Chapter 279 : Commander-in-Chief

Not only Bert but others were also surprised. Tony paid the most attention to his appearance, dressing up for at least half an hour when he went out. He knew there was a meeting today, but it was wrong to appear like this.

"I wasn't drained by Pepper, I was drained by Murphy and Morgan," Tony waved his hand weakly and said, "Those two children are completely different from other children. No matter day or night, as long as they sleep for 30 minutes, they wake up full of energy and stay that way for two or three hours. I haven't had a good night's sleep."

"Thirty minutes full, three hours at full power? Wait, Tony, what's your billing power?" Bert asked incredulously, "Isn't it enough to find a hundred maids and nannies to take care of them? Do you and Pepper need to do it yourselves?"

"I thought so too, but the problem is, those two children are only allowed to be hugged by me and Pepper. Anyone else will make them cry immediately when hugged," Tony said, as if he was about to fall asleep. "I finally understand what pitting is now. I'm about to collapse."

Although Tony was miserable, everyone couldn't help but laugh. It was amusing that the dignified Iron Man was brought down by two children.

"Tony, on the bright side, these two kids are healthy," Bert smiled and said, "Health is the most important thing. To keep them healthy, I even gave the Dragon Bracelet on their wrists to continuously strengthen their physique."

"That bracelet turned out to be so useful, huh? Wait, strengthen their physique?" Tony reacted, putting his face against the light curtain, opening his eyes wide, and shouting, "It's you bastard that kept me from sleeping for days? Bert, I'll get you for this!"

Everyone looked at Bert speechlessly. He was the real culprit. Skye rolled her eyes. Based on her knowledge of Master, Master definitely did it on purpose.

Bert said dissatisfiedly, "It's really kindhearted to be struck by lightning. Also, don't push against the screen. You're not Sadako, you can't crawl out."

"Bastard!" Tony roared, and at that moment, Pepper's somewhat broken voice interrupted, "Shut up! Are you trying to wake Murphy? Oh, Morgan, don't cry..."

Tony instantly sat back in his seat and whispered, "Jarvis, turn on the mute and don't wake Murphy."

Jarvis replied immediately, "Okay, Mr. Stark."

Everyone laughed dumbfoundedly. Tony glared at Bert and said, "I'll settle the score with you sooner or later. Well, Murphy still has 20 minutes to wake up. Let me know if you have anything. I'll see if I can make up for it."

"Then I'll keep it brief," Bert said. "The Kree Empire intends to destroy the Earth. We need to hold them accountable; otherwise, other aliens may do the same in the future."

"I agree to retaliate against the Kree Empire, and aliens must know what will happen if they attack the Earth," Steve nodded immediately, and the others agreed, then they all looked at Bert.

Bert asked, "Why are you all looking at me?"

Steve smiled and said, "Bert, you're the only one who can retaliate against them. I suggest we capture a legion of the Kree Empire so that we have both face and leeway."

"I have this ability, but this time I don't want to do it alone. The Earth can't rely on me alone all the time," Bert pointed at Skye and said, "I plan to let Skye take the Inhumans to the Kree Empire to grab territory."

"Wait, why did you involve me in this? And what does the Inhumans have to do with the Kree Empire?" Skye was stunned for a moment and hastily shouted as she vaguely felt a cauldron flying towards her.

Bert replied, "The Inhumans have Kree blood, which is why you are involved."

"The Kree Empire is in a civil war. You bring the Inhumans to seize their territory, conquer their people, and establish your own kingdom," Bert said in response to Skye's question.

Skye asked, "Master, how could the Kree surrender to us Inhumans?"

"Why is it impossible? The Kree worship the strong, and the Inhumans are strong."

Bert continued, "In fact, some Kree have come to Black Bolt, hoping that he will return to the Kree Empire and help end the civil war."

"This Kree's are really strange," Skye remarked.

"Master, since Black Bolt has such a great reputation, why don't you let him establish a kingdom of Inhumans? He must be more suitable than me," Skye suggested.

"Don't underestimate yourself. Your name is more famous than Black Bolt in the Kree Empire. You are the Terminator of Supreme Intelligence. Your photo has always been at the top of the Kree Empire's bounty list!" Bert replied with a smile.

