Chapter 270 : Serpent-God

The majestic figure in the space crack did not climb out like the guard commander. He let out a loud shout, jumped up, and rumbled through the space crack, landing on the ground. The surrounding houses almost collapsed.

Everyone did not dare to neglect. They looked at the figure and found that it was a green behemoth wearing lava armor, holding a sledgehammer and full of blood and fire. He was as terrifying as a peerless beast.

"Too strong! The reinforcement sent by the Demon King are too strong!"

Looking at the thick and massive back in front of him, the fake believer was shaking with excitement and couldn't help cheering loudly. To his surprise, those superheroes were also cheering, even louder than him.

The fake believer looked shocked. "Are they scared crazy?"

At this moment, the green figure suddenly raised the hammer, posing as Hercules, and laughed loudly. "Surprise!"

"It's quite a surprise, big man. I haven't seen you for a long time. I miss you so much," Tony laughed. The green figure was Hulk, the Hulk who came back from Hell University.

The devil believers were shocked and desperate. What is going on? Why is the superhero Hulk summoned? There is absolutely no reason for this!

Also, what is the bad luck today? Why do they keep encountering this kind of scene?

"Go away! You will only miss Banner, not me. And don't think I don't know. Your broken machine is made to fight me."

Hulk said to Tony, then turned to look at the fake believer and asked with a grim face, "You are calling me? Are you ready for sacrifices, beauties, food, or my peripheral products?"

The fake believer shouted in disbelief, "Why you? I'm summoning the worm lord."

"Lord Insect Demon? At this time, he should be killed by Adam. It's very cruel. By the way, the cause of his death was too ugly, and so are you."

Hulk didn't talk nonsense. With a hammer blow, the false believer and the altar were smashed to pieces.

Immediately afterwards, Hulk used his feet to jump high towards the guard commander, and the entire ground sank into two big pits in an instant.

"Let me do it."

Hulk shouted, and the hammer slammed into the guard commander. The guard commander flew out like a cannonball on the spot, stopping only a few hundred meters away and looking at Hulk with fear.

Hulk smiled and rushed towards the guard commander, each step causing the ground to vibrate violently.

Tony breathed a sigh of relief. With this big man around, the guard commander was nothing. Then he turned and walked towards Viper. It was time to settle the ledger.

Ghost Rider and Strange also surrounded Viper, only Electro turned to deal with the other demons, with his railgun, almost one shot at a time.

"What a bunch of trash!"

The surrounded Viper scolded. It's okay if these allies are not reliable, and they always strengthen the enemy. How to fight this?

For today's plan, they could only sink the boat.

Tony held the Vibranium Great Sword and said in a cold voice, "The HYDRA will completely perish today."

"You want to destroy HYDRA? Okay, I'll help you."

Viper snorted coldly and held up the viper crown ring in her hand. The next moment, all the HYDRA reinforcements present fell down clutching their throats.

Not only did these enhanced soldiers fall to the ground, but a large number of prisoners in the breached HYDRA base also collapsed simultaneously. Doom checked and said, "It's a magical toxin, someone poisoned them beforehand."

It's worth mentioning that the Inhumans, both in the hospital and the base, are not dead, and high-ranking officials like Baron Strucker and Dr. Liszt also survived.

Confused by the sight of the enhanced people falling, Tony asked, "What do you mean? Surrendering? I'm sorry, I don't accept your surrender."

"Just because you're worthy of making me surrender?" Viper replied grimly. "The HYDRA here, as well as in the main base and sub-bases, were all sacrificed by me to the great god."

Everyone took a deep breath upon hearing this. Wasn't this woman too cruel? Was she really not an ally?

Sensing the danger, Strange immediately launched an attack on Viper, followed by Ghost Rider, with the magic band and magic chain smashing at Viper one after another.

Tony was quick to respond, raising his hand to send a pulse cannon at Viper, saying, "It seems that dealing with HYDRA afterward will be easy. Do you want me to say thank you or should I write you a check?"

"I want to say thank you to you for giving birth to the son of the Demon King."

The ring on Viper's hand flickered and changed back into a crown which she wore on her head. Then, a dazzling green light radiated from her body. The magic whip, magic chain, and pulse cannon were all bounced back.

Viper's body swelled rapidly in the green light, and in the blink of an eye, she was already tens of meters tall. But it didn't end there. The green light flew into the sky and then Viper's upper body divided into seven parts.

