Chapter 277 : Montesi Formula

At night, Kaecilius brought a group of Kamar-Taj traitors to an abandoned church to summon Dormammu, the lord of the Dark Dimension. Kaecilius placed the stolen pages on the ground and drew a peculiar blood-colored butterfly-shaped mark with his mana - the mark of the Dark Dimension. He then took the traitors and began to pray.

"We call you, Demon King. When you hear the call, please come to us and let us see your true face."

As the prayers continued, Dormammu's power gradually descended, and the ground rapidly changed layer by layer, like a 3D model on a computer. This is the space where the ground is affected by dark power.

Immediately afterwards, the skin around the eyes of Kaecilius and the others fell off, replaced by purple 'eye shadows,' making them appear almost like non-mainstream people. This was Dormammu pouring dark power into them.

Kaecilius felt the powerful energy in his body and was inexplicably excited. He couldn't help waving his arms around, and magical changes quickly occurred in the walls and ceiling.

"Hahaha!" Kaecilius couldn't help but laugh. The power of darkness is really strong, and he believes that he could easily crush Strange if they ever crossed paths again.

"Kaecilius, your betrayal has made Ancient One very angry. They are tracking my consciousness through a secret method, and I can't stay for too long. Even the dark consciousness in your body must be withdrawn, otherwise, you will be found by Ancient One immediately," Dormammu's voice sounded in Kaecilius' mind.

"I will give you a year. No matter what, you will destroy the three temples for me," he continued.

"My lord, I'm not afraid of Ancient One and Strange, but the Blood God. Even the current me is not sure I could deal with it," Kaecilius said respectfully.

"You really can't deal with him. After the Blood God reappeared, his strength increased greatly. In the first two days, he not only killed the three gods but also destroyed the projection of the Serpent-God. He is famous, and even I am a little bit cautious," Dormammu said. "This new guardian has really grown up. Even if the Ancient One dies now, he can protect the Earth."

Hearing this, Kaecilius gritted his teeth and became jealous of the Blood God's power and good luck. Kaecilius is several times older than the Blood God, but his strength is far lower. He asked Dormammu, "My lord, how should we deal with the Blood God?"

"The way to deal with the Blood God is in the Darkhold. That's why I let you steal this book. Vampires come from the Darkhold, and there is an incantation called the Montesi Formula that can destroy all vampires. As long as you get this incantation, whether it is Blood God or Dracula, you can destroy them," Dormammu explained.

Kaecilius was overjoyed. He didn't expect the Blood God to have such a big weakness.

However, Kaecilius thought of something and said, "My lord, the Darkhold is protected by Vibranium and Magic, and I can't take it out."

"I will help you dispel the magic. As for Vibranium, you can solve that yourself. It's not difficult for you," Dormammu's voice accompanied the statement as the pages of the book on the ground suddenly burned themselves. Seeing this, Kaecilius hurriedly took out the box with the Darkhold sealed within it.

The next moment, the flames on the ground flew towards the box, and the magic on it was instantly destroyed.

"Hey, the Ancient One is about to find me. Kaecilius, remember, you have only one year. If you fail, I will make your life worse than death," Dormammu warned, but suddenly sensed the Ancient One's presence and quickly cut off the connection. Kaecilius and the disciples sent him away.

A mage asked, "Kaecilius, how do we open this Vibranium box?"

"It's not difficult for me now," Kaecilius replied with a proud smile. He put the box on the table and then swept his hand across the front of the box. The front of the box immediately turned dark, and then the Darkhold floated up by itself.

As soon as the Darkhold appeared, the rich dark aura immediately spread throughout the church. If it were before, Kaecilius and the others would have been very uncomfortable, but now, they were happy.

That's right, this is The Book of Sins, the Darkhold.

"The Shiatra Book Of The Damned is a book of black magic left by the Evil Elder God known as Chthon. As long as you open it, the knowledge that the user wants to know will be automatically displayed or will be displayed in their native language," Kaecilius explained as he opened the book. "As for the people around, no matter how you look at it, they are blank."

The mages couldn't help but glance at it, and found that the pages of the book were indeed blank, and couldn't help but nod their heads.

These mages didn't realize that Kaecilius, who had just talked eloquently, was stunned at the moment. Why did he see a blank space? Shouldn't the secret of the Ancient One have been revealed?

