Chapter 294 : Ancient One

"I've acquired another demon god. In other words, my future harvest won't be dominated by demon gods anymore, right?"

Bert stroked his chin and pondered to himself. At his level, ordinary treasures no longer catch his interest.

Suddenly, Bert sensed something and turned his head sharply. He saw that a tyrannical plane was connecting to Earth, but this was not an ordinary connection. The Tyrannical Plane intended to merge with Earth.

For the Tyrannical Plane to do this, there must be an Elder God-level entity behind it.

"Elder God?" Bert narrowed his eyes. He was at the peak of ordinary gods, only one step away from the Elder Gods. The most crucial step was to comprehend time.

All Elder Gods possess the power of time. In their dimension, they can manipulate time at will. For example, Dormammu - he is an Elder God in the Dark Dimension, but not outside of it.

In the main universe, the Elder Gods can also control time, but they are not as powerful and cannot travel through time as easily.

"The decisive battle is about to begin." Bert reported to the main body, who narrowed his eyes slightly and said to Lilith, Mercury, Blade, and the others behind him: "Get ready, I will send you back to Earth soon. We have a tough battle to fight."

Lilith and Mercury nodded simultaneously. "No problem, vampires are never afraid of tough battles."

"The Vampire Police fights tough battles every day," Blade said coolly. It's worth mentioning that there are two small black dots on his red dots, which are his sunglasses.

After all, it is the body.

"Can I not fight?" Dracula asked weakly. The tough battles he had experienced were basically as cannon fodder.

All the vampires looked at Dracula with contempt. Is this the virtue of the ancestor of vampires? Dracula smiled embarrassedly, "Just kidding, to liven up the atmosphere."

"Hopefully it was just a joke," Bert snorted and escaped from Dormammu's body.

At that moment, Dormammu had been defeated and was trapped in a Dark Aster by the Dark Ancient One. The Ancient One opened his hands and absorbed Dormammu's power.

"I don't accept it, I don't accept it..." Dormammu roared. If half of the authority was not transferred to Ancient One, which made him unable to borrow the power of the dark space, if it wasn't for the Blood God bringing vampires to play ghosts, how could he be defeated?

"Please recognize the reality, even without me, you would still lose. Otherwise, how could the Dark Dimension transfer authority to my master?" Bert sneered. "You are not even better than my master, and even the treatment is different."

Dormammu shouted, "Blood God, I won't let you go."

"Can you still turn things around?"

Bert shrugged and addressed Dark Ancient One, "Master, the big boss is coming soon, and I want to begin my research."

"The concept of time is irrelevant in the Dark Dimension. You will have infinite time to cultivate until you grasp the idea of time through space."

Dark Ancient One looked at Bert and asked, "However, my good apprentice, I have a conflict with another Ancient One. Whom do you support?"

"You are both my masters. Naturally, I won't take sides. If there is any issue, you two bosses will resolve it on your own."

Bert continued, "However, as the guardian of Earth, I will not show mercy to anyone who threatens the planet."

"Do not fret, this world is not limited to just one universe."

Dark Ancient One snorted and, with a sweep of her hand, a bright light illuminated the dark space, and in its glow, countless planets appeared.

This light beam was the timeline of the Dark Dimension.

But since no life existed in the Dark Dimension, the timeline held little significance - no matter how it was viewed, it remained a dark world.

"Dormammu, you are such a fool. In this vast space, you didn't even cultivate a single race."

Dark Ancient One snorted coldly, raised her hand, and scattered many seeds across the timeline. Then, countless battleships of dark elves materialized in the sky.

Subsequently, the dark elves emerged from the battleships in unison, knelt before Ancient One in the void, and shouted hysterically, "Greetings to the Lord of Darkness."

In the past, the dark elves had invaded Earth and were defeated by Bert. At that time, Ancient One had gathered some of their souls.

Before, the dark Ancient One had transformed these souls into seeds and scattered them into the past of the dark world. After thousands of years, the dark elves grew and fell at her feet.

This was the power of time. Bert's eyes gleamed, and then he shook his head - only in the subordinate plane could the timeline be controlled this way. In the main universe, this was impossible, and the long river of time would rebel.

Furthermore, the Time Stone froze the timeline, preventing it from branching.

"I, Ancient One, the Lord of Darkness."

