Chapter 268 : Prince of Shadows

Not all believers of demons have turned into demons. There are three demon believers who have just summoned the altar: the first demon believer, the shadow demon believer, and a golden-clothed demon believer whose painting style is completely different from the others.

The false believer and Viper looked at each other and, at the same time, shot at the human death squad. The false believer used black mist, while Lady Viper used green poisonous gas.

Upon closer inspection, the black fog was actually composed of dense insects, which was very terrifying. The human death squad did not expect that the Demon God believers would attack them, and most of them were killed and injured instantly.

Madame Viper and the False believer took action against the human death squads not because they were also 'purified,' but because they needed souls.

The fake shouted loudly, throwing all the souls of the human death squad and those who died in the previous battle into the three altars, and the three altars burst into flames three feet high.

Immediately afterwards, the three Demon God believers prayed loudly at the same time, and a spatial vortex appeared in the void, and a large number of resentful souls flew out of it and were thrown into the three altars. The souls that had been invested before were to open the space channel to draw these souls.

"Damn, where did so many souls come from?"

Damon rushed over to ignite these souls, and Viper pointed the viper crown ring at him, and the green snake appeared out of nowhere and bit him.

Although these vipers were not enough to defeat Damon, there was no problem in holding him back. The viper crown ring on Viper's hand is a genuine artifact.

Tony quickly retrieved information while dealing with the demon believers who turned into demons. After a while, he said with an ugly face, "Terrorist attacks have occurred in several countries, and those souls should come from those places."

"Damn, if those countries hadn't stood by and watched, how could such a disaster happen?"

Electro cursed, and at his feet lay comatose Inhuman, and that phantom. They were eventually defeated by Electro.

"The altar must be destroyed. So many souls, the demons summoned will be very powerful."

Strange slayed the six-armed serpent with a magic whip and then flew over the altar with the help of a levitating cloak.

Then, Strange cast a spell with both hands, and the Bolts of Balthakk were cast again, hitting the three altars like red lightning.

"Sorry, it's late."

The false believer smiled grimly, the void shook, and three space cracks appeared out of thin air, destroying the red lightning instantly.

Immediately afterward, a strong smell of sulfur came out from the space crack, which was the breath of hell. That is to say, three space cracks connected three hells.

"It smells so bad, it's affecting my eating."

Lina, who was eating pizza, shouted in dissatisfaction. It is worth mentioning that there is a fast-flowing water ring around the delivery room, and the flames cannot pass here.

Pietro complained slightly in horror, "You're still eating? The big devil is coming soon."

Lina blinked her eyes and said, "The devil is not tasty. It smells of sulfur, and it's easy to get angry after eating it."

"Have you eaten demons?"

Pietro was going a little crazy, and Lina said, "Master brought back a Demon dragon last time. Except for being spicy, it's not that delicious."

Pietro was speechless, as expected of a brother-in-law.

Ignoring the conversation between Pietro and Lina, everyone's expressions changed upon seeing the three cracks in space. They wanted to destroy the altar, but were desperately stopped by the demons.

The Demon Lords who had reached an agreement to spare no effort to grab the reincarnation of the demon king.

At that moment, the space crack summoned by the believers of the golden-clothed demon suddenly grew larger, and a golden figure quickly climbed out of it. Upon closer inspection, the figure was clearly a metal demon that roared and grew to a height of seven meters. It looked majestic and strong like a diamond.

"The Golden Demon God Guard Commander," exclaimed the golden-clothed Demon God believers excitedly. It was a big man among big men.

The guard commander ignored the believers and stretched its arms into the space crack, pulling out the three metal demons. After teleporting so many demons, the altar reached its limit and burst open with a bang. The space cracks quickly shrank and disappeared.

"Four metal demons," everyone's eyes were a little dignified. Though the three metal demons in the back were only five meters high, they emitted a breath that suggested they were not easy to match.