Everyone couldn't help but laugh. Skye asked, "Wait, why am I at the top of the list? Shouldn't it be you, Master?"

Bert replied nonchalantly, "Who would dare to fight me?"

Skye was speechless. The Kree people seemed to be bullying the weak and afraid of the strong.

Steve asked, "Bert, did you ask Skye to go to the Kree Empire to grab territory only for revenge?"

"Vengeance is just one of the goals. The Kree Empire can provide Earth with precious resources, and if Earth wants to become a new space power, it must participate in the war. The Kree Empire is currently in civil strife, and it is the most suitable training ground. After a few years, Earth will have a strong army that knows how to occupy a planet and conduct space warfare," Bert explained.

Everyone's eyes lit up, especially General Ross. This was his dream battlefield.

Coulson asked, "Mr. Wang, can Earth support such a large-scale war?"

"The scale is not large. Humans only need to dispatch a fleet. The main forces are the Inhumans and the Kree," Bert reassured them. "With Skye's reputation, many Kree's will come to her."

When everyone heard this, they lowered their heads and pondered. After a while, Steve said, "Bert, there are not many Inhumans in S.W.O.R.D., and they can't support a kingdom of Inhumans."

"Didn't you just capture a group from HYDRA? Send them all to the battlefield of the Kree Empire. In addition, Black Bolt promised to support Skye's group of Inhumans. Also, for the Kree people who were captured before, I will control them and make them fully obey Skye's orders," Bert said.

Steve's eyes lit up, "This is a good idea. Leaving those HYDRA Inhumans on Earth will only bring trouble."

Skye was also happy. Bert then looked at Skye and said, "Don't say that your master pitted you. Take my Main Ship."

"Thank you, Master," Skye replied, overjoyed. She then asked, "Master, did you throw the old main ship to me because of the new main ship?"

Bert silently withdrew his hand. Apprentice, your path is narrow, do you know that? Tell the truth about anything.

Tony, who had not spoken, said, "I agree with Bert's proposal. The Earth needs a battlefield, a battlefield far away from the Earth. Otherwise, new technologies and new equipment will not be developed at all. In addition, after a year of development, the resource star has basically stabilized, and there are a large number of spare manpower available."

Others nodded, and General Ross said, "Mr. Wang, I am willing to join this war."

"I had prepared you; otherwise, I wouldn"t have called you here on purpose," Bert smiled. "You will be the ground commander of this army."

General Ross asked dissatisfied, "Ground commander? Who is the commander-in-chief, Skye?"

"Skye is the queen of the Inhuman kingdom and is not included in the human command system." Bert clapped his hands and said, "The commander-in-chief is Frank Castle. Frank, you can come in."

Accompanied by Bert's voice, the door opened, and Frank Castle, the Punisher with a standard soldier's breath, strode in and saluted the crowd.

"Frank?" General Ross frowned greatly. "Mr. Wang, it's not that I question you, but Frank is more suitable for front-line charge, not the commander-in-chief."

In the eyes of General Ross, Frank was just a big boss.

Bert smiled and said, "Frank, show General Ross your qualifications."

Frank didn't talk nonsense. He clicked on his watch, and a light curtain popped up. On it was a certificate - a certificate from the Command Department of Xandar Military University.

"General Ross, you are indeed very experienced, but you have never fought a space war and are not suitable to be the commander-in-chief." Bert said. "Frank is a top student at the Military University. Coupled with his previous achievements, he has no problem in directing this kind of war."

General Ross was speechless. After all, he really had never fought a space war. He said, "I have no opinion."

Frank silently took back his certificate. Don't look at his expressionless face. He was overjoyed. He didn't expect that he would be a rough man, and he would use his diploma to overwhelm his superiors one day.

Frank's commanding ability has always been at the top level, and he was in charge of the first few battles of the Blood God Group.

Tony frowned secretly. He graduated half a year ago, what did he say?

Steve touched his nose, a little embarrassed. He estimates that he will not graduate in two or three years. In comparison, Black Widow is much better than him, and she will graduate about next year.

Bert clapped his hands and said, "OK, if you don't have any opinions, this matter will be settled like this."

