Chapter 256 : Read to Attack

"This is a Stone tablet obtained by the Collector. Once activated, it can block the surrounding space. Sokovia isn't big, and this stone tablet can cover it all," explained Bert. "Steve, I have figured out the situation inside the HYDRA base. You can attack at any time."

Steve was elated upon hearing Bert's news. "Great, I'll start arranging it right away,"

Bert added, "Okay, I need a little time to adjust, so I'll stay for a while. By the way, Coulson, this should be an apology."

Bert then handed Coulson a bottle of shampoo. However, the bottle was quite plain and only had the word "shampoo" on it, with no brand name or production date.

Coulson got up and couldn't help but complain: "Senior, should I say thank you?"

"Of course, you should," replied Bert.

"This is a hair growth shampoo that I asked the Sovereigns to develop based on the genes of Humans," Bert explained.

"Hair growth shampoo?" asked Coulson, grabbing the shampoo with the quickest speed. "Can it really grow hair?"

Bert assured him, "Of course, this bottle is the undiluted version, and it can be used for a month to ensure that the hair is as thick as before."

"In a few months, a diluted version will appear on the market. Although it can also grow hair, you must use this shampoo all the time, otherwise you will lose your hair," added Bert.

Everyone was surprised by the shampoo's benefits. Skye couldn't help but complain, "Master, it's no wonder you can be the richest man. It's just unreasonable that you don't make a fortune."

Steve sighed: "After 70 years, the capitalists are still as black-hearted."

"I suggest you buy shares of the Blood God Group. Once this shampoo is listed, it will cause a sensation. It's a supermarket worth hundreds of billions of dollars," recommended Jarvis.

"I'll go back and calculate my wages right away," said Coulson.

Skye was impressed by Bert's wealth and often went to his house to tutor and make money for Inhumans in need. As an Inhuman queen, she felt responsible for her people.

Steve, who had eaten soft rice for several years, didn't care much about getting rich, anyway, his wife is rich.

Bert smiled and left the temporary headquarters.

Steve asked Skye, "Did that guy just now not seem to be the Blood God's brother?"

Skye responded excitedly, "Master is back."

Upon confirmation, Steve and Coulson were both overjoyed. With the Blood God in charge, everything seemed solvable.

Steve took a deep breath and ordered, "Prepare to destroy the HYDRA base."

"Yes, chief," Coulson, Skye, and Jarvis replied in unison. At that moment, Coulson said, "Director, can I wash my hair first? Two minutes is enough."

"What did you say?" Steve grabbed the shampoo angrily and said, "I'll give it back to you when the war is over."


Coulson still trusted his idol, he glanced at the shampoo reluctantly and turned to prepare for battle.

Looking at the shampoo in his hand, Steve touched his hair. He had worked overtime every day for more than a year, and he had lost a lot of hair. If he used a little shampoo, Coulson wouldn't notice, would he?

"If I am found out, I will take the blame and resign. In fact, I am not suitable for the head of the government," Steve thought to himself. He didn't want to retire; he wanted to go to the front line. He was not used to sitting in the office and commanding others. He wanted to fight alongside everyone.

It had been a long time since Steve had been on the battlefield. He didn't know if his shield had rusted.


Inside the Mind Stone, after restraining Bert with the copy, Supergiant pulled a lot of spiritual energy to condense the scepter. Because she had pulled too much energy, her whole body shone with a yellow light, as if she were about to burst open at any time.

'With so much energy, I can definitely control the Blood God's brother,' Supergiant thought excitedly. 'With him in hand, it will be much easier to deal with the Blood God.'

As Supergiant was about to complete the scepter, Bert smiled and suddenly appeared behind her, hitting her on the head with a hammer.

"This is impossible," Supergiant was shocked. Wasn't there a space shackle? How was this guy still able to teleport?

Supergiant was in the midst of creating the scepter, so she couldn't dodge the attack. She could only tilt her head slightly and, at the same time, control a little psychic energy to rush toward Bert.

