Chapter 297 : Planar Invasion

Kaecilius' expression was dull, not because Mordo was beating him, but because he couldn't believe what he saw.

"How can you be so powerful that even gods can be slaughtered?" Kaecilius shouted. "Weren't we all the same before? Can we still be called to be on the same level?"

"Why are we so powerful?" Hearing this question, the three of them looked at each other and shook their heads. "Even if you die thousands of times, you would still be strong, assuming your soul doesn't collapse," Strange replied.

Doom said impatiently, "Hurry up and deal with him. About The Ancient One, we still don't know what's going on."

Mordo replied, "I've spent almost all the dark energy on him, but killing him may attract Dormammu's attention. After all, he is Dormammu's dog now."

Strange hesitated for a moment and said, "Kill him, just to test who won between Dormammu and the Ancient One."

"Good," Mordo agreed, and he tore Kaecilius' soul in half.

Kaecilius was not dead, and he roared, "Dormammu will not let you go! You will surely die, and I will live forever in the Dark Dimension."

Strange was about to say something when a huge will came and smiled. "Eternal life? Dormammu himself died. How can he give you eternal life?"

"Master Ancient One?" Strange's heart sank. The Ancient One won without any surprise, and next, they will have to deal with the Ancient One, who is ten times more difficult than Dormammu.

"Ancient One!" Kaecilius was dumbfounded. 'After changing jobs, the new company was acquired by the old owner. What should I do?'

Kaecilius shouted at the fastest speed, "Ancient One, I am willing to work for you."

Dark Ancient One said, "Kaecilius, although you betrayed me, you are still my disciple, so I am willing to free you."

Kaecilius' complexion changed drastically, and he hurriedly shouted, "Ancient One, I don't want to be free. I am willing to be your slave."

"I said I will give you liberation, and I will give you liberation. You are not qualified to say no." Dark Ancient One snorted coldly, and all the dark energy from Kaecilius and others was taken away. Then, Kaecilius and the others vanished into ashes and ceased to exist.

As soon as Kaecilius and the others died, the time loop was immediately broken, and time returned to normal.

Then, Dark Ancient One turned her gaze to the three Stranges and asked, "Are you three willing to surrender to the Dark Dimension? I can give you immortality and a part of the dark authority."

Dark Ancient One's eyes were extremely oppressive, but none of the three were shaken. Strange bowed respectfully and said, "Master Ancient One, I respect you very much, but I will not join the Dark Dimension. I am the Sorcerer Supreme. Master, I will do my best to protect the Earth."

"Master Ancient One, I am not a good person, but I always remember your teachings. Protecting the world is everyone's duty," Doom said.

"So, sorry, I won't surrender to you," Mordo added, equally resolute. "Master, I admire you very much, but I have a bottom line. I will use voodoo magic to protect the Earth."

Upon hearing the statements of the three disciples, the Dark Ancient One smiled with satisfaction and said, "I read you right, you are very good. In the future, you and the Blood God will guard Earth and Kamar-Taj."

The three were stunned, and Doom asked, "Master Ancient One, have you not been eroded by the Dark Dimension?"

"Of course not. Your master, I will not leave troubles for your disciples, nor will I be like the old guy Odin, who always cheats his own children."

The Dark Ancient One smiled and continued, "Whether it is Heaven or the Dark Dimension, I will help you solve it. You don't have to worry. Strange, you are still a little far from becoming the real Sorcerer Supreme. You must work harder. The position of the Sorcerer Supreme is not so easy to attain.

I have been the Sorcerer Supreme for hundreds of years, and I wanted to retire every day. I hope you will not fall into the same pain as me. Doom, you are too bold. Be careful not to blow up the Earth.

Mordo, black magic is not a problem, but you have to remember that the bottom line cannot be crossed. Once you cross, the bottom line will collapse."

"Thank you, Master, for your teachings."

The three of them bowed respectfully at the same time, and they breathed a sigh of relief. They had the courage to fight the Ancient One, but they did not have the confidence to defeat her.

Fortunately, the Ancient One was still very reliable and did not leave any major holes for them.

"Okay, go back and prepare. The decisive battle is about to begin."

