Chapter 258 : Fight Escalates

Red Hulk is distinct from the Hulk in that he remains rational after transforming. Furthermore, the angrier he becomes, the higher his body temperature rises. This means that his greatest strength lies in his high temperature, not his physical strength.

Without any hesitation, the two figures, one red, and one gold, collided fiercely with each other. The resulting shockwave caused a powerful gust of wind to blow around, and the clothes of those nearby were left rattling.

Although Rumlow's strength did not match that of the Red Hulk, he was able to defend himself well and avoid injury while being knocked back repeatedly. Each time he was knocked down, he immediately stood back up and rushed forward. The two continued to exchange blows, fists colliding with flesh as they fought fiercely.

Upon seeing Rumlow's attack, the Inhumans and reinforcements behind them also began to attack the Inhumans from S.W.O.R.D.

The Inhumans utilized a variety of abilities such as fireballs, ice, flowing water, controlled objects, and electrical bullets, launching a barrage of attacks on Skye and her team. Several fast Inhumans also rushed in from both sides like phantoms.

The attacks from the enhanced individuals were relatively simple, consisting mainly of dozens of energy beams fired towards the S.W.O.R.D. side.

In response to HYDRA's attack, Skye sneered in disdain. She extended her hand and pushed forward, unleashing a massive shockwave that rippled outwards in layers.

Wherever the shockwave went, whether it was fireballs, ice, flowing water, or electric light, it shattered everything in its path, even dispersing the energy beams.

At the same time, Yiren raised her hand, conjuring several energy shields that blocked all remaining attacks.

Compared to before, Yiren's control over her abilities had improved significantly. In addition to the rigid defensive cover, she could now flexibly manipulate the defensive shield.

"How dare you wear an exoskeleton in front of me?" Joey, an Inhuman from S.W.O.R.D., sneered disdainfully, stretching out his hand to melt all the exoskeletons. The enhanced man screamed in agony as he was burned by the high temperature, and was immediately incapacitated.

This was the power of the Inhumans, easily defeating dozens of enhanced individuals in an instant.

"Our metal nemesis control is back online," the four Alyssas announced in unison as they raised the heat guns in their hands. Heat rays shot out one after another, and the Inhumans who rushed towards them quickly fell down.

Giella raised her hand, causing several Inhumans to be lifted up in the air before being slammed into the ceiling. They fell to the ground shortly after, their fate unknown.

Upon seeing the object-controlled Inhuman summoning a large number of items to shoot at Jiera, Jiera smiled contemptuously and pushed her hand outwards. The objects reflected back towards the object-controlled Inhuman, striking it down and causing the Inhuman to scream out in pain.

Laser-eyed Inhuman, toad Inhuman, bubble Inhuman, gusty wind Inhuman... shot one after another, and various abilities kept blooming in the hall."

Although there are fewer Inhumans on Skye's side than HYDRA, their combat power completely overwhelms their opponents. HYDRA is not an opponent at all and falls quickly.

It's not surprising that the Inhumans of S.W.O.R.D. are more powerful, as they have fought not only the Ravagers and Kree but also the Supreme Intelligence and Demons. It can be said that they have experience in hundreds of battles. How could fledgling HYDRA Inhumans be their opponents?

Others may not say it, but Skye alone is enough to crush more than ten Inhumans.

However, the abilities of the Inhumans are all kinds of strange, and it is not impossible for the new Inhumans to defeat the old ones. For example, now, a vulgar-looking Inhuman stares at Skye's chest, activates his abilities, and suddenly everyone in S.W.O.R.D. is left without clothes.

This wretched Inhuman can release a special kind of bug that destroys the enemy's clothes.

Everyone has a sense of shame, and the Inhumans are no exception. Seeing their clothes disappear, they scream. Although they don't squat on the ground and don't dare to move, their shots are obviously affected.

Westerners are indeed a little more open, but not everyone is like that.

In contrast, the agents' performance is clearly professional. Although their clothes disappear, they are hardly affected. Fighting without clothes is not difficult for them.

"Looks like we're out of clothes. Keep fighting. When the battle is over, I will apply for special training for you. At that time, no one will be allowed to wear clothes," Skye shouts in dissatisfaction. She releases shock waves again and again, knocking down all the HYDRA Inhumans who try to counterattack.

Everyone looks at the dragon-skin battle armor, which is wrapped tightly, and can't help but compare them to Skye. Of course, she's not afraid and not naked.

