Chapter 271 : Elektra vs Seth

"No face?"

Bert's words infuriated the Blood Demon God. He gritted his teeth and vowed, "Blood God, I will absorb every drop of blood from your body and make you disappear from this universe completely."

"Sure." Bert snorted, turned to the Lizard Dragon God, and asked, "Are you here to ask for something?"

"Yes," the Lizard Dragon God admitted, not denying it. "Give me back half of the authority of the Dragon Realm, and I will leave immediately. I can even hold the Blood Demon God for you."

The Blood Demon God glared at the Lizard Dragon God, realizing that none of his allies were reliable today.

Bert smiled and proposed, "Lizard Dragon God, let's change the deal. Give me the other half of your authority, and I'll let you leave safely."

Earlier, when the Dragon God died, he gave Bert a dragon tooth. However, Bert saw it as a trap and did not receive it. Later, Bert swallowed the soul of the Dragon God and learned the mystery of the dragon tooth from his memory.

The dragon teeth are poisonous, not because of the Dragon God, but the poison of world decay that the Dragon God obtained somewhere. Even gods, once infected with this poison, will decay and die. As the poison is small and difficult to control, the Dragon God hides it in the dragon's teeth as a last resort.

Moreover, the world authority is hidden in the dragon tooth, but only the Dragon God himself knows how to take it out.

After Bert obtained the Dragon God's memory, he extracted the world authority and fused it into the dragon soul. However, only half of it was unable to control the dragon world.

Bert had planned to go to the Dragon Realm to negotiate with the Lizard Dragon God after the transformation was complete. Unexpectedly, the Lizard Dragon God delivered himself to Bert, saving him a lot of effort.

Hearing Bert's new proposal, the Lizard Dragon God laughed angrily, and said, "Blood God, since that's the case, I will take the authority from your corpse."

"Come on then."

Bert smiled disdainfully, and then turned to Seth, the Serpent-God, and said, "The crown on your head is good. I want it."

"You have to hide on Earth; I really can't help you. Unfortunately, you are too stupid to come out and die," Seth taunted.

"It turns out that even Elder Gods can be delusional. Well, everything has been said. Let's go to war."

Bert's thoughts moved, and the dragon soul clone emerged from his body and stood on his left. Then, Elektra appeared on his right. She was excited and ready to help.

"Elektra, block Seth."

Bert transferred the God's Cloak to Elektra and instructed her to use her immortal body and the cloak of God to hold Seth.

Elektra nodded without hesitation. "Leave it to me, Master," she said.

The Dragon Soul Clone smiled and said, "You don't need to say it. We're up against the Lizard Dragon God. Don't worry, you don't have to handle this. I will swallow him and take away his authority."

"Quickly," Bert said as he nodded, striding towards the Blood Demon God. He would swallow the Blood Demon God as quickly as possible and then deal with the Serpent-God Seth.

The battles of the three started almost simultaneously. The first is the battlefield of Elektra and the Serpent-God Seth.

Seth looked at Elektra and scolded angrily. "The Blood God is so bold, humiliating me with a servant, an experiment?"

"How about being humiliated? Do you have the ability to kill me?" Elektra snorted coldly and turned into hundreds of phantoms, attacking Seth from different directions.

"I'm not going to kill you. I'm going to swallow you," Seth's seven heads roared at the same time. The void shook and all the phantoms disappeared, even Elektra, who was wearing a cape, was forced to reveal her figure.

"It seems that the master was right to ask me to hold him back." Elektra's eyes lit up red, and two heat rays slammed into Seth's head.

Seth did not dodge but opened his mouth and spewed a green beam of light towards the heat rays. Then, Seth's other six heads travelled through space and bit Elektra fiercely.

Elektra opened her mouth and spewed out a lot of cold air to block Seth. She then used the cloak of God to teleport behind Seth, and the heat ray slammed into the back of Seth's head, burning two big holes directly.

Seth let out a painful roar, his tail vibrated, and the void swept towards Elektra. Elektra teleported to the back of Seth's tail, and the Vibranium dagger stabbed into it fiercely.

Then, Elektra took advantage of the situation to pull his tail, and Seth's tail was directly pulled open. The blood transformed by magic power bloomed in the void.

