Chapter 287 : New York Sanctum - Battlefield

The Blood God has fallen!

Tony stared at the river of blood that was quickly disappearing in the air, like a falling icicle. The patron saint of the Earth was gone.

It's impossible. There's an old saying in the East: scourges are left for thousands of years. How could a scourge like Bert die so easily?

Tony endured the erosion of the dark energy, stood up, and roared angrily, "Bert, hurry up and get me back to kill this big head. You still have so many beautiful women. How can you die?"

"Hulk doesn't believe that the Blood God will die, and the Blood God will never die."

Hulk also stood up, roaring with blue veins on his face. Without the Blood God, he might have been abandoned by Banner and Betty long ago. How could he have his current position?

Steve, Mordo, Natasha, and others also endured the pain and got up. They couldn't believe it, and they didn't want to believe that the Blood God fell like this.

The Blood God was gone. Who would protect America and the world in the future?

If President Ellis knew about this, he would be scared to death on the spot!

"It's useless. The Blood God and his blood clan have all been erased," Kaecilius said disdainfully. "Without the Blood God, without the Sorcerer Supreme, this world will belong to the great Dormammu."

"Yes, this universe will belong to me."

Dormammu laughed. A thousand-year-old dream had finally come true, and it was worthwhile for him to leave this group of trash.

"This is impossible."

Everyone was full of despair and sadness, especially Tony, with tears in his eyes. He was really unhappy with the Blood God, but he was also very grateful to the Blood God. Without the Blood God, how many times had he died?

Moreover, the Blood God was his closest comrade-in-arms.

"All vampires, wait, Carter? No, no, no." Steve thought of something and hurriedly dialed the phone with his watch, but there was no signal.

"I want you to die."

Hulk's eyes were red, and his body grew rapidly. Under the monstrous anger, he became the embodiment of anger again.

Dormammu was not surprised but delighted. "What a beast. I like it. You will become the first war beast in the Dark World."


Hulk roared, his feet pressed down hard. The ground shattered, and he slammed down. Then, Hulk rose into the sky, punched through the void, and blasted towards Dormammu with dense space cracks.

Dormammu smiled contemptuously. His eyes widened, the space reversed, and Hulk's fist slammed on the ground. The entire ground shattered and dented, and the surrounding buildings collapsed like a paper rumble, setting off a lot of dust and airwaves.

Within a kilometer, everything was in ruins, and only the platform before the Ancient One still existed. Fortunately, the surrounding people had already retreated in advance, and there were no civilian casualties.

The superheroes, spider demons, and mages around the Hulk were all blown away by the violent airwaves, and they fell into the ruins in a mess.

Everyone was shocked, not only shocked by the terrifying power of Hulk but also by the strength of Dormammu. Even Hulk was far from being Dormammu's opponent.

"Master, I'm going to deal with Dormammu."

Seeing this, Strange gritted his teeth and said to Ancient One. He didn't know whether the 'negotiation plan' he thought would be successful, but he was the Sorcerer Supreme, and this was his responsibility

"Dormammu is my responsibility. I will deal with him. Strange, this time our opponent is not only Dormammu," said the Ancient One. She shook her head, pushed Strange away, and flew towards Dormammu with her last bit of strength.

"Ancient One, do you still dare to come here?" Dormammu asked disdainfully. He believed that the dying Ancient One was not qualified to be his opponent at all, although the former Ancient One had been qualified to fight him.

"Dormammu, you forced me to stop being human," said the Ancient One. She opened her hand, and the mark of the Dark Dimension appeared between her eyebrows. Then she shouted, "I am willing to be the master of the Dark Dimension."

As soon as those words came out, the Dark Dimension shook, and the infinite dark energy rushed into the Ancient One's body as if it didn't want to stop.

The Ancient One's momentum suddenly soared, and her body exuded a strong black aura, making her look like a demon had descended.

"Master!" Mordo and Strange were stunned, even horrified. They wondered what was happening. Was the Ancient One enchanted? Had she become the master of the Dark Dimension?

"How is this possible? I am the master of the Dark Dimension," Dormammu said. Feeling that the authority of the Dark Dimension was shifting, his complexion changed dramatically. He hurriedly used his authority to dominate the Dark Dimension for thousands of years to counteract the Dark Dimension and prevent the Ancient One from replacing him.

To put it simply, the consciousness of the Dark Dimension was like the chairman of the company, and Dormammu was the president of the company. Now that the chairman wanted to change the president, the president desperately resisted.

