Chapter 275 : Gains


As soon as Tony's words were uttered, the surrounding reporters erupted in a frenzy and rushed to take pictures of Tony and the candidate. Whether it is true or false, it will be tomorrow's headline news.

"You're framing me, everyone look, Tony Stark is framing me."

The candidate was flustered and hurriedly shouted: "Tony, I know you hate me for publishing the truth about your son, but I did nothing wrong in this matter. As the future president, I have a responsibility to protect the world."

A reporter asked Tony loudly, "Mr. Stark, are you really framing Mr. Candidate and seeking personal revenge?"

Many reporters secretly nodded. They didn't believe that the candidate was a HYDRA agent. That was a presidential candidate, and America didn't degenerate to that level.

Tony glanced at the reporter, and the agent of the S.W.O.R.D. Bureau said, "This person is probably also a HYDRA agent. Take them away."

The reporters were in an uproar again. As the uncrowned king, how could Tony allow such a thing to happen? They immediately scolded him.

The candidate grinned, Tony, your way is narrow.

At that moment, Tony turned on his watch, and a light curtain popped up. The candidate shouted loudly and passionately, "HAIL HYDRA!"

The press conference fell silent in an instant, and everyone was stunned. Was it true?

The candidate was in a panic and hurriedly shouted, "It's fake, it was synthesized by Iron Man using technology."

"This was found in the HYDRA base. We have all the video of your meeting with Baron Strucker."

Tony sneered, "I tell you, your game is over. Later, you can say, 'No one knows prison better than me!'"

The S.W.O.R.D. agents sneered too. They did not like the candidate.

The candidate wanted to say something, but Tony continued, "By the way, we still have a witness here, you should know who it is."

"A witness?"

The candidate was stunned for a moment, and then angrily said, "Is it General Ross's?"

Tony laughed without saying a word. All the reporters turned around and tried to take pictures of the candidate. The HYDRA candidate, this is big news and a big scandal.

"Protect me, get me out of here."

The candidate panicked, turned around, and ran away, shouting at the HYDRA bodyguard.

Tony had been waiting for this opportunity for a long time and immediately rushed to beat the elderly HYDRA candidate. He had been waiting for this day for a long time.

Although Tony is a scumbag without his battle armor, there is no problem in bullying an old man. As for those HYDRA bodyguards, they were all taken care of by the S.W.O.R.D. agents.

The reporters quickly took pictures, and they decided that the headline for tomorrow's news would be, "Iron Man beats up Elderly HYDRA Agent."

"Well played."

Superheroes hid in corners and cheered - why corners? Of course, to maintain their image.

The S.W.O.R.D. agents waited until the candidate was beaten and couldn't get up, crying and begging for mercy with tears on his face, and then pretended to go up and arrest him. Tony was very happy.


"I think I have a talent for martial arts. Maybe I should practice and become Iron Fist," Tony thought to himself. After beating up the old man, his self-confidence was quite high.

"Do it on your own terms, don't depend on others," Bert said with a cold gaze as he watched everything unfold. He shook his head, opened the portal to Wakanda, and Erik's clone appeared before him.

As soon as Erik's clone saw Bert, he exclaimed, "I have done great things for the world, shed blood for the Blood God, you can't do this to me. I want to see...uh, who do I want to see?"

"You're just pretending to be something you're not," Bert said, infuriated. "You're coming back because it was necessary to separate you before. Now that you have the power, you'll be brought back without any imperfections."

This matter remained unresolved because Erik's soul was tainted by the river of blood. If Bert's soul escaped, he would become a puppet without any self-awareness or spirituality.

"If it weren't for that, why would I have stayed in Wakanda all this time? Not for Black Panther to protect me?" Erik retorted, but Bert didn't give him any attention.

"You talk nonsense," Bert said. "Don't you know that I donate a lot of money every year? I'm like an unscrupulous capitalist."

With a single move, Erik's soul in Bert's possession was released and quickly returned to his body. Erik immediately became sluggish, but Bert quickly revived his soul with a drop of blood on his forehead.

After a while, Erik's eyes regained their luster. He digested some of Bert's memories and said, "If I had known, I should have agreed with you earlier."

