Chapter 284 : Death Double

"Remember, your real purpose is not to win," said the Darkhold.

"This is a good opportunity," the Darkhold continued. "The powerhouses of S.W.O.R.D. and Kamar-Taj are here. That means the three Sanctums are empty."

Kaecilius' eyes lit up. "You mean we should take the opportunity to attack the three major Sanctums?"

"It seems you are not too stupid," replied the Darkhold. "With your IQ and abilities, this is the best chance. As long as you follow my plan precisely, you can destroy the three major Sanctums."

Kaecilius was overjoyed and asked eagerly, "Does this plan really work?"

"Of course," said the Darkhold. "However, the premise of success is that you follow my plan without deviation. With your poor abilities, if you stray from the plan, you will fail."

Kaecilius hated the Darkhold and vowed to destroy the book once he became the master of the Dark Dimension.

"No one can destroy me," sneered the Darkhold. "There is someone behind me. If you want to become the Lord of Darkness, you must kneel down and beg me. Otherwise, with your abilities, you won't even be able to serve as the Lord's servant for a few days. By the way, anyone who possesses me can become the Lord of Darkness because I am omnipotent."

"Shut up," scolded Kaecilius, who then turned his head and saw six pairs of greedy eyes.

The six mages quickly put on a show of loyalty when they saw Kaecilius looking at them. Kaecilius thought of them as unfamiliar white-eyed wolves and snorted coldly.

"According to the plan, we will attack and destroy the three Sanctums today," Kaecilius shouted.

The mages cheered in unison, knowing that they would soon be the possessions of Dormammu and Kaecilius.

Mordo, who had flown over to the airbase, shouted, "Kaecilius, come out and face your death."

Tony complained, "Are all your mages this straightforward? And will Kaecilius really come out? For me, I'll just bomb you with energy."

Strange said, "They will come out. Traditional mages despise technology and won't use it at all."

"What a bunch of old antiques," said Tony.

Before he could say more, Kaecilius flew out with six mages. He looked at Strange and Mordo with a grim expression and said, "Strange, Mordo, I have been waiting for you for a long time. Today is the day of your death."

Mordo replied disdainfully, "It will only be you who will die."

Strange looked at Kaecilius, who had purple eyeshadow, and said, "Kaecilius, it's not too late to turn back now."

"Why should I turn back?" replied Kaecilius. "I represent justice. I will give immortality to all people on Earth and eradicate the filthy Kamar-Taj."

Kaecilius shouted arrogantly, "Strange, do you know that Mordo has been refining voodoo corpses and practicing black magic?"

Strange and Wong were caught off guard and had no idea about the matter. They looked at Mordo in surprise, and he didn't deny it. Instead, he said, "Kaecilius, needless to say, the surrounding space has been blocked. Today, you can never run away."

As he spoke, Mordo conjured two magic whips with sparks in one of his hands.

Realizing the urgency of the situation, Strange and Wong quickly created a space shield and took a serious look at Kaecilius.

"It's long overdue," Tony exclaimed excitedly, instructing Jarvis to land at the air base.

"Yes, Mr. Stark," Jarvis replied, activating the order. The air base behind Kaecilius began to descend, but it was protected by a shield, so no one inside was greatly affected.

Kaecilius turned his head, and Tony took advantage of the opportunity to control seven crimson half-moon blades and launch them at Kaecilius. He also fired two missile boxes from his shoulders, with four rows of miniature missiles shooting at Kaecilius.

Kaecilius waved his hand, and the space distorted. The half-moon blades and miniature missiles were sent back at Tony and the others. Strange immediately opened a portal, and all the miniature missiles flew into it and disappeared. Mordo used a magic whip to send the half-moon blade flying.

Tony then took out two Vibranium daggers, realizing that they would have to engage in melee combat to defeat these mages.

"Your space magic is really embarrassing for Kamar-Taj," he said, trying to provoke Kaecilius.

Kaecilius smiled disdainfully and cast spells with both hands, causing the space around Tony and the others to quickly turn up and down. Tony screamed, much more dramatically than he anticipated.

