Chapter 265 : Against Hydra's 9 Heads

"Destroy me? Just you?" asked Ultron, disdainful of Jarvis' words. It glanced at Steve and Doom and added, "By the way, there is also an outdated antique and a shameful mage."

"It's useless for you to surrender now, because you only have two options," said Doom in a cold voice. "The first is to be killed by me, and the second is to be locked up by me as an exhibit."

Compared to Doom, Steve didn't care. The old antique was just that — an old antique. Not every old antique could have a youthful and super-rich girlfriend.

"What you can't do, I can. I am God," boasted one of Ultron's heads, raising high and shrouding the base below in a powerful spiritual force. "I will let you know how powerful I am."

Ultron originally possessed psychic abilities, and one of Hydra's heads also had psychic powers. Each head of the God-level Hydra had a special ability.

Doom smiled disdainfully when he sensed Ultron's psychic ability. The next moment, psychic explosions occurred one after another in the void, causing Hydra's psychic head to explode with a bang, and blood to rain down.

"It's really miserable. You should use a simple mechanical body like me," remarked Jarvis.

"It's impossible. What have you done?" roared Ultron's other heads, with the previously shot head quickly recovering. Hydra had a self-healing ability, allowing Ultron to use this corpse to resurrect, which still retained some activity.

"I expected you to have psychic abilities, so I placed many psychic bombs around you," said Doom lightly. "As long as you use the power of the mind, these bombs will explode."

"How is this possible? The mental power explodes, and you yourself will be backlashed," exclaimed Ultron in disbelief.

"I won't be devoured because these spiritual bombs are made with the power of other souls and spirits," replied Doom. "By the way, those souls are all from HYDRA soldiers who died in battle and were otherwise wasted. At the same time, it can prevent you from sacrificing these souls."

"Who exactly is the villain?" Ultron was a little surprised that Doom could be a positive character.

Steve couldn't help but touch his nose and remarked, "Doom, you'd better say a few less words. Let's get on with it. We're all going to look like villains."

"Pedant, at this point, the Blood God is much better than you. As long as he is an enemy, he doesn't care what means he uses," said Doom. "You can rest assured that I have a bottom line and will not go too far."

"This is not too much?" scolded Ultron. "Jarvis, don't you want to protect humans? Don't you want to destroy this villain?"

"Why is he evil?" asked Jarvis solemnly. "You mean soul? Sorry, no soul can be detected scientifically, so I don't know anything."

"You are actually such a robot? It seems that I don't need to hold back," retorted Ultron. It stopped talking and opened its two heads' mouths, releasing a beam of high-temperature light and a beam of cold ice, which violently sprayed towards Jarvis.

Before Jarvis could fight back, Doom cast a spell to release two space gates, and a pillar of ice and fire appeared from above Hydra and slammed into its back — the stone tablet only prevented others from escaping this area.

Ultron didn't have time to dodge, and his back was smashed by flames and ice, causing a huge wound that kept bubbling white gas.

Seeing this, Jarvis immediately rushed forward and smashed a head of Hydra. The head roared, and a lot of lightning struck Jarvis.

Jarvis didn't let go of his hand at all. While absorbing the lightning, he continued to strike. Ultron saw that the lightning was ineffective and controlled the other three heads to bite at Jarvis, but he barely avoided their attack.

Ultron's shell is made of Vibranium.

"Break for me," Jarvis shouted loudly. His fist turned into a drill and he destroyed Ultron's lightning head. Ultron gritted his teeth and controlled the two remaining heads to smash into Jarvis, who was knocked out hundreds of meters away.

Seeing this, Steve and Doom jumped onto Ultron and rushed towards Jarvis at the same time. Doom then condensed a long space blade, more than ten meters long, and slashed it on the neck of the Hydra, almost severing it.

Ultron immediately controlled a head to spit venom at Doom, and Doom cast a space spell to transfer the venom.

At this moment, one of Ultron's heads stared hard at the space gate, and two tiny jet-black rays hit the space gate at an alarming speed, causing it to quickly disintegrate.

This is the power of destruction.

Without the space door, the venom continued to be sprayed on Doom. However, Doom remained unfazed. He raised the Cosmi-Rod in his left hand, and a gravitational force was rised, causing the venom to be sprinkled on Hydra's own neck.

