Chapter 286 : Dormammu arrives

Kaecilius' accusation shocked the mages, and they all looked at the Ancient One, hoping she would refute him. After a brief pause, the Ancient One said, "Kaecilius, I did what I did to protect you and everyone else. What I am capable of, you may not be."

The mages were stunned. The Sorcerer Supreme had absorbed dark energy? The revelation was so impactful that some of the mages almost collapsed.

"Hypocrite," Kaecilius sneered. "Today, I will help all Earthlings gain immortality. The Ancient One can't stop me."

As Kaecilius spoke, two portals opened, and six mages emerged with hundreds of spider demons. The mages tried to trap them but failed.

Kaecilius continued, "Ancient One, you're smart, but I'm not stupid."

"Cut," the Darkhold mocked, "Without me, you wouldn't even have made it to the Sanctum."

Kaecilius ignored the Darkhold's contempt and laughed wildly. "If you believe in the Lord of Darkness, kneel immediately. Otherwise, you'll die like the Ancient One."

"Dream on," a voice rang out, and a figure with an extraordinary temperament and a slight evil aura descended from the sky, landing next to the Ancient One.

It was Blood God Bert!

The mages saluted him and breathed a sigh of relief. The Blood God's arrival stabilized the battle.

"Blood God! I've seen that you're upset. You're just a vampire. What qualifications do you have to join Kamar-Taj?" Kaecilius jealously cursed.

"Ancient One, you destroyed Kamar-Taj, but I'll destroy your filth and build a new Kamar-Taj," Kaecilius declared.

"Why do people always make excuses for themselves?" Bert asked calmly. "No more nonsense. I have an appointment with a celebrity today to discuss acting skills. Kaecilius, please die quickly, okay?"

"Blood God, do you think I'm not prepared for your arrival?" Kaecilius sneered and waved his hand. Suddenly, Dracula appeared with dark eyes.

Dracula undressed and stood in a strange magic circle drawn in blood - his own blood.

"What's the use of catching him?" Bert asked curiously. "He's just a funny character."

Kaecilius didn't waste any time. He picked up the Darkhold and quickly recited the Montesi Formula.

With Kaecilius' voice, the formation on Dracula's body was brilliantly lit up. Bert noticed something was wrong and suddenly appeared in front of Kaecilius, aiming at his neck to chop off before he could react.

Kaecilius ignored it, and just as the blade was about to slash his neck, Bert let out a scream, and his entire body uncontrollably turned into a river of blood that was thousands of meters long and floated in the air.

To make matters worse, the blood river continued to tumble, and Bert's breathing became disordered, as if he had gone crazy. Bert was 'frightened' and hurriedly suppressed himself, losing the strength to fight. Not only Bert, but all the vampires felt their blood boiling and burning, falling to the ground in pain.

Montesi' formula, which could kill all vampires, was being read by Kaecilius. If he continued to read, all vampires would die, but halfway through, he stopped. This was not due to Kaecilius' good intentions, but because he realized that if he continued, not only would the vampires die, but he would die as well.

"I have abolished Blood God. Attack, break the Sanctum, and welcome Dormammu's arrival." Kaecilius closed the Darkhold and shouted loudly. The six mages cheered in unison, and their morale was extremely high.

In contrast, Kamar-Taj's morale sank to the bottom. The Ancient One absorbed the dark energy, and then the Blood God was easily abolished. How could they fight this battle? The appearance of the river of blood and the confrontation of thousands of demons naturally alarmed the New York government and police.

Mayor George Stacy immediately ordered the evacuation of people in the area. New Yorkers were accustomed to disasters and quickly grabbed their belongings and fled. Mayor George called the superheroes to investigate the blood river. He felt that this time, it would be very serious.

In front of the Sanctum, Kaecilius charged with six mages and thousands of spider demons. Before anyone arrived, energy beams covered Ancient One and the others.

"Everyone, fight to the death. When the matter is over, I will give you an explanation. Now, protect the Earth," Ancient One shouted and waved the fan in his hand.

All the energy beams were diverted to the back of the spider demons. "Master, your transfer speed is too slow," Kaecilius said, clapping his hands. The energy beams suddenly appeared above the mages.