The superhero and actress Alyssa rolls her eyes even more. If the old lady spreads out like this, it will definitely make headlines tomorrow.

"It's good to have a master, even magic equipment," the Inhumans cursed in their hearts. Skye said innocently that it was not her fault for having a good master.

As Bert's apprentice, Skye naturally has the standard dragon leather armor.

On the other hand, the Dragon Leather Bracers are too powerful - it is made with the skin of the Dragon God, and very few people can hurt her after wearing them. However, it is very easy to become dependent. Therefore, Skye will not use the Dragonhide Bracers unless necessary.

At this time, Skye discovers the wretched Inhuman, and a shock wave knocks him unconscious.

Skye breathes a sigh of relief, looks at the others, and finds that it's too late - except for her, the other Inhumans and agents of S.W.O.R.D. are already naked.

"Flash, cover everyone with light," Skye thinks for a while and shouts loudly to an Inhuman behind her. The Inhuman is stunned for a moment, then reacts and envelops everyone with light.

All the Inhumans suddenly breathe a sigh of relief, no longer covering up, fighting with all their strength, venting all their previous anger on HYDRA Inhumans.

Seeing the horrific defeat of the HYDRA Inhumans, Rumlow is furious. While fighting the Red Hulk, he commands through his earphones: "All Inhumans in the base, soldiers come to my side immediately for support."

The HYDRA members agreed one after another, and Skye hurriedly shouted, "Deal with the enemies here as soon as possible, then surround and fight for reinforcements, and wipe out all the reinforcements, Lincoln."

"Yes," everyone nodded. The Inhuman Lincoln raised his hand, and an electric light slammed into Rumlow's ear, destroying his earphones.

Meanwhile, as the Inhuman War raged on, the Doom Army and the HYDRA Army faced each other in the forest of Sokovia.

The HYDRA army hid behind the defense line and fired energy guns at the Doom Army's power armor. There were even several bunkers next to the defense line, indicating that HYDRA had been operating there for a long time.

The power armor evaded the beams and raised the hot melt gun in its hand, shooting a thick heat ray at the bunker. The bunker was instantly melted into a large hole, and the soldiers inside died tragically.

An officer ordered all the power armors to launch missiles in unison, causing a sea of fire behind the defense line.

HYDRA sent exoskeletons to strengthen soldiers and armored vehicles to attack the power armor. A large number of artillery turrets rose on the ground, and a barrage of missiles roared towards the power armor, resulting in explosions and screams all around.

An agent looked at the battlefield ahead and swallowed, "Coulson, this is not a battlefield that ordinary people can join. I strongly request enhanced potions, power armor, and energy guns. Even HYDRAs are equipped with those. Why don't we have them?"

"You are equipped with the most advanced armors, and other people's pistols, body armor, communicators, etc. are also top-notch," Coulson said angrily. "It's just that the potions and power armor are not strengthened. Those things are given priority to the military and space fleet, after all, production is insufficient. But then again, we have to deal with HYDRA, and we can't be left behind. When I go back, I will apply to the World Security Council again."

Human Torch, who had gone to explore the city of Sokovia, shouted, "The HYDRA is crazy, and a lot of shells fell in the city."

Coulson hurriedly said, "They are not crazy; they are trying to disperse our forces. Hawkeye, you take the superheroes to defeat the HYDRA defense line. Others, follow me to the city to save people."

"Good," the agents agreed, relieved to have better equipment than outdated weapons.

To the agents' surprise, the people of Sokovia did not welcome them; some even shot at them secretly. Fortunately, the agents were wearing the latest bulletproof vests and were not injured.

Upon seeing the situation, Coulson urged everyone to be more vigilant while also persuading the people of Solvia to leave the hazardous area with kind words.

Steve looked at the screen, shook his head, and said, "No wonder you said 'control' earlier."

"Sokovians have been brainwashed by HYDRA for so many years."

Doom snorted coldly. "You are an excellent deputy director. You can sit in the office and go to the front line. You are a rare talent, but that wig is too ridiculous. A real man doesn't need to disguise himself."

Steve complained, "Then why do you keep wearing a mask?"

"Ordinary people are not qualified to see me."

It is worth mentioning that Doom's appearance has long since recovered, and he has been wearing a mask mainly out of habit.

"If you meet Tony, Mars will definitely hit the Earth."