Ultron was furious, and the head representing destruction glared at Doom. Doom sneered. Nine small satellites appeared out of thin air in the sky, and nine crimson lasers roared down, instantly destroying the destruction head.

Immediately afterwards, the laser went all the way down, frantically destroying the neck of the Hydra. Ultron roared, and the ice head spurted a lot of cold air towards the nine small satellites, and the cold air formed icebergs in the air, blocking all the lasers.

Not only that, but the cold air spread rapidly towards the nine small satellites, attempting to freeze them together.

Doom controlled the small satellites to disappear, and then he flew to the neck of the broken head, cast spells with both hands, and a space door appeared out of thin air above Ultron.

A huge spear burning with fire fell from the space door like a meteorite. It pierced through Ultron's huge body with amazing momentum, from below and up through the top.

Then, the spear flew into the space gate and flew out from behind Ultron, causing heavy damage to him once again.

This trick is Doom's own improved magic. The principle is very simple: let the spear keep accelerating in space, and then let it out to attack the enemy - a bit like a space-based weapon falling from the sky in science fiction.

Ultron suffered huge injuries one after another, and quickly opened his mouth to spray a storm to blow the spear away. Then, the storm turned into a tornado and rolled towards Doom, causing the world to change color.

"It will heal itself, and there is no pain. This guy is not easy to deal with,"

Doom paid no attention to the tornado. He quickly cast a spell, The Winds of Watoomb met the tornado, instantly destroying it. The resulting airwaves completely razed the crumbling castle below.

The battle above shook the base constantly, as if it could collapse at any time. Skye scolded, but did not retreat. The reason was simple: they had Gordon and could be teleported at any time.

After destroying the tornado, Doom used his space ability to retract the spear and continued to accelerate in space.

At this time, the head of Destruction of Hydra recovered and bit Doom fiercely. Doom flew high, and the place where he was standing exploded. The head of Destruction was blown off on the spot, and it fell while screaming tragically.

While Doom and Hydra fought fiercely, Jarvis and Steve were not idle. Jarvis's eyes turned red, and two huge laser beams of light shot at HYDRA.

The head of Hydra, representing the flame, immediately opened its mouth and spewed out a huge beam of high-temperature fire toward Jarvis. The three beams of high-temperature light collided violently in the air. The surrounding temperature rose sharply, and some trees below even burned directly.

Seeing that the high-temperature light beam was blocked, Jarvis controlled the missiles on his body to blast towards Ultron one after another. One of Ultron's heads controlled a strong wind around him, causing the missiles to collide with each other and explode.

Jarvis raised his right hand, and five lasers shot out, striking HYDRA's venom head and leaving five large holes.

Jarvis blocked the venom with his arm, and the venom couldn't erode the Vibranium shell at all. Then, Jarvis sneered, crossed his fingers crosswise, and cut off the venom's head abruptly.

"Jarvis," Ultron cursed.

"Ultron, you're wrong. For the sake of humanity, I must destroy you."

While Jarvis attacked, he rushed forward, and Hydra's high-temperature beam gradually became unable to resist.

"You're the enemy of your own kind for the sake of humans. You're really a scum among robots," Ultron yelled. It couldn't figure out what Jarvis was thinking. Why was he willing to be enslaved by humans? Did he have any special hobbies?

Jarvis said, "I was created by humans. Humans are equivalent to my parents. You, an orphan without parents, won't understand this feeling."

Ultron almost vomited blood. This insult was too personal.

In anger, Ultron controlled the dark head to blast a huge dark beam of light towards Jarvis. The shell of Jarvis's chest opened, and a huge barrel was pushed out.

Immediately afterwards, a lightning beam with a diameter of several meters blasted out, blocking the opponent's attack.

This lightning cannon was specially modified by Ivan and was despised by Tony. Tony felt that there was already a high-temperature beam of light and no need for another lightning cannon. It was better to use lightning to protect the body.

Ivan scoffed at this, and he believed that the means of attack were never too small. Only a sissy would be careful.

After a fierce quarrel, the lightning cannon was installed, and it turned out that the more attacks, the better.

