Chapter 259 : Mindy's Plan

"No need. The elevator will be opened soon. You are ready," said Ivan with a grin.

He dashed forward, and the energy in his body quickly gathered to the whip in his left hand. He swung the whip towards the white mist, and a small black hole appeared at the front of the whip, sucking the white mist in uncontrollably, resulting in its tragic death on the spot.

As soon as that Inhuman died, another Inhuman rushed up and wrapped Ivan with her hair. Immediately, she shouted, and dazzling electricity flashed from her hair, illuminating the surrounding area in white. When the electric light disappeared, the strange woman looked at Ivan in astonishment, not understanding why he was intact and still fully charged.

Ivan didn't give any explanation. With a wave of the long whip in his right hand, he directly divided the Hair Inhuman into two.

Afterward, he strode towards the cottage, but another Inhuman who has powers similar to Absorbing Man appeared, and he absorbed a lot of energy and slammed it towards Ivan.

"Weak. You are too weak," said Ivan, turning the long whip in his right hand into a lightning cannon, and blasting out a beam of lightning.

The energy absorbed by him was only resisted for a moment and then destroyed. The beam of lightning then slammed into the Absorbing Inhuman.

The Absorbing Inhuman roared, desperately absorbing the lightning energy. At the same time, an Inhuman appeared in front of the Absorbing Inhuman, and its eyes flashed with strange light as it looked at Ivan.

As soon as Ivan saw those eyes, his consciousness immediately became blurred. He then found himself in a manor where Pepper was looking at him dissatisfiedly and said angrily, "What are you in a daze? Our baby is calling for you to hug him."

Ivan lowered his head and saw a cute little baby beckoning to him, a sincere smile flashing across his slightly ugly face. But Ivan didn't hold the baby. He said, "This was my dream. Unfortunately, I'm not a coward like Tony Stark, and I won't let myself indulge in fantasy. No matter how cruel the real world is, I will never back down. I, Ivan Vanke, am indeed not a good person, but I have always been tough."

At the same time, in reality, a majestic and violent Thunder Dragon phantom appeared behind Ivan. Then, the Thunder Dragon phantom let out a thunderous low roar at the Illusory Inhuman, and the Illusory Inhuman was instantly devoured. His mind went blank, and he fell down.

At the same time, the energy absorbed by the Absorbing Inhuman exceeded the limit, and it exploded with a bang, blowing all the surrounding Inhuman away.

"A group of idiots. The abilities of Inhumans need to be developed. No one can be invincible in an instant; that's not how it works," Ivan said with a disdainful smile as he led the unmanned battle armor to quickly destroy the Kree defense line.

"This guy is too powerful," Commander Kree gritted his teeth and shouted, "Go down and start the Anti-matter bomb. If humans don't compromise, they will perish with us."

"Okay," a scientist immediately started the elevator, and then rushed into it under everyone's protection. Ant-Man and the Wasp took the opportunity to fly in.

Just as the elevator was about to close, Baron Strucker rushed out from the small door next to it with Wanda and a few Inhumans, shouting, "Wait, let's go down together."

The Kree scientist hesitated and did not close the door. Baron Strucker and the others rushed into the elevator smoothly, and it closed and sank quickly.

Ant-Man asked hesitantly, "Ms. Carter, can it be done with just the two of us?"

"No problem, and there's more than two of us," Carter said with a smile. Pym particles are really useful, and even she couldn't help but think that she should have used them earlier.

Moving backward a little bit, In a private hospital in New York. A campaigner with thousands of people shouted outside, demanding that Iron Man and the government kill the reincarnated devil.

In the past few days, relying on the large amount of funds and evidence provided by HYDRA, more and more people started to believe in the Candidate, and even conservative forces have joined in to force Iron Man to give up his children.

The New York Police Department sent a large number of police officers to maintain order early in the morning. These police officers still believed in Iron Man, but they couldn't do much, because besides them, the FBI also sent a large number of people to maintain order.

