Chapter 272 : New Abilities

Outside the Earth Defense Network, Bert looked at the Blood Demon God and said, "You want to swallow me, and I want to swallow you. Plus, you're too ugly. We don't need to say more. Let's just start."

"Blood God!" The Blood Demon gritted his teeth straight. At their level, who would care about appearance? The Blood God was clearly humiliating him.

The Blood Demon God had wronged Bert. Bert really thought he was too ugly. If he wants to change it to a movie, he would not survive for three minutes.

"Blood God, you have just become a god, and I have been a God of blood for thousands of years. You can't be my opponent."

Although the Blood Demon God really wanted to crush Bert to death, after thinking about it, he still said, "I am willing to give you a chance. As long as you believe in me, become the Blood God under my command, and fight for me, I will let you go. Otherwise, you will only have one ending today, and that is to be swallowed by me."

"I'm sorry, I said not to talk to shameless guys."

Bert sneered, and his body instantly turned into a rolling river of blood, surrounding the Blood Demon God.

"Then Die."

The Blood Demon was furious, no longer talking nonsense. His body swelled quickly, and in the blink of an eye, he had turned into a huge demon hundreds of meters high, still faceless.

Immediately afterwards, the Blood Demon God waved his big hand and slammed down the river of blood transformed by Bert, and even the void shook.

Bert smiled disdainfully, and the blood river suddenly turned into tens of thousands of blood-colored spears, attacking the Blood Demon God from different directions like lightning.

At this moment, all the blood-colored spears flashed in unison, shuttled through space, and stabbed at the body of the Blood Demon God from different positions.

The Blood Demon was startled and hurriedly controlled the blood to block them, but there were too many spears, and thousands of them broke through his defense and submerged into his body.

Immediately afterwards, the other spears were sent to the body of the Blood Demon God one after another through the positioning of those blood-colored spears, destroying them wantonly.

"What an idiot. I'll just wait for you to come in."

The Blood Demon laughed, and his body suddenly turned into a ball composed entirely of blood, sealing Bert firmly inside.

The Blood Demon God controlled the blood to wrap all the blood-colored spears, trying to devour them all.

"How do you know that I'm not just trying to figure it out?"

Bert smiled disdainfully. The blood-colored spears quickly stacked up, and only nine remained in the blink of an eye.

Immediately afterwards, the nine blood-colored spears all lit up with dazzling spatial light at the same time. Then, the spatial light turned into a small space to seal the spears and a large amount of blood.

The expression of the Blood Demon changed as half of his blood was taken away by the nine small spaces, causing his body to shrink in half instantly. In the small space, Bert and the blood opposite him turned into human figures simultaneously. The Blood Demon roared in shock and anger, "Blood God, do you think you can kill me like this?"

Bert, being too lazy to talk nonsense, lit up his eyes with red light, and two heat rays directly cut the Blood Demon in the middle. The Blood Demon God quickly controlled the blood to mend the wound. Suddenly, Bert appeared in front of him, slapped his hands hard, and shattered the Blood Demon God's body into blood flying in the air.

The Blood Demon God retaliated by turning his blood into blood and fire, which he shot densely at Bert. Bert smiled contemptuously, spewed out a lot of cold air, and froze all the blood and fire. Then, he sucked hard with both hands, and the frozen blood flew into his body one by one and was quickly swallowed.

"I like it cold," Bert smiled comfortably and said, as the Blood Demon God's strength had shrunk by half, he was no match for him.

Bert crushed not only this small space but also the other eight small spaces where the Blood Demon God was, which were also suppressed and swallowed by Bert, without exception.

'How could it be so fast?'

Sensing that his blood was being devoured rapidly, the Blood Demon God's expression changed dramatically, and he hurriedly controlled the blood into large hands and madly attacked the nine small spaces, but what shocked him was that all the power disappeared as soon as it touched the small space.

'How can a new God be so strong? This makes no sense at all.'

The Blood Demon God gritted his teeth. He knew that he could not continue like this. Otherwise, sooner or later, he would be completely swallowed by Bert. He gritted his teeth, and in the deepest part of his body, a small world suddenly appeared.

A small world appeared in the deepest part of the Blood Demon God's body, which had hundreds of thousands of people living in it. In a round place, except for one island, there was a small blood-colored world surrounded by a sea of blood.