Ancient One had no choice but to wave his fan to divert all the energy beams away. "Hold the line,". The mages woke up, took up their weapons one after another, and engaged the spider demons with strange spider patterns on their bodies.

The two sides immediately fought. Kamar-Taj's mages were proficient in melee combat and magic, but the spider demons were not weak. They were strengthened people and were demonized later.

Mages had cultivated Chi and had no passive skills. The spider demons were not only strong but also has numerous skills. The mages fell into a disadvantage as soon as they met.

Ancient One wanted to help them, but was blocked by Kaecilius with six mages. Kaecilius smiled and said, "Ancient One, I have good news for you. Your good apprentices, Mordo and Strange. They're all dead."

Ancient One shook her head. "Kaecilius, even without them, I wouldn't choose you to be the Sorcerer Supreme."

"Why? What am I inferior to them? Before I betrayed, what you said and what I did, isn't that enough?"

Kaecilius roared and moved the space with both hands, raising the surrounding skyscrapers into the sky above Ancient One and smashing them down.

Ancient One waved her fan towards the top, causing the building to disintegrate instantly. Countless stones gathered together and turned into a tall circular platform.

Ancient One flew onto the platform and said, "Kaecilius, if you want to be the Sorcerer Supreme, it's not your loyalty, but your ability and your determination to resist temptation. You are not qualified in either of them."

"You really look down on me, Ancient One. I will kill you and become the new Sorcerer Supreme." Kaecilius flew onto the platform, and the power of darkness surged out, creating five clones around him.

Immediately afterward, all six Kaecilius slammed the ground simultaneously, causing the ground and the space to turn up towards Ancient One.

Ancient One stomped her foot hard, causing the ground and space to bounce back directly. Kaecilius and his clones retreated again and again, their blood tumbling.

"Compared to magic, it's absolutely impossible to be Ancient One's opponent. If you want to kill her, you can only fight in melee." Kaecilius knew it well, evolved the space blade, and attacked Ancient One with his clones.

Ancient One shook her head and waved her fan to defeat all six clones. Not only did she not lose, but she also knocked down all six Kaecilius and screamed.

The melee combat ability of Ancient One is not just strong, but very strong, so strong that even the Demon King of Hell is willing to bow down — Which Demon King of Hell has not been caught and beaten by Ancient One?

"As expected of Ancient One, fortunately, she was seriously injured. Otherwise, I wouldn't even have the qualifications to fight her." Kaecilius gritted his teeth and hurriedly called for the remaining six mages to help.

The six mages put their hands on Ancient One, and the power of darkness turned into a big dark hand with black gas, grabbing hard towards Ancient One.

"I taught you that the key to magic is not so much, but purity."

Ancient One shook her head, waved her fan, and seven golden lights roared out and hit the seven points of the dark hand. The dark hand disintegrated instantly, and the six mages were hit by the magic power, groaning in pain.

Kaecilius took the opportunity to wrap his magic whip around Ancient One's limbs and neck, then pulled it with force.

Ancient One threw out the fan and spun the magic whip in the air. Then, with a light drink, five golden phantoms flew out of her body, instantly passing through the bodies of five Kaecilius, and then turned into light spots, dissipating.

The five Kaecilius disintegrated directly, leaving only their bodies to open their mouths and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Ancient One sighed and said, "Kaecilius, turn back."

"Master, you are really kind, and you are still showing mercy until now, but unfortunately, I don't want to look back. I want to live forever, I want to be a Sorcerer Supreme. In my life, the most fearful thing is death. I don't want to die, Master."

Kaecilius wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, waved his hand, and six mages rushed over to surround Ancient One.

"Kaecilius, this is your last chance."

Ancient One said, "Death is inevitable. You don't know how much I want to die."

"Master, your apprentice, I will send you to die with my filial piety," Kaecilius shouted as he attacked again with six mages. The Ancient One shook her head, and Kaecilius had no chance of turning back.

Although she was outnumbered, the Ancient One still had the upper hand. She swung her fan in a row, and two mages were sent flying directly.

The remaining mage shouted loudly and slammed his fist full of black light on the Ancient One. However, she grabbed his arm and twisted it aside before aiming her fan at his neck.

At that moment, a transparent space blade passed through the mage's body and pierced the Ancient One's chest fiercely.

