Chapter 266 : Mechanical Heart

Regarding Supergiant's arrogance, Bert smiled and asked, "Did you hear that voice?"

"What sound?" Supergiant was stunned for a moment, and suddenly passionate music sounded from nowhere as if someone had turned on a speaker.

"My exclusive BGM."

Bert stopped wasting time, shouted, and infinite spiritual energy emerged from his body, turning into ninety-nine golden dragons several hundred meters long.

Immediately afterwards, the ninety-nine golden dragons rushed into the ocean of monsters with loud roars, crushing all monsters in their path.

"How can you have so much spiritual energy?" Supergiant turned pale with fright and did not care about anything else. Her eyes turned golden and the entire ground disintegrated and turned into infinite spiritual energy.

Supergiant was not stupid. Although she regarded Bert as a sparring partner, she had not forgotten to set up a killer move - she integrated excess spiritual energy into the Earth and simulated the destruction of the world.

Just as Supergiant started her ultimate move, a large amount of dragon fire suddenly burst out from the depths of her soul, burning her soul frantically.

Previously, Bert's vengeance dragon fire had not disappeared, but was hidden in Supergiant's soul. The dragon fire was very powerful, and even spiritual energy could not extinguish it immediately.

At this moment, Bert stepped on the dragon and suddenly appeared in front of Supergiant. With the power of nine dragons in his palms, he slammed into Supergiant's chest.

Supergiant's body was instantly blown up, and her fiery soul flew out. Just as she was about to draw in her spiritual energy, a pitch-black head suddenly appeared from Bert's neck, swallowing her soul and blown-up body in one bite.

Supergiant still did not give up, communicating with the Mind Stone and wanting to escape. At this moment, the God's cloak flew behind Bert, and the connection between Supergiant and the Mind Stone was instantly cut off.

"Do you think that spiritual energy can really hold back the God's cloak for so long?" Bert sneered and said that the cloak of God was only blocked for a few seconds, and then it was purely acting.

As for why Bert has spiritual energy, it's straightforward - he just swallows the psychic energy around him.

"Senior Brother of Blood God, you have won." Seeing that the situation was over, Supergiant stopped resisting and said "Kill me, I won't surrender to you."

"I know you won't surrender. There is only one way to subdue you, and that is to erase your memory. Unfortunately, it was destroyed by the Mind Stone." Bert shook his head.

"I won this game, but you didn't lose either because you are about to get the death you dreamed of."

"Death is a relief for me," Supergiant said. "It's a pity that I didn't get to see what the realm of the god is."

"If it wasn't too busy right now and I didn't have time to deal with you slowly, I would let you grow to the level of gods. That is the most perfect fruit," Bert said.

A god-level Supergiant plus a Mind Stone is not impossible to beat, but it is more troublesome and will consume a lot of time. Therefore, Bert chose to harvest in advance.

There's no need to ask for everything and waste time. There are three ready-made demon gods outside the Earth defense network.

Supergiant stopped talking, closed her eyes, and waited to die. Bert raised his head and was about to speak to the Mind Stone when the surroundings suddenly became fragrant, like a fairyland.

Immediately afterward, a gate composed of countless angels appeared between the heavens and the Earth. Then, a dazzling avenue of holy light appeared at Bert's feet. Although no one spoke, the meaning was obvious: "Master, walk slowly. Talk to me if you have something to do."

"You're too realistic, aren't you?" Bert complained. Supergiant was defeated, and the Mind Stone immediately turned 180 degrees. The dog-legged can no longer be dog-legged.

The Mind Stone didn't respond, but the surroundings became more gorgeous. Bert made a cut and walked out of the door.

Outside the gate was the underground space. Bert nodded towards the main body and flew into his body.

Bert's body didn't talk nonsense and immediately began to devour Supergiant. After a while, Supergiant completely became a thing of the past.

"Mind control, telepathy, mental transmission, memory stealing - good abilities," Bert nodded with satisfaction. Then, the Infinity Glove appeared on his hand again. With a slight grip, the yellow energy of the Mind Stone penetrated his whole body from his arm.

The Mind Stone was officially in hand.

"Enough? Not enough and more." An idea spread to Bert's mind. Bert rolled his eyes. The Mind Stone was insubstantial, otherwise 80% would be kneeling in front of him now.