As the president for thousands of years, Dormammu had a lot of capital to resist. More importantly, the Dark Dimension had not transferred all its authority to the Ancient One. Dormammu wanted the Ancient One to take it himself.

In the dark world, the strong were respected, and the weak were preyed upon.

The Ancient One's eyes darkened. She said ruthlessly, "Dormammu, now you are not looking for me, I am looking for you." Then, she turned into a black light and rushed into the space passage, knocking Dormammu back into the Dark Dimension.

Dormammu roared, "Ancient One, you can't take away my Dark Dimension."

"Dark Dimension is not yours, but it will be mine," the Ancient One said. She turned into a super giant of unknown height, grabbed a lifeless planet, and smashed it hard at Dormammu.

Dormammu was about to resist, but his body suddenly became uncontrollable. He was smashed in the face by the star and flew out for thousands of meters.

Dormammu was shocked for a while. He hurriedly checked himself and found that there was an infinite red light inside him at some point.

The leading red light sensed Dormammu's gaze and shouted with a smile, "Surprise!"

Dormammu shouted in disbelief, "Blood God! Are you not dead?"

"Don't say that the broken formula works. Even if it is true, I will not die, and you will believed it," Bert sneered. He had devoured most of the Space Stone, possessed the Reality Stone, and had the dragon soul clone. How could he die so easily?

It is worth mentioning that Bert here was only a part of the vampire. The power of space, the dragon soul, and the projection were not here.

Dormammu finally reacted. "Fake formula? Are you plotting against me?"

"Nonsense. Of course, I'm plotting against you. Or do you think your broken plan will succeed?" Bert complained. "The pit I dug for Kaecilius is enough to fill the whole Pacific Ocean."

The other red lights - Mercury, Lilith, Dracula, Blade, and other vampires - laughed. They thought the so-called Dark Lord was nothing but a joke, being played around by the Blood God.

"I'll kill you."

Dormammu almost vomited blood in anger and controlled the dark energy to bombard those red lights. But to his surprise, those red lights were unscathed.

"Forget to tell you that the spell Kaecilius chanted before connected us vampires to you. Now, we are one, so your energy can't hurt us." Bert smiled and said, "But our energy can control you, Dormammu. Are you dumbfounded?"

Everyone laughed again. Dormammu wanted to say something, but the Ancient One came to him and pressed her hands. The space turned into a sharp blade and shot at Dormammu like raindrops.

Just as Dormammu was about to defend himself, Bert led the vampires desperately to affect his body, which made his movements slow for a moment. His body was shot through by countless space blades, looking extremely miserable.

"Do you think this will kill me?"

Dormammu roared. His hands pressed down, and the space vibrated violently like a wave. Then, the surrounding planets hit the Ancient One like a meteor.

"What's the point of this game? Dormammu, you idiot, today is your end."

Bert sneered. He shouted, "Come on, let's control Dormammu's body together, and when the battle is over, I'll bring you to drink the blood of the Hydra, God-level."

"Long live the Blood God!"

The vampires cheered and followed Bert to control Dormammu's body. Meanwhile, the Ancient One sneered and cast spells with both hands. The surrounding time suddenly slowed down.

Dormammu was taken aback. "Time magic? Without the Eye of Agamotto, how can you use time magic?"

"Because I am the Ancient One. For thousands of years, the Earth was under my protection. Dormammu, you are dead today. Even if the Lord of creation comes, he will not be able to protect you." The Ancient One said. She was so arrogant not only because of the erosion of the power of darkness, but also because the soul in this body was incomplete.

This is only half of the Ancient One's soul, representing the evil half-soul.

At the same time, the soul of the other half of the Ancient One, accompanied by the projection of the Blood God, came to the research room below the Blood God manor.

The projection of the Blood God pointed at the cloned body of the Ancient One in the nutrition jar and smiled towards the Ancient One. "Master, the body cloned for you is a perfect eighteen years old, full of youth, dense hair, and radiance."

The Ancient One glared at the Blood God Projection and asked, "Is that bottle of blood fused into it?"

"It's integrated."

Blood God Projection asked curiously, "But Master, what kind of blood is that bottle? It doesn't seem to be anything special. Not only does it not emit light, but it also has no energy fluctuations, just like the blood of mortals."

"You'll soon find out whose blood it was."

Ancient One passed through the glass to enter the clone and said, "Look at the situation outside. Don't mess with it."

