Chapter 274 : God of Wrath


Upon seeing the Hulk suddenly picking his nostrils, Strange and Damon were both stunned. They wondered why the style had suddenly changed.

Hulk's behavior surprised Seth for a moment. He wondered why he wasn't running away and was still so calm. Wasn't the Hulk the personification of anger?

"Your psychic ability is much worse than the subtle influence of hell. In hell, I almost ran away several times, but I woke up thanks to Betty's ruthless slap," Hulk said.

"I, Hulk, was indeed born out of anger, but people are demons. I have the final say, and no one can decide my fate," Hulk continued.

Seth scolded him, saying, "No matter how you pretend, your essence is that of a beast. You're a beast that everyone hates when they see you."

"I can't avoid it. People on Earth don't know how much they like me. My peripheral products have always been in the top five, and there are a lot of foods named after me, such as the Incredible Hulk Fire Fudge, Hulk Big Mac, and so on," the Hulk said, smiling disdainfully.

Seth complained, "Aren't you showing off? What you're doing is showing off."

"You haven't been violent yet. As long as you cause damage to the world, no one will like you anymore," Seth said coldly.

"No, I made an oath. My anger will only be used to protect, and that is the meaning of my birth," Hulk replied.

"Thank you for the anger you brought me. Now, you can leave. Your skills are so poor that I'm not happy," Hulk said, clenching his fists.

Seth was furious and was about to say something when Hulk's mental power turned into a huge green fist and hit him.

Hulk snorted and scolded, "Every old man comes to seduce me into becoming a beast. I don't want to lose face."

"Since that's the case, let's play a big game," Hulk thought. He took a deep breath, raised his hammer, and shouted, "I am Hulk. Lend me your anger, and as a reward, Hulk Big Mac will be half-price for the next three days."

This sentence echoed in the hearts of many people on Earth at the same time. They were stunned for a moment and then agreed to lend their anger. After all, it was the Hulk, the one who had protected them many times.

With their agreement, Hulk's body swelled crazily and, in the blink of an eye, reached a height of more than ten meters, and his muscles were knotted.

In addition, the lava armor on Hulk was forcibly broken by him and turned into a half-body armor. This armor was not a magic item and had no automatic amplification function.

Damon took a deep breath, turned to Strange, and asked, "What's going on?"

"Hulk has actually become a god? Collecting anger is the power of the gods," Strange replied, also shocked. The current Hulk could be called the God of Wrath.

"Hulk became a god?" Damon asked incredulously.

"Yes, he did. But he probably won't attack me, though you can't say the same about yourself. After all, you're also a skeleton," Strange said, smiling.

Damon gave Strange a disapproving look. Just then, Hulk roared, "Skull God, come and die."

As Hulk roared, his powerful mental power shook the void and caused all the skeletons in front to explode, turning into powder in the air.

The Skull God, upon seeing this, was not surprised but delighted. He flapped his wings and flew towards Hulk, shouting, "You are qualified to be my servant, and I will use your corpse to make the best skeleton."

Hulk smiled grimly, rushed forward a few steps, then jumped high, and smashed his hammer into the Skull God, creating a depression in the void.

The Skull God avoided the sunken void, folded his hands, and a huge white beam of light slammed into Hulk in the air. Hulk didn't evade, and instead turned his hammer hard, slamming it on the white beam of light.

The white beam of light was directly blown up and exploded in the air. Seeing this, the Skull God immediately flapped his wings and flew up. Then, with a wave of his hand, a bone spear pierced through the void and shot towards Hulk.

Hulk was about to fight back when a space door appeared in front of him. He immediately jumped in and smashed the back of the Skull God with his hammer. The Skull God couldn't avoid it and was smashed onto the ground, hitting it like a meteor.

The ground, formed by the space barrier, sank a large piece directly. "Happy, Master of Kidney Deficiency, good help," Hulk laughed and jumped towards the skeleton below to trample it to death.

Strange glanced at Hulk speechlessly. How could this guy's mouth be cheaper than Tony Stark? Damon smiled, got back on the Hell chariot, and wielded the magic chains to harvest the surrounding skeletons so as not to disturb the battle between the Skull God and Hulk.