"Master!" Strange and the others just teleported over, and when they saw this scene, they immediately flew towards the platform in shock and anger.

"Master, farewell forever," Kaecilius pulled out the transparent space blade, ignored Strange and the others, turned around and flew towards the Sanctum. No one stopped him because those mages could not even protect themselves, and the attack of the spider demons was too fierce.

"Master!" Strange flew over to help the fallen Ancient One and shouted anxiously, "I'll take you to the hospital right away."

Mordo chased after Kaecilius. It was not that he did not care about the Ancient One, but now he had more important things to do. In any case, Dormammu must not be allowed to come.

Tony, Hulk, and others followed, while only Mindy knelt beside the Sorcerer Supreme, tears streaming down her face. She had gone to Kamar-Taj to play a few times and had met the Ancient One. To her, the Ancient One was like a kind old grandmother.

The Ancient One shook her head and said to Strange, "Strange, you are a very kind person, but you are too arrogant, too egoistic, and too afraid of failure, so you cannot see one thing clearly. The simplest, but also the most important thing."

Strange asked, "What's the matter?"

"The meaning of life is not the self." The Ancient One smiled and said, "Strange, I'm too tired. From now on, you will be the new Sorcerer Supreme."

"It's too early, I think you should be in charge for a few more years," Strange said sadly. The Ancient One was seriously injured, and unless he used the Eye of Agamotto, it would be impossible to save her.

The Ancient One shook her head and was about to speak when the ground suddenly shook, and the New York Sanctum collapsed.

"It's over. The defense net of Earth is broken," a mage couldn't help but fall to his knees, full of despair in his heart. Mordo, who was a step late, roared and stabbed Kaecilius with the space blade. Even if Dormammu came, he would kill Kaecilius.

"I won, Mordo. You all lost," Kaecilius laughed and blasted out a dark energy to knock Mordo away. Then, he opened his hands and shouted, "Great Dormammu, please come to this sinful world."

Before Kaecilius finished speaking, the entire sky turned black and purple, and then a head as big as New York appeared over New York, with ripples that kept flickering over the city. Its eyes alone were bigger than a lake.

The Lord of the Dark Dimension, Dormammu, had come.

As soon as Dormammu appeared, all the citizens of New York felt dark in their hearts, and all positive thoughts, such as positivity, kindness, optimism, etc., disappeared, replaced by countless dark and negative thoughts, such as pessimism, negativity, despair and so on.

A large number of weak-willed New Yorkers fell to their knees, feeling that there was no hope in life, and they just wanted to die.

"The Earth finally belongs to me," Dormammu laughed. Tony and the others sank at the same time. Just looking at the momentum, they knew they couldn't beat him.

In fact, Dormammu hadn't really arrived yet. He was just on his way. If he did come, wouldn't it be as simple as despair? Even space and time would be distorted.

Tony screamed at the river of blood in the sky, "Bert, what are you doing? Why didn't you stop them?"

"Blood God, are you still not dead?" Dormammu was a little surprised and asked Kaecilius, "Kaecilius, how are you doing?"

Kaecilius hurriedly explained, "Great Dormammu, I don't have enough strength to read all the Montesi Formulas. I can only read half of them."

"I'll give you the strength to read it."

How could Dormammu not know Kaecilius' plan? He snorted coldly, and a black beam of light fell from the sky, shrouding Kaecilius. The power of darkness on Kaecilius skyrocketed infinitely, and his entire face quickly turned purple.

"Thank you, master."

Kaecilius was overjoyed, took out the Darkhold again, and began to chant.

Mordo shouted in shock, "Stop him! Once the spell is finished, the Blood God will be dead!"

"What?" Everyone was shocked when they heard the words. Hulk didn't say a word and immediately jumped towards Kaecilius. Tony also fired lasers at Kaecilius.

Dormammu smiled contemptuously, and several black lightnings fell from the sky and hit Hulk and the others.

"What!" Hulk and the others screamed and flew backward. Then, dark energy invaded their bodies crazily, turning them into puppets.

"...Vampires, will be exterminated." After Kaecilius chanted the last spell, starting from Dracula and Bert, all the Vampires disappeared quickly.

In less than three seconds, all the Vampires in the universe were 'dead.'