Chapter 261 : Suspicion

"This kid can actually control space?" The Mysterious mage was surprised, but it was more out of jealousy than anything else. He had practiced for more than ten years before he could manipulate space in the Mirror Dimension.

The Mysterious mage jumped up and walked in the air with speeding boots, then slashed at Strange with a whip. Strange dodged the whip, flew towards the mage with the help of his cloak, and fiercely slashed his space blade at the opponent.

The Mysterious mage turned the whip into a space blade and fought with Strange in the air. The two of them went back and forth, sparks scattered, and the fight was extremely intense.

Each of Kamar-Taj's mages was proficient in melee combat. This setting was mainly to save money on special effects - ahem, mainly to improve the chance of survival. A mage who did not understand melee combat was not a good mage.

Leaving aside the battle between Strange and the Mysterious mage, Tony and the others were stunned when Strange suddenly disappeared. At this moment, Viper shouted, "Tony Stark, surrender quickly, otherwise, we're really going to kill."

"Kill, Kill," the devil believers shouted. The righteous frowned, and the man in the suit held a staff and shouted, "I will never allow you to kill in New York."

"Yes, absolutely not allowed," the fat man said as he took out an axe and roared angrily - he's a magic berserker, and it's reasonable to use an axe.

The other magicians also nodded, and Viper shouted to the Elder, "Elder, force them to hand over Pepper first, and then we will fight for the reincarnated demon king according to our abilities."

"Our goal is to eliminate the reincarnated devil, not to compete. We and you have never been allies," the Elder said coldly. "Viper, Iron Man, and the others will not surrender. I think it's better to do it another way."

Viper frowned and asked, "What way?"

The Elder said, "Tony Stark, open the defensive cover, and we will fight."

"This method is good," the man in the suit and the others nodded, and Viper glanced at the Elder, thinking that he was a little strange.

It's not that this method is bad, but it's obviously biased towards superheroes. Also, judging from what the Elder has done before, he should have no bottom line. After thinking about it, Viper had no objection, because she was confident in the power of her God.

"Again, what's the use of building this shield?" Tony wanted to curse, but he hesitated and said, "Let him go first."

Viper snorted and withdrew her green aura. The terrified reporters immediately fled, while the bodyguards covered their noses and dragged the Candidate outside.

As the people fled, Tony opened the defense cover and said, "Let's start. I said for the last time, as long as the war starts, I won't keep my hands."

The man in the suit said, "Mr. Stark, since we're here, we're ready to go back. I've even bought insurance."

"Insurance? Let's get started."

Tony stopped talking nonsense, pointed a finger, and a large number of unmanned armors flew out of the hospital. Together with the unmanned armors of the people who were outside before, they raised Gatling machine guns and shot wildly at the righteous people and demon believers.

In an instant, tens of thousands of metal bullets were shot at the enemy.

The mages and Demon God believers panicked and hurriedly avoided and defended. Only the Elder and Viper were very calm, because they had anticipated this situation.

"Light Barrier."

The Elder raised the scepter in his hand, and a wall of holy light fell, blocking all the bullets.

"You come."

Viper nodded at an Inhuman, who pressed his right hand, and all the metal bullets changed direction and shot into the ground.

It wasn't over yet. The Inhuman raised his hand and swept towards the three unmanned battle armors, and the three unmanned battle armors slammed into the unmanned battle armors next to them at the same time. Turning into rolling gourds together.

"This kid can control the magnetic field. I'll deal with him."

Electro immediately transformed the magnetic field with the electric current, interfering with the control of the magnetic field. Seeing the magnetic field, he controlled the surrounding metal to violently shoot towards Electro.

Electro smiled disdainfully. The electric light flickered on his body, and all the metals that flew over were smashed into the air. Then, his hands were folded together, and a huge electric current blasted towards the magnetic field Inhuman.

The magnetic field Inhuman was a little frightened and hurriedly grabbed the hand of the other Inhuman. The Inhuman took him and turned into a phantom. The electric current passed through their bodies, and the demon believer behind them was electrocuted to the bones.

Immediately afterwards, the Demon believer collapsed with black smoke all over his body, and he didn't close his eyes until he died. Innocent bystanders were caught in the crossfire.

"Do it. Destroy them, and capture the reincarnation of the devil."

Viper shouted as the followers of the devil cast magic one after another, and the devil's aura turned into a dark fireball, corrosive poison arrows, poisonous ice, and shot at the unmanned armors and superheroes one after another.