Seeing Hulk jumping down, the Skull God immediately rolled away like a lazy donkey. The next moment, Hulk fell heavily on the ground, causing the void ground to shake, and the Skull God moved slowly for a moment.

Hulk took the opportunity to rush up and grabbed the left foot of the Skull God. The Skull God was startled and hurriedly shouted, and countless bone spurs shot at Hulk. A dazzling green light appeared on Hulk, and all the bone spurs bounced off. Then, he grinned and smashed the Skull God into the ground on the right, creating a skull mark directly sunken into the ground. It wasn't over yet.

Hulk lifted the Skull God and smashed it to the left and then to the right, repeating this more than ten times. The small space was almost smashed through, and the Skull God lay in the big pit with tears in the corners of his eyes.

"Puny God." Hulk smiled disdainfully and stepped on it with one foot. The Skull God's chest was directly stepped on. Strange and Damon couldn't help whistling. The Hulk now is really powerful and mighty.

"I'll kill you," even with a pit in his head, the Skull God was surprisingly angry at this time and was about to use his ultimate move. At this moment, the Hulk and the other two disappeared at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, the small space shrank violently, and then the entire space shattered, as if the end was coming. The face of the Skull God changed dramatically, and a large number of white bones formed white bone armor around him to firmly protect him. The Skull God moved quickly, but it was useless.

The violent space storm and the force of destruction brought about by the end of the world destroyed his armor at an alarming rate and then spread to him. His body disintegrated instantly.

"I'm dead. Hey, I knew I was going to die. I should have charged more money before. This one is a loss." The last thought flashed through the Skeleton God's mind, and his consciousness turned completely dark.

But he didn't die – Bert took him into the river of blood to suppress him. Although the Skeleton God is a skeleton, Bert can also devour him. The 'Blood Shadow Magic Art' is so powerful.

Since then, all the enemies who invaded this time have been wiped out. Bert swallowed the three gods and destroyed the projection of Seth. It was a great victory. When this matter spreads throughout the universe, everyone will know how powerful and terrifying the Blood God is!

Prestige will spread far and wide.

After solving the Skeleton God, Bert turned his head to look at the three. Hulk said very dissatisfiedly, "Bert, that is my opponent, my trophy."

"I just don't want to waste time. After a year away from Earth, there are many female stars and female models waiting for me."

Bert smiled and said, "Of course, compensation is still required. I will use the body of the Skeleton God to get you a set of bone magic armor, lest you break the armor every day. Also, I'll show you the movie, The Hulk: God of Wrath."

Hulk's movies usually star himself, for the simple reason of saving money. Bert heard the words and said with a smile, "Hulk, you have grown up."

"You think I'm you?"

Hulk said with contempt, "Liv Tyler and Betty look a lot alike. I feel more like playing for her role."

Bert looked like he understood, "Understood, completely understood."

"You understand shit?"

Hulk gave Bert the middle finger. The anger on his body quickly disappeared, and his body size also shrank rapidly. After a while, he changed from the God of Wrath back to the ordinary Hulk.

Strange asked in amazement, "You rejected the God of Wrath?"

"Rejected when in hell, becoming a God of Wrath, too restrictive, and more importantly, unable to control my own anger. After refusing, I was beaten back to my original shape, but I have the ability to gather anger. Bert opened the back door of Earth for me. I can accumulate anger on Earth and become the God of Wrath again."

Strange asked, "Is it a pity to give up the throne? That is eternal life and invincible power."

"What's the pity? I don't refuse, I'll be in Hell for the rest of my life."

Hulk clenched his fists and said confidently, "Besides, as long as I continue to fight, sooner or later, I will become a real God."

Damon gave Hulk a thumbs up. He is a hero, and not everyone is willing to give up the title of God.

"Have ambition, okay, Hulk, Banner, and Damon, you go back and celebrate with Tony, I'll be there in a while."

Bert waved his hand. Hulk and Ghost Rider disappeared at the same time. Strange saw Bert leaving him alone and asked in amazement, "Blood God, what do you have to tell me?"

