Chapter 257 : Invade

After hearing Ivan's introduction, General Ross nodded and said, "That's good."

"I'm going to plant the bomb. You guys get ready." Carter said and changed back to the Wasp to install the energy bomb, while the others prepared for the fight.

"My task is to deal with the Kree. It's not difficult. Those blue-skinned guys have killed a lot of people before."

Ivan took a toothpick and restored the pocket unmanned battle armors one by one. Initially, he wanted to stay in the hospital. Though the woman he loved was going to give birth to other man's children, he didn't care. If Pepper wanted to, he wouldn't mind.

It's a pity that Tony Stark's ignorant behavior kicked him out. If it wasn't for Pepper's face, he would definitely want that bastard to look good.

Meanwhile, at the border of Sokovia, Steve smiled at Doom: "King Doom, I'll watch your performance later."

"Leave it to me. The mere HYDRA army is nothing."

Doom said proudly: "Director Steve, when the war starts, your S.W.O.R.D. is responsible for controlling those civilians. I don't want to see civilians on the battlefield, and I'm not used to keeping my hands."

"Croud Control?"

Steve looked back at the Doom's Legion, which was full of power armor, and smiled: "No problem. Our S.W.O.R.D. will protect the civilians in Sokovia. Doom, the S.W.O.R.D. will help you get your rightful place in Eastern Europe."

In the last interstellar war, the status of Eastern Europe improved a bit, but there is still a long way to go from what Doom wants.

Doom snorted coldly: "A group of poor people, they will change their attitude sooner or later."

Steve didn't say much. He looked at the watch and said, "It's almost time. Let's start."

After that, Steve activated the stone tablet given by Bert. The stone tablet shook violently, turned into a ray of light, submerged into the ground, and then the surrounding void was quickly blocked.


At the HYDRA base, the viper crown ring on Viper's finger shook violently, and a message entered her mind.

"The surrounding void is blocked? Blood God and S.W.O.R.D. started?"

Viper's expression changed, and she hurriedly contacted Supergiant in the Mind Stone. But she couldn't get in touch at all.

Viper's eyes flickered, and she stood up to summon her confidants - dozens of Inhumans and dozens of enhanced people. Then, she activated the power in the crown and disappeared with everyone.

That's right, Viper didn't notify Baron Strucker and chose to leave by herself. But instead of running away, she was going to New York to obtain the reincarnation of the Demon King for her god, so that her Lord could come to this filthy world.

As for the HYDRA, Viper didn't care at all, leaving them here to resist the S.W.O.R.D.

It's a pity on Supergiant's side, but who told her not to answer the call? She can't blame me.

"Bert has a lot of good stuff."

At the border, Doom sensed the fluctuations in space and said, "It seems that someday I will find a big dog like a Collector to loot."

Steve chuckled, "I think I can get a share."

"Don't disappoint your fans. Alright, let's stop the nonsense and get started."

Doom raised his hand, and behind him, five hundred soldiers in power armor rushed into the forest ahead of them, moving almost as fast as a car.

"Coulson, get moving."

Steve directed the S.W.O.R.D. agents to immediately drive a large number of armored vehicles to follow behind the Doom Legion, including Hawkeye, Danny Rand, Human Torch, and other superheroes.

"Why does Latveria have so many power armors, but our S.W.O.R.D. has nothing?"

Human Torch was very puzzled. Hawkeye replied, "Those power armors were researched by Doom himself. Additionally, the S.W.O.R.D. applied to the World Security Council for power armors, but they never approved them. That was a year ago, by the way."

Everyone couldn't help but grumble. Coulson shouted in the channel, "Power armor is prioritized for the space fleet. We're not exactly normal either. After all, it's military supplies."

"Military supplies? What else does the American military do besides bad things?"


Everyone burst into laughter, and Coulson couldn't help shaking his head. Speaking of which, Director Steve was great, but he had a bit of a dark side. How many good things had been hacked into S.H.I.E.L.D.?

Sokovia was a small country with only one city and a few small towns. Rushing through the forest would bring them to the capital city.

