Chapter 285 : New York Sanctum - Begins

In the uninhabited forest, Jarvis gazed up at the sky and exclaimed, "No, the airbase is out of control. Even though I used the energy shield to slow it down, it's still plummeting like a meteorite. We're in its trajectory!"


Everyone was stunned, and Human Torch couldn't help but cry out, "Are they insane? They'll all die like this!"

"They've opened three portals. Most of the agents have evacuated, and the rest are ready to fight us," Jarvis explained. "Strange and the others have failed completely."

"Director, we need to evacuate now!" Coulson urged, his eyes glued to the rapidly approaching airbase.

"Agents, superheroes, and Inhumans without battle armor need to escape on their own," Steve commanded.

"Jarvis, is there any way to stop the airbase? Our retreat is too slow, and there may be casualties," he added, his face creased with worry.

Jarvis analyzed the situation, "With Strange away and a communication malfunction, we can only rely on Hulk to stop the airbase. He can transform and hold the base, but his power is difficult to control, and the collision would be catastrophic for everyone inside."

"Interfere the airbase? Can he do that?" Everyone was astonished.

"Of course not. He's a god," Jarvis corrected.

"What about the communication issue?" Coulson interjected, pulling out his mobile phone only to find that there was no signal.

Dr. Banner transformed into the Hulk, ready to act. "Leave it to me. You prepare to defend against the shockwaves," he said, rolling his shoulders.

"No, if you act, everyone inside will die," Yelena and Natasha cried out, fearing for their mother's safety.

"I can't worry about that now," Steve said firmly. But just then, Hulk's face scrunched up, "No, Jarvis, not only is communication blocked, but the space is too. I can't transform."

"What?" Jarvis exclaimed, taken aback.

"Bert opened a backdoor for me on Earth, but my commands can't get out of this area," Hulk said helplessly. "But don't worry, even if I can't transform, I can still dismantle the airbase. However, it's more complicated, and there will be bigger aftermath and collateral damage."

Before Jarvis could respond, he suddenly looked up and announced, "Strange is back. He and Hydra can quickly and easily solve the airbase and ensure everyone's safety."

"Hydra? Can't they work with the Hulk?" Steve asked, exasperated.

"The Hulk isn't good at controlling, only destroying," Jarvis replied.

"That's not true. Hulk is also good at eating," Hulk complained.

Everyone was speechless, and Steve gritted his teeth. "With Hydra on board, the rest of us will retreat and prepare for battle."

"Director," Colson yelled.

"It's okay. Human life is more important," replied the Director.

Steve shook his head. If there was a choice, he would definitely not use Hydra. The problem was that there was no choice at the moment.

"Steve, thank you," Natasha said gratefully.

Steve shook his head. "Don't be so polite. I'm not doing this for you. S.W.O.R.D. is different from S.H.I.E.L.D."

At that moment, Strange, who was notified by Jarvis, flew back wrapped in a cape. Due to the urgent situation, he did not waste any time and took out the metal staff to control the Hydra.

Hydra immediately flew over from a distance, and one of its heads raised high, controlling the gust of wind to surround the air base.

The speed of the base's descent immediately began to slow down. Although the people inside were slightly affected, it was not a big problem.

Then, Strange shouted to Steve, "Director Steve, I will transfer all the people in the base shortly, and you should be ready to deal with them."

The reason why he had to wait for a while was that the speed of descent was too fast, and he was not sure of the transfer.

"Good," Steve nodded and asked everyone to prepare for battle. Hulk grumped, as it seemed he had no chance to show his muscles.

After a while, Strange cast a spell with both hands, and the Winds of Watoomb blew through the space base. All the people inside were moved to the open space in front by the strong wind.

Those people were stunned for a moment, then raised their energy guns to shoot at the S.W.O.R.D. agents who were not far away.

It's worth mentioning that these people were not spider demons. All the spider demons had been taken away. They were researchers and some guards who had not completed their transformation.

"So weak," Hulk pouted. He stepped on the ground, causing it to shake and crack, and everyone in front fell to the ground.

The superheroes and the Inhumans took the opportunity to rush up, and the agents, armed with special sedative guns, quickly fired at these people.

