Chapter 276 : Back to Kun-Lun

"Don't be angry, it's just a joke," Bert said to Wanda as he looked at her and pressed her hand.

"I let you live in the manor because I want to take care of you nearby," he continued.

"Who wants you to take care of?" Wanda snorted proudly, and the red light on her body gradually dissipated. "Don't think I don't know who you are."

Wanda felt depressed for a while, knowing that the Blood God was a scumbag, but she couldn't help coming to him.

"I'm just a simple dude," Bert smiled and said. "Don't talk about this, Wanda. You can stay at ease. When this winter vacation is over, you can go to Manhattan High School."

"Go to school?" Wanda was stunned. "Didn't you tell me to be a superhero?"

"Going to school doesn't affect being a superhero," Bert reassured her. "Spider-Man is also a superhero while going to school and working part-time at a pizza restaurant."

"Wanda, your educational level is a bit low," he continued. "You must go to school and improve yourself. This is not discriminating against you, just stating a fact."

Bert got up and walked to Wanda's side, grabbed her hand, and said, "I used to be just a high school student. After I became a Blood God, I tried my best to get into Harvard University, and now I have a college diploma. Knowledge matters, Wanda."

It is naturally fake, he is too lazy to go through all the hard work, but the college diploma is real, but the people around him are either Ph.D.s, or with several Ph.D.s, with just mere college diploma, he is too embarrassed to take it out.

So in front of Wanda, he can still show off.

"Really?" Wanda was surprised.

"Of course it's true," Bert said. "Study hard. As for superheroes, I will help you arrange them. You can rest assured that it will not delay you from becoming an idol in the hearts of thousands of boys and girls."

"What about Pietro?" Wanda asked. "Does he go to school with me too?"

"I helped him apply for S.W.O.R.D. Secret Service Academy," Bert replied. "He is different from you. He is too impatient and frivolous. He needs to settle down in the academy, otherwise, he might become the next Human Torch."

"Human Torch?" Wanda asked, not quite understanding.

"He's a bad superhero," Bert explained. "You can search the internet to see how bad he is. Tony took him on as a superhero, but not only did he not make any money, he also lost a lot of money."

"Oh, I'll take a look at it when I get there," Wanda replied.

"Okay, let's take a walk," Bert said. "I'll show you something."

"Are we going to Africa or something?" Wanda asked, remembering her previous trip there.

"No, we're going to the Dragon World, which is the dimension of the Dragons," Bert replied, smiling.

The portal opened by Bert was in the sky, and Wanda hugged him tightly in fright.

"Blood God, isn't this Earth?" Wanda was a little confused, how did she leave the Earth like that?

"It's another dimension, Don't worry," Bert said, putting his arms around Wanda. "I'll show you a magic trick."

He raised his hand, and the high mountain thousands of meters in the distance started from the top of the peak and quickly turned into dust.

"What happened? Why is the mountain disintegrating?" The dragons shouted in panic. At that moment, a dragon found Bert with a woman and flew over immediately, shouting, "Who are you, and what did you do?"

"Lie down," Bert said coldly. The next moment, all the hundreds of dragons in the sky smashed to the ground, causing a lot of dust.

The dragons were frightened and angry. They wanted to get up, but found that they could not, and were inexplicably horrified. Where did this great power come from?

Wanda was also surprised. She couldn't help but ask, "Blood God, what are you going to do?"

"Build the Mountain Gate," Bert smiled slightly. The sacred mountain of the Dragon God and the sacred mountain of the Lizard Dragon God were both disintegrating. In less than five minutes, the two highest mountains in the Dragon Realm disappeared.

Then, Bert teleported to the center of the world with Wanda. When he lifted one hand, the world shook violently, and countless Earth dragons emerged from the ground, superimposed crazily.

It didn't take long for a huge mountain range, up to 10,000 meters high and resembling a giant dragon, to appear in the center of the dragon world.

Wanda was so horrified that she couldn't even close her mouth. She knew that the Blood God was very strong, but she didn't expect him to be this powerful. This was not something a human could do at all.

This was a miracle, something only a god could do, not just any ordinary god.

