Chapter 295 : Kills

The Ancient One waved her hand and the large hand in the space disappeared. Gabriel and Michael, who had regained their freedom, knelt down devoutly towards the Ancient One for the first time, feeling extremely excited that God had finally come back.

"Everything that happened before was a test from heaven, Gabriel. Your heart was dishonest," the Ancient One said from high above, looking at Gabriel and Michael who were kneeling. Gabriel immediately confessed, "My lord, I was wrong, and I am willing to accept all punishments."

"Very good," the Ancient One nodded. She pointed at Bert and said, "Although he is a vampire, he has become better under my education. In the future, heaven will change the rules and no longer punish vampires unless vampires suck the blood of living people."

The angels were stunned. "No wonder the vampires suddenly changed their alignment, no wonder the Blood God can use the Spear of God and the cloak of god. It turns out that the Ancient One is educating them."

"Actually, the Blood God reminded us early in the morning, but we didn't notice it," Michael murmured to himself. "Apart from God, who else can make an ordinary person advance so quickly?"

Bert was stunned. Why did all his credit go to the Ancient One? Bert asked, "Master, aren't you taking the credit of your apprentice?"

"It's helping you clean up," the Ancient One said angrily. "When I completely master heaven, I will try to unravel the curse on your vampires and turn you back into ordinary immortals."

"That's daring," Bert nodded first, and then asked cautiously, "Master, have you done anything to God? If so, I think it's better to clean heaven."

"Hehe," the Ancient One didn't bother to pay attention to Bert. She shouted, "Organize the army, prepare to protect the Earth, and when this battle is over, you and I will go to the Dark Dimension and destroy the Lord of Darkness."

Bert's eyes flickered slightly. The Ancient One of Light and the Ancient One of Darkness had to decide the outcome after all.

"Yes, my lord," all the angels agreed in unison, and their expressions were extremely excited. For them, the Lord was everything, and fighting for the Lord was their glory.

At this time, the Ancient One noticed the God's Shield on the ground. With a move of her finger, the God's Shield flew to Bert's hand. Bert was taken aback and asked, "Master, don't you need it for self-defense?"

"I do not need it," the Ancient One shook her head and did not explain much. She looked at the tens of thousands of angels who belonged to Bert over there and said, "Those angels continue to belong to you. Be kind to them, and don't use them as cannon fodder."

"I would never treat my own people as cannon fodder," Bert shrugged and put away the Shield of God - the ownership had been changed. Then he said, "Master, I will go back to prepare first."


The Ancient One nodded, turned, and flew towards the highest peak in heaven, where God's dwelling place is. She wants to retrieve the power of God.

The four archangels immediately led a group of angels to return to the holy place with the Ancient One.

"The Ancient One of light, the Ancient One of darkness, the Master really knows how to play," Bert shook his head. He was worried that the Light Ancient One would not be a match for the Dark Ancient One. Now it seems that both sides are planning something.


"There's nowhere to run."

In Brooklyn, the Hulk rampaged like a tank, chasing after the spider demon. He rumbled and smashed all the cars and buildings on the road.

The spider demon, who had broken several legs and looked very embarrassed, escaped while releasing a large number of spiders to delay Hulk and buy himself time to escape.

"Damn, why are there monsters like this among humans?"

The spider demon scolded. In the previous battle with Hulk, he was not a match at all. His strength was completely incomparable to the opponent, and what was even more exaggerated was that the opponent had super self-healing. Finally, he managed to hurt the opponent. What the hell?

After several fierce fights, the spider demons who were wounded one after another chose to flee.

However, the spider demon didn't give up the battle. He had been quietly drawing a magic circle on the ground, which is why he didn't fly.

When the magic circle is complete, the spider demon will bring Hulk back to the spider dimension and use the power of the dimension to deal with the opponent.

"Fortunately, this guy is not smart, and he doesn't understand long-range attacks."

The spider demon sneered secretly and turned to the avenue on the right. To complete the magic circle, he needed to take the avenue on the right.

At that moment, a several meters long white bone spear shot from a distance with a straight black line at high speed. The spider demon couldn't escape and was nailed to the ground. The ground below shattered on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, the terrifying energy carried on the spear exploded, and the spider demon couldn't help but let out a shrill scream.

And this was just the beginning. Hulk used both hands to take the bone spear from the white bone wings behind him and shot it at the spider demon one after another.

As soon as those bone spears were thrown, a terrifying sonic boom sounded in front of them, and white airwaves swept the surrounding area. Not only were those little spiders blown away, but even the cars on the side of the road flew up.

In addition, the Bone Wings kept spawning Bone Spears, which meant that Bone Spears were endless.

In just ten seconds, Hulk threw hundreds of bone spears and nailed the Spider Demon God to the ground. The Spider Demon God's body was completely destroyed, and he couldn't even stand up.

"You thought my brain wasn't smart, and I couldn't attack remotely? That I could only throw rocks and cars roughly?"

Hulk made a big jump and landed in front of the spider demon with a bang, sneering, "Fool, that's all a trick. My javelin hit rate is 100%, and the Blood God specially let me practice. He said a soldier cannot have obvious shortcomings."

"Why did you know I was going to turn right?" the spider demon asked weakly. Hulk predicted his actions, so he was shot one after another.

"Because I saw through your magic circle, I, the Hulk, am actually very smart," Hulk said with a grin. He then grabbed a spear several meters long from behind and stabbed the spider demon's head with a fierce sonic boom, leaving it motionless on the ground.

"Devil, that's all you've got?" Hulk said disdainfully. At this moment, Dr. Banner reminded him, "Hulk, the devil can't die so easily. He must have escaped. It's my credit for seeing through the magic circle."

"What's the point of fighting within ourselves?" Hulk turned around and quickly locked onto another target. He jumped on a spider and stomped it to death.

