Chapter 296 : Nuclear Doom

"It's a bunch of disgusting guys. It's not enough to kill them many times."

During the previous nuclear explosion, Mordo managed to hide fast enough and was not injured. Once the light of the nuclear explosion faded, he rushed towards Kaecilius and his allies.

With a wave of his space blade, he managed to cut off one of the mages. The mage screamed in agony, but he did not die. Black energy poured out of his wound, attempting to reconnect.

Mordo snorted coldly and set his opponent on fire with magical flames.

At this point, Kaecilius regained his senses. Seeing the tragic state of his subordinates, he became enraged and pulled Mordo towards him through space. Once they met, Kaecilius pulled out two space knives, and he and Mordo engaged in hand-to-hand combat without the use of spells.

Kaecilius opened his mouth to say something while slashing at Mordo, and at that moment, Mordo took the initiative and said, "Are you going to say: 'Mordo, in terms of melee combat, you have never defeated me, not once. No, in front of me, you are a piece of shit.'"

Taken aback, Kaecilius wondered how Mordo knew what he was going to say. He snorted coldly and responded, "Mordo, I am your senior brother. I taught you all your skills. How can you beat me?"

"Because I have killed you thousands of times." Mordo smiled disdainfully, raised his blade to block Kaecilius' attack, and then, with a flick of his wrist, he slashed his space blade straight towards his opponent's palm.

Kaecilius changed his moves in haste, but to his surprise, Mordo, like a prophet, followed the gap in the change and left a long wound on his chest. Unwilling to give up, Kaecilius attacked again.

Mordo remained calm, following his old routine, and showed no surprise whatsoever. Ten seconds later, Mordo chopped off Kaecilius' head. Mordo was still calm. He had done this kind of thing thousands of times and was used to it.

Furthermore, Kaecilius was not truly dead. As long as there was dark energy, he would not die. Once several other mages saw Kaecilius' defeat, they immediately used their magic whips to restrain Mordo.

Mordo snorted coldly, opened the Mirror Dimension, and nine voodoo corpses emerged. A sturdy voodoo corpse, over three meters tall, raised his hand and grabbed a few magic whips. He pulled them hard, and several mages involuntarily flew towards him at the same time. Before a few mages could reach the burly voodoo corpse, a long-haired voodoo corpse grew its hair rapidly, trapping them in its snare.

At the same time, black light burst out from several mages, as they attempted to break free from the shackles of the hair. Suddenly, a lot of cold air rushed in, freezing them in place. The shot was from an ice voodoo corpse.

At the same time, another voodoo corpse swam quickly beside Kaecilius' corpse and sliced it. This was the speed voodoo zombie. Kaecilius' dark soul was separated from his body, and he shouted incredulously, "Mordo, how can your voodoo corpses be so powerful?"

"I have told you many times, so I don't want to explain anymore. It's boring." Mordo shrugged. In the previous thousands of cycles, he had been researching the methods to improve his voodoo zombies.

In the end, he used Wade's blood and the blood of some monsters to successfully create a supernatural voodoo zombie. It is worth mentioning that the success rate of the supernatural voodoo zombie is very low. This time there are nine, which is already the highest record.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Kaecilius couldn't understand. The soul roared and rushed towards Mordo. Mordo snorted coldly, and the soul unsheathed. Kaecilius was surprised when he saw his soul because the other party's soul was glowing. The glow of the soul means that the soul of the other party is pure to a certain extent, which can be called the Holy Spirit.

Kaecilius shouted in shock and jealousy, "How can your soul be so strong?"

"Probably because of too many deaths!" Mordo said very indifferently. Although the time cycle will make everything start again, experience and self-transformation will not. The soul, in addition to quantity, also has quality. The repeated experience of death and rebirth has sublimated the quality of Mordo's soul. The same is true for Doom and Strange. The three are completely different from before.

"You must have used sacrificial black magic, right?" Kaecilius shouted a little hysterically. I won't have such strength even if I sell myself to Dormammu as a dog, why are you so strong? It's not fair!

"Yes, yes, yes, you are right." Mordo was too lazy to talk nonsense, rushed up, grabbed Kaecilius, and beat him. He said fiercely, "Kaecilius, thank you for your immortality, so that I can keep beating you. You dare to betray Kamar-Taj, who gave you the courage?"