To be honest, Wanda was shocked and her legs were weak. In addition to love, she looked at Bert with deep shock and incomparable admiration.

'The world authority is really easy to use. The whole world is under my control,' Bert nodded with satisfaction. He hugged Wanda and went to the mountain, waved his hand gently, and a large number of stone houses appeared.

Wanda came back to her senses, swallowed, and asked, "Blood God, what do you want to do with so many stone houses?"

Bert asked with a half-smile, "Do you think one stone house is enough?"

"A stone house? What do you mean? Uh, Blood God, how are you?" Wanda didn't understand at first, but after thinking about it, she blushed and lightly hit Bert.

"You know what I mean. Come, Wanda, and see my army," Bert smiled, and with a loop of his hand, a huge space door quickly formed. Then, thousands of angels with white wings came in a neat queue.

"My lord," under the leadership of the nine angels of vengeance, the angelic army saluted Bert respectfully.

Wanda opened her mouth again, her eyes full of disbelief and shock- that was the Angel Legion, and as a fairly devout believer, she almost knelt down.

In other words, why did the Blood God have an angel army? Weren't vampires and angels mortal enemies? Were all those movies lies?

"Don't be too polite. In the future, you will be stationed on this mountain and guard the world for me," Bert said. This angel army not only included the angels conquered in the last war but also the group of angels sealed by the Church of Angels- they were just unsealed by Annie two days ago.

The main universe was not suitable for too many angels to stay, so Bert transferred them to the dragon world.

"My lord, we will definitely guard this world for you," Annie spoke on behalf of the Angel Legion, and Bert nodded with satisfaction. At that time, a large number of dragons flew towards this side. A mountain range had suddenly appeared, and the dragons were naturally alarmed.

Bert let out a loud shout like rolling thunder, causing all the dragons to turn around uncontrollably and fly back, filled with endless fear.

Annie asked in the midst of the battle, "Master, please allow us to conquer this world for you."

"No, with my authority and strength, if I really want to conquer them, one sentence is enough," replied Bert.

Bert shook his head and said, "The question is, after conquering them, how can we still be embarrassed to eat dragon meat, drink dragon blood, and refine dragon souls? We should figure out the situation in this world as soon as possible, and then take action to exterminate those dragons who do evil, and ignore other things. Additionally, divine words are arranged here, and the dragons cannot approach."

"Even without the divine words, what is the mere dragon race gonna do?" Annie said disdainfully, as did the other proud angels.

Thinking of something, Annie said, "Master, can this matter be handed over to Lina? I am your captain of the guard, and my biggest mission is to follow you."

'Does he still need guards?' complained Wanda silently. At the same time, she felt a little inferior, wondering if she was really worthy of the Blood God. With just one word from him, the fate of a world was decided!

"Okay, when the dragon world is stable, you will continue to follow me with two angels of vengeance," Bert nodded.

At this moment, the dragon soul clone flew out of his body and said, "This world is very good for me. I will stay here for a while and study the lizard dragon by the way."

"Your strength comes from this world, and it's normal to have benefits," Bert replied without hesitation.

It's worth mentioning that the dragon soul clone is not the soul of the real dragon, but Bert's own soul. Bert swallowed the dragon god's soul and evolved the dragon soul himself, which is also the reason why the Dragon Soul clone suddenly has a self.

After handling the matter, Bert took Wanda to travel and play in the Dragon Realm. Wanda had a great time, laughed all afternoon, and was even reluctant to leave.

Of course, no matter how reluctant she was, she had to go back in the end. In the study, Bert let go of Wanda's hand and said, "I'll take you there next time. During this time, prepare for school."

"Okay," Wanda nodded shyly, still feeling the intimacy they had shared.

When she got to the garden outside, Wanda took a deep breath and gradually calmed down. She couldn't help sighing when she thought of something.

"The Blood God is very good, almost like the prince charming I dream of. The problem is, the Blood God is a scumbag, and 80% of the time he is just playing around with me. In addition, he is really too good for me. I don't seem to be worthy of a Blood God except for my superpowers."

Feeling inferior, Wanda underestimated herself a little. In addition to her superpowers, she also has a place to look down on the crowd!

