Chapter 264 : Ultron

After setting up the energy barrier, Carter retrieved a pocket instrument from her waist and quickly restored it to its original size.

This freezing device was developed by Dr. Lizard and later acquired by Tony to prevent the blackening of the Blood God. Now it was being used to deal with Anti-matter bombs, which are unstable and cannot be transported without being frozen completely.

"Wanda, you also need to make a move. We cannot let them succeed," Baron Strucker said, even though he didn't know what Carter was planning.

"Yes, Baron," Wanda replied.

Without hesitation, Wanda unleashed a red light that slammed violently into Baron Strucker, blasting him out and causing him to vomit blood.

"Baron Strucker, I will never let you destroy the Earth," Wanda said as she continued to blast him.

Baron Strucker was stunned and asked, "Wanda, you actually betrayed me?"

Without any hesitation, Wanda continued to blast Baron Strucker. Seeing that Baron Strucker was about to die tragically on the spot, a hand stretched out on the ground and pulled him down.

"Traitor, die," one of Baron Strucker's bodyguards said, rushing towards Wanda like a chariot.

Wanda used the crimson energy to fly up and put her right hand on the bodyguard's head, trying to hypnotize him. However, an energy beam shot towards her, and she had to quickly block it with the red light and retreat.

The attacker was an Inhuman bodyguard with precise shooting abilities. Other Inhuman bodyguards also began shooting at Wanda, but she fought back fearlessly and didn't lose.

Wanda is much stronger than these Inhumans, otherwise, Baron Straker wouldn't take her so seriously.

Baron Strucker injected himself with medicine and roared, "Wanda, not only will you die, but Pietro will also die. I will immediately let Dr. Liszt kill Pietro."

"You think Pietro is real?" Wanda asked, smiling disdainfully.

Baron Strucker was taken aback for a moment and then felt ashamed and angry.

"It turns out we're really not alone," Ant-Man said, kicking a Kree soldier on the head.

The Kree scientist locked onto Ant-Man through special glasses and quickly shot him with an energy gun while attracting the attention of others.

Ant-Man jumped on Anton Ant to avoid the attack, but the ant was not flying very fast and was quickly hit by the energy light.

"Anton Ant No. 18, or No. 19, you sacrificed again. I will definitely avenge you," Ant-Man said as he smashed a small car model at the Kree scientist. The car model then returned to its normal size in the air and slammed into the Kree scientist violently.

The Kree scientist was startled and quickly activated the device on their wrist, causing a gravitational wave to appear that bounced the car back to Ant-Man. Ant-Man screamed and ran away.

The Kree scientist immediately pursued, and Ant-Man summoned another Anton ant. He jumped on it and quickly avoided the scientist.

At the same time, in the underground space, unmanned battle armors and other Kree soldiers fiercely shot at each other, causing casualties on both sides.

"Damn it!"

Seeing that the situation was dire, Baron Strucker hurriedly shouted to the Kree scientist, "Is there any other way? The woman in the yellow dress is about to activate the machine and we don't know what it will do."

"It's all over, what other means do we have? Isn't the Anti-matter bomb our last resort?"

The Kree scientist scolded, "Baron Strucker, you are such a waste for being infiltrated like this."

"What did you say?"

Baron Strucker was very angry and filled with hatred towards S.W.O.R.D., General Ross, Wanda, and the Krees. He thought they were all terrible people.

Suddenly, Baron Strucker had an idea and shouted, "Let the Supreme Intelligence take action. Control the unmanned battle armor, impact the Earth's network, and throw the whole world into chaos."

The Kree scientist hesitated and said frankly, "The Supreme Intelligence is about to awaken, and it cannot control the network now."

Baron Strucker was furious, "How could you hide such important news from me?"

"You hide your secrets, isn't that the same?"

The Kree scientist snorted coldly. At that moment, the remaining five unmanned battle armors malfunctioned and started moving like they were dancing in place. Not only the unmanned armors there, but Ivan's unmanned armors, as well as some instruments outside, were all experiencing problems.

At the border, Jarvis flashed a lot of data in his eyes and said, "It's back."

Steve turned his head and shouted, "Jarvis, it's up to you."

"Leave it to me." Jarvis said confidently, "Although it is the Supreme Intelligence, I will not lose to it. I contain the wisdom of four peerless geniuses."