Strange looked at the parade outside and sneered, "Mr. Stark, your ability to use money is really disappointing. Not only did the number of people outside not decrease, but there were more and more."

Tony stared at the live broadcast of the Sokovia battle and scolded angrily, "Damn FBI. When this matter is resolved, I will definitely make the director step down."

"Not just the FBI, but that bastard Candidate," Wind Demon gritted his teeth and scolded. The candidate revealed his demon identity, which caused him to face a lot of questions and lose a lot of fans.

"I hope those devil believers don't act out at this time, otherwise, it will be very troublesome," Strange said with some worry.

Tony said, "Don't worry, Sokovia has been completely blocked. Those people will not know that S.W.O.R.D. is contained. Damn, if it weren't for this mess, I should have been on the battlefield."

"Hahaha," a burst of laughter suddenly came from the side. Tony turned his head and asked, "Mindy, aren't you accompanying Pepper? What are you doing here? Also, what are you laughing at?"

In the last battle, Pepper liked Mindy very much. Mindy took the opportunity to come here every day to see if she could mix in a battle or two.

Mindy laughed and said, "Master told me that Tony Stark was either being slapped in the face, or that he was on the way to being slapped in the face. I didn't believe it before, but now I completely believe it."

Everyone burst out laughing as they gathered, including superheroes like Electro, Spider-Man, Harry, Absorbing Man, and Damon.

Tony spoke with anger, "Did that kid Bert really badmouth me behind my back?"

Damon asked, "That's not the point. Mindy, why did Tony get slapped?"

"Top-secret news: the gods and demonic factions already know about Sokovia and are heading here."

Mindy kept a straight face as she continued, "The god's side includes the Holy Light Warriors. As for the Demon God Believers, there may be hundreds of them."

"What?" Everyone was surprised, and Damon quickly asked, "Mindy, is it true?"

"Of course, Sister Annie confirmed it. I won't divulge any details, but we need to prepare for battle."

"You're not needed, Mindy. Go protect Pepper."

Damon said angrily, but Mindy refused to leave.

Strange said, "We need to get rid of the outsiders first, or they'll become tools for the Demon God Believers."

"It's difficult. I told them about the upcoming battle, but they won't leave."

Tony frowned, "We could pretend to shoot at them, but the Stark Industries would face major problems with more people, like the FBI, military, and police."

Wind Demon suggested, "What if we blame it on a programming error?"

"You're thinking too much. Stark Industries produces only the best quality."

Tony said angrily, "No one will believe that excuse."

Strange added, "If we can't do that, I can put all the enemies in the Mirror Dimension, but there are too many of them. I'm not sure if I can trap them all."

Everyone frowned. Suddenly, Mindy shouted, "Why is this so difficult? If you let me stay, I can help you."

Tony replied, "Mindy, your tricks won't work. For the Demon God Believers, it doesn't matter if those people are fainted or not."

Mindy smiled and said, "It's not that. I have another trick."

"Fine, if you can solve it, you can stay."

Damon agreed, but only if Mindy's dragon-skin bracers worked. Otherwise, he wouldn't have allowed Mindy to come here at all.

That dragon-skin bracer even tempted Damon. Of course, he was also dissatisfied, wondering what he would give in return for such an expensive gift.

"You got it, Quicksilver."

Mindy called her delivery brother over, and Pietro quickly appeared, looking weak. "What's the order?"

For the past few days, Pietro had been tormented by Mindy. Lina, on the other hand, had a massive appetite but didn't intentionally torture him.

Mindy whispered to Pietro, who eagerly agreed, "I've wanted to mess with that guy for a while. Leave it to me."

After that, Quicksilver took what Mindy gave him and quickly disappeared.

Mindy clapped her hands and said, "Okay, open the shield."

Tony asked curiously while requesting Friday to open the protective shield that had never been opened before, 'What exactly is your plan?'"

Mindy giggled and said, "You'll know soon.'"