"Cough cough, let's not talk about this for the time being," Wanda thought to herself as she was about to return to her room. At that moment, an old lady with a childlike face approached her, smiled, and said, "You are the first girlfriend, Blood God brought back to the manor."

"Really?" Wanda's eyes lit up, and she reacted immediately, blushing and said, "I'm not Blood God's girlfriend."

Madame Gao replied, "The Blood God is actually just a big boy. Although he really likes you, he is not willing to give up the entire forest."

"It sounds nice, but isn't it kind of scummy?"

Wanda complained that as long as she was not by Bert's side, her IQ was still normal.

"You could put it that way," Madame Gao smiled, and said, "Little girl, if you have time, go visit Iron Man's wife Pepper. Iron Man used to be like the Blood God, but now he is tame and obedient. Honestly, He doesn't even dare to have a party."

"So smart?" Wanda was a little moved, then coughed and said, "I will visit Ms. Pepper, but only to celebrate the birth of her twin."

After speaking, Wanda turned and left with a blushing face. Madame Gao shook her head and knocked on the door of the study.

In the study, Bert heard Madame Gao's intention and asked in amazement, "Shou Lao is going to rely on me? Is it true or false?"

"I was also surprised when Danny Rand came to me," Madame Gao smiled and said, "However, it should be true."

Danny Rand has been a little suspicious of life recently. First, Skye, the leader of S.W.O.R.D., became an Iron Fist. Then, in the battle of HYDRA, he found out that the director and the director's wife were also Iron Fists.

That's fine, the problem is every Iron Fist is much stronger than him, and he doesn't even have the face to say that he is also an Iron Fist.

Too shameful, like a husky mixed in with wolves.

"I've been in Kun-Lun for more than 20 years, what exactly did I cultivate? Also, isn't it that Iron Fist is the only one? Why is it everywhere now?" Danny couldn't help but complain. He used to be very proud of his victory over his peers and becoming an Iron Fist, but now, hehe.

Not only Danny is not calm, but Shou Lao is also not calm. For the first time, he took the initiative to contact Danny and asked him to find out what happened to those Iron Fists.

Danny didn't refuse and went to Steve to ask. Steve didn't hide it. He told about Bert in the Dragon Realm and briefly, about slaughtering the Dragon God.

Danny almost didn't kneel down. Even the Dragon God was slaughtered? Blood God, can you be more brutal?

Compared to Danny, Shou Lao was very excited and immediately asked Danny to surrender to Madame Gao. "Shou Lao wants to go back to the Dragon Realm, just like I want to go back to Kun-Lun," he said.

Madame Gao explained, "The fallen leaves return to their roots. We want to return to our own home."

"Go home?" A flash of reminiscence crossed Bert's eyes, and he said, "In that case, agreeing to Shou Lao's request is not a big deal anyway."

"I thank the Blood God on behalf of Shou Lao," Madame Gao saluted respectfully. Then she asked, "Blood God, do you need to recruit a group of people from Kun-Lun? Kun-Lun still has many skilled people."

"Skilled people?" Bert touched his nose and didn't respond. Kun-Lun's strongest is Iron Fist, which is Danny Rand. "You taste, you taste carefully," he added.

Chi is very strong, but the educational institution in Kun-Lun doesn't have a good teaching level.

"You arrange it," Bert waved his hand. He then thought of something and said, "When Colleen comes back, let her report to the Watchmen Company. She is very suitable to be a superhero."

"She won't let you down," Madame Gao nodded and left respectfully.

When Madame Gao left, Bert couldn't help but sigh. Madame Gao and Shou Lao could go back to their hometown. What about his hometown?

Bert instructed, "Jarvis, I'm in a bad mood. Find twelve supermodels to accompany me to Attilan on the moon."

"Yes, Mr. Wang. The supermodels and the space shuttle will be ready in an hour. Additionally, I have informed Black Bolt and he will receive you in person," Jarvis's voice sounded from the speaker on the side. He had left a subroutine in Bert's computer to receive Bert's orders at any time.

What, isn't Jarvis Tony's housekeeper? He works part-time as Bert's assistant, which helps him live longer, Bert chuckled.