At the same time, the exoskeleton-enhanced man brought by Viper fired miniature missiles at the unmanned battle armors, and the Inhumans protected them with their abilities.

The superheroes and the unmanned armors naturally fought back fiercely, and the war broke out. There were the whistling sounds of bullets and the explosion of missiles everywhere, just like a battlefield.

"You are all guilty."

Damon waved the flame chain and swept towards the Demon God believers forcefully, cutting off six Demon God believers in an instant. Then, the Demon God believers quickly turned to ashes in the high temperature.

Damon laughed proudly. He was very professional in dealing with demon believers. At this moment, a scepter fell from the sky and turned into a hollow holy mountain, locking him inside.

Damon roared, and the fire of Hell burned wildly, trying to break the holy mountain, but the holy mountain was unexpectedly strong, and even the fire of Hell could not burn through it.

Immediately after, the Elder flew to the holy mountain with the Holy Light Warriors and several reincarnated Angels who had recovered. They glanced at Damon and injected the holy light from their bodies into the holy mountain crazily.

The large amount of holy light made Damon very uncomfortable. He roared and attacked hard, but the holy mountain stood still. The reason was very simple: the group of Angels were all burning their lives.

Damon complained, "Can't you change your tricks? God gave you life, is it for you to burn and play?"

"We will block the Ghost Rider, and you can solve the reincarnation of the Demon King as soon as possible."

The Elder shouted loudly, and the people of justice nodded one after another and rushed forward. Madam Viper frowned slightly when she saw this. This Elder was really wrong.

The main target of the Ghost Rider's attack is the Demon God Believer, and the Elder has no reason to go all out to suppress him. After all, the goals of the Righteous and the Demon God Believer are not the same, and it can even be said that they are completely opposite.

Once the superheroes are defeated, or Pepper shows up, the righteous and the devil believers will definitely turn their faces.

"Is he up to something?" Viper thought for a while and decided to wait and see what happens. She could never have imagined that the Elder was actually superhero's own person.

Damon couldn't have imagined that he was struggling. At this moment, Annie's voice sounded in his mind: "Don't waste time, introduce these holy lights into your body and let them purify your demonic energy."

Damon was stunned. "Annie? What do you mean, and where are you?"

"I'm in the body of the Elder, and this was specially arranged for you. Dozens of holy light warriors, a few Angels, plus the holy power that has been condensed for thousands of years, is enough to purify the spirit of vengeance in you into an Angel of vengeance. At that time, you will no longer be controlled by the spirit of vengeance. More importantly, you will no longer be afraid of the sun."

"In other words, can I transform in the sun?"

Damon was overjoyed. He thought of something and asked, "Annie, isn't this too cruel to those Holy Light warriors? Being tricked into sacrificing their lives."

"Although the Holy Light Warriors have bad brains, their belief is very firm - that is, to protect the world and save the world."

Anne said, "What do you think is the real good thing, killing Tony's child or purifying the spirit of vengeance?"

Damon said, "The latter of course. I'm not a perfect saint, but I've done a lot of good things."

"Isn't that what it is?" Annie said, "Rather than let them foolishly serve the devil, let them contribute to the world, which can also atone for themselves."

Damon nodded and said, "That's true, but Annie, you don't look like an Angel."

"I am an Angel of vengeance, and my mission is vengeance, punishment, not mercy," Annie replied.

"Okay, let's not talk nonsense. Quickly start absorbing the Holy Light and solve your problem completely," she added.

"Okay," Damon agreed.

Damon stopped talking, released his defense, and frantically absorbed the Holy Light. He then let out a shrill scream, with black gas emanating from his body.

"The Holy Light has worked, increase the power," the Elder shouted.

"Yes," the Holy Light Warriors agreed, and tried their best, while Damon screamed louder and louder.

Without Damon and Strange, the demon believers used their abilities unscrupulously. Their magic power was derived from demons, so it was quite evil. For example, a demon believer took one hand after another from his pocket and used it as a grenade, smashing it into the unmanned battle armor with great force, blowing it through.

These hands were not props but real human hands, each one filled with endless resentment.

In addition, some devil believers took out a small altar and sacrificed their hearts on the spot to summon the power of the devil into black lightning to bombard the unmanned battle armor.

Under the control of Friday, the unmanned combat armors took up large shields to defend, some fired energy beams at the enemy, and some stepped forward to strengthen people's melee combat with exoskeletons, just like a tacit army holding the enemy firmly blocked.