"There's something wrong with her cape and its related to the concept of space." Seth realized that he had underestimated Elektra and hurriedly put away his underestimation of the enemy. He turned his body and surrounded Elektra with his seven heads.

Then, Seth's seven heads began to devour space. As an Elder God, Seth has the concept of swallowing, and can even swallow the void. Seeing that something was wrong, Elektra immediately wanted to teleport.

However, she found that the surrounding void was cut off by Set, so she could only teleport in this circle and couldn't leave.

"It really is an Elder God, extraordinary." Elektra turned herself into a shadow and quickly fled towards one of the heads. For now, she had to break one head and forcibly escape from the area.

"Do you think you can hide from me?" Seth smiled disdainfully, and a head turned the power of space it had just swallowed into a space storm and swept away towards the hidden Elektra.

Elektra smiled smugly, teleported to the side of the head, and then exploded, dying with Seth's head.

Immediately afterwards, the cloak of God rolled up Elektra's remaining flesh and blood, broke through the blockade and escaped outside. After that, Elektra's flesh and blood quickly reorganized, and before she could even breathe, she had recovered completely.

"Lowly servant!" Seth, who was infuriated while fixing the broken head, attacked Elektra's soul with his mental power.

However, Seth was surprised to find that Elektra no longer had a soul in her body. After her successful promotion, she had voluntarily given her soul to Bert for safekeeping.

This was not an honorable act, but rather a means for Elektra and Bert to stay together constantly. Furthermore, Bert possessed the power of the 'Beast', and Elektra's soul was sent to him, enabling her to be reborn and immune to mental attacks.

It is rebirth, which is much better than self-healing and regeneration.

"Great Elder God, let's take our time and see who achieves more accomplishments," Elektra said as she laughed and charged towards Seth.

"I will definitely swallow you," Seth roared. If he, as an Elder God, could not even defeat a mere servant, how would he face others in the Elder God's circle?

The scene then shifted to the Lizard Dragon God and the Dragon Soul clone.

The Lizard Dragon God was amazed by the scent of an "old guy" on the clone and asked, "Why does you smell like that old guy (Dragon God)?"

The Clone replied, "Because I swallowed the old guy, and this is your fate."

"That old guy spent his whole life secretly devouring others, and in the end, he was devoured himself. It's poetic justice," the Lizard Dragon God sneered. "As for swallowing me, you're thinking too highly of yourself. If that old guy didn't hold the other half of the authority, I would have killed him long ago."

"I'm sorry, but I don't have time to chat with you, because my BGM has already started," the Dragon Soul Clone replied, and suddenly appeared in front of the Lizard Dragon God. He closed his left palm and slapped fiercely with his right, creating a void that swallowed the Lizard Dragon God.

"Why is there music here? This is the void, and sound cannot travel," the Lizard Dragon God was surprised. He punched the clone's palm, but the clone remained unaffected, and the Lizard Dragon God was pushed back.

"You're actually stronger than me?" the Lizard Dragon God exclaimed. All their conversations were conducted through mental power, without any scene or translator restrictions.

"Isn't that natural?" the Dragon Soul clone replied, slamming his left palm and sending the Lizard Dragon God flying. He then turned his right palm a dark green and covered the surrounding with it, striking the Lizard Dragon God with a poison palm.

"Very poisonous?" the Lizard Dragon God didn't dare to neglect, so he summoned a divine weapon and slashed at the Dragon Soul clone with it.

The clone clamped the broadsword with both palms and shook it violently, causing the Lizard Dragon God to lose his grip on the sword, which flew into the air.

The Lizard Dragon God snorted and controlled the broadsword from afar, sending hundreds of giants flying out of it to attack the Dragon Soul clone densely.

"It turned out to be a sword that devours its own kind." The Dragon Soul Clone smiled disdainfully and waved its palms towards the sky.

Hundreds of divine dragons roared out, engaging in a fierce battle with the giant western dragon. Although the giant dragons resisted for a while, it eventually collapsed under the pressure.

"How so?" The Lizard Dragon God was completely bewildered. At this moment, the Dragon God clone attacked again. Despite fighting against him several times, the Lizard Dragon God found that he was no match for him in close combat.

It's not that the Lizard Dragon God's fighting skills are poor, but that Bert's Chi is too versatile. The Lizard Dragon God, who was the first to experience these skills, didn't know how to resist.