The base of HYDRA, located on a certain mountain in Sokovia, appeared to be a castle on the surface but was actually hollowed out with dozens of floors underground.

For safety, HYDRA had set up heavy defenses in the forest. As soon as the coalition forces of Latveria and S.W.O.R.D. appeared, they were immediately detected.

"The enemy attack is from S.W.O.R.D. and the Doom Legion in Latveria."

The HYDRA agent quickly reported. Baron Strucker was extremely shocked and rushed to the command room immediately. He looked at the monitor's captured picture and smashed the command station angrily.

They had been detected. That was the reason for his anger, and he had been careless.

"Open the defensive dome, all Inhumans and enhanced soldiers, prepare for battle."

Baron Strucker ordered loudly, and at that moment, a loud bang suddenly came from below the base. The entire castle shook, and a lot of dust fell from above, making everyone cough.

"What happened?"

Baron Strucker ignored the dust on his body and hurriedly asked. Soon, HYDRA reported, "Baron, the defensive cover device was blown up."

"What, someone snuck into the base?"

Baron Strucker was shocked. Before he could do anything, the surrounding HYDRA soldiers fainted one by one.

Not only the agents but also the Inhumans and enhanced soldiers in the base fainted. Only some of the more powerful Inhumans could barely hold on.

"Poison gas?"

Baron Strucker felt his head spin. He immediately pressed the watch, and a needle pierced his skin. The special medicine on the needle worked, and his consciousness quickly regained.

Baron Strucker breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing that his Inhuman bodyguard was about to faint, he hurried over and slapped him hard in the face, trying to wake him up.

But to Baron Strucker's surprise, the Inhuman bodyguard not only did not wake up, but instead fell to the ground.

"When did I become so powerful? No, this poison gas is so potent."

Baron Strucker pondered for a moment before taking out a few potions from the cabinet beside him and injecting them into the Inhuman bodyguard's body.

This is a stimulant with powerful side effects, but it works exceptionally well. The Inhuman bodyguard quickly regained consciousness, and Baron Strucker instructed him to save others while he contacted Rumlow.

"There are enemies invading, Rumlow. Quickly awaken the other Inhumans and clear the base of the enemy," Baron Strucker yelled.

Rumlow, being a metal body, had some resistance to the hypnotic gas and responded confidently, "Baron, I know what to do."

After briefing Rumlow, Baron Strucker reached out to the Kree people and warned them, "Enemies are invading. Prepare for defense. They may already be aware of your existence."

"Baron Strucker, you're an idiot. You don't even know you've been hacked," the Kree commander cursed.

Baron Strucker sneered in response, "Don't you already know? S.W.O.R.D. loves to dissect aliens the most. You can do it yourself."

He then hung up the communication and broadcasted a message to the entire base, "The lackeys of S.W.O.R.D. are here. We will never surrender or retreat. Destroy them! HAIL HYDRA!"

"HAIL HYDRA!" echoed throughout the base.

Satisfied with the response, Baron Strucker ordered the use of citizens in the city to force S.W.O.R.D. to divide its troops. "They are very useful tools,"

The frontline commander acknowledged the order, and Baron Strucker proceeded to Dr. Liszt's laboratory with several Inhuman bodyguards.

The medicine was complete, and the air had been purified. Baron Strucker whispered to Dr. Liszt, "Pack up. We will leave immediately. Bring the Stone with you."

"What? Didn't you say you would never retreat?" Dr. Liszt asked in surprise.

"I'm not retreating. I'm commanding from another location. Don't worry; I won't give up here, and I don't need to give up," Baron Strucker reassured him confidently.

Everyone looked skeptical, but they didn't bother to argue. They quickly packed up, and Wanda, who was "awake" while Pietro was still asleep, followed them.

Unknown to them, the Mind Stone in the box had already disappeared. In an underground space, Bert (the main body) held the Mind Stone with the infinity gloves and sneered, "Continue to be mad at me. Continue to pit me."