The three of them quickly cast spells to stabilize the space, but suddenly, the six mages behind Kaecilius stretched out their hands and forcibly transported Tony and the others to the Mirror Dimension.

To their surprise, the Mirror Dimension was full of energy bombs, at least thirty of them. Tony quickly analyzed them and said, "Who said that these mages looked down on technology?"

Without wasting any time, Strange and the others immediately attacked Kaecilius, but the six mages behind him blocked their attacks.

Kaecilius used his hands to form a ring, violently cutting the Mirror Dimension into a circle. The space quickly collapsed inside, and the aura of destruction enveloped the entire area.

All the energy bombs were activated and started to flash, ready to explode soon.

"Mordo, times have changed. With so many energy bombs and space destruction, I think you will die?" Kaecilius said mockingly, and he and the six mages left the Mirror Dimension.

Tony shouted, "Hurry up and escape. These energy bombs are high-energy bombs from the Kree Empire, and each one can easily blow up a warship. What the hell happened to those countries? They are giving away this level of spoils?"

The three of them cast a spell to open a portal as quickly as possible, but to their disappointment, the spark of the portal disappeared as soon as it appeared.

Wong shouted desperately, "It's over!"

"Damn, no, am I going to die here?" Tony cried out. Fear surged within him. He had just become a father, and he couldn't die now.

Tony regretted his actions. He shouldn't have been so rude. He shouted to Strange, "Strange, think of a way quickly!"

"Don't be nervous, it's not a dead end."

Strange cast spells with both hands, and a peculiar ornament appeared on his chest - the Eye of Agamotto, the treasure of Kamar-Taj, which held the Time Stone.

A few days ago, the Ancient One handed the Eye of Agamotto to Strange as if to prepare him for her funeral. At the time, Strange didn't understand what was happening. Now it seems that the Ancient One may have anticipated this disaster.

Strange was about to cast a spell when Mordo threw a blood-colored little man made of clay at the crowd and said, "Use this. The Eye of Agamotto interferes with time, which can cause a backlash. So, try to use it sparingly."

"Is this thing reliable?" Tony grabbed the clay and said, "I think it's safer to use your two tricks together."

"Don't worry, it's very reliable," Mordo said. The next moment, dozens of energy bombs exploded, and the space that was on the verge of destruction instantly collapsed, and the violent energy madly impacted everything inside, crushing them all.

Because it was a Mirror Dimension explosion, there was not much movement outside, but there were several layers of ripples in space.

After a while, a portal suddenly opened, and then, four naked figures appeared in the sky - it was Tony and the others.

The four of them, except for Strange, who had a cloak, were all naked, and Mordo's clay could only protect their bodies but not their clothes.

"Wow, we really survived," Tony breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help but ask curiously, "Mage Mordo, what is the principle of that clay? Those space energies can't harm us at all?"

Compared to Tony, Strange and Wong were not so happy. Strange wrapped himself in a cloak and asked in a deep voice, "Mordo, is that black magic, a death double?"

Wong was also very dissatisfied. "Mordo, you have really fallen."

"Hey, what are you doing? He saved us," Tony was very dissatisfied and, at the same time, hurriedly summoned Friday to bring his armor over. It was a bit cold because his suits were often knocked out, so he was used to bringing an extra suit.

By the way, it seems like he was slapped in the face again?

"Death substitute, someone must die for us," Strange said. "Moreover, this kind of death double can only be refined by killing ten people. That is to say, he killed at least forty-four people."

Tony was stunned. Mordo peeled a windbreaker from the voodoo corpse and put it on himself, and then said, "Those people all deserved to die. I didn't kill innocent people indiscriminately. In addition, I only killed forty people instead of us. The person who is there won't really die."

"Not really dying?" What else did Strange want to ask, Tony said in a roundabout way, "I think we should deal with the following things first. It seems like Kaecilius has caused a big problem."

Strange glanced down and said, "Mordo, when this battle is over, I must have a good chat with you."

Mordo nodded, "Yes, I have a clear conscience."

Meanwhile, in Africa, Wade, the red-clothed mercenary who was touching porcelain, suddenly disintegrated rapidly, as if he were blown up by dozens of space bombs.