Bert's hand shook lightly, and the hammer changed direction, smashing the spiritual energy and hitting Supergiant on the head. Supergiant suddenly looked confused. Where am I? What am I doing? And why does my body feel so swollen, as if it's about to explode?

Memory Hammer!

Without waiting for Supergiant to do anything, Bert's hammer slammed down again. Supergiant's memories kept being erased, and her confusion deepened.

Due to the pain, Supergiant instinctively released the energy in her body, causing the almost completed scepter to quickly dissipate.

"Stop!" The clone rushed over, waving both palms and attacking Bert continuously, causing the entire void to become slightly distorted.

Bert snorted coldly, and a cloak representing holiness and dignity appeared out of thin air behind him. The cloak then teleported to the clone, wrapped around him, and trapped him inside.

God's cloak.

It is worth mentioning that Bert did not use the Reality Stone to subdue the God's Cloak. The God's Cloak surrendered voluntarily, with tears, after being beaten by the Spear of God for almost a year.

Without the cloak of God, how could Bert have easily entered the Mind Stone?

After a while, Bert stopped tapping. Supergiant turned her head and asked Bert with a confused look, "Who are you and where am I?"

Supergiant is not at the level of gods without the Scepter, so she can't restore her memory as quickly as the dragon god. She used to rely on the Mind Stone to have the strength of a god.

Bert asked, "Does it matter who I am? What matters is who you are?"

"I am Lord Thanos's.." Supergiant replied.

Just as Supergiant was about to say more, Bert's hammer fell, and Supergiant became confused again.

'I don't know how old Supergiant was when she met Thanos, let's take this slowly,' Bert thought to himself.

After a while, Supergiant shouted in despair, "Why can't I kill myself? God, you are so cruel, you didn't even give me the chance to die."

Bert was shocked by her words and let go of his arrogance. He said, "Be my subordinate, and I will give you death."

Supergiant raised her head and glanced at Bert, questioning, "Do you have this ability?"

Bert laughed and, with a gesture of his hand, God's Cloak rolled over the clone and flew over. Then, he slapped it with a palm, and the clone that couldn't resist was blasted on the spot.

"You don't shout out the martial arts move," the clone cursed before dying, but Bert smiled disdainfully and said, "I'm so handsome that even if I don't shout the name of martial arts move, God will forgive me."

"Has anyone complained about your thick skin?" Supergiant was speechless. She said, "You prove that you can kill me first, and then I will surrender to you."

Bert asked, "Is the proof from earlier not enough?"

"Of course, it's not enough. I'm very special. As long as my soul is immortal, I will never die. If you want to kill me, you must destroy my soul. Please prove that you have this ability," Supergiant said.

Bert smiled and said, "This is simple." He then lit up with flames in his eyes and looked straight into Supergiant's eyes. "You are guilty," he declared.

Supergiant instantly recalled her life, which was full of misery and sin, and the dragon fire immediately burned in her soul. "I'm finally going to die," she said, opening her hands with a look of relief. But at that moment, the dragon fire in her soul suddenly went out.

"Serve me, and I will give you death," Bert said.

Supergiant was about to agree when a dazzling yellow light suddenly erupted from her body, pushing Bert back dozens of meters. Immediately afterward, Supergiant's memory quickly recovered, and she shouted in shock and anger, "Don't think about it! My master will only be Lord Thanos!"

"Mind Stone, it seems you really want to die," Bert scolded, realizing that the Mind Stone seemed to hate him and had even taken the initiative to help Supergiant.

The Mind Stone didn't answer Bert but used actions instead of words. It injected psychic energy into Supergiant's body frantically, as if it didn't want money.

Supergiant slapped both hands, and a meteorite with a long light tail slammed down onto Bert.

Bert shouted loudly and slapped his palms on the meteorite, trying to deal with it.

Taking advantage of Bert's distraction, Supergiant used her psychic energy to split into two. One of her clones turned into a streamer and flew towards the cloak of God, attempting to control its consciousness.

