Chapter 260 : Mysterious Mage

Compared to the demon believers, the style of the righteous people is even more bizarre. At least the demon believers dress similarly, making it obvious that they are not good news at first glance. However, the righteous people wear all sorts of things - medieval armor, magic robes, suits, long skirts, and even work clothes, all mixed and matched. Their conversations are equally strange.

"It's finally about to start. I took ten days off. If I don't start again, I'm going to go back to work," a man in a suit said.

"It's too hard to ask for leave. That damn boss keeps me off vacation. If I didn't have children and couldn't leave my job, I would have complained to him," he added.

"I'm fine. I opened a small shop myself. It doesn't matter if I close the door for a few days. It's just that business is not good now. Technology is developing too fast. Everyone is used to online shopping, and no one comes to the physical store to buy," a fat man in casual clothes sighed.

"I heard that delivery robots will be popularized for a while. If that happens, my store is probably going to close down," someone else added.

"It's too difficult. Everything is developing, but my salary doesn't change. Those superheroes are too hateful. What's the rush?" another person chimed in.

"Hey, are you really here to exorcise the Demons?" a magician in a robe asked dissatisfiedly. "Also, I remember that your ancestors were all famous magician families. Why is it like this now?"

"Because of poverty. It takes a lot of money to do magic. Since Kamar-Taj established a defense network and the magic energy has greatly reduced, the investment in magic has greatly increased, but the output has been greatly reduced too. We can barely maintain what we had before, but then it went bankrupt," explained the man in the suit.

Fatty spread his hands and said, "Juniors like us can basically do tricks."

"That's right," someone else agreed.

The man in the suit took out a forearm-long staff from his bag and said, "If it wasn't for the survival of the world this time, I wouldn't bring the sacred relic left by my ancestors to New York at all."

After a pause, the man in the suit continued, "There isn't much energy left in this staff. It is estimated that this will be its last battle. At that time, my family will be completely removed from the magical world."

There was silence on the bus for a while. In fact, everyone's situation was similar - after Kamar-Taj closed off the world and set human beings free, the magic family was doomed to decline.

"It's all Kamar-Taj's fault. They were too domineering, not only blocking the world but also not allowing us to interfere with it. Otherwise, how could we have fallen so far?" a mage complained.

"In the Middle Ages, magicians never had to worry about money, and they were almost like gods," several people nodded in agreement.

But there were also objections, such as the fat man who had been complaining earlier: "Kamar-Taj is right. If they didn't block the world, how could there be a bright civilization now? I hate online shopping, but if I had to choose, I would choose the modern world."

"That's right. What good was there in the Middle Ages? No movies, no entertainment, no TV, not even a toilet," the man in the suit also nodded. "Also, magicians are also human beings, not some damn gods. Humans don't need gods."

"Yes, we are human," said one mage, prompting nods from many. The mage who had spoken before gave a disdainful snort, believing that these people had fallen.

"I heard that there is a Kamar-Taj mage in the hospital. It seems that Kamar-Taj has also fallen. Not only did he fail to destroy the reincarnation of the demon king, but instead he is helping them," the mage continued.

Glancing at him, another mage suggested, "Everyone, it's time to re-establish the rules of the magic world, such as opening the defense net and restoring the magic world."

Many people frowned, preparing to refute the suggestion, when suddenly a golden circle of sparks appeared under the mage's feet. A suction force emerged and pulled the mage in, and then the aperture quickly disappeared.

"Kamar-Taj's portal?" exclaimed everyone. They noticed the mysterious mage, who was wearing a yellow coat and covering his face.

The mysterious mage didn't respond to anything and closed his eyes as if resting. Everyone didn't dare to ask more questions, but they were thoughtful.

"It seems that there is disagreement within Kamar-Taj about the reincarnation of the Demon King," said one mage. This was a good thing for everyone. If Kamar-Taj had to protect the reincarnation of the devil, they could only retreat.