This small world was a treasure obtained by the Blood Demon God in his early years. He spent a lot of time building this small world and then breeding humans in it. Every five hundred years, the Blood Demon God would harvest blood once.

"Although it's not time yet, there is no other way but to sacrifice you." With a thought of the Blood Demon God, the sea of blood in the small world suddenly rose, turning into a huge wave and heading towards the island.

When the island owner saw this scene, he shouted in disbelief. The Islanders also saw the huge waves and rushed to the temple to pray. Unfortunately, they didn't know that the one who wanted to kill them was the God they believed in.

It didn't take long for a massive wave to hit the island, and in a short period, the population on the island dropped by 70%, leaving the remaining people crying, full of despair and powerlessness. After harvesting this batch of 'leeks,' the Blood Demon God used their blood to replenish himself while telling the truth to the souls of those who died.

Hearing that God had "harvested" them, the people were distraught and cursed. "I curse you to fall off the throne and never be born again," "I curse you, like us, to be devoured by others," etc.


Hearing these curses, the Blood Demon God not only was not angry but laughed. This is not because he has any special hobby. He deliberately made these souls full of resentment

In this way, they can be turned into curses.

"Blood God, you are indeed a little clever, but after all, you are just a new god. You have no background or experience. You will never be able to fight me," said the Blood Demon God. He blew a breath toward the resentful souls, and hundreds of thousands of them instantly turned into billowing black gas, eroding away toward the nine small spaces.

Under the erosion of the black gas, the light in the small space quickly dimmed. As Bert continued to devour blood, he said coldly, "In order to fight back, you actually killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people?"

"Innocent? Where, why can't I see it?" the Blood Demon God sneered. "Those are just livestock that I raise. As their master, I harvest them. What's the problem? This is my power!"

"Devil gods like you all deserve to die for all sins," Bert gritted his teeth and cursed. This is the reason why Kamar-Taj did everything to prevent the demons from entering Earth. Once the demons come in, humans will once again become livestock that allow them to fish and meat.

"Blood God, are you happy with what you just swallowed? Soon, it will be my turn to swallow you," the Blood Demon God laughed. Under his control, the black gas quickly eroded the small space, and the small space could collapse at any time.

It is worth mentioning that the black gas is also disappearing rapidly. This move is equivalent to a suicide charge.

"You want to swallow me? I wanted to keep you for a while longer. Since you want to die so much, then I will fulfill your wish," Bert snorted coldly. One of the small spaces suddenly opened, and then a ferocious blood-colored monster full of chaos and evil rushed out.

As soon as this monster appeared, it immediately let out a loud roar, and all the black energy flew to him involuntarily and was swallowed by him. Then, the monster opened its mouth and spat out a large amount of black gas to erode the blood of the Blood Demon God, and the Blood Demon God suddenly felt that his remaining blood became uncontrollable.

While trying to control his own blood, the Blood Demon God shouted incredulously: "You are... the Beast? Wait, weren't you killed by Ancient One?"

The Beast, the chaotic devil, can control the soul and grievances. A few years ago, he tried to invade Earth, but because he rushed too fast, he was killed by Ancient One and the Blood God. Later, Bert swallowed the divine blood of the beast, and his soul was suppressed by Ancient One and given to Bert half an hour ago.

Bert devoured the soul of the beast and turned it into a soul in the river of blood. Now, summon him to fight.

That's right, the summoned Beast came out to fight. Bert once said before that his 'Blood Shadow Magic' was a success. Although this is a bit of a middle-of-the-road, it's basically the truth.

When Bert first obtained the ability of the Blood God, he could only deform and have multiple lives. Later, he continued to upgrade, and the ability of the blood river became stronger and stronger. At this time, the blood river finally became a complete body. In addition to the previous functions, the current blood river has also added a lot of other abilities. For example, after devouring the opponent, it can summon the opponent to help fight with the power of blood.

In addition to its previous functions, the current Blood River has also gained numerous other abilities. For instance, after devouring an opponent, it can summon them to fight alongside Bert using the power of blood. Additionally, Bert can borrow the abilities of opponents at any time. For example, if he swallows Kallark, he can use all of Kallark's abilities, such as heat rays, frozen breath, and strength that increases with confidence.

"What happened to the Beast, is what gonna happen to you? This is the retribution for your sins," said Bert coldly, as he increased the speed of blood consumption, determined to kill the Blood Demon as soon as possible.