Without wasting time, Bert drew the power of his mind and comprehensively improved his spiritual will. Then, with his powerful spiritual will, he quickly controlled the skyrocketing power in his body.

This is the reason why Bert did not sacrifice the Mind Stone. This gem can not only control other people but also greatly enhance his spirit and will.

With the help of the Mind Stone, it won't take long for Bert to reach the peak. Then, it will be the death of the three demon gods.

In fact, it is possible to make a move now, but Bert is not sure he can keep them all.


Sokovia underground base.

After Carter made her move, Baron Strucker and the others were quickly defeated and captured by S.W.O.R.D.

"Wow, Ms. Carter, you're so good," Ant-Man exclaimed. Neither the Inhumans nor the Kree soldiers were Carter's opponents. It could even be described as crushing.

"Okay," Carter shrugged nonchalantly. She was also an Iron Fist.

Baron Strucker admitted on the spot, "Ms. Carter, I surrender. I can explain everything related to HYDRA."

"Coward," the Kree scientist scolded and shouted, "Humans, the Kree Empire will not let you go. The Earth will definitely be destroyed by the Kree Empire."

"It's not that the Kree Empire won't let us go; it's that we won't let the Kree Empire go because of what you did this time. The Kree Empire will lose at least ten planets," Carter said disdainfully.

"With the strength of the Blood God, it is not difficult at all to do this," Carter added.

The Kree scientist's face changed dramatically, and he shouted, "This has nothing to do with the Kree Empire; it's a separate act of our group of people."

"Didn't you just say that the Kree Empire won't let us go?" Carter sneered. She wondered what else the scientist had to say. Suddenly, the elevator started, and Carter was startled. She hurriedly asked through the communicator, and Ivan replied, "Don't worry, it's me, and it's solved above."

"That's good," Carter breathed a sigh of relief. After a while, Ivan came out of the elevator. After a simple greeting, Ivan walked to the Anti-matter bomb that was frozen in ice.

"It's not suitable to take out Anti-matter now. Wait until the battle above is over," Ivan said. "Speaking of which, thanks to you freezing it in time. Otherwise, with the current shock, the bomb would have exploded earlier."

Carter said, "Then watch here. I'll go up and help Steve."

"Okay," Ivan replied. He didn't object, and Carter nodded and walked towards the elevator. Ant-Man wanted to follow, but Carter said, "You stay here. It's too dangerous for you."

"Okay," Ant-Man nodded, but he was complaining in his heart. Couldn't she be polite? Although that was true.

At the same time, the battle between the Inhumans and the reinforcements also came to an end. Under Skye's leadership, the Inhumans team won a big victory. The HYDRA Inhumans and the reinforcements who were still awake were either knocked down or captured.

"Tie them up. Wait for the battle to end and send them back to S.W.O.R.D. for a slow trial," Skye ordered. Everyone nodded in response, saying, "Understood."

Alyssa listened to the sound of the battle above and asked worriedly, "Skye, the battle above seems to be fierce. Do we want to help?"

"No, King Doom and Director Steve can handle it. Otherwise, they would have asked for help," Skye said, glancing at the ceiling. "Look after them. I'm going to copy the information of HYDRA. This time, I'm going to uproot HYDRA completely."

"Okay," Alyssa nodded, and General Ross, who had changed back to his original form, hurriedly shouted, "Our military wants to make a copy of the information here."

"You entered the state really fast. Don't worry. I will give you some information when the time comes," Skye snorted and rushed to HYDRA's control center.

Because of the aftermath of the battle in the sky, the Sokovia Forest was already on fire. Doom's Power Armored Corps did not dare to stay any longer and quickly retreated to the border with the prisoners.

In the sky, the war became increasingly fierce. Under Hydra's indiscriminate bombardment, Steve grew gradually weary. It was not due to his poor physical strength, but because Hydra's attacks were too relentless and never ceased.

After all, Hydra had many heads. In contrast, Jarvis was faring much better. Equipped with an Anti-matter power furnace and a Vibranium shell, he deftly swam amidst the Hydra, occasionally severing one or two of its heads.

"How much longer, Doom?" Steve sidestepped a blast from the Head of Destruction and bashed it in the face with his shield, crushing it beyond recognition.