When the green light disappeared, everyone saw a giant snake with seven heads. As soon as it appeared, the entire New York sky darkened, and a heavy divine power enveloped the heavens and the earth, making people feel like they were carrying a mountain.

At the same time, an evil aura spread throughout New York City, causing some people with wicked thoughts to pick up weapons and attack those around them.

Suddenly, a loud and righteous dragon's roar came from the Dragon God Cathedral, and all New Yorkers returned to normal instantly. They looked at the knives in their hands, sighed, and put them down in helplessness.

"Sure enough, there is another troublemaker."

Despite such a significant change, New Yorkers remained calm, and there was little panic. After all, they are New Yorkers. What haven't they seen? Aliens, Demon Kings, Evil Gods, Inhumans, Enhanced Humans - there's everything in New York.

In fact, from the very beginning, the citizens of New York had anticipated that something would change today. The reincarnation of the Demon King was significant, how could nothing happen?

"Stay at home or go to church to pray. The superheroes will soon solve the problem. Oh, and go to the Dragon God Church - other sects won't work."

This was the thinking of both citizens and the police. However, the military was much more nervous. They sent more troops to set up a defense line to prevent enemies from the hospital from escaping.

"Serpent-God of Death, Seth."

Looking at the giant snake in the sky, Strange took a deep breath, and Tony asked, "Seth? What is that? Why are two heads missing? Shouldn't it be a Hydra?"

"Hydra is not even worthy of being compared to Seth, the Serpent-God,"

"He is the oldest group of gods on Earth, and later degenerated into demons. Uh, I guess you don't want to hear this. You just need to know that his strength is second only to the creator god and the beholder. Those of the Crimson Demon God are of the same level," Strange said in a deep voice.

"Are you still in your hometown?" Tony was not afraid. He raised his head and asked Seth, "Do you want to rob my son too?"

"Your son is just right for my body," Viper, or rather Seth, the Serpent-God, looked at Tony with icy snake pupils and said oppressively, "Give him to me, and I will give you eternal life and strength."

"Do you know the meaning of this gesture? If you don't know, I can give you a detailed introduction," Tony controlled Veronica to point out his middle finger and said, "I'm a civilized person, and I'm usually not so rude. But you, you don't deserve my courtesy."

"Stupid humans, since that's the case, you all go die," Seth was too lazy to talk nonsense, and the seven heads opened their mouths at the same time. At this moment, a space ripple flashed, and Seth disappeared directly.

Space exile.

"What am I waiting for? What about your attack?" Tony opened his hand but breathed a sigh of relief. This guy Bert is really reliable.

Strange glanced at Tony speechlessly and said with relief, "Fortunately, the Blood God shot; otherwise, we really can't stop this guy, even if he is just a projection of power."

Tony snorted coldly, "I can do it without Bert. I have been studying Demon Gods for more than a year."

"Perhaps, but if we do fight, New York will definitely be destroyed," Strange shook his head and said, "Human cities are too fragile for gods and demons."

"It's time to give New York a security cover. The city of New York has faced so many disasters and tragedies; it is simply sad for those who hear it and tears for those who see it."

Tony shook his head. At this time, Strange, Ghost Rider, and Hulk, who were beating the guard commander, disappeared at the same time.

Tony was stunned for a moment and then said angrily, "What about me? Bert, do you look down on me and don't take me to a decisive battle?"

Bert's voice sounded, "Yes, I look down on you. Do you have any objections?"

Tony was almost out of anger when Bert said with a smile, "Congratulations, Tony, you've become a dad."

Before Bert could finish his words, there was a loud cry of a baby coming from the delivery room. Tony was stunned for a moment, then overjoyed.

"My child is born."

Tony swallowed and turned to go to the delivery room. At this moment, the guard leader with only one hand and one foot jumped towards him.

Metal demon, never gives up.

"It's really annoying. Since that's the case, I'll send you on your way."

Tony was furious and joined forces with other superheroes to quickly harvest the remaining enemies. With the current situation, winning is only a matter of time.

Let's go backward on time a little bit. Outside the Earth's defense network, the three demon gods are attacking the defense network one after another.

Of these three demon gods, the one on the left is a human-shaped skeleton, with a pair of huge bones and wings. His eye sockets are burning with chaotic soul fire, which looks quite neurotic, which is a characteristic of all chaotic gods.

The one in the middle is composed of constantly flowing blood. Although humanoid, it has no facial features and looks very strange. People generally call him the Blood Demon God.

As for the one on the right, on the surface, he is an old man, but he is actually a giant western dragon. That's right, he is the Lizard Dragon God, which is as famous as the Dragon in the dragon world.