"Dream on," roared the Blood Demon. At that moment, the beast charged with black Chi, rushing with ferocity towards the Blood Demon. Startled, the Blood Demon quickly expelled the beast and the black Chi from his body.

As for Bert's nine small spaces, it wasn't that the Blood Demon God didn't want to expel them, but that they were firmly fixed in his body and could not be expelled at all – a typical example of bringing wolves into the room.

As soon as the Beast left the Blood Demon God's body, it immediately controlled the billowing black energy to flow towards the Blood Demon God. These resentful souls hated the Blood Demon God to the bone, and now they had the opportunity to take revenge and frantically eroded the Blood Demon God's blood.

With only half his strength left, the Blood Demon God struggled to resist. He found it difficult to even protect himself and had no time to pay attention to Bert.

In response, Bert quickly devoured half of the Blood Demon God's blood. He then cast a spell with both hands, and the nine small spaces suddenly merged, quickly expanding into a large space that sealed the Blood Demon God inside.

Afterwards, Bert flew away from the Blood Demon God's body, appearing opposite him. The Beast followed Bert, looking like a loyal dog.

Looking at the pitiful Blood Demon God, who had shrunk by half, Bert smiled and said, "Thanks for the big meal. Although the taste wasn't too bad, it was rich in nutrition."

This feast was, of course, the Blood Demon God himself.

Feeling like a cornered tiger, the Blood Demon God panicked. He was unable to beat Bert at his peak, let alone now.

The Blood Demon God hesitated but chose to speak from his heart: "Blood God, let me go. I won't attack the Earth again, and I won't even appear in front of you again."

Bert sneered. "If you were in my position, would you let me go?"

The Blood Demon God immediately nodded and said, "Of course. I'm a kind person. I never bully the weak, and I believe in keeping a line between my work and personal life. Look, I didn't kill all the humans in this small world."

"Sorry, I refuse, because you are too thick-skinned. In this universe, a thick-skinned Tony Stark is enough."

Bert smiled disdainfully, waved his hand, and his arm turned into countless blood-colored threads that swept away towards the Blood Demon God.

Hell fire burned on the Blood Demon God, and while trying to dispell the hellfire, he roared angrily, "Blood God, don't force me, or I will perish with you."

Bert became increasingly disdainful and replied, "To perish together? Are you sure you have this ability?"

The Blood Demon God shouted, "Of course, I can curse you with my soul, and I can detonate the small world. Once it explodes, both of us will die."

"Before you talk big, please check your little world first." Bert snorted coldly, and the blood-colored silk thread shuttled through the space, instantly submerging into the body of the Blood Demon God and madly absorbing his blood.

The Blood Demon God tried to resist, but the Beast rushed over, threw him to the ground, and then bit his throat fiercely with its big mouth. The Blood Demon God smashed the beast's head with a punch and, at the same time, tried to sense the small world, intending to prove to Bert that he had the ability to perish together.

But what shocked the Blood Demon God was that he lost his sense of the small space — the black energy representing hundreds of thousands of resentful souls tightly wrapped the Small World, cutting off the Blood Demon God's connection with the Small World.

"You are just my livestock, how dare you resist me?" The Blood Demon roared. With his ability, he could resolve these black Chi quickly, but the problem was that Bert and the Beast would not give him time.

Under their attack, the Blood Demon became smaller and smaller, and his injuries became more and more serious. The Blood Demon God was completely frightened and shouted loudly, "Blood God, I surrender. I can be a slave for you."

"I'm sorry, Ugly refused." Bert clenched his hand, and the entire body of the Blood Demon God burst open, and a large amount of blood flew towards him.

"Blood God, let's die together." The Blood Demon roared, but Bert smiled contemptuously, and the light of his heart enveloped the Blood Demon. The consciousness of the Blood Demon immediately became blurred.

Although the Blood Demon God quickly sobered up, the brief blur made him lose his last chance to perish together. He and his blood were all swallowed by Bert into the river of blood.

Immediately afterwards, the power of the Blood River suppressed the Blood Demon God and turned him into a Beast-like existence. Although the Blood Demon God tried his best to resist, he simply couldn't resist the overwhelmingly powerful force of the Blood River.

After a while, the roar of the Blood Demon stopped, and in the river of blood, there was a faceless humanoid demon.