"Kaecilius has betrayed."

Bert said the matter again and then said, "He not only took away the pages of the book, the book of the Darkhold but also took away more than a dozen cronies."

"I didn't expect him to move so quickly."

Strange sighed and said, "Blood God, I want to hunt him down. I have a certain responsibility for this."

"I've sent Mordo. You have more important things to do," said Bert.

Bert shook his head and said, "Kaecilius has taken refuge with Dormammu. Next, he will definitely attack the three temples. Your task is to defend these three temples, and none of them can be broken."

This burden was very heavy, but Strange did not shirk it. He nodded and said, "I will protect the three temples."

"Very good. Now Kamar-Taj is a little confused because of Kaecilius' betrayal. You go to appease them. If they want to make trouble, I will give you the power to punish them."

With a wave of Bert's hand, Strange returned directly to Kamar-Taj. This was a test for him, and soon he would officially become the new generation of Sorcerer Supreme.


In the hospital, the battle had long since ended. A group of unmanned battle armors was quickly cleaning up the ruined battlefield, and the superheroes were gathered outside the delivery room.

"This is my daughter, Morgan Stark."

After a while, Tony came out with two newborn babies who were wrapped tightly and crying non-stop. He smiled like a chrysanthemum and introduced, "This is my son, Murphy Stark."


Everyone was stunned, and Peter said, "Mr. Stark, isn't that a bad name?"

"What's wrong? Mephisto is my son, there is no need to hide it. I believe my son can withstand this pressure," Tony said triumphantly. Everyone was speechless. Did he just want to show off?

I thought it was just my son who was pitting me, but nobody expected that he was also pitting his son.

"Tony, your good days are just beginning," Bert appeared out of thin air, and with a wave of his hand, the two dragon-shaped bracelets in Pepper's hand flew to Morgan and Murphy's wrists.

The two dragons blessed Morgan and Murphy, and at the same time, the power of the dragon gradually settled into the bodies of the two babies, making them stronger and healthier.

"Bert, you finally showed up. I thought you were missing!" Tony complained, and then asked, "Is everything resolved?"

Everyone looked over, and Bert smiled. "If I take action. Of course, I'll solve everything, but I've specially reserved a hand for you. You will definitely be interested."

"What hand?" Tony asked curiously. Then he shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, I'm very busy right now, and I don't have time to deal with anything. Hey, today is almost the world's destruction, and I'm not going to leave my two little darlings."

Bert glanced at Tony, turned his head, and said to the Electro, "In that case, Max, let's do it."

Electro nodded immediately. "No problem, sir. What are you going to do?"

"Arrest the presidential candidate," Bert said with a smile. "The crime is colluding with HYDRA, with the intent to subvert the world."

"Wow," everyone exclaimed in unison. Tony promptly handed the two children over to the nurse beside him and said, "Bert, this needs to be handed over to me. I've been wanting to take him down for a long time."

Bert pretended to look up at the sky and said, "The world isn't coming to an end just yet."

Everyone laughed, and Tony was unfazed. "Bert, let me handle it. I'll teach you everything I've learned in my decades of experience picking up girls."

"Isn't your secret to picking up girls just being rich?" Bert retorted, casting a glance into the distance. "The people from S.W.O.R.D. are here, and the evidence is ready. You can go now."

"Let's go," Tony said excitedly, flying away with a group of superheroes in tow.

In this situation, the most despised person was not HYDRA, but the damned candidate. If they weren't superheroes, they would have killed him in secret long ago, which is still an extremely cruel fate.


What is the candidate doing now?

After barely escaping from the press conference, he changed into new clothes and gathered the surrounding reporters to resume his speech.

"The trouble this time was brought about by Tony Stark, and this is just the beginning. Because of his damned, unlucky demon son, more disasters will befall New York..."

As the candidate spoke happily, Tony approached with several agents from S.W.O.R.D. and said grimly, "I'm sorry, Mr. Candidate, you are suspected of colluding with HYDRA, and S.W.O.R.D. has entrusted me to arrest you."