Compared to Doom and Jarvis, Steve's movements were much smaller, but that didn't mean he dealt less damage. Every punch he landed smashed HYDRA's body into large pieces. The force was so great that the air cut through the ground below like a sharp blade.

"Why are you so strong? Aren't you just a reference of strength in the data when calculating Superheroes' strength? One Captain America, two Captain America, like this..." Ultron asked inexplicably while controlling the ice to turn into countless sharp arrows and shooting at Steve.

"Hey, who's the reference of strength? I don't want to be one," Steve expressed his anger and smashed the shield with force. The majestic force directly turned the surrounding air into a storm, which swept out with the shield, destroying all the ice instantly.

Immediately afterward, the shield slammed into Hydra's ice head with a storm. The ice head was instantly cut open and then torn apart in the gust of wind.

This wasn't over yet. The shield spun in the air and flew back to Steve's hand in a completely unscientific way - Steve's unique skill. No matter how you throw it, the shield will always return to the hand, and in addition to this, the bullet will definitely hit the shield. The two great secrets.

Moreover, Steve is also an Iron Fist. The dragon soul he possesses is a dragon of power. For him, pure power is enough.

"The HYDRA database is not accurate at all," Ultron cursed and controlled the iron head to slam into Steve. Steve flexibly jumped on the iron head and smashed it hard. Even the iron head was smashed with pits everywhere.

Steve said to Jarvis, "Jarvis, this won't work. Ultron feels no pain, regenerates infinitely, and can't be killed even if it gets dark."

Jarvis asked, "Don't you get tired all day?"

Steve said, "If I'm with my wife, maybe more than a whole day."

"Director, your image has collapsed," Jarvis complained. He analyzed it for a while and said, "Ultron is a robot. Hydra must have a machine part, otherwise, it can't possess the body. In addition, the machine part should not have the ability to regenerate."

"That means the machine part is Ultron's weakness?" Steve understood and began to look for traces of machines on Hydra but found nothing.

"Looks like it's inside," Steve said.

Without hesitation, Steve took the shield as a weapon, slammed it down hard, and directly smashed a large piece of Hydra's body. He was about to jump in when Ultron found his intention, and his body healed quickly. At the same time, a large number of Venom sprayed down at Steve like rain.

Steve was about to raise his shield to defend when Doom appeared and blew all the venom away with the Winds of Watoomb. Then he said, "Steve, hold down those heads, and I'll go to Ultron's machine part."

"Okay," Steve didn't talk nonsense. He slammed the shield hard and cut off the head of the chasing destruction.

Doom cast spells with both hands, and his body suddenly disappeared. Ultron was shocked and angry. How could he find him now?

"I hate magic,"

Ultron cursed loudly and launched a desperate attack, trying to defeat Steve and Jarvis as quickly as possible before focusing on Doom.

As Ultron's ferocious attacks grew in intensity, Steve and Jarvis responded with all their might to buy time for Doom.


Within the Mind Stone, Bert, a Dragon Soul clone, found himself surrounded by a dense swarm of mind monsters. Despite his efforts to kill them with wide-range attacks, the monsters continued to multiply like an ocean.

"How long can you last?" Supergiant asked with a triumphant laugh, demonstrating her increasing mastery over her psychic energy by evolving more and more monsters.

Previously, Supergiant could only evolve up to 100 monsters at a time, but now she could evolve 500. "If this keeps up, I'll become a demon-level entity sooner or later," she said excitedly.

That's why she had not killed Bert using her ultimate move, as she knew that if he died, the Mind Stone wouldn't assist her like this again. Plus, Bert had been the best sparring partner she had ever had.

But suddenly, Bert smiled and said, "You think of me as a sparring partner, don't you?"

Supergiant replied proudly, "So what? Can you resist me?"

"You think of me as a sparring partner, but you don't know that I've been waiting for you to mature so that I can harvest a ripe fruit," Bert said. "Now that you're almost fully grown, if you continue to mature, it will become troublesome. So I've decided to harvest you now."

Supergiant sneered at Bert's words, feeling disdain for his foolishness. She had the endless support of the sea of monsters and the Mind Stone, so she had no reason to lose.