junior brother, and he has a Space Stone in his hand."

"You have no chance because you will definitely become my slave," Supergiant roared, trying to draw psychic energy without the Scepter.

"You can pull it, so can I. It doesn't make sense," Bert said, opening his hands to draw in his spiritual energy. A large amount of light yellow energy appeared from Supergiant, but there was nothing on Bert's side.

"Ok?" Bert blinked and continued to pull, but there was still nothing.

Seeing this, Supergiant laughed, "Senior Brother of Blood God, not everyone can use the Mind Stone. You are overestimating yourself."

Bert shouted to the sky, dissatisfied. "Soul Stone, you are too much. Believe it or not, I will sacrifice you?"

Before he finished speaking, the light-yellow energy on Supergiant's side suddenly doubled. Obviously, this was the Mind Stone's answer to Bert, "I'm afraid, so I decided to kill you."

"Fuck," Bert scolded. It seemed that he was on the blacklist of all Infinity Stones, even his clones.

Fortunately, he had anticipated this situation beforehand. After all, it was not the first time.

A large amount of spiritual energy put a lot of pressure on Supergiant. She was controlling the energy herself, but she was not afraid, but rather excited. She laughed and said, "Brother of Blood God, are you still sure that there is no hole in your head?"

"Pretty sure," Bert's voice sounded behind Supergiant.

Suddenly, a dragon-shaped energy blasted out, and Supergiant flew out like a meteor. She turned sharply in the air, raised her left hand, and a large amount of spiritual energy turned into a tsunami and hit Bert.

Then, Supergiant raised her right hand, and her spiritual energy turned into monsters she had seen before, such as the two-headed beast, the golden dragon python, and rushed aggressively towards Bert.

Bert's figure suddenly disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was already at the side of Supergiant. He waved his palms continuously, and the strong palm force swept the air in front of him.

Supergiant had a strong telepathy ability and discovered Bert's teleportation location early. She shouted, and her spiritual energy turned into a solid shield in front of her.

The strong palm force slammed into the mind shield, shattering it with a bang, and the palm force hit Supergiant.

Supergiant suddenly disappeared, and when she reappeared, she was already behind Bert. A crystal-clear dagger appeared out of thin air and stabbed Bert's back fiercely.

Bert flicked the dragon's tail, turned around, and kicked Supergiant away. Unfortunately, Supergiant had installed a mental shield in advance and was unharmed.

"You are indeed very powerful, but it's useless. This is my home field. Spiritual energy is omnipotent," Supergiant shouted loudly.

A large amount of spiritual energy gathered together, then exploded with a bang. All the surrounding space was blocked, and Bert could no longer teleport.

Immediately afterwards, Supergiant controlled a large number of monsters to rush at Bert. When Bert was entangled, she held both hands, and her mind and body converged in her body, gradually forming a human shape.

"What about your home field? Since I dare to come, I will surely win," Bert snorted coldly and shot with both hands. Dragons roared out one after another, killing the monsters that rushed over.

Although it was a battle against a thousand, Bert was not weakened in the slightest.

Supergiant didn't care because the psychic energy was endless, and no matter how much she lost, she would make up for it immediately.

After a while, the human figure in front of Supergiant was completely formed. Then, the light of the soul dissipated, and a familiar figure appeared in Bert's line of sight.

Bert said with contempt, "Hey, it's a battle, not a beauty pageant. What's the point of you making a handsome guy?"

Supergiant didn't even know how to complain. She said, "You're too thick-skinned? Isn't that yourself?"

"What's wrong with him?" The replica of Bert made by Supergiant turned his head and asked inexplicably, "I'm really handsome."

"Go and kill him." Supergiant kicked the clone towards

Supergiant kicked the clone towards Bert, the clone rolled in the air, and his palms slammed down towards Bert with force: "I'll kill you, I will be the most handsome guy in the world."

Mind copying - not only can copy the strength of the other party, but also the character and thinking of the other party.

This is Supergiant's trump card. She couldn't copy Bert, but the endless spiritual energy allowed her to complete this spell.

It is worth mentioning that the clone only has the strength shown by Bert, and he does not have the other two powers of Bert. After all, Supergiant failed to erode Bert's mind.

"It's exactly what I want, this world doesn't need someone as handsome as me," Bert shouted loudly and greeted his opponents with both palms. With a loud bang, the surrounding air turned into a hurricane, blowing all the monsters away.

Immediately afterward, Bert and the clone fought at an astonishing speed. All kinds of dragon-shaped energy roared out, and the surroundings were even beaten into a vacuum. Any monsters that approached them would immediately shatter their bones.

"Senior Brother Blood God is really strong, but unfortunately, no matter how strong he is, he can't defeat his clone," Supergiant smiled coldly, absorbed a lot of spiritual energy around her, and formed a scepter in front of her.

This scepter is a spiritual scepter. Once it is completed, even Bert will be controlled by her. The only problem is that it takes a lot of time to condense, which is why she created Bert's replica first.

Bert sensed the movement of Supergiant and sneered secretly, "I'll wait for your big move."

At the same time, at the temporary headquarters in Latveria, Steve received the news that the HYDRA base was raising its alert and frowned slightly. Did HYDRA find something?

"If they detect it in advance, it will be troublesome. Thousands of Inhumans, thousands of enhanced people equipped with high technology, even if we can win, we will have to pay a huge price."

"Worse, they might run away," Steve said.

Jarvis stuck his huge head in and asked, "Director, do you need me to hack into the HYDRA base's network?"

"Jarvis, why are you so scary?" Skye couldn't help but complain. "Can't you control the volume when speaking?"

Jarvis explained, "What is the difference between controlling the horn and before? I am now a real life, a real life with an Anti-matter power furnace and a Vibranium shell."

Everyone was speechless. Steve was about to say something when, at that moment, a powerful consciousness suddenly came, pressing them like a mountain. Steve and Skye were okay, barely able to hold on, but Coulson lay down directly on the ground.

"I'm sorry, Coulson, the strength is too strong, a little uncontrollable."

A voice suddenly sounded, and then the pressure quickly subsided. Although it still existed, there was no longer such pressure.

Skye was stunned for a moment and then shouted in surprise, "This voice? Master?"

"It's me," Bert smiled slightly, and then a vortex appeared in the void. One side looked very simple, and a boxy stone tablet flew out.