Chapter 263 : Veronica

"Are you about to give birth?" Pepper's words shocked everyone in the room. Madame Gao calmly instructed, "Doctor, nurse, come over immediately to help Pepper deliver the baby. Pietro, Lina, Hai, please leave the room and wait outside with the unmanned armors."


Pietro, Lina, and Hela, who were following Mindy, immediately walked to the door when they heard the instructions. At the same time, the doctor and nurse who had been on standby in the next room opened the door and prepared to help Pepper deliver.

The instruments were complete, and these doctors and nurses had verified them thoroughly, guaranteeing that they were problem-free.

After Pietro and the others left, Madame Gao said to the necklace on Pepper's neck, "Angel, please protect this room."


The angel flew out of the necklace and kneeled in the air to pray. Then, she spread her wings, which turned into holy light, enveloping the entire room.


Although it was not the first time for the doctors and nurses to see an angel, they were still very shocked. They looked at Pepper enviously, thinking that her delivery would be very smooth with the angel's protection.

At the same time, the Demon God believers sensed something and looked towards the distant room.

"The Demon King is about to be born. Don't hold back anymore and kill these superheroes as quickly as possible," Viper roared. The nine snakes fused together, turning into huge green snake dozens of meters long, and threw itself at Tony Stark fiercely.

"My child is about to be born? I told you not to watch the live broadcast."

Tony flew over the giant snake, and the high-temperature Vibranium short blade stabbed into the green snake's head. At this moment, Viper smiled proudly. The alloys also began to corrode.

"Friday, completely isolate the poison gas."

Tony was about to fly out of the shrouded area of the poisonous fog. Just then, the headless green snake rushed into the poisonous fog, entangling him firmly. The huge force even made the armor clatter.

Tony shouted loudly. The temperature of the battle armor rose sharply. At the same time, the half-moon blade that he had sent out earlier flew back under Friday's control and quickly cut the green snake's body.

A few seconds later, Tony beheaded the green snake and escaped from the poisonous mist. His battle armor was corroded and tattered, almost in shreds.

Before Tony could breathe a sigh of relief, a white spiritual body suddenly flew into Mark's armor from behind and then submerged into Tony's body, robbing him of control of his body.


In the spiritual world, Tony evaded the attack of the spirit body and cursed, "What the fuck are you?"

"It's not wrong to call me a ghost. I am a Spirit Inhuman with invisibility, possession, and other abilities. Tony Stark, your body is very armorable for me. Next, I will become you, take over your property, and also take your wife and children. They will all become mine," the Spirit Body Inhuman replied, laughing. He had been hiding until now, just to control Iron Man.

"With your IQ, if you want to be me, you should reincarnate first," Tony responded disdainfully. He quickly calmed down and said, "This should be the spiritual world. Bert told me that the spiritual world is more than will, and in the spiritual world, I am omnipotent. For example, I can summon the Blood God to help me fight."

After speaking, Tony stood on the spot and shouted, "Blood God, show up and kill this guy for me." However, nothing happened. The surroundings were quiet, and Tony felt embarrassed. Just as he was about to shout again, the spirit body rushed over and punched him, throwing him away.

Tony was shocked and angry. "Did that bastard Bert lie to me? Blood God didn't lie to you. The normal spiritual world is indeed like that, but this spiritual world is not normal," the spirit body replied.

"After I became an Inhuman, my body and soul merged into a spirit body. That is to say, this is not only your spiritual world, but also mine. No matter what you think, I can cancel it. Of course, you can do that too. So, in the end, we have to rely on fists and will, and I'm pretty confident in that," the spirit body continued.

"It's not like I have no confidence," Tony snorted coldly, but his heart felt empty for a while. He was very confident in his will, but when it came to his fists, he was a civilized man and did not resort to violence when not wearing a battle armor.

"Tony Stark, die obediently," the spirit body threatened.

Just then, a dragon hundreds of meters long and filled with divine light appeared out of thin air. It was so powerful that it made the spirit body and Tony unable to move.

The dragon's claws grabbed the spirit body, and it tried to struggle, but its body did not obey. Tony recognized the dragon's voice. "Huh?"