However, the cloak of God resisted fiercely. It was a treasure of God, and even the power of the Mind Stone couldn't easily control it.

Seeing this, Supergiant interfered with the cloak of God, making it unable to respond to Bert's call.

"You think you can take me down like this?" Bert snorted coldly, transforming into a huge dragon and charging towards Supergiant. She retaliated by using her infinite spiritual energy to create dense monsters and attack the dragon.

At the same time, an infinite muddy hand emerged from the ground and grabbed Bert. Bert tried to break free with both palms, but each palm only broke a large amount of muddy hands. More muddy hands continued to appear.

To make things worse, the air turned into a large number of chains that locked onto Bert. But he quickly waved his palms to guard against the attack, smashing any attack that came within a few meters of him.

"Here, spiritual energy is omnipotent. Brother of Blood God, you are sure to lose," Supergiant laughed.

The Mind Stone not only gave her energy but also improved her understanding of mind energy. As long as she digested what she gained from this battle, she might be able to break through to the level of gods.

"By the way, Brother Blood God, thank you. If it weren't for you, the Mind Stone wouldn't have given me so much benefit," Supergiant said, a little proud and puzzled. "By the way, how did you offend the Mind Stone? It actually wants to kill you so much."

"Maybe it's because I dumped it before. It's love and hate," Bert replied while destroying everything around him. It seemed that this battle would last for a while.


At the HYDRA base, the Wasp, Carter, led by General Ross, arrived at a large warehouse with no one and no monitoring.

Carter immediately returned to her normal size, nodded to General Ross, took out a box, pressed the button, and the box quickly transformed into a larger container.

"The Pym particle is really useful, and we should have taken it long ago," General Ross sighed.

"That's Dr. Pym's personal property, General Ross. Taking it without his consent is not the style of S.W.O.R.D.," Carter snorted. She opened the container and took out various complicated instruments for assembly and Modulation.

"It's also not our military's style to take things by chance," General Ross replied. "Don't worry. Next, my battlefield is the sea of stars, and I won't be doing much."

Carter took out four objects and threw them at General Ross. "Stick these four things in the corners of the wall," she instructed.

"Okay," General Ross complied. He asked, "What are you doing? Can't the Inhumans teleport in directly?"

"The principle of Inhuman's teleportation is based on quantum teleportation," said Carter.

She went on to explain, "The Kree have suffered at the hands of the Inhumans, so there are instruments in the base to detect quantum fluctuations and spatial fluctuations. This instrument can deceive the Kree's instruments."

General Ross suddenly realized this and asked, "Wait, have Earth's advancements in the quantum field surpassed those of the Kree?"

"Almost. We have acquired a lot of Sovereign technology, and their quantum technology ranks in the top three in the universe," Carter replied.

General Ross's eyes lit up at this news, and he looked forward to exploring the depths of space in the future.

What's the point of fighting a civil war? Fighting aliens is a soldier's romance.

Soon after, Carter signaled for Gordon, who appeared in the warehouse with a large group of Inhumans, including Skye.

After ensuring that the warehouse was safe, Gordon disappeared to pick up the others.

Skye walked over to Carter and handed her a package, saying, "Ms. Carter, this is the energy bomb you requested."

"Okay, I will use it to blow up the defense cover device of the HYDRA base," Carter replied as she put the package on her waist.

"Ant-Man has gone to spread the hypnotic gas. The HYDRA base, whether in the castle or underground, has poor ventilation, which is just right for the hypnotic gas to work," Carter added.

"That's good," Skye replied. "When the hypnotic gas takes effect, we will act."

General Ross couldn't help but ask, "With the technology of the Kree and HYDRA, won't they discover the hypnotic gas? Also, what is the effect of the hypnotic gas?"

"Don't worry, this is the top hypnotic gas purchased from the Shi'ar Empire. Unless the Kree happen to have the equipment to detect it, they won't find anything," Carter reassured him.

Ivan, who had just arrived, added, "Also, this hypnotic gas is very effective. Even Inhumans and enhanced individuals will be affected by it."