Steve shook his head and said, "Based on the current situation, the battle outside is not a problem."

"The key is in the base. The outside is not important."

Doom turned to look at Jarvis, who had been sitting on the ground, and asked, "Jarvis, is the internet blocked?"

Jarvis's eyes flashed with data streams, and he said, "It's all blocked. Unless the Supreme Intelligence defeats me, it will never leave here."

"Very good."

Doom nodded with satisfaction. "Don't be careless. No matter what, you can't let the Supreme Intelligence leave. This time, you must completely destroy it, even the core program."


Jarvis respectfully agreed, and Steve couldn't help but glance at him. The guy's attitude towards Doom was completely different from Tony Stark's.

Jarvis said that one cannot offend Doom, or he may be demolished by him.

Meanwhile, Ivan arrived at the underground research room of the Kree Empire with dozens of unmanned battle armors.

The Krees were well-prepared and had arranged a defensive cover early in the morning. Upon seeing the arrival of the unmanned battle armors, they immediately activated the energy machine gun. A large number of energy bullets shot out towards the unmanned battle armors.

Ivan snorted coldly, and several unmanned battle armors raised their large shields that shone with energy and advanced step by step, followed by Ivan and other unmanned battle armors.

Upon seeing this, Commander Kree activated the energy cannon, and a beam of energy beams slammed into the big shield.

What shocked Commander Kree was that although the energy light on the large shield trembled, it did not shatter, and the unmanned battle armor stopped momentarily and continued to move forward.

There is no doubt that this is the Vibranium Great Shield.

Ivan complained, "Installing an energy cannon in the laboratory? Who would dare to say that I drink vodka in the laboratory?"

The reason why the Kree made so many arrangements in the laboratory was not to prevent the S.W.O.R.D. but to prevent HYDRA. In fact, if HYDRA were not strongly opposed, they would even transport the spacecraft down.

Upon reaching the attack distance, Ivan picked up an imitation black hole grenade from his waist, pulled the safety pin, and smashed it towards the defensive cover.

The black hole grenade hit the defensive cover and immediately exploded, turning into a black hole as thick as a bucket, and the defensive cover shattered on the spot. Then, the surrounding energy cannons, energy guns, and Kree all flew towards the black hole uncontrollably.

"Black hole! Humans can even create black holes?"

The Kree exclaimed and hurriedly grabbed objects around them to avoid being sucked into the black hole. Fortunately, the black hole was not persistent and disappeared in just three seconds.

"It's still much worse than the original, and it needs to be improved," Ivan said as he shook his head, rushing into the research room with an unmanned uniform.

The Kree took cover behind a barrier to fight back, but their firepower was much weaker than the unmanned armors, and soon casualties followed.

Commander Kree shouted in Kree, "Send in the Inhumans!"

The Kree scientist immediately clicked on the operating light curtain, opening a door from which more than a dozen Inhumans with red collars hanging around their necks emerged.

The Kree and HYDRA had a temporary partnership, but neither trusted the other. After successfully conducting research, the Kree secretly hid a group of Inhumans - the strongest group.

In other words, this batch of Inhumans was stronger than the HYDRA Inhumans.

As these Inhumans were loyal to HYDRA, the Kree wiped their memories and controlled them with chips to make them fight for the Kree Empire.

Without any hesitation, the Inhumans launched a direct attack, with one of them transforming into a cloud of white mist and flying towards an unmanned battle armor.

The unmanned battle armor fired at the mist, but neither energy bullets nor beams had any effect. The mist then entered the bodies of three unmanned battle armors, causing them to simultaneously lose control.

After a while, the red lights in the eyes of the three unmanned battle armors disappeared, indicating that they were forced to shut down due to damage to important components.

Meanwhile, other Inhumans rushed forward. Although the unmanned battle armors kept shooting, it was to no avail, as all the energy attacks were absorbed by a light-emitting Inhuman.

Moreover, after the alien absorbed enough energy, it pushed its hands forward and blasted a huge beam of energy that pierced through the chest of an unmanned battle armor.

"Tsk tsk, it seems my side is a hard nut to crack," Ivan said, not afraid but a little excited.

At that moment, Carter's voice came through the communication channel, "Ivan, do you need our help?"

Carter and Ant-Man were both in the research room, waiting for the elevator to open to access the Anti-matter bomb located below the research room. Additionally, the last layer, where the Supreme Intelligence was located, could only be accessed by descending from this location.