Chapter 293 : Goddess Skye

The Scorpion Demon God issued an order, and immediately a hundred elite scorpions rushed forward aggressively. At that moment, hundreds of dragon souls flew out of the cracks in space, roaring and tearing up a group of scorpions.

But it wasn't over yet; with a bang, Veronica fell from the sky and blocked Skye's path.

Tony said arrogantly, "Little girl, brother Tony is here to protect you."

"Isn't that, Uncle Tony? Since you had kids? Don't lie to me," Skye complained. "And if you don't believe me, I'll tell Ms. Pepper what you just said. Then you'll have to call the cops again."

"Bert told me that men are teenagers until they die, and I haven't called the cops yet."

Tony rolled his eyes, grabbed Skye, and flew towards the space crack in the sky. With so many enemies, they would surely die if they stayed here and needed to escape.

The Scorpion Demon snorted coldly, and his scorpion tail shuttled through space, instantly piercing Veronica's thick back armor and slamming it to the ground.

"Thank goodness the back armor is thick enough," Tony muttered, throwing Skye into the space crack. Although he isn't the most reliable man, he is still a superhero. Even if it means sacrificing himself, he will protect others.

When the Scorpion Demon God saw this, his eyes lit up, and he planned to knock Skye down. But to his astonishment, Skye didn't take the opportunity to escape; instead, she fell heavily to the ground.

"Tony, why didn't you escape?" Skye asked.

"Why would I want to escape? This dimension isn't that big, and this scorpion isn't that strong. It's just right for me to show off my skills," Skye replied.

"Although I haven't really tried it, I should be able to handle it. I can sense the Chi and vibrations of the dimension," Skye added.

The Scorpion Demon God laughed wickedly, "Little girl, are you underestimating me?"

"Yes, I am. Uncle Tony, focus on protecting yourself," Skye replied.

Skye then unsheathed the Glory of the King, and her hair and clothes billowed without wind. A dazzling halo appeared beneath her feet, and passionate music echoed in the air.

"What's going on?" The Scorpion Demon God was bewildered. "Are you putting on a show? To be honest, it looks pretty good."

"No, I'm just getting started," Skye said with a smile. She activated the function of the Glory of the King, and the phantom of the Dragon Realm suddenly appeared in the sky.

Immediately, hundreds of giant dragons flew into the phantom of the Dragon Realm, and then the majestic power of the Dragon Realm was poured into Skye, causing her power to skyrocket infinitely.

The huge force almost broke Skye's body. She roared, and the phantom of the dragon soul suddenly appeared behind her, absorbing a large amount of the power of the Dragon Realm to fortify her.

"Kill her."

The Scorpion Demon God sensed that something was wrong and suddenly phantom swelled to the size of a hill. Then, the huge scorpion tail pierced through space and stabbed at Skye.

Upon hearing the Demon God's order, the army of scorpions immediately rushed towards Skye. The murderous aura almost froze the entire space.

Tony's expression changed, and he was about to take action when Skye suddenly released a terrifying shock force, sweeping away in all directions.

The tail of the Scorpion Demon God, Veronica, the countless scorpion army, the air, and soil were all thrown out, and the surroundings instantly turned into a vacuum, leaving only Skye floating in the air, like a goddess.

And this was just the beginning. The ground began to vibrate violently and quickly spread throughout the Earth.

That's right, the whole planet was shaking. Tony finally understood what Skye meant and quickly flew into the sky.

As he looked at Skye, who appeared as a goddess, Tony was full of cold sweat. Were young girls really this powerful now? He couldn't be bothered with such thoughts.

The Scorpion Demon's complexion changed dramatically. She roared, absorbing the power of the dimension, and its tail smashed down towards Skye like a collapsed pillar.

"It's useless because I can feel the vibration of the entire world."

Skye stretched out her left hand and the space near the tail suddenly collapsed. The Scorpion Demon God let out a shrill scream, and the entire tail was torn apart by the space.

"I'm Skye, Blood God's Disciple, Shockwave Girl, Inhuman Queen, Planet Terminator, and now Dimension Destroyer."

Skye roared, and the entire dimension vibrated violently - everything including ground, space, and everything else.

Boom, boom, boom! The Ground was shaken and huge cracks appeared, swallowing countless scorpions and killing them.

Immediately afterward, a large amount of magma emerged from the cracks, and even the planet's core began to vibrate.