"I'm calling it, Mordo, you're cheating on me again. This time if you don't have a million, I'll never forgive you," Wade cursed, and tragically died on the spot. His body didn't remain, only his clothes fell on the ground. The driver who was near him was frightened and fell to the ground.

In the next second, Wade was reborn. Not only was there no anger on his face, but he was also very excited. This time, he finally saw the other person's face. It couldn't be more perfect. Coupled with that figure, Wade felt that he was in love.

"I really want to die again," Wade said with a wretched face. God quickly satisfied his wish, and he was wiped out again.

In Kamar-Taj, the always-calm Bert (projection) suddenly stood up and shouted in disbelief, "Deadpool, how could he be in this world?"

Bert was curious for a while and wanted to see who Mordo's scapegoat was, but when he saw Wade, who was full of pits and a face like an avocado, he was immediately shocked.

Deadpool is a mutant, and in this world, there are no mutants.

The Ancient One said lightly, "He has been here all the time, and even has contact with your Vampires, but because of some reason, you have never found him."

"Master," Bert sat down again and asked, "The secret you've hidden and the catastrophe you're talking about are related to mutants?"

Speaking of this, Bert remembered one thing. Madame Gao told him back then that the first-generation Iron Fist, Wu Fengji, once killed a phoenix. Now it seems that the phoenix might really be related to the Phoenix girl.

The Ancient One said, "When I die, you will know everything."

Bert said, "Then let's wait, anyway, if there is no accident, you will die today."

"Yeah, I'll die today. It's been a long wait," Ancient One smiled. At this time, she thought of something and said, "By the way, remember to burn more tea for me in the future. This kind of alien tea is good."

Bert complained, "How did it burn?"

Let's turn back time a little bit. After trapping Tony and the others in the trap, the seven mages including Kaecilius reappeared in the sky. Their faces were full of happiness. What about the next-generation Sorcerer Supreme? Dead by their hands.

Then, Kaecilius flew back to the air base where he was landing with the mages, and rearranged the runes of the altar according to the teachings of the Darkhold.

When the arrangement was complete, Kaecilius whispered, "Spider God, please come."

A black spider ghost appeared on the altar, and then the ghost said coldly to Kaecilius, "Kaecilius, you must succeed this time, otherwise, I will definitely break you into pieces."

For Kaecilius' plan, the spider demon sacrificed a projection to bring down the core power.

"This time, it must be successful," Kaecilius said with determination.

He nodded in agreement with himself, then pressed his hands down on the spider altar, causing it to burst open without any air wave, but instead unleashing a dark energy.

The energy shot up into the sky, instantly breaking the blockade of the space stone tablet. But it wasn't over yet; the dark energy continued to erode the surrounding space, waiting to erupt.

Kaecilius turned to his six junior brothers and sisters and spoke coldly, "According to the previous plan, divide the spider demon into three parts and attack three Sanctums at the same time. Eternal life is in front of you, and you must not fail."

The six mages nodded simultaneously and replied, "Rest assured, we will never fail."

"Okay, let's go," Kaecilius said, leading the group to open three portals. The mages eagerly took the spider demons and walked in, headed for the three Sanctums located in Xiangjiang, London, and New York.

Looking down at S.W.O.R.D., Kaecilius sneered, "Just you, you want to fight with me?"

The Darkhold replied with a sneer, "Without me, you would have already been defeated. You're acting like a fart here. Hurry up and deal with your problem and leave."

Kaecilius gritted his teeth in frustration and turned to Dreykov, saying, "Control the air base to land at full speed. In addition, activate the self-destruction function of the base."

"Yes, Master," Dreykov obediently replied. Although the intelligent system had been invaded by Jarvis, the base had a manual system that could still land and self-destruct.

"Very well, Dracula and Mimic (Taskmaster), come with me and take others to the New York Sanctum."

Kaecilius nodded with satisfaction, then instructed, "As for the others, do everything possible to kill the people of S.W.O.R.D."

"Yes, Master," everyone agreed and followed Kaecilius into the portal.

When Kaecilius and the others left, the dark energy exploded violently, causing the surrounding space to become extremely chaotic.