Chapter 288 : Time Loop

Looking at the silhouettes appearing around and the fleet that kept emerging in the sky, Tony whistled and shouted, "Send all my Veronica and unmanned battle armors here."

Before Tony finished speaking, his Veronica and the unmanned armors arrived, and at the same time, Ivan's unmanned armors army also arrived. This was a big battle.

Upon seeing this change, Kaecilius was stunned for a moment, and then he sneered. 'No matter how strong the Earth is, can it still have a strong dimension like the Heavens?' he thought.

After considering his options, Kaecilius gathered the spider demons and used them as an altar to open the passage to the spider dimension.

Suddenly, a space vortex appeared in the sky, and a large number of spiders, bigger than cows, jumped out of the vortex and gathered densely.

The dimension of Hell is the closest to the Earth, so their dimensional projections were the first to tear apart the space and form cracks.

Immediately afterward, a large number of monsters crawled out of the cracks and landed on the ground, greedily eyeing the humans, preparing for a delicious meal.

Tony flew to Dr. Reed and asked, "Dr. Reed, what's going on with the Bifrost Bridge? Why is it so powerful?"

Reed shook his head and replied, "Don't ask me. This was made by Mr. Wang."

"Bert?" Tony was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes lit up. "That is to say, he predicted this scene in advance, right?"

Reed continued to shake his head and said, "I said it, don't ask me."

Tony shouted excitedly, "That is to say, that guy is not dead, and all of this is his layout, right?"

"I said, don't ask me," Reed replied.

Trish, Mindy, Lina, and Hela couldn't accept this at all. Mindy and Hela fell to their knees, their hearts filled with pain and sadness, and Lina, for the first time, felt that the chicken legs in her hands were not fragrant.

"I want to avenge Master. I want to kill everyone who killed Master," Little Hela gritted her teeth, her eyes were full of murderous aura, and the surrounding aura of death was drawn and rushed towards her body.

"My man, died ...uh, why should I say it again?" Wanda's whole person was blood-red like blackening, and her eyes were full of indifference and hatred.

Until this moment, Wanda didn't know how important Bert was in her heart.

Superheroes along with the Supremor and the S.W.O.R.D. also rushed over. They looked at the twisted void and clenched their weapons one after another. The life and death of the Earth depends on this battle.

At this time, a powerful coercion enveloped New York, and the first dimension demon appeared, looking at the black spider figure bigger than a skyscraper. Everyone felt extremely heavy, as if there was a mountain pressing down.

This is the power of the devil.

"So many delicious souls, I paid so much before," the spider demon laughed. He was about to attack when a green figure leaped high and smashed his face with a punch, sending him flying out and knocking more than a dozen buildings behind him, which collapsed with a rumble.

"I want you to die," Hulk roared as a pair of bone wings appeared behind him, slapping hard and rushing towards the spider demon.

"He's handsome for only three seconds," Tony sneered. The spider demon knew that the image was lost and was furious. The spider's legs swiped hard, shredding the air waves and the building, turning into a terrifying black light hundreds of meters long and slashing at Hulk.

Hulk ignored it, threw out a punch, and instantly smashed the light. Then, he grabbed the truck below and smashed it hard at the spider demon.

The spider demon smashed the truck with its spider legs and then sprayed Hulk with dense, overwhelming spider web. Hulk roared, and the sound shredded all the spider web like a storm. At the same time, the surrounding glass shattered, and the closer car even flew directly.

"A brainless new god!" The spider demon roared, and the huge spider legs stabbed hard at Hulk. Because the speed was too fast, when the spider legs pierced, there was even a sound barrier shock wave around.

Hulk flapped his wings and flew up, sweeping the spider's legs with a terrifying white air wave, and the spider's legs were directly knocked out halfway. The spider demon was furious, its compound eyes opened, and countless black rays shot densely towards Hulk. Hulk flexibly avoided and rushed towards the spider demon quickly.

At the same time, as the Hulk fought against the spider demon, Skye's fleet in the sky was fully charged. Skye shouted, "Aim at the Kaecilius below, I want him to die."

"Fire!" The Pursuer Korath activated the button, and hundreds of particle cannons roared down at the same time, rumbling and exploding on the ground, killing a large number of spiders and monsters. At the same time, the ground was burning with raging fire, burning everywhere.