"Kamar-Taj will not interfere," said the Elder coldly. "My lord and the Demon King of Hell will send someone to hold the Blood God and Kamar-Taj. This is a human matter, and the gods and demons will not intervene."

"That's good," everyone breathed a sigh of relief. They didn't dare to face the Blood God, who had even killed a god.

Meanwhile, Bert (projection) was drinking tea with the Ancient One. Bert was boiling water, washing, and pouring tea, and was evidently an experienced tea drinker.

"Yes, the tea leaves are better," said the Ancient One, taking a sip of tea with satisfaction. Bert smiled and said, "The tea leaves are not better, but I opened a special place on the resource star to grow tea."

"Too extravagant," said the Ancient One, shaking his head. "There are three gods who are planning to take action. Aren't you going to take action?"

"No, this time I'm taking a rest, and my body will loosen my muscles and bones," said Bert, his eyes flashing coldly. "This time, none of the three of them will leave."

"When there are too many kills, they will naturally not dare to come to our door again," said Ancient One, calmly but cruelly. Bert smiled slightly. If she didn't kill a few gods, why should she be called a Sorcerer Supreme?

Outside the hospital, the convoys of righteous people and demon believers arrived almost at the same time. Everyone disembarked quickly and began to vomit.

That's right, they vomited. The stench was unbearable, worse than a clogged sewer.

"Quickly cast some spell of wind and bring fresh air," someone shouted.

Several mages immediately took out their staffs to cast spells. At the same time, the followers of the devil took out seeds and sprinkled them on the grass. Soon, the seeds burst out of the ground and bloomed flowers that looked very coquettish.

This is a flower of fresh blood raised with human blood. It will emit a peculiar fragrance, which makes people addicted to it. Many devil believers like to plant a few plants at home, which is more compelling.

With the spells and the fragrance of the flowers, the odor was quickly covered up, and the surrounding area returned to normal.

"Finally alive," the people of justice and the devil believers breathed a sigh of relief. Then, while they were divided into two distinct camps, they yelled at the hospital, "You guys are too despicable to use such disgusting tactics."

"Can we be meaner than you?" Tony Stark flew out wearing battle armor and brought a group of superheroes. He glanced at the enemy, frowned slightly, and assessed the situation. 'More than 100 righteous people, more than 300 demon believers, plus the spies and special human organization, this battle is not easy to fight,' he thought.

"What a fool," Tony ignored the demon believers and addressed the justice man. "Since you are magicians representing justice, why do you want to kill my son?"

"I've said it many times, we're here to protect the world," the Elder said solemnly.

"Tony Stark, as long as you are willing to give up the son of the devil, I can apologize to you with my life. In addition, we will help you get rid of these devil believers and leave none of them," the many old Holy Light warriors shouted in unison.

The followers of the Devil God sneered when they heard the words, and one of them shouted, "I'm afraid you won't succeed? When the Devil King comes into the world, all of you will die."

The man in the suit said, "Iron Man, you are a superhero, and you should save the world."

"My son will not harm the world. Blood God and Kamar-Taj can guarantee this," Tony shouted.

No one in the magical world cared about Tony's face. He could only use the Blood God and Kamar-Taj as guarantees. 'I have to say that these two still have a little face, and many mages are a little shaken,' Tony thought.

"The Blood God is a vampire and cannot be trusted," the Elder hurriedly shouted. "As for Kamar-Taj, if the Sorceror Supreme comes in person, then I will leave immediately, but I can't trust other people. And about Kamar-Taj, it is not that there has been no traitor."

Strange's face darkened, but he did not refute it because he was disdainful and had little prestige in the magic world.

"Blood God can't be trusted?" Tony was very disdainful. "What qualifications do you angels who collude with demons have? Hmph, I said so much, not because I was afraid of you, but just because I didn't want to hurt good people. If you really want to hurt my children, don't blame me for being ruthless. A father can do anything for his children."

The mages hesitated. At that moment, a few screams suddenly came from a distance. Then, a demon believer flew over a dozen people with black cloud-like wind.