"I'm here to save you, lest the child to be born be without a father," Little Hela said dissatisfiedly. "By the way, when I run for the position of Speaker of the Earth Federation in the future, remember to vote for me."

Little Hela left with the spirit body, and Tony returned to normal. He found that Electro was protecting him with a group of unmanned battle armors, surrounded by disgusting devil believers.

Obviously, Viper didn't let go of the opportunity provided by Spirit Inhuman and tried to kill Tony directly. Fortunately, Electro found out in time and came to protect Tony with an unmanned battle armor.

"Fuck!" Tony scolded, not bothering to thank Little Hela. He then shouted to Friday, "Start the upgraded version of Veronica."

Veronica is Tony's large armor, which has been upgraded many times. In order to be useful in the first place, this armor is not placed on the satellite, but is directly placed in the hospital.

Under the control of Friday, the huge battle armor parts flew over from the rear warehouse one after another. Tony flew up and the parts were equipped on his battle armor one after another.

A moment later, a large battle armor measuring nearly six meters rumbled onto the ground. With just one sweep, several Demon God believers were smashed and slammed to the ground.

"Cool!" Spider-Man shouted loudly from the air, while simultaneously kicking an exoskeleton warrior into the air.

"Hydra!" Tony yelled, as he drove Veronica, destroying the demon believers all the way and hitting Madam Viper hard. Madam Viper scolded and turned into green wind, disappearing.

"I hate magic," Tony muttered. While asking Friday to find Viper, he fired high-temperature beams of light at the Demon God believers one after another. The Demon God believers couldn't resist and quickly turned to ashes.

Seeing that Tony was stable, Electro breathed a sigh of relief and continued to look for the magnetic field Inhuman.

The magnetic field Inhuman was not strong, and Electro could handle him with one hand. The problem was that the phantom Inhuman was very troublesome and always helped him get away.

However, Electro was not without a record. He had 'missed the auxiliary car' many times. After all, the battlefield was not big.

Tony's great power quickly stabilized the unstable situation. Under his leadership, everyone fought fiercely with the demon believers.

At the door of the delivery room, Little Hela grabbed the white spirit body the size of a doll and asked, "Are you surrendering?"

The Spirit Body Inhuman shouted with anger, "I will never surrender! HAIL HYDRA!"

"Then don't blame me," Little Hela said. She condensed the white light into dozens of small light needles and pierced them into the body of the white spirit body one after another. Each needle made the white spirit body scream violently.

The white spirit is a combination of body and soul, and all physical damage is effective against it without activating abilities.

As for the activation ability, the white spirit body controlled by Little Hela said that it could not activate.

Pietro asked cautiously, "Hai, are you torturing him?"

"Yes, this is a set of acupuncture methods that Madame Gao passed on to me. It is said that it was used on prisoners to extract confessions in ancient times. It is several times more painful than giving birth to a child," replied Little Hela.

"I have studied it specially to practice control. I don't know how many needles this guy can endure. By the way, there are 81 needles in total," added Little Hela.

Pietro gasped, realizing that this is the ninth shot, and the spirit's body screams. Eighty-one shots and the victim will die of pain.

"Among the three little girls, Hai is the most terrifying one,"

Pietro couldn't help but swallow his saliva, thinking about his fate. He was a strong man who could even compete with the Blood God for the title of the fastest man on Earth. However, he fell into the clutches of the second mission and became someone else's takeaway delivery boy. What's worse is that this other person is not one, but three little girls, each more terrible than the other.

'Sister, can you quickly get your brother-in-law and save me from the sea of misery?' pleaded Pietro.

Pietro sighed, looking at the fierce battlefield in front of him, and asked Lina eagerly, "Lina, can I go help Mindy?"

"No, you just made trouble in the past," said Lina, adding, "Besides, you have more important things to do."

"What's more important?" asked Pietro.

"The special fruit pizza from Manhattan Pizza will be out in three minutes. You have to rush over and buy it for me. Remember to run faster, it won't taste good when it's cold already," replied Lina, looking at the time on her phone.