After Hulk stepped on it, he didn't shoot again, as those people were too weak. He said to Dr. Banner, "Banner, your clothes are torn. You should rest first. I feel that there is still a big fight ahead."

Dr. Banner replied contemptuously, "What do you mean?"

Hulk laughed and said, "Who made you so weak? You can't even stand the cold. Speaking of which, Banner, at that time, do you want me to lend you some strength?"

"You're wretched. Hmph, what are you kidding? Do I need to hang up?" Dr. Banner was contemptuous at first, then asked in a low voice, "How much can I borrow, and how? Betty wants a child recently."

Leaving aside the obscene deal between Hulk and Dr. Banner, after transferring everyone away, Strange controlled the Hydra to entangle the air base and slow down its fall.

Hydra was a god-level being, with extraordinary strength. Plus, it could control the wind. The base's falling speed was getting slower and slower, and it should not be a problem to land smoothly.

"It's about the same as calculated," Jarvis nodded and flew into the sky. Then, he closed the defensive cover of the air base. He raised his arm, opened the armor, and a dozen small mechanical octopuses flew out and rushed into the air base.

The air base had been ordered to self-destruct, and Jarvis wanted to dismantle all of the bombs. It couldn't have been easier for him.

Meanwhile, Natasha and Yelena burst into the crowd in search of their mother. To their dismay, their mother was not among the crowd, but Dreykov was.

To Kaecilius, Dreykov was just a waste, so he left the other party behind.


Without any hesitation, Natasha pulled out the dagger on her waist and chopped off Dreykov's head. At the same time, a white light shot through Dreykov's chest, but Yelena shot him.

There was nothing to say; scum like him deserved to be killed directly.

"It's done."

Natasha let out a breath and set Dreykov's body on fire to prevent him from faking his death.

After a while, all the enemies were taken down, and at the same time, Hydra landed steadily with the air base.

"Okay, it's all done."

Steve breathed a sigh of relief. At that moment, Mordo, Wong in a robe, and Tony, who put on his battle armor again, flew down from the sky together.

"It didn't work out; in fact, we screwed up."

Mordo said with an ugly face, "If I guessed correctly, Kaecilius should attack the three major Sanctums. We are not there, and the three major Sanctums cannot stop Kaecilius."

"What? Attacking the three major Sanctums?"

Strange's expression changed, and he hurriedly tried to open the portal. But to his astonishment, the spark of the portal went out as soon as it appeared.

Mordo said, "Don't try it. Wong and I have tried many times just now, but we can't open the portal."

Strange shouted, "Then what should we do? Once the three major Sanctums are destroyed, Dormammu will come to Earth and swallow the entire planet into the Dark Dimension."

"Hurry up and tell Bert to stop Kaecilius."

Steve shouted in a hurry. Tony shook his head and said, "No, communication is completely interrupted, and the surrounding area is blocked by chaotic space energy. Just now, I controlled the unmanned armor and wanted to leave this area, but the unmanned armor was smashed into pieces as soon as it entered the chaotic area."

However, they didn't have to worry too much. Bert was not dead, and it was impossible for him not to sense the movement of destroying the three major Sanctums.

In addition, Kamar-Taj and the Sorceror Supreme were present.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the words. Only Strange's expression remained solemn. "The Sorcerer Supreme was seriously injured and has not recovered. As for the Blood God, he is indeed very strong. The problem is that since Kaecilius dares to make a move, he must have means to deal with him. So, we can't rely on Bert. The real key to victory is us."

Tony frowned. "Are you thinking too much? Although I'm very upset with Bert, is he so easy to deal with?"

"My intuition tells me that I may have to resolve this matter," Strange said, shaking his head. Tony was speechless; he had finally met someone who was more narcissistic than him.

"This is Earth, and the space storm should subside soon," Wong said.

"A few minutes later, with Kaecilius' current strength and manpower, the three Sanctums won't last that long." Strange asked Mordo, "Mordo, how strong is the space storm? Can you force your way through it?"

Mordo pondered for a moment and said, "We can't force our way through it. However, Hydra should be able to. The only problem is that it's a puppet, and without anyone commanding it, it would be useless to try and pass through."

Mindy suggested, "What if we let the Hydra swallow us and take us out?"

Tony, interrupting her, said angrily, "Adults are talking, Children should... Wait, actually, that's not a bad idea."