"Hurry up and get back to fighting," the guard commander shouted at the three metal demons, then turned to look at the field, quickly locking onto Veronica.

"Inferior human creation," the guard commander sneered, and rushed towards Veronica with a rumble, every step shaking the ground.

Tony immediately activated the blaster behind Veronica and faced the guard commander like a hill. "Good come," he said.

The guard commander's metal fist slammed into Veronica's fist with a gust of wind. With a loud bang, the guard commander didn't move, but Veronica's arm exploded and a large amount of metal sputtered everywhere. Veronica quickly stepped back, leaving a deep footprint on the ground with every step.

"Fuck," Tony scolded, taking advantage of his strength to step back and simultaneously shaking off the broken arm in his hand. A spare arm flew out from the back of the warehouse and landed in his hand. Veronica quickly recovered.

Tony then blasted a pulse cannon at the commander of the guards, who dismissed it, did not even dodge, and strode towards Veronica. The pulse bombarded the guard commander's body, but he didn't even flinch.

The guard commander stacked his hands together and slammed into Veronica like a hammer. Before the fist arrived, violent air waves blew around them, and some burning trees broke directly in half and flew in all directions.

Tony didn't dare to take the hit and awkwardly avoided it. He then released gravity waves with his arms, causing the guard commander to sink. Tony took the opportunity to fly high and punched the guard commander's head, making a loud noise.

The guard commander quickly got up and was about to attack, but a super-electromagnetic cannon blasted over, smashing a big hole in his chest. The guard commander looked at his chest in disbelief and took out a high-temperature Vibranium coin from the wound with his hand. He sensed it and asked in shock, "What kind of metal is this? So strong?"

"Wow, using Vibranium as a coin, you are really rich. Fortunately, I am not bad,"

As Tony spoke, a Vibranium sword flew from the warehouse and landed in his hand. He then injected fire into the sword, causing it to turn red and become a lethal weapon.

Electro approached and asked blankly, "How much did you greedily pay for the Vibranium shell of the Supremor?"

"Can scientists be considered greedy? That's called borrowing, yes, borrowing."

Tony felt a little embarrassed and quickly swung the sword at the guard commander. The commander raised his arm to resist but was cut by the Vibranium sword, leaving a deep wound.

"Good sword, it's mine now," said the guard commander, who was not surprised but delighted. It grabbed the sword with its arm and attacked Tony with its other hand.

Tony's chest suddenly lit up with a dazzling red light. Then, a huge beam of high-temperature light hit the guard commander, sending it flying dozens of meters and leaving two deep ravines before stopping.

The commander, whose chest was somewhat melted, shouted at Tony, "I underestimated you a little bit, but only a little bit."

"Are you sure you're talking to me? Or is your head just full of metal?" Tony snorted coldly and rushed towards the commander.

The commander shouted angrily and recoiled. At that moment, three Vibranium coins were shot, one after another, and hit the commander, creating three big holes in its body.

Tony took advantage of the distraction and slashed at the commander's knee with the sword. The commander's leg broke instantly, and it knelt on one knee on the ground with a loud bang.

Tony stopped, turned around, and jumped up, aiming to slash the commander's back with the sword. However, the commander recalled its calf and used it to block the sword, then kicked Tony's right calf with force. Tony fell to the ground, and the commander rode on top of him, beating him violently until Veronica's parts flew around.

"I should get more Vibranium shells. Wakanda, why won't you sell me more Vibranium? Am I out of money?" Tony cursed, and a high-temperature beam of light blasted out of his chest again, sending the guard commander flying into the sky.

Seeing the guard commander in trouble, three metal demons rushed towards them. Suddenly, a skeleton burning with blue flames appeared and stopped them.

"This way is a dead end."

Damon grinned grimly and smashed the magic chain hard at the three metal demons. The demons did not dodge and were pulled towards Damon, enduring the pain of being burned by the flames.

The other two demons raised their fists, ready to attack Damon.