Dark Ancient One opened her hand and shouted wildly. The consciousness of the Dark Dimension was highly satisfied, and the authority was fully transferred to her. Dormammu quickly vanished.

Before he died, Dormammu's consciousness finally regained its sanity. He no longer held any hatred for Ancient One and smiled bitterly, "It turns out that I was just a puppet working 24/7 year-round. Hey, I am finally free. I really shouldn't have inherited the throne of the Lord of Darkness."

Why was there no life in the Dark Dimension? Because Dormammu was a puppet. A puppet did not require entertainment or subordinates. The only thing it had to do was to keep expanding the Dark Dimension.

"With your talent, if you hadn't inherited the throne, you would have died long ago, and you wouldn't have even had the qualifications to become a god."

Dark Ancient One said disdainfully. Her authority was much greater than Dormammu's, and she still retained most of her consciousness, not a puppet.

There was no other way. Talent was rare, and Ancient One was more like a collaborator for the dark space.

Upon hearing the truth from Dark Ancient One, Dormammu gave her a hateful look and disappeared completely, leaving only a group of red lights that had been transformed from vampires in its place.

Bert waved his hand, and all the red lights returned to Earth. Quicksilver, Lilith, Blade, and others gathered their teams and prepared to enter the battlefield.

Bert smiled and said, "Congratulations, Master, for taking control of the Dark Dimension."

"This is just the beginning. Next, I will have a decisive battle with another Ancient One. The winner is gonna be the real Ancient One, the one who transcends the world and reaches a higher level,"

The Dark Ancient One shook her head and asked, "A thousand years, is it enough?"

"A thousand years is enough for me to completely absorb the Space Stone and understand time by analogy," replied Bert.

Bert nodded as he knew space and time are inherently connected. Moreover, traveling through the timeline is very helpful in understanding the ability of time.

"Good," said Bert.

The Dark Ancient One didn't waste time and waved her hand, throwing Bert into the timeline.

"A thousand years of loneliness, is this the price of becoming a strong man? It's not bad, at least it's better than losing my hair. After this battle is over, I need to rest for a while, with a few more, hundreds, maybe thousands of girls to get my humanity back," muttered Bert.

Bert looked around the empty space, shrugged, took out the last small piece of Space Stone, and began to absorb it.


In Heaven, the dragon soul clone received a notification from the projection and stopped playing with the angels. He shouted loudly, and the holy light on his body was brilliant. The spear of God in his hand seemed to tear the world apart, tearing apart the holy mountain and the space in an instant.

Before, Bert secretly swallowed a large amount of holy light energy, but now it erupted, and the holy mountain couldn't resist it at all.

Raphael and the other angels were startled and hurriedly flew into the sky, urging the holy light to become densely packed, and the overwhelming light arrows shot at Bert. Bert smiled disdainfully and swallowed all the light arrows in the middle.

Immediately afterwards, Bert spewed a large amount of green poisonous gas from his mouth. Raphael was fine, but as soon as the other angels were enveloped by the poisonous gas, they immediately fell from the sky, staggeringly.

Bert's poison is much stronger than the dragon god's poison because he absorbs a lot of poison gas in the universe, either by buying it or exchanging it.

"Hurry up and save them," shouted Raphael.

Raphael held his big sword and turned it into countless sword shadows, slashing at Bert. Bert smiled disdainfully, grabbed the holy mountain hundreds of meters high next to him, and smashed it towards Raphael.


Raphael was directly smashed by the holy mountain, and he flew out for thousands of meters.

Then, Bert flew into the sky and grabbed his big hand. The nine angel shrank and landed on his hand at the same time. Then, the dragon fire that burned all things lit up in his palm, and the nine angels kept screaming.

After a while, the nine angels turned to ashes at the same time, leaving only nine pure god-level angel cores. Every angel has an angel core, even god-level angels.

Bert shouted, "Annie, bring the angel of vengeance back."

"Yes," replied Annie and the others. They immediately got rid of their opponents and flew back to Bert. Bert didn't waste any time and punched the nine angel cores into their bodies.

"Enough to become a god? Not enough, I'll kill again," said Bert in a cold voice.

Bert asked in a cold voice, "I can't go too far with heaven. It means destroying heaven and killing the archangel, killing a countless number of angels, not to mention."