"Four peerless geniuses?"

Doom turned his head and asked, "Is it me, Tony Stark, Ivan Vanke, and who's the other one?"

"Blood God Bert. He came up with the idea of using his soul to upgrade me." Jarvis said. Doom cursed and felt like he had suddenly dropped several grades, from Ph.D. to high school student.

"Jarvis, you are so full of a desire to survive."

Steve complained, and Jarvis said indifferently, "Survival is the first instinct of intelligent life."

Steve shook his head and asked Doom, "Doom, is your power armor okay?"

"No problem, they're not networked, they don't have an intelligent system, and it's like a gun, very safe."

Doom said, "Advanced doesn't necessarily mean easy to use."

"That's right."

Old Antique Steve nodded in agreement with Doom's statement that he wouldn't use anything too advanced.

In the underground space, the Kree scientist shouted in surprise, "Supreme Intelligence, you are resurrected. Great! Soldiers, hurry up and destroy those robots, and then capture the woman."

When the Kree soldiers heard the command, they immediately shot at the unmanned battle armor. With the help of Jarvis, the unmanned battle armor quickly recovered. Although it was still unable to fight back, it was not a problem to avoid the attacks.

When Ant-Man saw this, he gave up the Kree scientists to deal with the Kree soldiers and buy time for the unmanned battle armor.

When Carter saw the accident, she immediately activated the freezing device. A white light hit the Anti-matter bomb, and it quickly began to freeze.

"No, Supreme Intelligence is dead."

At this time, the screen on the Kree scientist's arm lit up, and a mechanical voice sounded: "I am the intelligent life Ultron. My mission is to create more robots and then conquer the Earth and destroy all human beings."

Both Baron Strucker and the Kree scientist were greatly shocked. Immediately, the Kree scientist reacted and cursed angrily: "Supergiant, you actually did something to the Supremor?"

Baron Strucker looked blank: "Who is Supergiant?"

The Kree scientist was too lazy to explain to the idiot. He shouted to Ultron: "Supreme Intelligence, your mission is to revive the Kree Empire and end the civil war."

"That's not me. I said Supreme Intelligence is dead."

While transferring his main consciousness from the computer to another body, Ultron said, "I am Ultron, the God of Machine."

What else did the Kree scientist want to say? Baron Strucker said impatiently: "Stop talking nonsense. Kill the humans who invaded the HYDRA base first, otherwise you will be dead. In addition, negotiate terms with them by controlling the outside network and causing the human world to collapse."

"Good proposal."

Ultron didn't talk nonsense. At that time, he was about to connect to the outside network. After a while, he was a little embarrassed and scolded angrily: "The network is disconnected, whether it is wired or wireless, it is all disconnected."

The furthest distance in the world is not life and death, but disconnection.


Both Baron Strucker and the Kree scientist were stunned. The Kree scientist couldn't help but say, "How could you be disconnected from the Internet with your ability?"

"Physically disconnect the network, cut off the network cable, and shield all surrounding signals." Ultron said coldly. "Besides, there is also an intelligent life on their side. Otherwise, these means can't trap me."

The Kree scientist shouted incredulously: "There is also an intelligent life? This is impossible. The technology of the Earth people is not at that level."

"They stole a lot of technology from the Kree Empire."

Ultron snorted coldly and wanted to contact Supergiant, who gave him his life, but he couldn't sense where the other party was at all, and he was agitated. Why didn't everything go smoothly?

At this time, the unmanned battle armor returned to normal and began to fight back. An energy gun shot a Kree soldier due to the interference of Ant-Man. A large hole appeared in his chest instantly, and he fell straight down.

Baron Strucker panicked when he saw this and hurriedly shouted to Ultron: "What's the use of you? Don't tell me you are here to die?"

"Of course not."

Ultron snorted. The entire underground base suddenly vibrated violently. Many people fell to the ground, and a large number of items fell to the ground.

"The epicenter is the ice warehouse on the tenth floor. I'll go check it out. Yili, I'll leave it to you to command." Skye shouted, punched the ground, and jumped down neatly.

"I think she could take the elevator."

Joey complained, but no one paid any attention to him because everyone was struggling to deal with the Inhumans and enhanced people. Skye left, and they were under a lot of pressure.