And it wasn't over yet. Pitch-black space cracks appeared in the sky one after another. Tony was frightened and rushed to avoid them. He couldn't afford to get caught in any of these space cracks.

"She can really destroy this dimension! Now, not only can't I beat Bert, but even his apprentice is more powerful than me. What's the point of my life?"

Tony was shocked and annoyed at the same time. The title of the most beautiful boy on Earth was slipping further away from him.

"My dimension, my people."

The Scorpion Demon God looked terrified. She thought of something, changed back to her normal size, and flew in front of Skye. Then, she lowered her head and pleaded, "Please let go of my world and my people."

Skye ignored her and continued to activate her ability. She liked this feeling, the feeling of controlling everything. At this moment, she felt that she was a being who could destroy everything.

Not to mention the Scorpion Demon God, Skye had forgotten about Tony's life and death.

Seeing that Skye didn't respond, the Scorpion Demon God opened her mouth and spit out the origin of her soul, begging: "Let go of my world. I am willing to be your servant and obey your orders."

By mastering the origin of the soul, Skye could control the life and death of the Scorpion Demon God. The Scorpion Demon God truly loved her world.

Skye continued to ignore her. At this moment, Skye's eyes flashed, and the dimension of the scorpion changed to that of a garden. Then, her head was hit hard from behind.

Skye was furious. Who dared to strike the beautiful head of a goddess?

Skye turned around and glared at the other person. What she saw was a familiar, handsome face. She was stunned for a moment, then said excitedly, "Master, you're here!"

Bert sneered. "If I didn't come, how would I have witnessed the grace of Goddess Skye?"

Recalling the previous experience, Skye felt a little embarrassed. "Master, I don't know what happened just now. Suddenly, I felt a surge of power within me."

"That's your inner demon caused by your rapidly increasing power," Bert replied.

"If you maintain this mentality, you will become a god," Bert added.

Skye was puzzled. "But doesn't a demon within a heart lead to the path of the devil?"

"You'll become the God of shock waves. At that point, your humanity will be erased by divinity, leaving only the divine," Bert explained.

"In other words, you'll no longer be Skye in the future, but the God of shock waves," Bert said.

"The God of shock waves? That's worse than the shock wave girl," Skye complained. "Master, can't I choose to be the God of the End of the Planet instead?"

"Sure, it's up to you to decide," Bert said, turning around to leave. Skye quickly grabbed him and said, "Master, I was just kidding. I don't want to be a god. I want to be a person like you and Hulk."

Bert asked, "But being a god means you'll live forever and possess great power. Won't you regret it?"

"Why would I regret it? Even God kneels before me," Skye said disdainfully. "Besides, I haven't had enough fun, not even a boyfriend. What kind of god would I be?"

Bert complained, "It's not that you haven't, but your love interest is either dead or imprisoned."

"Master!" Skye said angrily.

"It's your choice to be a God or a human. As your master, I'm just giving you the right to choose," Bert said, shaking his head as the surroundings quickly dissipated, and Skye's consciousness returned to the outside.

'It seems like this battle was my master's plan,' Skye realized. She saw Tony in danger in the sky and immediately stopped the shaking.

Then, Skye extended her hand and the soul source of the Scorpion Demon flew into her hand and was put away.

"Scorpion Demon God, from now on, you'll be the guardian beast of the Inhuman Empire, fighting for the Inhuman Empire. Is there any problem?" Skye asked loudly.

The Scorpion Demon God breathed a sigh of relief and said respectfully, "No problem."

"Very good," Skye said, satisfied. She then sheathed the Glory of the King, and the projection of the dragon world, the halo, the windless automatic, the music, the dragon souls all disappeared.

At the same time, no new cracks appeared in the sky, and Tony breathed a sigh of relief. It was so dangerous that he almost died.

Feeling fortunate, Tony felt a deep sense of shame - he almost died in the attack of his niece. It wasn't a frontal attack, it was just the aftermath. How could he be so arrogant?

Tony clenched his fist. It was imperative to improve his strength. Within a year, he must possess the power of the Slaughter God.

Skye looked around and saw the sky full of space cracks. The ground was also filled with magma flowing like a river. The surviving army of scorpions hid in a few safe places, shivering.

Before, there were over 100,000 scorpions, but now only tens of thousands remain.

"Did I really do that? How could I have done such a thing?"

