Chapter 280 : Dreykov

Seeing Tony about to ascend to the sky, Bert couldn't help but laugh and said, "Morgan and Murphy are getting stronger. I will give you some dragon bracelets to let those maids wear them so that they won't resist anymore."

"Really? That's great." Tony breathed a sigh of relief and fell to the ground. "Finally, I can get some good night's sleep."

"After all, it's still false." Bert smiled and said, "Tony, have you ever thought about injecting a booster? The booster is very mature now, and there won't be any sequelae."

"More muscles will affect the brain."

Tony shook his head. "With my talent, I should be able to get started soon. At that time, I will make that bastard Ivan look good."

"Your talent? Haha, Tony, you really can tell a joke."

Bert sneered and asked, "Why did you and Ivan quarrel again? You're both old and married, so there's no need to be so passionate every day."

"Get lost."

Tony scolded, "Before Pepper gave birth, I made a bet with him, and the loser was the driver for the other party. As a result, he lost. I was very proud at the time. It took two days to know that he lost on purpose."

Bert asked, "He lost on purpose? Why?"

"Isn't it because of your prophecy? He was my driver. When I die, he can take over Pepper and my children."

Tony gritted his teeth and said, "He dreams that he must live a hundred years longer and outlive me."

"Ivan is a real talent." Bert laughed, "Maybe the driver in the prophecy is really him."

"Get lost."

Tony fiercely cursed the bastard and turned off the holographic projection. Bert smiled. With him around, it was not so easy for Tony to die.

If Tony is dead, who helps him with these chores?


More than ten days later, in a casino, a middle-aged man dressed as a medieval nobleman, accompanied by a blonde beauty, shouted excitedly at the dice clock.

The next moment, the dice clock was opened: four, five, six, big. The dealer took all.

"I lost again. The next one will continue to be small. I don't believe it, and I will open six big ones in a row."

"Yes, Mr. Dracula."

The blonde beauty placed a bet on the middle-aged man and asked curiously, "Mr. Dracula, are you really the father-in-law of the Blood God? Does the Blood God really exist?"

Dracula proudly replied, "Of course, I am the father-in-law of the Blood God. Otherwise, why would the casino give me 10 million gambling money for nothing? Let me tell you, this casino was opened by the Blood God."

"Is this casino really opened by the Blood God?"

The blonde beauty was surprised and asked, "Then why are you still gambling? Wouldn't it be better to just take the money and have fun?"

"You don't understand. What I'm after is the feeling of gambling."

Dracula smiled. With his strength, if he really wanted to win, it couldn't be easier. After all, he was the ancestor of the vampires. He was indifferent to the Blood God's judgment. It was not his problem, but the Blood God's problem. Obviously hung up.

Before the blonde beauty could something, a group of people wearing purple eyeshadow and dressed in strange clothes forcibly rushed into the casino. Several security guards were pushed by them into the air, flew a few meters away, and fell to the ground without knowing their fate.

The gamblers screamed in fright, got up in a hurry, and fled towards the back door in a panic.

Dracula didn't move because he recognized the person. The blonde woman beside him, although she looked panicked, also didn't move.

It was Kaecilius and his followers who rushed into the casino. He glanced around the casino and locked his gaze on Dracula.

"Dracula, come with me."

Kaecilius strode over with his traitors. Dracula looked at Kaecilius in astonishment and asked, "Kaecilius, how did you become like this? Who painted your makeup? Wow. It's ugly."

Dracula knew Kaecilius, and a few years ago, they had joined forces to fend off the onslaught of Hell - a battle in which Dracula was primarily responsible and almost died.

"None of your business."

Kaecilius was a little annoyed, and a golden magic whip slammed towards Dracula.

Dracula sneered, avoided the magic whip at astonishing speed, and then suddenly appeared in front of Kaecilius. His blood-colored claws with a phantom slashed towards his neck.

"I am the first ancestor of vampires, and I exist at the same level as Ancient One. And her student dares to provoke me?"