Kaecilius tried to resist, but he couldn't beat Mordo at all. Although he had the power of darkness, in front of the current Mordo, it was not worth mentioning at all.

While Mordo continued to abuse Kaecilius, Strange was dealing with three injured Raven gods. He didn't talk nonsense. The opening move was the Images of Ikonn, and thirteen of him were floating in the air at the same time.

Unlike the previous simplified version, Strange is now using the full version, that is, thirteen Stranges, all real.

"Die, I want you to die without a corpse." The black Ravens whose wings were blown off by the nuclear bomb, roared. Countless black feathers shot at Strange like sharp arrows. The other two Raven Gods were not idle either. The White Raven God opened his mouth and sprayed a white beam of light towards one of Strange, while the Fire Raven God controlled the sky and attacked the thirteen Stranges.

"It's still the same." Strange's expression was very dull. Thirteen of them cast spells at the same time, and a translucent barrier blocked in front of him, blocking all attacks. The barrier then turned into transparent butterflies flying around. This is the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth. He has not yet been fully trained, but he can already resist God-level attacks.

"How is this possible?" The three Raven gods were a little surprised. How could the ant-like characters be able to block their attack?

The Raven God was astonished as Strange had expected. Ten of them simultaneously cast Crimson Bands of Cyttorak to bind the three Raven Gods. The three Ravens were furious and struggled hard. With their strength, they could regain their freedom in one second. Fortunately, what Strange wanted was this second.

The three Stranges cast spells at the same time, and a magnificent colorful sword light suddenly appeared in the void, illuminating the entire surroundings.It was Kamar-Taj's signature swordsmanship that shocked many dimensions, the colorful Sacred Sword of Vishanti.

"The Sacred Sword of Vishanti!"

The three Ravens couldn't help exclaiming and quickly protected themselves by various means. Strange smiled slightly and controlled the holy sword to slash down towards the God of black Ravens, who was the most severely injured.

Although the God of Black Raven tried his best to defend, the Seven-Colored Holy Sword was too strong, and all the defensive magic was split open by its sword. Then, the Holy Sword slashed straight into the back of the God of Black Raven, splitting him into two parts.

The God of Black Raven raised his head and let out a shrill scream. His whole body's magic power frantically blocked the colorful holy sword. The speed of the holy sword was getting slower and slower, and finally, it got stuck in the black Raven's body and slowly disappeared, failing to divide him into two.

"Is it still not possible?" Strange sighed secretly. His strength was still not enough, and he could only inflict heavy damage on the God of Black Ravens but could not beat him to the brink of death.

Next, the God of three Ravens will fight back angrily, killing him within three minutes - Strange's longest one only lasted for three minutes. Just as Strange was preparing to defend, a violent crimson light slammed on the head of the God of Black Ravens.

The God of Black Ravens used his magic power to fight against the colorful holy sword, unable to resist, and his head exploded on the spot. Blood sputtered around. Strange turned his head in surprise and found that Doom's body was glowing with a dazzling red light of nuclear energy, flying fiercely from a distance.

Strange said happily, "One in ten thousand?"

"One in ten thousand," Doom grinned. He made the bet, and now he is a moving nuclear bomb.

"Looks like this will be the last time," Strange said excitedly, and Doom said, "Hopefully, otherwise, no one knows when the next one in ten thousand will appear." At this time, the other two Raven gods broke free and attacked Strange and Doom angrily.

At the same time, the Head of Black Ravens began to regenerate. "The rebirth of the God of Black Ravens is not slow, we must solve them in a short time." While blocking the attack of the Fire Raven God with a thirteen-fold magic shield, Strange shouted to Doom.

"You don't need to tell me, I know." Doom raised his hand, and a magic circle appeared in the palm of his hand. Then, a nuclear beam shot out, and the beam of light from the God of White Ravens slammed together to create a big explosion, and a lot of cracks appeared in the surrounding void.

"God, nothing more than that." Doom smiled grimly, sprayed nuclear energy from both feet, and suddenly appeared above the God of White Ravens. Then, his right fist slammed into the back of God of White Ravens like a cannonball.

Even the God of White Ravens was beaten down hundreds of meters. Doom's movements and attacks are all motivated by nuclear energy, which is extremely powerful. Kamar-Taj's mages are not proficient in melee combat? Doom's power was unforgiving, and he opened his mouth to spurt a huge wave of heat.