Skye looked at her hands with a complicated expression, feeling shocked and disturbed but also proud and confident.

It turns out that Skye, herself, is capable of destroying a planet and a dimension. With this newfound self-confidence, it's only a matter of time before he breaks through to a new level.

Skye has such potential, but was previously restricted by the pattern. Among the Inhumans, Skye and Black Bolt were the strongest, which is why they could become King and Queen.

Tony flew to Skye, frowned, and asked, "Can we trust this scorpion?"

"its life and death are completely under my control, and if it dares to betray, I will destroy this dimension."

Skye spoke confidently, causing the Scorpion Demon God to tremble and bow its head, saying, "I will never dare to betray."

"Very good. Uncle Tony, let's go back. The Scorpion Demon God is a lord and of demon level, can deal with the soul."

Skye couldn't wait to leave, fearing for her Blood God Ship.


Tony didn't waste any time and flew towards the space crack with Skye and the Scorpion Demon God, who had turned into a small scorpion and was now lying on Skye's shoulder.

Through the crack in the space, Skye quickly looked at the Blood God Ship and found that although it was smoking, it hadn't fallen. Skye was relieved.

"Let's go. I'm going to make that bastard puppet demon pay the price."

Skye gritted her teeth and spoke, quickly flying towards the Blood God Ship with Tony.

The puppet demon, who was fighting against Frank, Ivan, and Jarvis, noticed Skye and the others and narrowed its eyes. The little girl wasn't dead and had brought back a dimension demon god?

The Scorpion Demon God was not very powerful, but if Skye and Jarvis were together, it wouldn't be easy for the Puppet Demon God to deal with them, especially since the clothes were gone.

The Puppet Demon God was not reconciled and asked the Scorpion Demon God with mental power, "Why do you want to help humans? Let's join forces and plunder many souls together."

The Scorpion Demon God's life and death were in Skye's hands, so it dared not agree and snorted coldly, "I am the patron saint of the Inhuman Empire, and I will not join forces with you."


The Puppet Demon God cursed and ordered the Blood God Ship to self-destruct, then opened a portal in a hidden cabin to escape.

Knowing when to advance and retreat is the biggest factor in the Puppet Demon God's survival until now.

Although Jarvis discovered the portal, there was a problem with the Blood God Ship, so he could only save the Blood God Ship first.

Skye and Tony were too late. By the time they arrived at the Blood God Ship, the portal was already closed.

"Damn, he's being cheap," Tony and Skye both cursed. They didn't know that the puppet demon couldn't escape because someone was waiting for him.

The projection of the Blood God looked at the puppet demon, who came out of the space portal, and sneered, "Do you think you can bully my apprentice and run away? You're thinking too beautifully."

The puppet demon recognized Bert's identity through his breath and was shocked. "You're the one who defeated Gabriel and Michael?"

"You can die," Bert said, opening his right hand and turning it into countless blood-colored chains, which he locked onto the puppet demon.

The puppet demon was shocked and tried to escape, but found that the space was completely frozen.

"I'll fight you," said the puppet demon. Naturally, he didn't want to die. With a roar, the power of his soul fully exploded, and dense magic circles appeared in the sky, representing thunder, fire, wind, ice, and all kinds of attributes.

Immediately afterward, endless thunder and lightning, ice, fire, wind, and more merged into a torrent of elements that blasted toward Bert in a mighty manner, destroying the space wherever it passed.

This move was the strongest ultimate move of the Puppet Demon God.

"Interesting," Bert said with a flat expression. He took back the blood-colored chains, and a dazzling blood-red light shone on his body.

Then, Bert didn't retreat but advanced. He rushed into the elemental torrent like a spear and broke through it all the way, piercing the torrent abruptly.

There were no tricks, only tyrannical strength.

The Puppet Demon God's jaw was about to fall off. He knew that Blood God was strong, but he didn't know that Blood God was this strong.

Soon, Bert came to the magic circle, punched it out, and shattered all the magic circles into light spots.

Then, Bert held out his hand, and the puppet demon flew toward his palm.

"I surrender. I can dedicate my origin to you, serve you, and even call you master," the puppet demon shouted with no dignity at all.

Bert smiled disdainfully, took the puppet demon into the palm of his hand, and suppressed it in the river of blood. Bert could turn all enemies into puppets, so why should he keep a dog with ulterior motives?

The Puppet Demon God joined the line in Blood River.