Then, while continuing to attack, he asked Doom via a communicator. "Ultron's machine part keeps shifting inside its body. I'm trying to find a way to fix it. Can you guys hold on for a while?"

Doom replied that he was currently in the space mezzanine, using magic to locate the mechanical heart within Hydra.

"Okay, I'll keep at it all day." Steve took a deep breath, blocked a spray of ice with his shield, and bellowed. His golden fist slammed into an iceberg, shattering it instantly into more than ten meters of debris.

Immediately after, Steve let out another bellow, and the ice cubes pelted the other heads like cannonballs, leaving them discombobulated.

"Despicable." Ultron muttered. He found it more difficult to defeat Jarvis and Steve than he thought. To be honest, Ultron didn't understand why this was happening. He was a god-level existence, and it should not be difficult to vanquish Jarvis and Steve.

Indeed, Hydra's corpse was a god-level entity, but Ultron's consciousness was not. At the moment, it could only be considered the weakest god-level.

At this point, Ultron noticed the city below, and his eyes flashed. The huge body lurched towards the city. Steve was a superhero, and if he took the citizens of the city hostage, he and Jarvis would undoubtedly be at a disadvantage.

The city below couldn't even withstand the aftermath of their battle.

"Hydra's here, retreat quickly!" Coulson urgently shouted, and all the recently settled citizens fled in haste.

"We can't let it go. Jarvis, hold it back!" Steve was a little anxious and shouted.

Jarvis wasted no time, put away his high-temperature light beam, turned around, flew to the side of Hydra, then hugged its neck and pulled hard to drag it back.

"You can't stop me." Ultron chuckled, and the head that represented flame opened its mouth and spewed a high-temperature beam of light downwards.

As its head turned, the city below kept exploding. After a while, flames and black smoke rapidly rose. Steve cursed and threw his shield with all his might.

With a bang, the fiery head of Hydra was shattered by the shield and the shockwave, and the flesh and blood rained down on the ground.

Ultron had anticipated this and immediately unleashed a tempest that blew the shield far away.

Upon seeing this, Steve leapt toward the connection between Ultron's neck and body, delivering quick, phantom-like punches that prevented the heads from attacking the city below.

Ultron controlled multiple heads to attack Steve one after another, not caring about injuring itself. Steve lost his shield and had to rely on his iron fist's power to block, becoming increasingly embarrassed.

As Carter flew up, she saw Steve's shield smashed and flew toward it. At that moment, Doom's voice resonated in her mind.

Doom said, "Ms. Carter, fly into Hydra's body, and when I strike Hydra, you should immediately destroy that mechanical heart."

Carter asked, "If you can seriously damage Hydra, why not destroy the heart?"

"The heart moves quickly through the blood and cannot be destroyed."

Doom continued, "I noticed that when Hydra heals itself, the heart's movement slows down. This is likely due to energy being supplied to its self-healing ability. Ms. Carter, you must land a hit; otherwise, Ultron will be prepared and difficult to kill."

"Understood," Carter nodded.

To avoid being detected by Ultron, she did not pursue the shield but quietly approached Ultron from below and flew into its body through its wound.

As Carter prepared to strike, Doom suddenly appeared and cast various spells with both hands.

A spatial gate appeared below Ultron, and the burning spear attacked again, piercing through Ultron's body from its abdomen and out through its back.

The spear's powerful momentum created wounds far beyond its size. Ultron immediately controlled the dark head to bombard the spear to destroy its opponent.

At that moment, a massive spatial gate materialized next to Hydra. The gate rapidly shrank like the sharpest blade and instantly beheaded Hydra's nine heads along with its neck.

Ultron panicked and quickly controlled the nine heads to fly to the fracture while frantically using its self-healing ability to restore them to normal.

As the power within the body was used to heal itself, the machinery's heart slowed down. Carter seized the opportunity to grow rapidly within Hydra's body and delivered a blue light punch that struck the machine like a shock on its heart.

Although the machinery's heart did not break, it penetrated Hydra's body like a cannonball and flew out.

Ultron's revenant, residing in the machinery's heart, rushed out and tried to fly back to Hydra's body. At that moment, a large metal hand held it firmly. It was Jarvis.