Outside the hospital, the Candidate held a microphone and spoke loudly, "No one knows the devil better than me. The devil is cruel. Once the devil is born, the whole world will be destroyed by him. We must make Iron Man hand over his child. There's also that Wind demon - he's really a demon. He must have another purpose as a superhero. I strongly request the military to arrest him for investigation."

"Kill the devil, kill the devil...," the marchers shouted loudly. If it weren't for the police stopping them and the unmanned armors staring at them, they would have rushed in long ago.

"Yes, kill the Demon King," the Candidate laughed. He was about to continue inciting everyone when a loud fart sounded behind him.

The Candidate was stunned and asked, "Who farts so loudly?"

But he found that everyone was covering their noses and looking at him with disgust. He was about to explain when an indescribable stench came out of him. The people around almost fainted, and some even vomited in place.

It's so stinky, it's like a sewer that hasn't been treated in 10,000 years.

The candidate himself stunk. He retched on the spot and cursed in his heart, "It's too despicable, to actually use biochemical weapons? Still frame me?"

Because it was so stinky, everyone couldn't help but flee from the hospital's door. Only then did they realize that the stench was still on their clothes. They hesitated and left there completely, either by driving or trotting.

Several reporters took photos with dedication while thinking about the topic of tomorrow's news: "A new biochemical weapon appears in the United States, the Candidates' farts."

In just a few minutes, the thousands of people who marched disappeared, not even the police, FBI, and the media. The surrounding residents had all moved out some time ago, which Tony had paid for.

Everyone in the hospital was stunned. Although they had protective masks to isolate the smell, they still felt a little uneasy and couldn't help but cover their noses - purely psychological factors.

Tony looked at Mindy speechlessly. Although the parade was indeed driven away, he couldn't help but feel that this trick was a little too disgusting.

"Is my stink bomb easy to use? This is what I commissioned Oscorp to research," Mindy said proudly. "By the way, I also have a spit-up and diarrhea sonicator. As long as it's turned on, it can make a person vomit up and down, which is very useful against those marchers."

"Spit up and have diarrhea? You'd better let them go and let go of this way while you're at it," Tony complained. He remembered that Pepper had said she hoped their daughter would be like Mindy and immediately wiped away the cold sweat. If she was the same, would he survive?

Spider-Man couldn't help but feel a little fortunate that Mindy usually only beats up on him and never uses props against him. He had always been her sparring partner.

Damon's dark expression deepened as he spoke, "Hand over all those messy things, and don't research them without my permission. My daughter is becoming more and more lawless."

Mindy was dissatisfied and quickly changed the subject, "Why should I give you things that I paid for? Okay, the righteous people and demon believers are coming soon, everyone prepare for battle."

Upon hearing this, everyone stopped talking and prepared for battle.


To take Iron Man by surprise, the righteous people and the followers of the devil did not head to the hospital with much fanfare. They traveled in cars like ordinary people, though not together but independently.

"It feels so unpretentious. Shouldn't it be black smoke billowing and holy light rushing towards the hospital?" complained an Inhuman in the convoy of Demon God believers. Madam Viper glanced at him blankly, and the Inhuman immediately shut up, not daring to speak further.

"The style is indeed a bit biased," Viper also complained to herself. A group of demon believers with skulls in their hands and black cloaks looked out of place sitting on a bus.

Maybe that was why everyone remained silent, or perhaps they were pretending to be deep.

It is worth mentioning that the reason why the righteous people and the devil believers started at this time is that Viper informed them of the news.

S.W.O.R.D. was busy with HYDRA now, it was the best time to take action. As for Pepper, who had not yet given birth, it didn't matter as the baby would have already formed by now.

And the reason why Viper came to them was to make them cannon fodder, which everyone knew.

"My God, I will definitely grab the reincarnation of the Demon King for you," Viper touched the viper ring with a frenzied expression. As long as she succeeded this time, she would have whatever she wanted in the future.