The God of White Raven, who had just flown up, let out a shrill scream, kept falling, and his back was continuously melted by the high temperature.

"I'm Doom, Doom the Destroyer," said Doom as he laughed and chased down the God of White Ravens, pressing him and beating him hard. The God of White Ravens was becoming more and more injured, and was no match for Doom. He was extremely embarrassed.

"It seems that I won't be catching up with Doom in my life,"

Doom's amazing performance made Strange marvel. Of course, Strange was no slouch himself. Some of his thirteen clones cast confinement spells, while others used defensive and attacking spells, like Bolts of Balthakk and fire spells, hitting the God of White Ravens repeatedly. The God of White Ravens screamed again and again.

In a one-on-one fight, Strange has the ability to defeat his opponent. Otherwise, wouldn't he have died in vain thousands of times?

"Why are these two guys so strong?" wondered the God of Fire Ravens and the God of White Ravens. It was completely different from the level they had shown before.

Is it possible they were acting, pretending to be weak to catch their enemies off guard? Damn, people on Earth are so insidious!

Although they were completely at a disadvantage, the God of Fire Ravens and the God of White Ravens did not admit defeat. They believed that when the God of Black Ravens recovered, they would be able to reverse the situation and crush these two guys to pieces.

Just then, three voodoo corpses appeared next to the God of Black Ravens. The one on the left kept spewing fire, the one on the right was cold, and the one in the middle emitted lasers from both hands. The God of Black Ravens, who had just recovered a little, had his head destroyed again.

"Have you forgotten about me? Although it's dark here, my teeth are very white," said Mordo as he beat Kaecilius. The two Raven gods were furious and added to their despair.

"Escape!" said the God of Fire Ravens and the God of White Ravens, looking at each other. They chose to retreat. As for the God of Black Ravens, it was his bad luck to encounter such a sinister Earthlings.

"Want to escape? Dream on!" shouted Doom as he saw through the God of White Ravens' intentions. His nuclear energy exploded all over his body, turning into a huge red ball of light that slammed into the God of White Ravens.

Immediately afterwards, the red ball of light exploded, filling the sky with red. Half of the God of White Ravens' body was lost on the spot. Doom's nuclear explosion was more concentrated and powerful.

The God of White Ravens was terrified. Before the red light dissipated, he dragged his broken body and fled into the distance. Doom sneered and urged his nuclear energy to chase after him.

The God of Fire Ravens saw that the God of White Ravens had failed miserably and quickly burst into flames all over his body. He blasted a crack in space and escaped into it.

Strange smiled disdainfully as the thirteen figures simultaneously cast their magic. The space crack suddenly shattered into a space storm, and the body of the God of Fire Raven was instantly smashed, leaving only the soul to escape in confusion.

Immediately, Strange used the sealing technique to trap the soul of the God of Fire Ravens in a small space. A divine soul is very valuable and can even be used to create an artifact.

After obtaining the soul of the God of Fire Ravens, Strange turned to help Voodoo Corpse deal with the God of Black Ravens. After a while, they completely wiped out the struggling God of Black Ravens.

As soon as they dealt with the God of Black Raven, Doom returned with half of the corpse of the God of White Raven. He threw the corpse to Mordo, who was in an out-of-body state, and said, "Let's see if we can refine the corpse into a voodoo corpse."

"This is possible," Mordo said, his eyes lighting up as he put away all the god-level flesh and blood around him.

Strange lifted Images of Ikonn spell, looking hesitant. Doom glanced at him and said, "Don't worry about Mordo, he has a bottom line."

"I'm not worried about Mordo," Strange replied. "I'm worried about you. The radiation on your body is very dangerous."

Doom's face turned black. This kid has not been repaired for a while, and he has become arrogant.

Mordo was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly asked, "Doom, you shouldn't have radiation on your body, right?"

"How could it not be?" Doom said while restraining the red light. "You are now standing at the center of the nuclear explosion."

Strange and Mordo were startled at the same time and quickly fled back. Doom sneered and was too lazy to explain - he did have radiation on him, but most of it was under control. It didn't matter.

"Okay, don't waste time," Doom said. "Now only Kaecilius and the others are left. Let's quickly solve them, end this Time loop, and stop dying thousands of times. I'm going crazy."

"We're going crazy too," Strange and Mordo nodded at the same time. If they hadn't persisted in their hearts, they would have been unable to support it.