It is worth mentioning that the Candidate was among the dozen or so. He was not reconciled to defeat and wanted to continue his speech, but Demon God believers caught him. Some were bodyguards, and some were reporters.

After the demon believer flew over, he wanted to be arrogant but found that everyone avoided him with a look of disgust. The reason was simple - Quicksilver threw a stink bomb on him.

The believer asked dissatisfiedly, "What's the matter with you? This is the hostage I took with great difficulty."

One of the believers yelled, "Can't you smell the stink? Throw those things away."

"My sense of smell has been sacrificed a long time ago. You are really trash; you can't even bear a little smell."

The believer looked contemptuous, and everyone snorted at the same time. It was not just a little smell.

The believer was too lazy to talk nonsense and shouted to Tony Stark in the protective cover, "Iron Man, open the protective cover immediately and hand over the reincarnated Demon King. Otherwise, I will kill him immediately."

Having said that, the believer used black wind to roll up the terrified Candidate and continued to shout, "This is your American candidate, equivalent to the presidency, a real big shot."

"A candidate?" Tony blinked and sneered, "Hmph, you don't dare to kill the candidate. If you kill him, you are an enemy of America, and we will never let you go."

"You said I dare not?" The believer was angry. The black wind swept up the Candidate's neck, and when he shrunk with force, the Candidate immediately screamed in pain. At the same time, his hands and feet kept struggling, like a big toad.

Tony said arrogantly, "Do you think this can scare me? You absolutely dare not kill him, and no one dares to offend America."

The superheroes looked at each other in dismay. They did not expect Iron Man to behave in such a way. "Do you still have a conscience? Why don't you call us together?"

The next second, Wind Demon shouted, "Yes, you absolutely dare not kill him. I can bet that if you dare to kill him, I will be a vegetarian in the future."

"You must not dare to kill him. He's a prep president. With a stomping, the big man in America shook three times." Electro and the others also shouted. Spider-Man blinked and asked in a low voice, "Is this a good thing?"

Harry said solemnly, "You have to believe in the strength of America, and he will definitely not dare to kill a candidate."

Spider-Man wanted to roll his eyes, but the believer outside was furious. He roared, "I'll show you guys. Do I dare to kill him or not?"

After finishing speaking, the believer controlled the black wind and strangled the Candidate's neck. The Candidate struggled desperately but to no avail. His face became redder, and he looked like he was about to die.

Just as Tony and the others were about to open the champagne to celebrate, a green light whistled and cut off the black gas. The Candidate fell to the ground with a snap, his pants were full of unknown liquid, and the stench around him became stronger.

The believer turned his head and glared at Viper. "What do you mean? Are you intimidated by America?"

"Idiot," Viper looked disdainful. This guy didn't know that he was being used and she was too lazy to engage in nonsense.

She enveloped the remaining dozen people with green energy and shouted, "Tony Stark, hand over the reincarnation of the devil, otherwise, I will kill these people and take everyone to the city to start a massacre."

"Kamar-Taj will not allow this to happen," Strange cast spells quickly with both hands, trying to put the dozen hostages into the Mirror Dimension. At this moment, the mysterious mage also cast spells. Two magic waves collided, and the two wizards disappeared simultaneously.

"Are you the mage of Kamar-Taj?" Strange looked at the mysterious mage angrily. "How dare you betray Kamar-Taj?"

"I didn't betray Kamar-Taj. It was you who betrayed Kamar-Taj," the mysterious mage shouted. "Not only did you fail to kill the reincarnation of the demon king, but you are protecting him. Is this still Kamar-Taj? I came here today to set things right and expose the darkness within Kamar-Taj."

"Although Kamar-Taj is powerful, it never kills innocent people indiscriminately," Strange said coldly. "Who are you? Surrender now."

"Just you? I want to see why you're acting so mighty," the mysterious mage jealously shouted. Then, he conjured a magic whip and threw it hard at Strange.

Strange quickly condensed a golden magic shield to block the whip. He pulled back with his left hand and swiftly pulled the space where the mysterious mage was.