"Wait, I have an opinion. Can I switch with someone? I'm too young to be a queen," Skye hurriedly shouted. She was not mentally prepared at all. In her opinion, being a queen would be at least twenty years later.

"Being queen is your destiny. You have been preparing for it all your life; you can't escape." Bert said. "Of course, Your Master will not treat you badly and has specially made a sword for you."

With that said, Bert pulled out a broadsword wrapped in dragon skin - the artifact obtained from the Lizard Dragon God - and said, "This sword, I have infused it with your Chi. Only you and your descendants can use it, called the Glory of the Queen."

"Like Thor's hammer?" Skye's eyes lit up. She hurriedly got up to take the sword and then pulled it out.

As soon as the divine sword was unsheathed, Skye's hair and clothes immediately moved without wind. Then, a dazzling halo appeared under her feet, illuminating her like a goddess. Not only that, but there was also a passionate and majestic BGM playing around her, as if the king was coming.

Everyone was stunned, and Tony couldn't help but complain, "Are you sure this is the sword of the king and not the sword of coercion? Also, did you put sound effects on the sword?"

Skye hurriedly put the sword back in its scabbard, ashamed. "When this sword is unsheathed, it must be on the battlefield. These special effects will help increase morale."

Bert said lightly, "The halo and BGM were specially designed by me, and I spent millions on them."

'Why don't you just give me a few million?' Skye was speechless. She asked, "Master, you can't pit your apprentice like this."

"Apprentice pitting? This sword can summon hundreds of dragons. In addition, it can also connect to the dragon world and gain the power to slay gods." Bert said angrily, "Your master, I, for your safety, have tried my best to come up with such an artifact."

"The power of slaying the gods?" Skye's eyes brightened. She immediately hugged bert and smiled sweetly. "Thank you, Master."

"It's almost there," Bert said. "Jarvis, sort out the minutes of the meeting and send them. Within two months, I want to see the army set off."

Jarvis replied immediately, "Yes, Mr. Wang. I'll sort out the records right away."

Tony said dissatisfiedly, "Hey, Jarvis, why are you listening to that guy? And why you're still so respectful to him, and you're not so polite to me."

"Mr. Wang is the guardian of the world, and it is my responsibility and honor to follow his orders," Jarvis said, matter-of-factly. "Besides, I'm your uncle, and I don't need to respect you."

Everyone laughed. Jarvis was actually Tony's father Howard's housekeeper, and it was not wrong to say that he was Tony's uncle.

Tony gritted his teeth angrily and scolded, "Eat inside and out! Believe it or not, I'll demolish you?"

"Don't believe you. According to my calculations, you will not tear me apart 100%," Jarvis said. Bert laughed dumbly. No wonder Jarvis was so rude to Tony; it turned out he was fearless.

This guy Jarvis interprets the words 'bullying the soft and fearing the hard' to the extreme. Tony is going crazy. It turns out that not only Murphy and Morgan but also Jarvis is a bastard.

"Okay, I'll leave the rest to you. I'm only responsible for opening the portal and finding a base for you," Bert said. He clapped his hands, got up, and everyone rolled their eyes. It was clear that he was a hands-off shopkeeper again.

"Bert, I have something for you," Tony suddenly said. Bert nodded and went to the next room. Then he asked the projection, "What's the matter? Could it be that you are looking for me to buy medicine? I'm sorry, I don't need that kind of medicine. Go away. Would I, Tony Stark, need that kind of medicine?"

Tony snorted and asked, "Bert, the Inhuman Kingdom is indeed a good idea, but aren't you afraid that you won't be able to get rid of the tail in the future?"

"No, there are few Inhumans, and without our help, they can't suppress the Kree at all," Bert replied, shaking his head. "Tony, I know what you're worried about, but it's not necessary. The Inhumans are all from Earth and the moon, so they won't betray easily."

"That's true," Tony nodded. He then asked angrily, "Bert, Morgan and Murphy are the ones who caused it. You must be responsible and solve it for me."

Bert sneered and said, "After working for a long time, you still came to buy medicine."

"It's not about buying medicine," Tony said. "If it goes on like this, let alone new inventions, whether I can live to their first birthday is a question."