The Mind Stone emitted layers of yellow light, but it couldn't attack Bert. The infinite gem was just a gem after all; inside, it could be arrogant, but outside, it was useless, unless someone was foolish enough to try to grab it.

However, the Mind Stone did not yield. It desperately poured its spiritual energy into Supergiant, enabling her to deal with the Dragon Soul Bert as quickly as possible. At that moment, Supergiant would be able to control the Mind Stone and fight against Bert. In other words, the Mind Stone needed a manipulator.

"Stubborn," Bert snorted, putting the Mind Stone into the slot on the back of the Infinity Gauntlet, but nothing happened.

"Come on, knockoffs just won't work," Bert scolded. The fake Infinity Gauntlet could withstand one and a half Infinity Gems, but it lacked enough control to forcibly control the uncooperative Mind Stones. This would not have happened with a true Infinity Gauntlet.

"Then wait. Anyway, the Dragon Soul clone will definitely win. He didn't even use half of his power," Bert said, unconcerned. He hid the Infinity Gauntlet and adjusted himself quietly.

Bert's strength had increased too much this time, and it was a bit uncontrollable. He needed a little time to adjust. Otherwise, if he were not careful, there would be no living people in New York - he would drain everyone's blood.

Leaving aside Bert for a moment, Baron Strucker asked Pir to open the space door. Pir did so immediately, but surprisingly, his body could not become transparent.

Baron Strucker asked inexplicably, "Pir, what's going on?"

Pir shouted in horror, "Baron, the space is blocked, and I can't teleport."

"Damn, they want to wipe us out," Baron Strucker scolded and gave up his thoughts of escaping. He said to Dr. Liszt, "Liszt, you stay here. If someone from S.W.O.R.D. comes, surrender directly, and I'll rescue you later."

Liszt asked, "Baron, where are you going?"

"Underground. There's an Anti-matter bomb there. Once it explodes, let alone this base, even the Earth will be destroyed," Baron Strucker sneered. "With it, we're inherently invincible. I wasn't lying before. I didn't really plan to give up, just change the command."

Everyone understood that Baron Strucker was a gentleman who did not stand under a dangerous wall. He should first hide in an absolutely safe place, and then slowly play with S.W.O.R.D.

'To put it bluntly, he's still greedy for life and afraid of death. With such a commander, how can HYDRA be undefeated?' Wanda sneered secretly, but fortunately, she had changed sides.

Then, Baron Strucker took Wanda and a few Inhumans to the area of the Kree people through a secret passage. As for Pietro, who was just an empty shell, he was left behind.

Leaving aside Baron Strucker, who was greedy for life and afraid of death, Rumlow immediately took more than a dozen Inhumans to save people after receiving the order. One of these Inhuman could detoxify poison, and fortified soldiers woke up quickly.

In a short period of time, Rumlow had amassed hundreds of Inhumans and enhanced individuals, all of whom were determined to lead an assault against the invaders.

On the way, Rumlow and his followers encountered Skye, General Ross, and several others unexpectedly in a hall. Skye was carrying an instrument in her hand and appeared to be scanning the area. "They are rescuing people too quickly. We need to take them out before it becomes a problem,"

"Agreed. I've already noticed that Rumlow is not satisfied," General Ross added with a sneer.

Rumlow looked at General Ross with confusion and asked, "General, are you betraying us?"

General Ross retorted, "And you call yourself 'Crossbones', but I promise to make you live up to that name."

"Without HYDRA, you would still be rotting in prison," Rumlow spat back.

"That may be true, but I am an American soldier. I would never betray my country or the Earth for personal gain," General Ross said with a sense of righteousness.

The Inhumans and agents behind Skye admired General Ross for his patriotism, but Skye rolled her eyes, knowing the truth about the man they were following.

Rumlow suddenly transformed into a metal giant and charged towards General Ross, causing deep footprints with every step. "I'll kill you, traitor!" he bellowed.

General Ross chuckled as his own transformation began, and he became the Red Hulk with a red body and white gas around him. "You want to kill me that badly?" he taunted.