Superheroes such as Iron Man met the powerhouses in the devil believers one after another. For example, Iron Man met Viper, Absorbing Man met believers who came with Candidate, and Trish the Hellcat drove the new Green Goblin skateboard, flying in the air to fight against three flying Inhumans.

Jessica did not come this time, as she was sent to the Ravagers by Bert.

In addition to Iron Man and the others, the three demons were also there. They each exerted their abilities and fought against Inhumans and demon believers. Among them, Wind Demon was particularly active, using the blood of these demon believers to prove himself.

A devil believer controlled the skull to suck the surrounding air frantically, and yelled, "Wind Demon, you traitor."

"Traitor?" Wind Demon suddenly appeared behind the Demon God believer, cut off his head with a wind blade, and then said with a look of disdain, "Although I have fallen into a demon, I have never been to hell, so how am I a traitor? I am a pure Earthling."

The entire hospital was utterly plunged into a melee combat. The two sides came and went, fighting in a ball. Unmanned battle armors exploded constantly, enhanced people, Inhumans, and demon believers died.

Despite the commotion, neither the police, the FBI, nor the military sent anyone to the hospital. They set up checkpoints nearby and quietly waited for the outcome of the battle.

Many people in the upper echelons of America did not want the birth of the Demon King.

Compared with the Demon God Believers and Enhanced People, the Righteous People's movement was much smaller. They used relatively common elemental magic and had no intention of killing people, making breakthroughs inside the hospital.

Spider-Man stopped the magicians with dozens of unmanned battle armors, and he shouted, "I'm sorry, this road is blocked."

The magicians looked at Spider-Man, who was very popular and kind-hearted in New York, and hesitated. At this time, a greasy-looking magician came over and shouted, "Spider-Man, do you remember me?"

Spider-Man was shocked for a moment, "Hey, aren't you the uncle who sells hot dogs on the street every day? You even gave me a few hot dogs that couldn't be sold last time."

"Yes, it's me. Didn't expect that, did you? I'm a magician," the man replied with a laugh, approaching Spider-Man quietly as they talked.

Spider-Man didn't realize that something was wrong and continued, "I really didn't expect that. Wait, are your hot dogs magically changed? Eating them is the same as not eating them. I never feel full after eating them."

The magician scolded, "Nonsense! If there was magic to turn into a hot dog, I would have already made a fortune. Why would I still set up a stall there every day?"

"In other words, if there is such a spell, would you really intend to sell fake hot dogs?" Spider-Man complained.

"Making money isn't shameful," the magician replied with a smile. He had already approached Spider-Man and, with a thought, a green ball flew out of his chest and hit Spider-Man at an astonishing speed.

Spider-Man didn't expect that the old neighbor would plot against him. Although he avoided it the first time, it was still too late, and he was hit by the green ball.

Immediately afterwards, the green ball turned into a green web, and Spider-Man was trapped inside. Although he struggled, he couldn't get rid of the web, and it only tightened around him.

"Spider-Man!" Harry was shocked and immediately turned into a spider-king, spraying a mouthful of corrosive venom at the magician. At the same time, ten unmanned battle armors aimed their Gatling machine guns at the magician, preparing to give him a bath of bullets.

"Stop!" Spider-Man hurriedly stopped the unmanned armor. He didn't want his acquaintances to die.

The magician was startled by Harry and hurriedly avoided the venom, but it was too late. Fortunately, at this moment, the man in the suit raised his cane, and a defensive shield appeared, blocking the venom.

The magician breathed a sigh of relief, first nodded his thanks to the man in the suit, and then said, "It's dangerous, Spider-Man. How can your best friend turn into a spider? You really are a couple."

"Who's a couple?" Spider-Man said angrily. "You attacked me!"

"We are enemies now. Isn't it natural to attack you?" the magician replied. "Don't struggle. The more you struggle, the tighter the web will be. Well, my task is completed. I'm going back and continue to sell hot dogs, Spider-Man. Next time, I will give you the hot dogs that I can't sell as an apology."

"If you don't go, you are not a good person. Also, can't you give me some fresh ones?" Spider-Man complained. He asked in amazement, "Are you really leaving?"

"Yes, I don't know any magic, only have this holy artifact. Since it's ran out of power, I'll leave naturally," the magician shrugged and turned to leave freely. Spider-Man and the others looked at each other, wondering if this was all just a game.