Kaecilius blinked and stared at the divine book carefully, but it was still blank.

Because Kaecilius watched for a long time, a mage couldn't help but ask, "Kaecilius, what is the secret of the Ancient One?"

"The secret of the Ancient One is to absorb the power of darkness in exchange for eternal life," Kaecilius replied a little embarrassedly, not wanting to admit that he didn't see anything. At this moment, a sarcastic voice sounded from the Darkhold: "Kamar-Taj has also fallen, obviously he didn't see anything, but pretending to be."

"What?" The mages looked at Kaecilius in astonishment, and the image of the big boss collapsed directly at this moment.

Kaecilius became angry and shouted at the Darkhold, "What are you?"

The Darkhold closed automatically, and the cover gleamed, saying, "Nonsense, didn't you see the words on the cover?"

"I've never heard that the Darkhold can speak," Kaecilius asked in a deep voice, wondering if he had stolen the wrong book.

"You are lucky. I am the Item Spirit of the Darkhold, just born," the Darkhold said. "What do you want to ask? Hurry up and ask, don't waste my time."

Kaecilius asked suspiciously, "Can't you sense my thoughts?"

"Yes, you want to know what the Ancient One's secret is."

"The problem is, this does not conform to the procedure," said the Darkhold, "the procedure is: you ask, I answer, it's that simple."

Kaecilius was speechless. He always felt that there was something wrong with the Darkhold. He asked, "What is the secret of the Ancient One?"

The Darkhold replied, "Some time ago, the Blood God found someone to develop a hair restorer. The Ancient One took advantage of his unpreparedness, secretly stole a bottle, and washed her head every day, but the hair still didn't grow back."

"Wow, the Sorcerer Supreme actually does such a thing?" The mages were shocked and talked a lot. Kaecilius also gossiped, "I didn't expect the Ancient One to pay so much attention to her hair. If she suggested that I shave my head back then, it must have been malicious. Wait, who asked for the secret? Does she have hair? What's it to me? What I asked was her secret of immortality."

Kaecilius scolded, and the Darkhold said, "You didn't ask all the questions before. Of course, I chose the most recent one and answered it. You blame me?"

In Kamar-Taj, Ancient One looked at the Blood God projection expressionlessly, and a drop of cold sweat appeared on the forehead of the Blood God projection. He explained, "Master, that artifact was refined by you. It's none of my business."

"That drop of blood belongs to your body," said Ancient One.

"Don't worry, I won't take this matter to heart. Definitely not," assured Ancient One.

"Master, you are not scary at all," complained the Blood God projection. Yes, the Darkhold is a fake. It was refined by the Ancient One, a number one knock-off made by the Strongest mage on Earth. Unless those gods and demons are proficient in black magic, other people can't tell the difference.

Who's kidding? The Darkhold can destroy all vampires. How could Bert let Kaecilius take it away? In fact, the Darkhold was sealed by him and the Ancient One in a new place.

"Master, did you really suggest Kaecilius shave his head?" asked the Blood God projection incredulously. Ancient One raised the teacup with her left hand, and with a slight movement of her right fingers, a portal appeared out of thin air under the Blood God Projection's feet, and he fell down with a bang.

"It's a shame. I wouldn't have stolen it if I knew earlier," said Ancient One calmly on the surface, but she sighed in her heart, not sure about the evening.

Leaving aside the matter of the Blood God and Ancient One, Kaecilius gritted his teeth angrily when he heard the words of the Darkhold. "Don't blame you? Do you blame me? Can't you sense my thoughts?"

"Of course it's your fault. I can hear the voices of everyone here. Should I reply to all of them?" said the Darkhold confidently. The faces of the mages changed, and one with thick eyebrows took a step back. At this time, the Darkhold said, "Don't worry, I will not tell you that you want to usurp the throne."

"Isn't that already said?" said the thick-eyebrowed mage speechlessly. He saw Kaecilius looking at him coldly and hurriedly explained, "Senior brother, he is framing me."

Kaecilius looked at Mage Nongmei coldly but didn't do anything immediately. After all, there were not many people under him, and it was a pity to kill him now.

The Darkhold spoke again, "Your senior brother will not hesitate to kill you once he destroys the temple," it said kindly.