The Dark Ancient One took her consciousness back, and Strange turned his head to look at Doom and said, "I'll give you a spell. Otherwise, all reinforcements will end up in the hospital after this battle is over."

"I will do it myself," Doom said angrily. "Do your Sorcerer Supreme job well, and don't rely too much on the Time Stone. If you use it too much, it will be useless."

"I know the real purpose of the Time Stone," Strange replied with a smile. He knows that the Time Stone was not meant to be used to fight or change the past, but rather to gain information about the future. Since the future is not fixed, the backlash is small.

Doom glanced at Strange, and said no more. The other party was already a Sorcerer Supreme, and he didn't need to teach him anymore. Strange then joked, "When did you teach me? You just beat me every day!"

Mordo asked, "What is the decisive battle that Master said?"

"You'll know in a while," replied Strange, shaking his head. They returned to the battlefield and found that the situation was very good. The three god-level existences of Black Bolt, Hulk, and Scorpion Demon swept across New York, and the invading monsters were wiped out one after another. There were so many strong people on Earth, yet they all decided to wait and see.

The dimension demon lords were very greedy for life and fear of death.

"Good," Doom nodded. "Earthlings, never be sitting ducks."

Upon seeing Strange and the others returning, Steve was overjoyed and hurriedly greeted them. He asked, "You Three, although the situation is good now, it can't go on like this forever. How can we end this?"

"If we want to end all this, we must reverse time and restore the three major Sanctums. However, don't worry for now. My master said that a super boss is coming," said Strange.

At that moment, Veronica was slowly falling from the sky, and Tony asked, "What did your master say? Didn't you say before that your master would turn dark?"

"Fortunately, she didn't turn dark. Otherwise, the Earth might have been destroyed," Strange replied.

Strange said, "Get ready. The big one should be coming soon."

"I'll get everyone ready," Steve offered. "You don't have to worry too much. Bert is not dead; he will handle it all,"

"Bert isn't dead?" The three of them were stunned for a moment.

Doom's heart moved, and he said, "This is a game set up by Blood God and Ancient One, a game against Dormammu."

"I think so," Tony nodded.

"Speaking of which, they played too much this time, and New York is in ruins," Tony added.

"It's worth killing as many New Yorks as Dormammu can, not to mention that Bert moved people away beforehand," Strange said.

"The Blood God is the Blood God, and he will not sacrifice innocent people easily," Tony agreed. "Of course, Bert's character is still guaranteed, only a little worse than me,"

"If the character of the Blood God should be the same as yours. The world has long since become his," Doom sneered.

Tony was about to refute when the whole Earth shook at the same time. Then, a huge plain phantom appeared opposite New York City and gradually connected with it.

Everyone's faces were tense as they knew the big one had come.

After a while, the Earth shook again, and the phantom solidified. The army of snakes composed of various snakes and snake-men appeared in everyone's sight, and everyone was suffocated.

There were too many snake troops, almost filling the entire plain. In addition, a large number of giant snakes in the snake army exuded powerful fluctuations, and even the air froze.

Steve couldn't help but swallow, wondering if this big boss was too exaggerated.

Strange exhaled and said, "This is a real plane invasion."

"It's scary, but no matter what, humanity will not surrender," Steve said firmly.

He stood on the Hydra and shouted, "Guardians, Assemble."

All the warriors gathered under the Hydra, and Hulk, Black Bolt, Tony, and others stood at the forefront, looking at the opposite side without fear. This is their homeland, and they will never allow others to destroy it.

At the same time, the Dark Aster, Blood God Ship, and other battleships flew into the air in unison, ready for battle.

Seeing this, the snake tribe army was very disdainful. Compared with them, the number of humans was too small, even if the high-level human beings kept sending elite reinforcements.

At that moment, a colorful light fell, and Thor, the God of Thunder, descended from the sky with the golden Asgardian warriors.

Thor raised his hammer and shouted, "Asgard, here to help." The warriors of Asgard roared in unison. Although their opponents were strong, the Asgardians were fearless.

It is worth mentioning that Lorelei, the enchanting witch, is also in the Asgard camp, and she has been improving her divine power in Asgard for some time ago.