In addition, the Dragon Soul clone can control the space, and every attack will cause the void to oscillate or distort.

The Lizard Dragon God gritted his teeth and decided not to engage in close combat. He and the Dragon Soul clone faced each other and quickly retreated. Then, his body rapidly expanded and in a short period of time, he transformed into a black dragon that stretched for hundreds of meters.

The Dragon Soul clone sneered, "It's obviously a black dragon, but it turns into a white man. You are racist."

The Lizard Dragon God was too lazy to engage in meaningless banter. He opened his big mouth, and a black ball quickly swelled in his mouth. The black ball then transformed into a beam of destruction that roared out, causing the entire void to tremble.

The Dragon Soul clone smiled disdainfully and assumed a Tai Chi posture. With a ring on his left hand, he twisted the void, causing the beam of destruction to make a 180-degree turn in the air, blasting towards the Lizard Dragon God himself.

The Lizard Dragon God was startled and quickly controlled the beam of destruction to dissipate. At that moment, a green poisonous dragon suddenly emerged from below the beam of destruction, crashing into the belly of the Lizard Dragon God.

The Lizard Dragon God let out a shrill scream, and a terrifying hole was corroded from his belly, causing blood to gush out uncontrollably.

The Dragon Soul clone extended both hands in a claw shape, creating a powerful suction force. The blood of the Lizard Dragon God turned into a blood column and flew wildly towards the Dragon Soul clone, which was quickly absorbed by him.

Naturally, the Lizard Dragon God would not sit idly by. He sealed the wound with dark energy and then roared up to the sky. A large number of black clouds appeared in the space out of thin air, and then, densely packed, like endless black fire meteorites, violently smashed towards the Dragon Soul clone.

The Dragon Soul was distracted, and hundreds of dragons flew back, smashing all the black fire meteorites that fell towards him. As for the Dragon Soul clone himself, his hands vibrated rapidly. He then raised his hands and slashed forward, causing ten dark thin lines to attack the Lizard Dragon God.

The spirits of the Lizard Dragon God roamed wildly as he dodged, releasing a dark shield to protect himself firmly.

The Dragon Soul clone pointed to the void, and ten thin lines changed directions, hitting the Lizard Dragon God with great accuracy and easily tearing through his dark shield.

Immediately after, the ten thin lines fell on the Lizard Dragon God, chopping off his wings on the spot and leaving several terrifying wounds on his body that almost severed him.

The Dragon Soul clone was invincible and used the blood-devouring technique again. The blood from the Lizard Dragon God flew wildly towards the Dragon Soul clone like a spring, and he swallowed it in large quantities.

The Lizard Dragon God glanced at the Dragon Soul clone in shock and anger, then turned and fled.

'I can't help it. I can't beat it. I can't understand why the he is so strong. Even the original Dragon God was only half as powerful as he is,' Thought the Lizard Dragon God, as he did not know that the same energy, in the hands of different people, exerted different powers.

The Dragon God could only play at 100%, while the Dragon Soul clone could play at 200%.

"Can you escape?" the Dragon Soul clone snorted and quickly chased after him. Today, he would swallow the dragon, and no God can stop him.

Before introducing Bert's battle with the Blood Demon god, let's take a look at a small episode - Kamar-Taj.

The gloomy Kaecilius knocked out the librarian and walked to the bookshelf where the Darkhold was sealed in a Vibranium box. Kaecilius did not open the box here because of the seal, but put it in his arms, walked to another bookshelf, and took down a cover with a book of gems.

Kaecilius opened the book, tore a page from it that recorded the ritual of summoning Dormammu, then turned and left the library to gather his cronies.

"Ancient One, you hypocrite. I will definitely make you pay the price," Kaecilius cursed. He didn't know that the Ancient One and the Blood God watched his actions the whole time.

Blood God's Projection said, "Master, Kaecilius hates you very much."

Ancient One sighed and said, "His personality is too extreme, but this is the path he chose for himself, and he can't blame others."

'It's your own fault,' the Blood God Projection said. "Master, are you ready?"

"Ready. I will help Kamar-Taj to completely solve the scourge of Dormammu before I resign," the Ancient One said lightly. Blood God Projection nodded, and when the plot of "Avengers 2" ended, it would be the turn of the plot of "Doctor Strange".