Chapter 269 : Two timing Hammer

"You stay honest, and I'll clean you up after."

Ignoring Little Hela and the others, the Shadow Prince flew straight towards the delivery room. At that moment, nine lightsabers fell from the sky, and the Shadow Prince hurriedly avoided them. He wasn't afraid of bullets, but he was afraid of light attribute attacks.

"Since you want to die so much."

The Prince of Shadow swung his double daggers vigorously, and a large number of black thin lines densely attacked Little Hela. Little Hela snorted coldly. The Chi of light turned into a small sun and shone around, and the black thin lines quickly disappeared.

In fact, the Chi of Light is better in defense, but what kind of character does Little Hela have? How could she possibly just defend?

Immediately afterwards, Little Hela pushed hard, and the little sun shot towards the Shadow Prince at high speed. The Shadow Prince shouted, and the shadow under his feet flew up to wrap around the little sun.

In just a moment, the little sun was wiped out by the shadow, and then the shadow covered the sky and shrouded Little Hela. The sound of ghosts and their wailing was everywhere, as if the end was coming.

Pietro was terrified and quickly grabbed Little Hela and Lina's hands, planning to escape together. But just as he touched Little Hela's wrist, he felt a sharp pain in his palm and quickly released her.

Little Hela glared at Pietro, and with a move of her hand, a dense sword of light appeared in the sky. The sword of light whizzed down towards the rushing shadow.

The shadow was riddled with holes by the sword of light, but with a flash of black light, the shadow returned to normal in an instant, wrapping the three of them inside.

"We're done for."

Pietro's heart sank, Tony and the others also changed their expressions, but Mindy sneered.

What a joke, Pepper, an irrelevant woman, had given so many treasures. As Master's three major disciples, how could they lack life-saving means?

Not to mention, as long as the three of them were willing, they could summon a dragon from the Dragon Realm to fight for themselves at any time.

"I absorbed only a little bit of keel (Essence or Elixir from Dragon Bones). I'm not this guy's opponent for the time being. It seems that I can only use the killer move."

Little Hela shone brightly and protected Lina and Quicksilver. Then she asked Lina, "Lina, which killer do you think we should use? Pets, treasures, or what?"

"Use the hammer. That hammer is really good for cracking nuts. I kind of miss it."

Lina swallowed the last bite of pizza and said, as she had been eating pizza without stopping.

"Then the hammer it is. You've eaten too much today. Let's exercise together later."

Hela didn't waste time and stretched out her hand to the side. Mjølnir on the table of Asgard shook violently, and then, the formation was activated, and the hammer disappeared instantly - the teleportation formation arranged by Bert.

Seeing the sudden disappearance of Mjolnir, the acting king Thor was stunned for a moment, and then sighed.

Once, Thor thought that he and Mjolnir were the only ones for each other, but who knew that one day, Mjolnir split, and he also split into two at the same time.

Thor was heartbroken about this, but in the end, he forgave the returning Mjolnir and still regarded it as his only one.

The problem is that after that, Mjolnir changed. It often accepts other people's calls and waits for them to tire of playing before returning. Despite pleading in the middle, Mjolnir dismisses it.

"Others just treat you as a tool. Only I regard you as the only one. Why don't you understand?" Thor shook his head. "Don't ask me why there are always tears in the corners of my eyes. It's because I love so deeply."

"Forget it, let it go. Mjolnir has abused me a thousand times, but I treat Mjolnir like my first love."

Heimdall looked at the ever-changing expressions on Thor's face and couldn't help but want to roll his eyes. 'Isn't it just that Hela borrowed the hammer? Is all this drama really necessary?'

"Thor, don't waste your time and continue with your business," Heimdall said.

Thor glanced resentfully at Heimdall, then stood up suddenly and scolded angrily: "I can't bear it anymore. Whoever that broken hammer loves to go with, I want to build a new weapon."

"Is the honest man mad?" Heimdall asked. "What weapon do you want to build?"

"The King's weapon, the hammer... no, a battle axe."

Thor wanted to talk about hammers, but when he thought of the "spiritual" Mjolnir, he changed his mind.

Then, Thor didn't waste time and flew straight to the Bifrost Bridge, shouting at the same time: "Heimdall, help me with my official business. I will go to the dwarves to build weapons. I will never come back without new weapon. Hmph, even if Mjolnir comes to beg me, I will not pay attention to it again. Today you ignore my love, and tomorrow I will make you unable to stand tall!"