Erik was no longer Bert's clone, but his puppet.

"Where did you get all this information?" Erik asked Bert.

Bert shrugged and said, "You can be the king of Wakanda without any worries, and abdicate in twenty years."

Erik asked reluctantly, "Can I not retire? I am also of royal blood, and I took Shuri as a big deal."

"If you want to eat sh*t, you can't compare to a single hair on Shuri's head," Bert said contemptuously. "She is a genius on the same level as Tony and a treasure to mankind. Her marriage is entirely up to her, and no one can interfere."

Erik sighed, "Okay, I'll be the king for twenty years."

"Have I ever mistreated you?" Bert asked, despising him. He opened the portal and left.

Bert's next stop was the HYDRA base, where Steve and others greeted him. Wanda frowned as she saw Bert, feeling that he was different from the person she knew.

Bert ignored Wanda and talked to Steve about business affairs. After hearing Steve's introduction, he asked Jarvis to retrieve the box containing Ultron.

Jarvis hesitated before giving the box to Bert. "Mr. Wang, even though Ultron is like me, it is too dangerous. I don't think we should keep it."

Doom said, "Just use the soul to control it, Bert. Ultron is very powerful, and it's a waste to destroy it..."

Doom didn't finish speaking because Bert used a space storm to destroy the box and everything inside it. Ultron was destroyed, leaving nothing behind.

Jarvis felt a little uneasy and vowed not to cross Mr. Wang in the future. He knew that Bert was ruthless when it came to robots.

Bert said simply and directly, "Doom, this thing is too dangerous and too easy to escape, so I can't keep it."

"I totally agree with Bert's approach," Steve nodded repeatedly, and Wanda looked at Bert in astonishment. He was so different from the unruly Blood God before.

"You are the guardian of the world, you have the final say," Doom shrugged and said, "Ultron is destroyed, and HYDRA must be divided in half."

"Absolutely not," Steve said simply. "S.W.O.R.D. doesn't need HYDRA."

Everyone couldn't help but laugh. Bert smiled and said, "Doom, I'll give you all the HYDRAs. You study some self-healing potions and give them back to S.W.O.R.D."

"Okay," Doom readily agreed. At this time, Skye stepped forward and asked, "Master, what should we do with the captured Inhumans?"

"What do you want to do?" Bert asked. "Inhuman queen."

"I don't know what to do," Skye said distressfully. "Although they are Inhumans, they are all HYDRAs, and they are full of hostility. If they stay, I am afraid of endless trouble, but I can't bear to kill them all."

"Imprison them first. I'll go to S.W.O.R.D. for a meeting in a few days, and then I'll deal with this batch of Inhumans."

"That's great," seeing Bert take over the matter, Skye was greatly relieved. At this time, Ivan arrived. He took a metal instrument and said, "This is Anti-matter, Bert. Do you want to keep it?"

Behind Ivan, the Ant-Man Scott, who was covered in sweat and walked tremblingly, was almost scared to death just now.

"You keep it and research Anti-matter technology as soon as possible," Bert said. "Okay, that's about it. You can handle the rest yourself."

"No problem, Mr. Shopkeeper," Steve said, and everyone couldn't help but laugh. Bert shrugged and said, "I still have things to deal with, so I'll leave first."

After speaking, Bert opened the portal and disappeared. Wanda saw that Bert hadn't said a word to her from beginning to end and gritted her teeth angrily. Did this guy forget about her?

At this moment, Bert suddenly stuck his head out from the portal and said, "I almost forgot, Wanda. Move to my manor tomorrow, and you'll live with me in the future."

Before Wanda could react, Bert closed the portal and disappeared.

"Move to his house?" Wanda was shocked for a while, then blushed. Everyone looked at her with ambiguous expressions. Wanda blushed and almost smoked, stomped her feet, and ran away.

"Master scumbag, you've harmed another one," Skye secretly scolded.

The next day, news that the presidential candidate was a HYDRA spread all over the United States, and everyone around the world was shocked. How could the dignified American presidential candidate be a HYDRA?

Then, S.W.O.R.D. held a press conference, announcing the destruction of HYDRA's main force and the successful prevention of HYDRA's conspiracy to rule the world.