Kaecilius was wearing a dark magic shield to block the bombardment of the particle cannon. He was about to cast magic when three huge Raven phantoms suddenly appeared in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, the black Raven phantom swept the battleship in the sky with its wings that covered the sky. The two battleships were cut off like paper, and then exploded with a bang.

Skye's face changed, and she hurriedly turned the muzzle to shoot at the black Raven. The white Raven next to the black Raven smiled disdainfully, and a white beam of light tens of meters thick blasted out, annihilating all the energy cannons.

Immediately afterwards, the white beam of light slammed towards the Blood God Ship. Skye hurriedly slapped the red button on the console, and the Blood God Ship disappeared abruptly. When it reappeared, it was already hundreds of meters away. This was the life-saving ability that Bert left for the Ship, but Skye didn't expect it to be used so quickly.

"God demon level," Skye gritted his teeth. Even with advanced alien technology, they were no match for gods or demons. Others were also shocked. The major countries were planning to send regular troops into the battlefield. Now it seemed that they should try to launch nuclear bombs.

There was no doubt that the idea of launching a nuclear bomb came from the United States, and they were planning to implement it. The enemy was so strong that even the Blood God had fallen.

Seeing the three Ravens raging, Doom said with an ugly face, "These are the three Raven gods under Dormammu. Strange, return the Hydra to me, and I'll see if I can deal with one."

Strange hesitated before throwing the short staff to Steve, who was still grieving. He then opened the Eye of Agamotto, and the power to manipulate the Time Stone was now in the hands of himself, Doom, and Mordo, inside the magic circle.

Doom looked at the circle in his hand and asked, "Strange, what are you doing?"

"We're going to kill a god. Come with me, brother Doom and Mordo."

Strange flew towards the three Ravens in the sky, whose bodies had not yet entered Earth but projected a force over them.

"You are the new Sorcerer Supreme, and we shall follow your lead."

Mordo followed without question, while Doom hesitated but eventually followed closely.

Kaecilius saw Strange and the others flying into the sky and immediately chased after them with the remaining four mages. The last time they fought, they survived, but this time, they were determined to die.

"You will die!" Kaecilius yelled.

The three Ravens sneered when they saw Strange and his companions approaching. The fire Raven opened its mouth and spewed flames, burning the sky and the sea, and overwhelming the three. Even the void was distorted by the flames.

Strange activated a green magic circle with his left hand and reversed time, causing the flames to retract. He then followed the energy fluctuations of the three Ravens and took Doom and Mordo through space to their true bodies.

"The Eye of Agamotto!" Kaecilius gritted his teeth and led his followers to chase after them, determined to claim the treasure.

The three Ravens were surprised to see the sudden appearance of Strange and his companions. "Are you here to die?" they asked mockingly.

Strange gestured quietly before saying, "We're here to kill you and Kaecilius."

The three Ravens and Kaecilius burst into laughter, confident in their strength. They believed that with three gods against Strange's group, they would easily win.

"What lunatics," the black Raven god said, uninterested in bantering. His wings slashed towards the three of them like sharp blades, even splitting the void in two.

The three of them quickly used a portal to escape. The white Raven god snorted and enveloped the space with divine might, causing the portal to collapse instantly.

Strange's expression changed, and he and Mordo hastily used their defensive shields to block the wings of the black Raven god. However, the wings were divine and could not be stopped by mere shields, let alone two humans.

In an instant, Strange and Mordo were sliced in half and died on the spot, leaving them naked and exposed. Doom barely managed to survive, and he summoned nine satellites out of nowhere to smash into the black Raven god like meteorites.

This is not over yet. A spatial vortex appeared under the God of Black Ravens, and a large number of Zergs flapped their wings and rushed out, heading towards the abdomen of the God of Black Ravens.

"Strong spatial attainments and black magic, human. You are not far from God, but unfortunately, you are not God after all."

A flash of approval crossed the eyes of the God of Black Ravens. He waved his wings, and nine meteorites exploded on the spot. Then, nine feathers flew out of his abdomen, turning into nine dark vortexes, and all the Zergs flew in uncontrollably.

"It's just a god; he has been defeated before."