"Master, don't worry. We won't mess with it. The Earth is not that weak." Blood God Projection smiled and said.

This world has long since become completely different from the movie world.

This is proof that Bert has been here. If everything is the same, then what are you doing here?

The Ancient One said no more and began to fuse with the clone. This clone was infused with special blood, enough to accommodate her powerful soul and allow her to be reborn.

"Good thoughts, bad thoughts, Master. Is this the rhythm of killing three people?" Bert shook his head and focused his attention on the battlefield of the New York Sanctum.

Upon seeing Dormammu's head suddenly disappear from the sky, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Tony asked Strange, who was flying over, "Strange, has Dormammu been defeated?"

"Not defeated," Strange replied with a weird expression. While helping everyone clear the dark energy from their bodies, he continued, "There are two possible outcomes. The first is that the Ancient One is defeated by Dormammu, and Dormammu is injured again. This would be a good ending."

Everyone was stunned. "That's a good ending, but what about the bad one?"

"The bad ending is if the Ancient One wins. Then we will face the Lord of Darkness, the Sorcerer Supreme Ancient One."

Strange said with a headache, "Facing Dormammu, we have a 1 in 10,000 chance of winning. Facing the Ancient One, I suggest that we kneel directly and apply to join the Dark Dimension together, contribute to the Dark Dimension, and create a better future tomorrow."

Tony gasped. "It can't be that exaggerated, can it?"

"It's more exaggerated than you think. I'd rather face three Dormammus than one Ancient One." Mordo smiled bitterly. "That's the Ancient One who drove away all the demons and suppressed an era by herself."

"This is really troublesome."

Tony and the others smiled bitterly, and now they could only hope that the two bosses would perish together.

"You're thinking too much. The Ancient One is by no means Dormammu's opponent; she will lose." Kaecilius snorted coldly. "Besides, you don't have time to live until then. Do you think it's over like this? Keep Dreaming!"

As Kaecilius spoke, dimensional projections appeared one after another in the sky. These were the openings of space channels to Earth by other dimensions.

All dimensions knew that Earth's defense network was broken. Some demon gods opened space channels, and some flew to Earth in person, ready to share a piece of the pie.

The soul of the main universe was not only delicious but also precious.

Not only did dimensional projections appear over New York, but they also appeared all over the world. The devils of Hells laughed, "Kaecilius, we kept our promise and came to help you."

"Kaecilius, here we come."

Heaven was also coming. Kaecilius rolled his eyes; these guys were really thick-skinned.

"So many dimension demon gods?" Everyone's heart sank. At this point, the Earth was completely finished.

At that moment, the entire Earth was enveloped in colorful rays of light, and suddenly all the dimensional projections were transferred to New York simultaneously, and the citizens of New York were quickly transported away in those colorful rays of light.

"This is the power of the Bifrost Bridge. How can a copycat Bifrost Bridge be so powerful?" Tony exclaimed in surprise.

Just then, Dr. Reed's voice echoed across the world, "The Earth has lost its guardian. All power users who want to protect the Earth, please raise your hands and teleport to New York. New York will become a battlefield. If New York falls, the Earth will be destroyed. This is not a joke. This is the cruel reality we face. The life and death of the Earth depends on this battle."

"The life and death of the Earth?" The superheroes in New York were stunned for a moment, but then they raised their hands one after another. The next moment, superheroes such as Electro, Spider-Man, Magic Man, Ghost Rider, and others were teleported to the open space of the New York Sanctum. Not only them, but also Inhumans, Ivan, Madam Gao, Fantastic Four, Black Panther, Dr. Doom, and other superpowers were transported one after another.

In space, Skye clenched the glory of the king in her hand and shouted angrily, "Prepare to teleport to New York to protect the Earth."

The colorful light not only transmitted the space fleet, but also the Inhumans from the moon.

"Yes, Queen Skye," everyone in the fleet replied loudly and unanimously. Although they had just received some orders, they decided to ignore them. If there was anything, they would protect the Earth first.

The Earth Federation was supported by the Blood God, and now that the Blood God was dead, some people naturally wanted to split up the family. Needless to say, seeing that everyone was united, Frank breathed a sigh of relief and then clenched his fists fiercely. He must avenge Bert and protect the Earth.

Not only this fleet, but also the Dark Aster of the S.W.O.R.D., the main fleet of the Earth Federation, and other Inhumans such as Black Bolt on the moon, all responded to the call and appeared in New York.