Strange exclaimed, "We don't have much time, let's act quickly. Superheroes and Inhumans gather, while the rest and Jarvis stay here and wait for the space to stabilize. Wong, you stay and prepare to open the space portal."

Wong hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay."

Strange prepared to cast a spell to protect everyone, but Mindy took out a crystal ball and, with a wave of her hand, it transformed into a big dome. "Come in," she said, beckoning to the others.

Tony, with excitement in his eyes, asked, "You have a lot of cool stuff."

Strange and others walked into it one after another, and Mindy giggled and said: "No way, who made my master rich, the magic family's props are basically with me, and some are even related to myths and legends."

Tony asked with bright eyes, "Can you sell me a few? I'll pay top dollar."

Mindy replied, "We'll talk about it later. Let's go now."

Strange took control of the Hydra, and it swallowed the crystal dome before flying towards the chaotic space outside. The space storm was brutal, and the Hydra's body was torn apart upon entry. However, due to its impressive resilience, its wounds healed quickly.

The Hydra pressed forward, enduring the cycle of destruction and restoration caused by the chaotic space. Finally, it burst out of the chaos and entered an uninhabited forest. Strange then commanded the Hydra to spit out the crystal mask, and with a spell, he opened a portal to the New York Sanctum. Everyone rushed inside.

Upon their arrival, Strange and the others were horrified to witness Kaecilius piercing a mage and the Ancient One together with a space blade.

Let's go backward a bit.

At the London Sanctum, the three mages emerged from the space door and immediately launched an attack. The Sanctum's alarm bell rang loudly, and the magic defense cover quickly rose.

"Break it," the three mages commanded fiercely. Hundreds of spider demons appeared, some wielding energy guns, some activating energy cannons, and others throwing energy bombs. The magic defense cover vibrated violently, on the verge of shattering.

The mages inside the Sanctum looked extremely worried and were unable to exert even one-fifth of their power as the magic shield was not fully opened.

The Guardian of the Sanctum took the scepter of life and shouted loudly, "Everyone, it's a pleasure to work with you. Today, the Sanctum is in danger. People are dying."

"The Sanctum and its people are both at risk."

The mages shouted impassively, and suddenly the Ancient One's voice was heard, "Abandon the London Sanctum. Everyone must go to the New York Sanctum. Additionally, activate the self-destruction function of the Sanctum to trap incoming enemies."

"Retreat and self-destruct?"

The Guardian of the Sanctum was stunned for a moment and hurriedly shouted, "Sorcerer Supreme, after the self-destruction of the Sanctum, the defense net will be flawed."

The Ancient One replied, "The three major Sanctums are being attacked. If we don't concentrate our strength, the defense network will not just be flawed, but completely destroyed."

"Is it really that serious?"

The Guardian of the Sanctum took a deep breath and quickly instructed the mages to go to the permanent portal, while he went to the core to activate the self-destruction function.

After everything was done, the Guardian of the Sanctum gave a reluctant look at the Sanctum, clenched his weapon, and stepped into the portal. Today's battle had just begun.

With a bang, the magic shield shattered like glass. However, the three mages did not rush in with the spider demons, but looked at the Sanctum with mocking expressions.

A moment later, a dazzling golden light lit up in the depths of the Sanctum, and the entire space where the Sanctum was located collapsed.

"Ancient One, you are indeed decisive, but unfortunately, the Darkhold has seen everything."

The three mages sneered and opened the portal to the New York Sanctum.

Not only did the mages of the London Sanctum retreat, but so did those of the Hong Kong Sanctum. Under the leadership of the Ancient One, the mages of the three major Sanctums and Kamar-Taj gathered in the New York Sanctum to confront Kaecilius and his followers head-on, despite the defensive cover being broken.

Kaecilius looked at the Ancient One and said through gritted teeth, "Ancient One, you hypocrite."

Master Hamil, who had a broken hand, shouted angrily, "Kaecilius, you not only betrayed Kamar-Taj, but you also dared to insult the Supreme Master?"

"Why can't I insult her? She deceived all of us, telling us every day that we shouldn't absorb dark energy or practice black magic." Kaecilius scolded, "Yet she absorbed the energy of the Dark Dimension to live forever."