"How did you know I was here?" The spirit of the spider demon flew out and shouted in disbelief. Previously, it had escaped from its shell and entered the body of the spider.

"How could I not see such obvious anger? Is it a lie for you to call me the God of anger?" Hulk sneered.

"I will die with you!" The spider demon roared and rushed towards Hulk's body. Hulk's wings bent forward and pierced into the spider demon's soul.

Immediately afterwards, the white bone wings began to absorb the soul of the spider demon, causing it to shout in horror: "What is this?"

"This is an artifact wing made by the Blood God for me. It can hold an artifact spirit. If you deliver it to me yourself, I will accept you as my servant. If I find a better one, I will replace you. Lose." Hulk said.

"No!" The spider demon shouted in horror, but it could not escape the suction of the white bone wings and was quickly sucked into them.

Afterwards, a large number of spider patterns appeared on the white bone wings, which looked very mysterious. This wing was not made by the Ancient One, but by Bert himself.

As for the Ancient One's artifact refining skills, Bert had already learned a lot of it. "It's done, but I can't call it a day," Hulk exhaled and put the bone wings into his body.

Dr. Banner asked, "Hulk, you already know that Bert is not dead, so why can you still maintain the state of the God of Wrath? Where does your anger come from?"

"My anger comes from those bastard invaders. The Earth is fine, and we didn't mess with them. Why did they invade us? Look around, a good New York, what has been destroyed, and I don't know how much it will cost to rebuild?" Hulk looked at the ruins and cursed.

Dr. Banner said, "It's really annoying, but then again, you seem to have caused most of the damage, right?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? I am telling the truth... No, what nonsense, it is obviously caused by the spider demon. What does it have to do with me Hulk?" Hulk shouted with a guilty conscience. Most of the damage was not his fault, but at least half of it was, and there was no denying that with his current strength, even his fist could destroy buildings.

'God-level power is too terrifying. We can't allow god-level power to enter the Earth. Maybe I can cooperate with Dr. Reed to develop an instrument to monitor god-level power,' Dr. Banner muttered to himself. Hulk was too lazy to pay attention to these things and rushed towards the other monsters around.

"Be careful, the Hulk is here."

With these words, a large number of monsters were smashed to pieces.


In the Bat dimension, Black Bolt unleashed an unprecedented sound that quickly destroyed the Bat Demon God's body, despite its attempts to stop it. As the last syllable of the sound echoed, the bat demon shattered completely, and its soul was severely damaged, prompting it to use the power of dimension to hide.

"Why didn't I use the power of dimensions before? With my strength and the power of dimensions, it wouldn't be difficult to kill that guy," the bat demon wondered, puzzled by its previous inaction.

After some hesitation, the Bat Demon God decided not to fight with Black Bolt any longer. It quickly released the connection between the spider dimension and Earth and prepared to flee, recognizing that it lacked its original strength.

Before Black Bolt, the hundreds of thousands of batmen around were shattered by the singing. Black Bolt was thrilled, having finally mastered his power. He had used the rhythm of his singing to superimpose part of his power into the final sound, something he had never done before. This meant that he could now control his superpowers and would continue to improve with time.

Lockjaw barked at a small space crack, and Black Bolt gestured for it to go, and they both disappeared from the Bat dimension.

Seeing the Black Bolt depart, the Bat Demon God breathed a sigh of relief. But it was short-lived because it suddenly heard a voice and turned to see a blood-colored vortex. It was soon sucked into it uncontrollably, becoming a new puppet.

"Want to escape? Dream on," the Blood God Projection sneered. If the Bat Demon God dared to invade Earth, it must be prepared to face the consequences.


The extraterritorial void. The time cycle had begun again. Strange said, "I'm here to kill you and Kaecilius." He said this every time to remind himself of his purpose for this journey.

Before Strange could finish speaking, Doom charged towards the three laughing crow gods. Strange and Mordo saw this and immediately retreated at the fastest speed.

"This lunatic," both Strange and Mordo cursed. After thousands of nuclear bomb explosions, Doom had come up with a formula that allowed him to absorb nuclear energy and transform.

The problem was, the success rate of this formula was only 1 in 10,000. Hundreds of times before, Doom had not succeeded once, and every time he had died at the beginning of the game--died from the explosion of five nuclear bombs.

That's right, five nuclear bombs. There was no doubt that whoever made Doom's partner rich had given him access to more than five nuclear bombs.

This time was no exception. After Doom rushed up, he immediately released five nuclear bombs and detonated them before the three crows could react. Five dazzling white lights lit up in the void, turning the surroundings into a hot hell.

"My formula can't be wrong. I'm sure to succeed," Doom exclaimed confidently. He used magic and electric current to protect his body from heat and radiation.

Hundreds of times before, Doom had disappeared completely after a minute, but this time, his body gradually changed due to radiation and high temperature, and even the electric current gradually changed from blue to deep red.

"I knew that I could succeed. My formula really only has a one in ten thousand probability, but Strange's time loop turned one ten thousandth into one hundred percent."

Leaving aside the transforming Doom for the time being, the five nuclear bombs were extremely powerful, and even the God of the Three Crows was severely injured, dragging the injured body to flee into the distance.

Kaecilius and the others were also screaming--their eyes and bodies had suffered huge injuries, but they did not die. On the one hand, they were far away, on the other hand, there was no air in the void, and the lethality of the nuclear bomb decreased significantly.

If this had happened on Earth, a shock wave would have swept across, and both Kaecilius and Strange would have died.

"This lunatic," Kaecilius and the others cursed as they fled at the fastest speed. When they escaped to a safe area, they immediately stimulated the power of darkness, and their injuries recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Kaecilius and his followers had been transformed into dark beings, and as long as there was dark energy, they would not die