"You are guilty," Damon's empty eyes stared at the demons, and one of them immediately recalled its own life, and then its soul burned with raging fire.

The other two demons did not notice the strangeness of their companion and attacked Damon with their fists. Damon flew out, and his bones scattered.

While Mindy was taking care of the remaining human death squads, she cheered, "Wow, Dad, you really got beaten up!"

"Should you be happy at a time like this? You really are my own daughter."

Damon was speechless. Soon after, all of his bones came together, the blue fire flashed, and he returned to his original state.

"Immortal, Penance Stare, you are the Ghost Rider," said Damon.

The two metal demons were shocked to find out that their companions were dead and saw Damon's immortal body.

Ghost Rider is famous in hell, he's quite popular.

"Correct answer, but no reward," Damon grinned and waved the magic chain at the metal demon again.

Meanwhile, Strange desperately cast magic, attempting to close the space gap in the middle.

The space crack was squeezed by space magic, and it seemed very unstable from time to time.

The current space cracks were too dangerous.

"No one can stop the Shadow Lord from coming, no one!" shouted the followers of the Shadow Demon God. They roared and jumped into the altar to sacrifice their lives. The demon flames on the altar exploded, and the space crack in the sky swelled rapidly, even Strange could not resist.

"Sorry, I never thought to resist. This is a space bomb I learned from Doom. Please taste it," Strange snorted coldly. The magic exploded, and the space crack was instantly destroyed, turning into a space storm that swept the surroundings.

The altar on the ground was swept away by the space storm and disappeared. Then, a large pit with a diameter of hundreds of meters appeared on the ground, which was very terrifying.

"Finally got one," Strange breathed a sigh of relief, turned his eyes to the altar of the false believer, and began to cast spells again.

"I'm not that weak chicken over there," the false believer smiled disdainfully and controlled the black mist formed by the bugs to attack Strange, who hurriedly released defensive magic to resist.

Strange's strength was undoubtedly above the fake believer, but he had spent too much magic power, and now he could only barely fight with the other party.

At that moment, Little Hela's voice suddenly came from behind: "Get out!"

Little Hela shot a ball of light towards the empty front, and the next moment, a guy with double daggers who looked like a stickman appeared in everyone's sight, and a dagger destroyed the ball of light.

"How could you find me?" Stickman was a little surprised. He is the Prince of Shadows, who had come here to get the reincarnation of the devil for his father.

After the space crack appeared, the Shadow Prince leaned on the treasure and sneaked through the crack into the hospital for the first time. The demons roaring behind the crack were only pretending.

The Prince of Shadow aimed to steal the reincarnation of the Demon King quietly, but he was discovered by Little Hela beforehand, resulting in a failed attempt.

"It's hard not to see such a disgusting thing," Little Hela snorted coldly. Meanwhile, the ten unmanned battle armors left behind shot at the Shadow Prince, but the bullets disappeared as if he were a bottomless pit.

The Shadow Prince smirked, and the shadows behind him suddenly rose and fiercely pierced the backs of the battle armors with their blades of shadows. The ten unmanned battle armors suffered significant damage at the same time, but they managed to turn around and fight with the ten shadows.

"So strong," Pietro couldn't help but swallow his saliva, silently gathering his feet together, prepared to escape with Little Hela and Lina.

"Electro, hurry up and support the delivery room. I'll take care of this big guy," Tony shouted when Friday reminded him. Although Madame Gao, Colleen, and Angels were in the delivery room, Tony was not at all reassured.

Moreover, Lina and Little Hela must not have an accident, or else he would not be able to explain to Bert.

"Okay," Electro was about to agree when Bert's voice suddenly came to his ears. He breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Don't worry, it's fine over there. Your son, the reincarnated God, is covering him."

Tony was stunned for a moment and was about to ask something when suddenly the guard commander smashed him with his calf. He scolded and focused on dealing with the attacker.