"You are welcome, and thank you,"

Steve was overjoyed and shouted excitedly. At that moment, a large ray of light fell on the right side of the human army, and the War Abomination, War Lizards, Unmanned Battle Armors, and the elite Vampire Army appeared out of thin air.

"On behalf of the Vampires, join the war," Dracula shouted loudly. Lilith, Mercury, Carter, Blade, and many other Vampires shouted in unison. The Vampires, also a part of Earth, had an obligation to protect it.

"Carter!" Steve was ecstatic when he saw Carter. Great, Carter wasn't dead.

"The Vampires are indeed real." New Yorkers and the audience who watched all of this live through the broadcast were not too shocked. After all, the news of the Vampires had been passed on so many times; basically, it was separated by a layer of paper.

This was not over yet; a large number of angels led by the Nine Angels of Vengeance appeared on the left side of the human army, and the bright holy light illuminated the entire New York City.

The Nine Angels of Vengeance had recovered their God-level strength. Although they were weaker than the extraterrestrial demon gods, they could kill the Demon King by joining forces.

Immediately afterward, the God of War, Ares appeared in front of the Terran army with a group of Arena Masters. He held his axe and shouted loudly, "War God Ares, ordered by the Blood God, to join the war."

Before Ares finished speaking, the Sovereign unmanned fighter plane, the Xandar shuttle fighter plane, and the huge Celestial's heads appeared in the air at the same time.

"Sovereign was ordered by the Blood God to come and fight."

"Xandar, come to aid allies."

"Under the Blood God, the Celestial's Head, come to join the battle."

"So many reinforcements?" The human army and the audience couldn't help cheering. They didn't expect that there were so many reinforcements on Earth, including aliens, Ares, the God of War, and a head of a Celestial about the size of a small city.

"The Celestial's Head that day is very powerful at first glance, isn't it?"

Many people thought to themselves that they were more curious about the Blood God in their hearts.

"The Earth will never admit defeat."

Seeing reinforcements coming one after another, Steve shouted excitedly, and everyone roared in unison, "The Earth will never admit defeat."

The snake army, who saw the human aura like a rainbow, snorted again and again. The commander, a three-headed snake over a thousand meters long, was about to speak. At this moment, a huge snake shadow appeared over the plain.

It was indescribably enormous, feeling bigger than the entire plain. As soon as the snake shadow appeared, the entire sky darkened. It wasn't that the sunlight was blocked by it, but the sunlight was swallowed by it. At the same time, the space and time around the snake shadow became extremely chaotic, and it seemed like the whole world was distorted.

The Serpent-God Seth arrived, and the army of the snake tribe knelt down to welcome the arrival of the god.

The human army, who had just been boosted by their morale, suddenly quieted down, as if their hearts were being pressed down by a mountain.

"Humanity will be destroyed today," Seth's icy voice resounded in the minds of everyone on Earth. He would kill the Blood God today and destroy the Earth, no matter what.

"It seems that the door of the main universe will be completely opened today."

A few phantoms appeared out of thin air around Seth, which were other Elder Gods who came to watch the show, including the Crimson Demon God and the Beholder.

"Humanity will not be destroyed today, as I said in ancient times."

With a domineering voice, half of the sky turned black. The Dark Ancient One led the densely packed dark elf battleships and looked at Seth.

"That's right, I said it."

Immediately after, the other half of the sky was full of light. The Light Ancient One led an endless army of angels floating in the air, looking at the Elder Gods proudly.

"Ancient One!"

The Elder Gods were greatly shocked. Ancient One did not die but occupied the Heaven and the Dark Dimension and became the master of light and darkness?


The Dark Ancient One was okay. Strange and others had seen her before. The bright Ancient One made them stunned. How did the master become a god? Even her hair grows out.

The New Yorkers outside were also dumbfounded. Isn't the angels bad? How can it be good again? Also, who is that figure with holy light all over her body? God? Well, God is a woman?

"Ancient One, you can't stop me."

Seth's huge mouth roared: "Also, bring the Blood God here. Today, I must swallow him!"