"Blood God, don't hide in there, come out and fight with us. I came here especially for you," shouted the Blood Demon God. He was very interested in the Blood God as they both shared the same attributes. If he could swallow the other, he would definitely be able to take it to the next level.

The Lizard Dragon God also shouted, "Blood God, I'm here for you too. Come out quickly."

The fire of the soul flashed in the eye sockets of the Skeleton God, and he shouted, "Blood God, I am not here for you. I am here for a gift from the Devil King of Hell. Please don't come out. I want to finish this mission easily."

The Blood Demon God and the Lizard Dragon God looked at the Skeleton God speechlessly. They were wondering if they should beat him up first.

At this moment, the space light flashed, and the serpent Seth appeared out of thin air. Because it was so sudden, he still had his mouth open to attack.

The Skeleton God asked very honestly, "Where did this sand sculpture come from?"

Seth heard the words and sprayed seven huge green beams of light directly at the Skeleton God. To be honest, he was very annoyed. He had sacrificed important chess pieces, sacrificed most of the HYDRA, and finally projected his Avatar onto the Earth. As a result, in a blink of an eye, he was sent by someone else.

"If I knew this earlier, why was it so hard? The Earth is not easy to enter, and the void outside the defense net is not easy?"

Seeing Seth attacking himself, the Skeleton God was furious. With one hand, ten thousand bone spears appeared behind him and shot the seven beams of light densely.

The beam of light and the bone spear collided fiercely in the void. The bone spear was destroyed in large numbers, and the beam of light also shrank rapidly. In the end, the two attacks were equally divided and both perished.

The Skeleton God was going to continue to attack, and the Lizard Dragon God hurriedly called out, "Everyone here is not an enemy. Don't kill each other."

The Blood Demon God saluted Seth with a little fear, "Serpent-God."

"Don't talk nonsense, attack the defensive net together and force the Blood God out."

Seth spat out the core and said with a grim face. Just at that moment, a voice sounded, "It's not necessary, because I planned to come out."

Everyone turned their heads and saw the Blood God slowly coming out of the defense net. When the Four Gods approached, he waved his hand, and the three others appeared beside him.

Feeling the immense divine power around him, Strange became a little nervous. He asked, "Blood God, you won't let me deal with one, will you?"

"You three deal with the weakest, whatever you see, it's up to you."

Bert pointed at the Skull God and said. The Skull God was furious and was about to speak, but Bert put a ring on his hand, and the Skull God and Strange disappeared at the same time.

"You can fight, and if you lose, you can get out of the space with a single shout. Additionally, your mission is not to kill him, but to hold him back. I'll help you after I've dealt with the three outside."

Bert's voice rang in the ears of the three, and Strange said angrily, "Who are you looking down on? Do I need to run away?"

"Stop pretending, you were about to wet your pants before."

Hulk looked contemptuous and raised his warhammer high, jumping towards the Skeleton God. "I will be the main force, and you two will assist me."

"Are all your superhero mouths so poisonous?"

Strange rolled his eyes and cast a spell to prepare for the Hulk, while Damon was testing his new motorcycle - the one that Bert and Wanda rode before, and had given to Damon in advance.

"I'll show you that I am not the weakest."

The Skeleton God shouted angrily. He slapped the void with his big hand, and countless skeletons appeared out of nowhere, surrounding the three densely.

"This is really not the kind of pressure I should be under."

Strange couldn't help sighing; he was just a rookie.

Leaving aside the battle in the small space for the time being, after sending everyone away, Bert smiled at the three of them on the opposite side. "Sorry, I made you wait for a long time. In order to keep you all, I made some more preparations."


The three gods snorted coldly, and the Blood demon sneered, "Blood God, from the blood on your body, I can sense that you have just been promoted to a God. Hum, a new god, how dare you be so arrogant to us? It is the fearlessness of the ignorant."

Bert looked at the blood demon lord and said seriously, "Please shut up. I don't talk to faceless guys."


Seth (Earth-616)

Seth is son of Geb and Nut and brother of Osiris. Seth also mated with Neith and fathered the gods of the underworld. He began life as mortal while Osiris was Pharaoh of Egypt. He sought to usurp the throne and imprisoned brother in a coffin and hiding it, but when Isis found it, he dismembered his body into fourteen pieces and cast them to the winds. Isis collected the pieces and with the help of Anubis restored him to life. Horus, son of Osiris and Isis continued the feud against Seth.