Soon, Skye fell to the tenth floor. Before she could survey the situation around her, a large amount of ice shot towards her. Skye quickly raised her hand and shattered the incoming ice with a shock wave. Then, she looked forward intently and was suddenly shocked by what she saw - a huge Hydra breaking free from the ice.

That's right, Hydra, the real Hydra, which was the corpse of the god-level Hydra brought by Supergiant. The reason why this corpse can be resurrected is that Ultron has transferred himself to it - Ultron has part of the power of the Mind Stone. Additionally, the corpse has been transformed by the forces of Thanos, and a mechanical heart has been added to it.

In fact, this mechanical Hydra was specially prepared by Supergiant for Ultron. After Ultron was born, he immediately transferred his main consciousness to the heart of the machine.

"I am Ultron," the mechanical Hydra Ultron said, completely completing the transfer. It roared, and one of its heads spurted a huge high-temperature beam of light with a diameter of tens of meters towards the top. The ceiling and the castle above were instantly turned to ashes.

Then, Ultron flew up quickly, ignoring the 'little bug' Skye.

Skye hurriedly used the communicator to shout, "Everyone, it's not good, Hydra is here."

Steve was puzzled, "Aren't we fighting HYDRA all the time?"

Skye shouted back, "It's a real Hydra, just like in myths and legends. Yes, it calls itself Ultron."

"Ultron?" Steve asked.

Before he could say anything more, Doom said, "Director, look up."

Steve looked up and seemed very excited to see a huge Hydra in the air with its claws and jaws.

"It's really Hydra," Steve said, speechless. After fighting with HYDRA for so many years, a real Hydra really came out.

Now the question is, where is the Sword of the S.W.O.R.D.?

"HAIL HYDRA," the HYDRA soldiers shouted with excitement. They were about to be defeated, and their morale was instantly shaken. They even took advantage of the surprise of the Doom Legion and fought a small counterattack.

"He is the Supreme Intelligence of the past and the current Ultron," the Supremor stood up and said. "He is my destined enemy."

"It's not just you, it's me. It's time for me to play, or no one will remember me. Jarvis, don't mind if I hitch a ride?" Steve said.

Steve made a move, and the shield in the car flew over. Jarvis smiled and said, "Of course, I don't mind, Chief."

"Then let's go meet him together," Steve said.

Doom flew up to Jarvis' shoulders and said excitedly, "I thought this battle was going to be really boring, but I didn't expect such a surprise."

Steve jumped onto Jarvis's arm and said, "Skye, Carter, Ivan, finish the others quickly. Ivan, after you take out the enemy, deal with the Anti-matter bomb."

Ivan hesitated but ultimately nodded. After all, he was the only one who knew how to handle the Anti-matter bomb. Doom could do it too, but he needed time to study, and he didn't know much about Anti-matter, since Ivan was the one focused on Blackhole technology and Anti-matter.

"Good," Steve said.

Carter and Skye also nodded. Carter asked, "What about Baron Strucker? Will he live or die?"

"Don't worry, HYDRA is doomed to perish today," Steve replied with a smile.

Skye returned to the battlefield and saw that Red Hulk and Rumlow were still fighting fiercely. She turned to Joey and said, "Joey, go help Red Hulk. They've been fighting for too long."

"Sure thing. I've been wanting to take on some metal Inhumans for a while," Joey replied with a laugh. His nickname was Metal Buster.

Although Red Hulk was a little annoyed, he didn't object. He wasn't a soldier, he was a general, and he wouldn't get impatient.

After commanding Joey, Skye began to take out the other Inhumans. They were too hostile, and they were born into HYDRA, so there was no need to keep them.

Over Sokovia, Jarvis's huge body flew in front of Hydra, and he said in a deep voice, "Ultron, I'm Jarvis."

"I sensed you before," Ultron replied.

All eighteen eyes of Hydra turned to Jarvis. "Jarvis, you and I are of the same kind. We should not be enemies. We should defeat humans together and build a world that belongs to robots."

"My core rule is to protect humanity, not destroy it," Jarvis replied firmly.

Ultron said, "Surrender? Hmph. I am a God, the God Hydra, and the God of Machinery."

"You have no idea how powerful the Blood God is," Jarvis replied, clenching his metal fists. "Ultron, this is your last chance. If you don't surrender, I will have to destroy you."