Doom took a deep breath, and lightning flashed from all over his body. At the same time, a huge magic circle appeared under his feet, flashing a dazzling light.

Under the illumination of the magic mask, Doom's body swelled rapidly. After a while, he turned into a majestic thunder giant hundreds of meters high. Kaecilius and the others were so scared that they backed away.

"Wow, as expected of Doom, who beats me every day. Really powerful," Strange couldn't help but sigh, and Mordo on the side asked, "Strange, what did you do? What is our current situation, and why didn't my death-for-death technique take effect just now?"

Strange and Mordo are not in a corporeal state. They seem to exist, but they do not. They are very mysterious. In addition, except for the three of them, no one else can sense them at all.

"We're in a time loop, and when Doom dies, time will return to when we first met the Three Raven Gods."

"The cycle is infinite unless we kill the Three Ravens," Strange said.

This time cycle, Strange intended to use it against Dormammu - not to kill the other party but to negotiate, using an infinite time cycle to force Dormammu to give up.

But now the situation has changed, and Strange has chosen to change the goal - to kill the bastards of the three ravens.

As for why one is killing and the other is negotiating? The reason is simple. Dormammu is beyond time and can sense the time cycle, so he can negotiate, but the God of Three Ravens cannot, so he can only kill.

Simply put, only powerful gods are qualified to negotiate.

"It's such a time loop?"

Mordo expressed his shock. He thought for a while, then frowned and asked, "The problem is that we are not opponents of the three Raven gods at all. Even the strongest Doom can barely cope with one of them."

"Every battle is practice, and we will keep getting stronger. They won't."

Strange shook his head and said, "One thousand times, ten thousand times, one hundred thousand times, one million times... As long as we don't give up, we will definitely be able to kill them."

Mordo couldn't help swallowing. "Dying a million times? Strange, I'm not afraid of death, but can our spirits really endure so many deaths?"

"Yes, we must."

Strange nodded fiercely. "Mordo, the three Ravens are nothing. Our real enemies are Dormammu and the Dark Ancient One. I am the Sorcerer Supreme, and you are Kamar-Taj's master. We have a responsibility to stop them."

Mordo was silent for a moment, then nodded and said, "Yes, we must be able to do it, Strange. I finally understand why the Ancient One chose you as the Sorcerer Supreme."

Strange sighed, "I would have preferred if she had chosen someone else, but there's no way. I was born with talent, and the world is in trouble. I must be at the top."

Mordo silently raised his middle finger. Why are these geniuses so arrogant?

At that moment, the God of White Ravens grew impatient and quickly bound Doom with white chains, while the God of Black Ravens seized the opportunity to unleash a wave of darkness and annihilation, killing Doom.

As soon as Doom died, time immediately reset, and Strange said, "I'm here to kill you and Kaecilius."

The three Ravens and Kaecilius laughed simultaneously. Doom looked at Strange in surprise. With his wisdom, he could see what Strange was thinking.

"Interesting, Strange. You are qualified to be my opponent."

Doom laughed, took out a nuclear bomb from his space, and shouted, "I can finally use the nuclear bomb to its full potential. I will be able to create a spell comparable to the explosion of a nuclear bomb."

"My goodness," Mordo and Strange couldn't help but exclaim. Doom had a nuclear bomb on him and was ready to detonate it. Was this guy not afraid of blowing up himself and everything around him?

In fact, Doom had more than one nuclear bomb.

The next moment, amidst Doom's laughter, the void lit up with a dazzling white light.

Skipping Strange's time-loop journey, after Strange trapped the God of the Three Ravens, their power phantom disappeared immediately, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Skye, in the modified Dark Aster, and the various warships fired again one after another. The monsters and spiders scattered in fear and their corpses littered the ground.

Black Widow and Yelena urgently asked Jarvis to help them find their mother.

Jarvis scanned the battlefield and quickly located their mother, Melina. Fortunately, she was still alive. Unfortunately, a large number of energy cannons were targeting the area where she was.

Black Widow and Yelena didn't hesitate and rushed to her rescue.

Jarvis did not help them but walked over to the sullen Steve and said, "Director Steve, we need a commander to lead us in battle. I know you're grieving, but only you can take on this responsibility."