Upon hearing this, Mage Nongmei stepped back, feeling regretful and certain that he would not betray his brother. He realized that the Darkhold was nothing but a foolish and misleading book.

Kaecilius also shared the same view, feeling deceived by the book. He took a deep breath and asked, "Did the Ancient One survive until now by using the power of the Dark Dimension?"

"Let's start from scratch," replied the Darkhold. "Hundreds of years ago, the Ancient One swept the world and even drove Dormammu away. The Dark Dimension was astonished by her power and gifted her with the purest form of dark energy, hoping that she would become the Master of the Dark Dimension."

One of the mages asked, "Wait, isn't Dormammu the Master of the Dark Dimension?"

The Darkhold explained, "Dormammu is merely a puppet enslaved by the Dark Dimension, working for it 24/7. Compared to the Sorcerer Supreme, Dormammu is nothing, and the Dark Dimension has always sought to replace him with the Sorcerer Supreme as its servant. A servant holds a higher status than a mere puppet and has a certain level of consciousness."

The mages fell silent. They couldn't believe that the so-called Master of the Dark Dimension was just a puppet. They began to regret their decision to follow the Dormammu.

Kaecilius interrupted, "Why are you talking nonsense? Keep talking about the Ancient One."

Kaecilius coughed and cursed — he knew what Dormammu was, but he didn't care, because it was a good thing.

The Darkhold said: "It seems that I underestimated you, you actually want to replace Dormammu."

"Shut up." Kaecilius yelled, he was now completely sure that this thing was a piece of shit.

When Master Nongmei heard the words, his eyes brightened, it's a good thing, when he has the opportunity, he will make a small report immediately, when that time comes, Dormammu will definitely reward him greatly.

"Continue talking about the Ancient One."

The Darkhold continued, "The Ancient One was a person of high character who refused to absorb dark energy when offered. However, the Dark Dimension persisted and tempted her for decades until she finally reluctantly absorbed the dark energy. She did it for her apprentices who had no weapons and for the sake of protecting the world. For centuries, her apprentices were ineffective until the appearance of the Blood God, Doom, and Strange."

The mages were displeased with this information as it seemed to indicate their inadequacy. The Darkhold clarified, "I'm only stating that you are not yet fully developed as a weapon."

Kaecilius snorted, "The Ancient One only absorbed dark energy for power and immortality, not to protect the world."

"If the Ancient One really wanted power and immortality, Dormammu would have been swept out of the house long ago," The Darkhold said, "In addition, the Darkhold never lies."

The mages were a little silent, and Kaecilius hurriedly shouted, "The Ancient One is very selfish. She absorbs the dark energy herself, but she doesn't tell us how to live forever."

After speaking, Kaecilius immediately changed the subject and asked the Darkhold, "Okay, tell me the incantation that can kill all vampires."

"The Montesi formula can destroy all vampires, but it requires a special casting material," replied the Darkhold. "The blood of Dracula, the ancestor of the vampire."

"Dracula's Blood?" asked Kaecilius. He didn't doubt anything. To eliminate all vampires in an instant, a medium must be needed; otherwise, it would be too simple.

"Dracula is already alive, it is not difficult to get his blood. I will get it as soon as possible," Kaecilius declared.

Afterward, Kaecilius closed the Darkhold, saying that the book is too stupid and asked the mages to come with him to find Dracula.

As they were about to leave, the door of the church was smashed open, and Kamar-Taj Master Mordo walked in. Mordo looked at the non-mainstream circle and said, "Kaecilius, how old are you to learn to play non-mainstream?"

"Mordo," Kaecilius replied.

"I didn't expect you to be so stupid, and you would come after us alone," said Kaecilius with a disdainful smile.

Kaecilius then cast spells ostentatiously, sealing all teleportation spells with ripples in the surrounding space.

"Not much, Kaecilius. If you have a last word, you can say it now," Mordo said disdainfully.



The Montesi Formula is an incantation from the Darkhold that is capable of destroying vampires. Depending on how it is used, this spell's effects can be as limited as disintegrating a single vampire who is in close proximity to the caster. However, if the complete incantation were spoken by a powerful sorcerer who also had the Darkhold, then it could wipe out all vampires within a plane of existence by erasing the curse that allowed vampirism to exist on that plane.