Dracula was very disdainful, and the next moment, his complexion suddenly changed - his claws fell into a strange space, unable to get close to Kaecilius' neck at all.

"How can this be?"

Dracula was very shocked and wanted to withdraw his arm. At this time, Kaecilius' right-hand ring, the space that wrapped Dracula's right claw, rapidly increased and wrapped towards Dracula's whole person.

Dracula immediately gave up his right hand and stepped back. All the blood in his right hand was drained away, dry and broken.

"Kaecilius, you're good. Since that's the case, then I'll play with you. Want to kidnap me, with the Vampires' secret technique, the Blood God will come."

Dracula's right hand quickly regenerated, and then he shouted. A majestic blood shadow suddenly appeared, and everyone present felt that the blood in their body became restless.

"Blood God?"

Kaecilius was startled and hurriedly guarded. At this time, Dracula fled towards the back door at lightning speed, and ordinary people couldn't even see the corners of his clothes.

That's right, Dracula escaped. As for the blood shadow, it was just an illusion. As soon as he escaped, the blood shadow dissipated immediately.

"How dare you play me?"

Kaecilius was furious, pulled his hands, and the space where Dracula was located was pulled over by him. When Dracula saw this, he immediately slapped his chest. Hundreds of blood arrows emerged from his body, densely shooting at Kaecilius.

Kaecilius made a ring on his left hand, and a black vortex appeared out of thin air, swallowing all the blood arrows.

Dracula took the opportunity to cast the blood escape technique, turning into a blood shadow and escaping quickly into the distance. Dracula was very experienced in escaping for his life.

"You can't run away."

Kaecilius sneered, and the next moment, Dracula appeared before him - Kaecilius had secretly locked Dracula with the spatial coordinates, allowing him to be summoned back at any time.

"Aren't you too strong? Where did you acquire such power?" Dracula took a deep breath. The current Kaecilius was at least five times stronger than during their previous battle.

"It's all thanks to the Lord's gifts," Kaecilius laughed maniacally. Dormammu had given him two enhancements, making him very powerful. However, this came at a cost. There were issues with his spirit, causing him to become arrogant, crazy, and bloodthirsty.

"You betrayed Kamar-Taj and turned to the evil god?" Dracula finally understood and asked in shock. At the same time, a drop of blood appeared from his feet and quickly fled into the distance.

"Kamar-Taj is corrupt, there are no good people there. I want to correct things and rebuild a new Kamar-Taj," Kaecilius gritted his teeth and threw a space blade with his backhand.

"Don't waste any more time, come with me, Dracula. Don't worry, you won't die, we're just borrowing you," Kaecilius said.

"Despicable," seeing his escape attempts failing one after another, Dracula cursed inwardly. He said loudly, "Kaecilius, if you dare to touch me, aren't you afraid that the Blood God will hold you accountable? I am the old father-in-law of the Blood God."

"Even if you are, so what? I, Kaecilius, will kill the Blood God sooner or later," Kaecilius sneered. He cast spells with both hands, and the space around Dracula compressed towards him like a wall.

Seeing this, Dracula roared, and his whole body lit up with a dazzling red light. Kaecilius frowned, pressing his hand, causing the space wall to suddenly shatter. A large amount of black energy poured into Dracula's body, causing his eyes to immediately turn pitch black.

"Follow me obediently," Kaecilius ordered coldly. This was the dark control technique, the top dark magic that Dormammu had passed down to him.

"Alright," Dracula nodded numbly, and the red light on his body quickly dissipated.

Kaecilius was very satisfied. He opened a portal and was about to take Dracula away when the blond woman who had not left earlier stepped forward and said, "Hello, mage. My boss wants to talk to you."

Kaecilius didn't respond. With a wave of his hand, the blond woman was sent flying.

Contrary to Kaecilius' expectations, the blond woman rolled in the air and landed steadily. She was a strong person.

Then, the blonde woman said, "Mage, my superior has power and wealth far beyond your imagination. No matter what you want to do, he can help you."