"The more important thing is to buy food for you?" Pietro was speechless. "Also, in this environment, you can actually eat?"

"Why can't I eat it? How comfortable is it to eat pizza while watching a movie?" Lina took out a thermal insulation box from behind and said, "Go quickly and come back. By the way, remember to buy a bucket of milk tea when you pass by South Street."

Pietro took the insulated box and quickly disappeared. It didn't take long for the white spirit body who couldn't bear the pain to shout in horror, "I surrender, I surrender."

"You surrendered after only eighteen shots. You really disappoint me," remarked Little Hela, letting go of the white spirit body.

The white spirit body saw an opportunity and immediately became invisible, preparing to escape. At this moment, the eighteen needles in his body vibrated violently at the same time, causing him to fall to the ground, rolling and screaming in pain.

"Isn't it weird why the needles of light still work? Simple, because the needles have become one with you," sneered Little Hela. "Since you want to run so much, then you will take nine more shots."

After finishing her speech, Little Hela grabbed the white spirit body from the air and struck the needle again. Although the white spirit body surrendered immediately, Little Hela turned a deaf ear, saying that nine needles are nine needles, and none of them could be missed. This kind of thing took a few more repairs to surrender honestly.

In the Manhattan underground space, Bert looked in the direction of the hospital and nodded. Although the battle was getting more and more intense, Tony and the others were still able to hold their own. After all, they were also battle-hardened.

Then, Bert's eyes penetrated the void and came to the outside of the Earth's defense network, where three demon gods were staring at them, and Kamar-Taj had to be on guard.

Bert sneered and closed his eyes to contact Adam, who was in hell. He sneered, "These demon kings don't give you much respect. You are attacking them, but they are focused on the reincarnation of the demon king."

"They were scared by my beating and wanted to escape."

Adam sneered and said, "I'm withdrawing my troops, and I'm going to pick a devil to kill. At this time, they won't stop me, because their energy is all on the devil's reincarnation."

"Choose the ugliest one. By the way, how about the Hulk? Is he assimilated by the breath of Hell and becomes a beast of anger, or is he insisting on self and mastering anger?"

Bert asked. Hulk going to Hell is actually very dangerous. If he's not careful, he'll become a monster out of control. However, this was Hulk's own request, and Bert did not stop it. Hulk had grown up and had his own ideas.

"The Hulk you have taught for years will not disappoint." Adam smiled slightly and said, "You'll see him soon."

"That's good."

Bert cut off the contact, then opened his eyes, waved his hand, and Kallark's body appeared in front of him.

Bert returned Kallark's soul to him, then took him in his hand, swallowed him into the palm of his hand, and devoured him quickly.

"Perspective eyes, heat rays, frozen breathing, the more confident you are, the stronger your strength, these are all mine."

Bert nodded with satisfaction. After becoming a Blood God for several years, his 'Blood Shadow Magic Art' had finally come to fruition.

Leaving aside someone who had started secondary school again by giving weird names to his moves, let's turn our attention back to Sokovia.

Baron Strucker had reached the depths of the ground. He looked at the black Anti-matter bomb floating in the air and asked the Kree scientist on the side, "How long does it take for the Anti-matter bomb to explode after it is activated?"

"At least five minutes, and I'll start it right away."

The Kree scientist said hideously, "If those humans don't stop, we will perish with them."

"That's how it should be."

Baron Strucker nodded fiercely, and at that moment, the Kree scientist was hit by something and fell to the ground with a thud.

Immediately afterwards, Wasp became bigger and appeared in front of the Anti-matter bomb. Then, she took out six pocket unmanned armors from her arms and threw them. The unmanned armors quickly grew larger and moved towards Baron Strucker, who had not yet reacted, waiting for people to shoot wildly.

Baron Strucker was shocked, but fortunately, there were several Inhuman bodyguards beside him who immediately formed an energy barrier to block the bullets.

The other Inhumans and Kree soldiers reacted and hid behind the barriers, took out their guns and shot at the unmanned armors.

Carter took out the miniature energy shield and threw it on the ground, and an energy barrier suddenly appeared, blocking her and the Anti-matter bomb behind.