"If you want to skip work, skip work. Why do you talk so much nonsense?" Heimdall sneered, but did not stop Thor. He had been dealing with official business for almost a year, and it was time to let go and have a little fun, otherwise this husky would go crazy.


In the hospital, after covering Little Hela and the others with shadows, the Prince of Shadow continued to rush to the delivery room. In his opinion, Little Hela and the others were dead.

At this moment, a dazzling thunder light erupted from the shadow, and the shadow instantly disappeared into gray.

Although Little Hela was still just a child, at this moment, everyone seemed to have seen a queen who ruled the world.

In the tofu shop, Odin and Valkyrie turned their heads to look at the suburbs at the same time. Odin looked at Little Hela who was holding Mjølnir aloft. He couldn't help but think of the previous scene and sighed deeply.

The Valkyrie asked in astonishment, "How did Mjølnir fall into Little Hela's hand? Will this stimulate her memory? Also, Little Hela is so smart, can she guess anything?"

"Don't worry, there will be no problem. This is not the first time," Odin said. "Besides, she won't find anything because she is not the only one who can hold Mjølnir."

The Valkyrie complained, "When did Mjølnir become so casual?"

Odin shrugged and didn't speak. Thor didn't really master the hammer, otherwise, it wouldn't be so casual.

Not to mention the dialogue between Odin and the Valkyrie, Little Hela didn't waste any time and smashed the hammer directly at the shadow prince. The shadow prince had seen the thunder light before, so he didn't dare to neglect and quickly avoided to the side.

At this moment, a ball of thunder light emerged from the hammer and slammed into the shadow prince at astonishing speed, paralyzing him with electricity. Immediately afterwards, the hammer hit the shadow prince's chest along the traction, and he flew out backward, screaming.

Then, the hammer flew back to Little Haila's hand. She held the hammer high, and a dark cloud appeared out of nowhere in the sky. The thunder fell one after another, bombarding the Prince of Shadow, and the smoke engulfed his whole body.

"What the Fuck, is she the owner of Mjølnir or me?" Thor was stunned when he saw this scene with the help of the power of the Bifrost Bridge. He now vaguely understands why Mjølnir "split" - Little Hela's skills are better than his.

"Lina." After a set of combos knocked down the Shadow Prince, Little Hela threw the hammer to Lina.

Then, she stomped her foot hard, and a large number of bright hands emerged from the ground next to the Shadow Prince, pressing him firmly on the ground and continuing to suffer from lightning.

That's right, the Shadow Prince continued to be struck by lightning. Although Mjølnir has changed hands, the dark cloud is still there.

Lina caught the hammer and held it high. The sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, and there was a feeling of black clouds pressing down on the city. Immediately afterward, with a bang, countless electric snakes wandered wildly in the dark clouds, as if the end of the world was about to come. Pietro was horrified.

"Why is this technique better than mine?" The corners of Thor's mouth twitched a little. He could do this too, but not as lightly and fast as Lina.

The Valkyrie expressed shock: "Who is this Lina, and why is she able to pick up Mjølnir? Also, why can she maximize the power of the hammer in an instant?"

"I have some guesses about her identity, but I'm not sure," Odin's eyes flashed slightly, and he said. "As for why she can exert the ultimate power of Mjølnir, it's because Mjølnir is afraid of her."

Valkyrie was puzzled: "Afraid of her?"

"It's afraid she will eat it," Odin said. Valkyrie was stunned. Eat a hammer? Thinking of the picture of Lina eating a hammer, she couldn't help but want to laugh a little. Isn't this style of painting too weird?

If Mjølnir is supposed to be a beautiful goddess, then Thor is a dog licking, the goddess ignores him, and little Hela is the first love. Mjølnir is very satisfied with her and even willing to post it backwards. As for Lina, she is a boss. As soon as the Mjølnir saw her, it immediately fell down, and it cooperated with whatever Lina wanted.

Leaving this aside, the Shadow Prince saw the thunder in the sky and roared on the ground, "Do you think this will kill me?" With the roar of the shadow prince, all the shadows around came to life, turning into dense shadow monsters and attacking Little Hela and Lina.

At the same time, the surrounding gloomy wind burst into darkness, as if being in hell.

Little Hela smiled disdainfully and held Mjølnir together with Lina. The electric snakes in the sky then transformed into swords of thunder, each with a bright white line down the middle that looked extremely dazzling.