"Power and wealth?" Kaecilius frowned. In the past, he wouldn't have cared, but now he was really short of manpower. Since a big force was offering to help, he welcomed it.

Kaecilius turned around and approached the blond woman, who was overjoyed and about to say something. Suddenly, Kaecilius' eyes emitted black light, and upon seeing it, the blond woman's eyes turned black as well. Kaecilius proceeded to search her memories, then opened a portal and led everyone through it.

On the other side of the portal, they found an empty office with only a fat, old man who looked sinister and vicious. Though he appeared ordinary, he was a powerful figure in the underground world. His name was Dreykov, and he abducted little girls from around the world to train as secret agents. Using drugs, he controlled these female agents as they grew up, making them loyal to him.

Dreykov used these female agents to gather intelligence, seduce high-ranking officials, eliminate enemies, and build an underground empire in secret. He held immense power and wealth and could even cause global turmoil if he wished.

It was Dreykov who trained Black Widow, a former member of S.H.I.E.L.D. who defected and assassinated him with the help of Hawkeye Barton. Dreykov managed to feign his death and went into hiding, residing in the base in the sky.

Over the years, superheroes, aliens, and magic had emerged, and Dreykov was fascinated by them. He collected formulas for human enhancement potions to upgrade his female agents. But this was not enough for his revenge, nor enough to gain true control over the world. That's why he sent female agents to Dracula's side, seeking the secret of Blood God's power through Dracula.

However, before Dreykov's plan could be executed, Kaecilius appeared. Dreykov was surprised by Kaecilius' strength and immediately invited him to cooperate, or rather, take advantage of him. Unfortunately for Dreykov, he underestimated Kaecilius' power. Kaecilius controlled the blond woman, opened the portal, and confronted Dreykov.

As Dreykov secretly pressed a button while nervously swallowing his saliva, he smiled and said, "Mage, hello, I'm Dreykov. We can cooperate."

"Who are you? Are you worthy of cooperating with me?" Kaecilius asked with a disdainful smile as his eyes emitted black light. Instantly, Dreykov was controlled and turned into a puppet.

Just then, a soldier in full armor entered the room along with a group of women as the office door opened. Kaecilius coldly snorted, "Let them retreat. Go back, all of you."

Dreykov waved his hand, and the female agents all withdrew. They were controlled by drugs and followed Dreykov's orders 100%. It's worth mentioning that the warrior in full-body armor, the Taskmaster, can imitate everyone's moves and is Dreykov's daughter.

Kaecilius went straight to the point, "How many people are in your organization?"

"We have thousands of female agents and a large number of researchers and guards," Dreykov explained his power in detail, and Kaecilius was overjoyed. Now, he had enough manpower.

"Bring back all your female agents and other subordinates. I will open the altar here and turn them all into spider witches and spider monsters," Kaecilius instructed. If it were anyone else with Dreykov's power, they would definitely engage in some conspiracy. After all, Dreykov secretly controlled many high-ranking officials. However, Kaecilius had no such idea. His plan was simple; he wanted to gather enough manpower and then storm the three sanctums. Kaecilius was a mage, not a conspirator.

Drekov nodded respectfully, "Yes."

Kaecilius then remembered the group of voodoo corpses that blackened Mordo and asked with a headache, "By the way, what kind of high-tech do you have? Tell me about it."

Drekov introduced, "The high technology I have on hand is mainly based on energy weapons and biotechnology, including energy guns, energy cannons, biological control technology, hormone control technology, etc."

"Equip them all, especially energy bombs. Prepare more," Kaecilius instructed. He planned to surprise Mordo next time he saw him. Isn't it just keeping pace with the times? Kaecilius would do the same.

In Kamar-Taj, Bert exclaimed, "I didn't expect that there is such an underground kingdom on Earth, and I didn't expect that Kaecilius could conquer this underground kingdom with just one look."

Dreykov is a character in the movie "Black Widow". Before Bert crossed over, "Black Widow" only had released a few trailers and was not actually released the movie, so he didn't know about Dreykov or his relationship with Natasha.