Since Bert is here, he naturally wants to take some trophies. Moreover, it is an angel's own responsibility to kill some of their gods. How can he be worthy of the Earth that was almost invaded by them if he doesn't?

"Enough, in fact, we used to be gods, but we died in battle later and were enslaved by Mephisto, resulting in a great loss of strength and falling to a lower level."

The Angel's faces showed joy at the same time, and they could finally regain their god-level strength.

"Very good."

Bert nodded in satisfaction and sent the Nine Angels of Vengeance back to Earth to restore their strength, perhaps in time for the decisive battle.

"Blood God."

Seeing that Bert used the angel to help the vengeful angel restore their strength, the angry angel Uriel's face distorted. He roared and threw a flaming spear at Bert.

The spear was so powerful that it left a straight black line behind it, piercing through space. But to Bert, it was nothing. He stretched out his hand and grabbed the spear without moving.

Uriel took a deep breath, realizing that his opponent's strength was far superior to his. No wonder Gabriel and Michael lost so miserably.

"If I shoot you, you may die."

Bert grabbed the spear with his backhand, replaced the original flame on the spear with dragon fire, and said coldly.

Uriel's eyes narrowed. Just as he was about to speak, a warning sign suddenly appeared in his heart, and he hurriedly avoided to the side. However, he found that the space was completely blocked, and he couldn't move.

Immediately afterward, a dark shadow suddenly appeared behind Uriel, and a dagger pierced his back.

Uriel opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of holy white blood. His heart was full of unwillingness and indignation - what sealed him was obviously the Cloak of God.

"Who gave you the courage to be distracted in front of me?" Elektra sneered. As the top assassin, she only needed a flaw to kill her opponent.

"God won't let you go."

Uriel said bitterly. With his strength, being pierced in the heart was not a fatal injury. However, Elektra's Vibranium dagger contained terrifying power, and once this power erupted, his body would be torn to shreds.

"God? Master is my God, and I can do anything for him."

Elektra smiled disdainfully, and at this moment, an immeasurable and irresistible majestic phantom appeared between heaven and Earth. His holy light was so strong that the whole heaven seemed to be filled with him.

Uriel and all the angels shouted at the same time: "Father!"

Bert's eyes narrowed. He turned his head to look at the virtual shadow and then sneered, "It's just a residual force. Do you think I'll be afraid?"

"Of course, you have to be afraid because I have decided to kill you at all costs."

Raphael flew up, gritted his teeth, and shouted, "Blood God, you will surely die in heaven today."

"Then try it," Bert said, smiling disdainfully. As the impending war seemed imminent, a voice suddenly interrupted: "Didn't I tell you not to go too far? How did you manage to extract the power left by God?"

Bert turned his head and saw the Ancient One, an eighteen-year-old with full hair, flying through space and ascending into heaven.

"Master, it's not my fault..."

Bert was about to speak but found that all the angels, including Raphael, fell to the ground in excitement. Even Uriel knelt, not even caring about the Vibranium dagger in his body.

Then, all the angels reverently shouted at the same time, "Father!"

"Ok?" Bert was stunned. The Ancient One smiled slightly, waved her hand, and the phantom of God disappeared immediately. Then, her clothes turned white, and her whole body was filled with pure white holy light, making it impossible to look directly at her.

Bert understood a little and asked, "Master, is that bottle of blood, contains the blood of God?"

The Ancient One nodded affirmatively, "Yes, the blood of God. I am God now."

"Why is it's God's blood?" Bert expressed his confusion. "And Master, where did you get the blood of God from? You didn't secretly take it from God, did you?" Bert made a gesture of wiping his neck. The Ancient One was speechless, and the angels glared at Bert. Bert spread his hands, expressing that his guess was reasonable.

"Unless God is willing, no one can get his blood. I have God's blood, which means that I am God's approved successor," the Ancient One said. "I am the Ancient One, and I am also God."

To all angels, the Ancient One is equivalent to the incarnation of God, no different from God.

"Is that so, God Ancient One? Interesting," Bert suddenly realized and motioned for Elektra to return to his shadow. No wonder the Master didn't let him go too far. It turned out that the whole heaven was enclosed by her, and heaven was equal to her private property.

Then, the Ancient One beckoned at the Gate of Angels, and the space hand that had trapped Gabriel and Michael flew straight in.