With the release of evidence one by one, the case of the candidate was concluded, and what awaited him would be life imprisonment and bankruptcy.

Not many people believed the truths the candidate said before. After all, he was a HYDRA. Those so-called truths were obviously used by HYDRA to deceive the public and confuse the world.

On Twitter, as soon as those truths appeared, someone immediately jeered, "Your IQ is so high, it's on the same level as a candidate."

The reporters greatly praised the results of S.W.O.R.D., and the next day's newspapers were full of praise for the organization and superheroes.

As for the innocent people who died, apart from their relatives, not many people cared about it. At most, they would condemn HYDRA, the evil Demon believers, and blame them.

Although the reporters and the public didn't care, Bert and Tony did. The two teamed up to take down the politicians who participated in the siege of the hospital one by one, such as the director of the FBI, who was imprisoned and partnered with the candidate.

After a storm, coupled with the news that the Blood God is the godfather of Tony's children, no one dared to point fingers at Tony's son.

Those politicians who were caught were cursing in their hearts, thinking that if they had known that the Blood God was involved, they would not have dared to do it.

Then, President Ellis, who was destined to be the last president of the United States, paid a high-profile visit to Tony, which was regarded as an end to this turmoil.

"The main problem has been solved. Now it's time to count the treasure," Bert said in the study.

He began to liquidate the income this time, mainly in kind. As for the major dimensions, the frightened Hell Lord shivered, knowing that it was just a false name, not worth mentioning.

This time, Bert didn't gain much, but each item was a treasure of inestimable value, such as the Mind Stone, Viper Crown, Small World, World Authority, Skeleton God, Blood Demon God, Lizard Dragon God, and Artifact Broadsword.

The Mind Stone, one of the infinite stones and the top treasure in the universe, was undoubtedly the most valuable item. It could also be used for sacrifice at critical times, making it quite perfect.

The Viper Crown was a rare treasure refined by the Serpent-God Seth with his own abilities. Under the influence of the Mind Stone, the crown had already surrendered to Bert. However, Bert did not intend to use it. The reason was simple: Seth could still control the crown and even know things around it.

In the universe, there were more than one Viper Crown, and Seth had total control. Unless all the crowns were obtained, no one could change his authority.

Next was the Small World, which Bert had already transferred the people inside to other dimensions. The Small World was now empty.

"Farming life is not suitable for me. It is better to fight," Bert said with a smile. "The Blood God smashing a Small World at someone sounds very emotional."

The authority over the world lies in the ownership of the world. Bert can now control the Dragon Realm at will, just like the Lord of the World. This will be explained in detail when Bert visits the Dragon Realm.

The Skeleton God and the Blood Demon God have been swallowed by Bert. He not only gains their strength but can also summon them to fight at any time. This can be considered a huge profit.

As for the Lizard Dragon God, his dragon soul and bones will be swallowed by the dragon soul clone to enhance its strength. The dragon meat and dragon blood will become Bert's feast.

Finally, there's the Divine Artifact Broadsword. Although it's a pretty good artifact, it's obviously inferior to Bert's previous gains.

"I can't use it. I'll give it to people after remodeling," Bert said.

Bert held the divine weapon broadsword, thought about it, and found a good place for it.

"I've gained a lot. I hope next Dormammu won't let me down," Bert said with satisfaction as he put away the spoils.

At that moment, Wanda knocked on the door outside. Bert motioned for her to come in, and she timidly pushed the door open and walked in.

Looking at this unfamiliar face, Wanda gathered up her courage and asked, "Blood God, can you change your face?"

"I'm him, he's me, it's no different," Bert said with a smile, changing back to the face of his previous life. "These two faces both belong to me."

Seeing this face, Wanda breathed a sigh of relief and awkwardly asked, "Blood God, why did you let me live in your manor?"

"Do you still need to ask?" Bert smiled and said, "Of course, it's because I want to accept you as a disciple."

Wanda, blushing, was dumbfounded. "Accept me as a disciple?" she asked.

Bert laughed and said, "Hahaha, seeing your disappointed expression, don't worry, it's just a joke."

Wanda was embarrassed and angry. Her face flushed, and then she blushed again, as if she was about to turn red.