Thousands of thunder swords fell from the sky, instantly piercing through the dense shadow monsters below. In front of the mighty, brilliant, and violent thunder, all the shadow monsters vanished into ashes, and then the surroundings returned to their original appearance.

"Isn't this great?" Little Hela exclaimed.

Everyone was stunned. Tony considered whether he could stop this move, but then decided he didn't want to.

"Indeed," Thor exclaimed from the live broadcast room as he left to find the dwarves in the dwarf kingdom.

"This is impossible," The Shadow Prince shouted in disbelief. How could that little girl be so strong?

At this time, Lina had finished charging up, and a pillar of thunder with the thickness of a meter fell from the sky and slammed into the shadow prince, creating a dazzling thunder light between the sky and the Earth.

A few seconds later, the thunder light dissipated, and the shadow prince completely disappeared, leaving only a high-temperature pit formed of colored glass.

"Finally dead," Pietro breathed a sigh of relief, and Little Hela sneered, "Childish. No treasure, how could he be dead?"

At that moment, the shadows of Little Hela and Lina suddenly came to life, tightly restraining their necks from behind. At the same time, the Prince of Shadows suddenly appeared and grabbed Mjølnir.

"If you want it, I'll give it to you," Little Hela sneered and let go of her hand. Then, light bloomed on her body, and the two shadows disappeared. Lina also let go of her hand when she heard the words.

The Shadow Prince was a little surprised, but he still grabbed Mjølnir with his big hand and held it very smoothly.

Before the Prince of Shadows could be happy, the hammer slammed on the ground, and the unlucky Prince of Shadows was pulled and fell to the ground.

The Shadow Prince's expression changed, but he still didn't give up, trying to pick up the hammer. Unfortunately, the hammer didn't move, as if it had grown roots.

"Only people with good hearts like us are qualified to pick up Mjølnir," Little Hela said disdainfully and kicked the hammer. It flew up and knocked the Shadow Prince to the ground, then landed on the Shadow Prince's chest.

The Shadow Prince tried to get up, but no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't move. He couldn't even turn into a shadow, as Mjølnir blocked the surroundings under the control of Little Hela.

The Shadow Prince acknowledged the defeat and surrendered, shouting: "I surrender! I can work for you and be your assassin."

"I am an innocent girl. Why do I want an assassin for? Especially such an ugly one," Little Hela snorted. Mjølnir glowed brilliantly, and infinite thunder and lightning wrapped the Prince of Shadows. He let out a shrill scream, and his body quickly disappeared.

'You're called an innocent girl?' Pietro complained secretly, and so did the others. This little girl had grown up and was definitely a monster.

Tony sighed, "Bert's apprentice is really extraordinary. In the future, my daughter must not be like her."

Not long after, the Shadow Prince died tragically on the spot, leaving two Shadow Daggers and a Shadow Cloak behind.

The Shadow Cloak is the treasure of the Shadow Hell. Before the Shadow Prince was able to hide from Strange, he relied on it.

"It's ugly, and it doesn't match my attributes."

Little Hela glanced at it and waved the Shadow Cloak in Mindy's direction. "Mindy, this is for you."

"Call me sister."

Mindy caught the Shadow Cloak and draped it behind her, disappearing.

"You keep those two daggers. Although you are just a delivery boy, you can't be too weak, or you will lose face for us."

Little Hela gestured to Pietro. His eyes lit up, and he immediately rushed towards the two Shadow Daggers, while secretly complaining, "What kind of strength does a delivery boy need?"

After processing the spoils, Little Hela waved at Mjølnir and said, "You can leave now."

Mjølnir shook and activated the magic circle, disappearing instantly.

In the kingdom of dwarves, Thor was cursing his hammer with the king of dwarves. At that moment, the hammer suddenly appeared. He was stunned for a moment, then smirked happily, "You're back."

The dwarf king, who was much taller than Thor, couldn't help covering his face. He had just said that he wanted to make Mjølnir look bad, but as soon as Mjølnir came back, he immediately turned back to groveling.

In the hospital, everyone couldn't help but be overjoyed when they saw the Prince of Shadows being wiped out. At that moment, a fierce sound of war drums suddenly came from the depths of the third space crack.

Immediately afterwards, two big hands with lava gloves grabbed both sides of the space crack and tore it apart with incredible strength.

When the space crack was torn to a certain extent, a majestic figure that made everyone's hearts pound slowly appeared from the space crack. Everyone couldn't help but swallow their saliva, realizing that a ruthless character was approaching.