Chapter 299 : Fierce Battle

"Ugly? What do you know? This shape is meant to deter the enemy. The more hideous, the better," Hela responded, dissatisfied with Little Hela's evaluation. She had put a lot of effort into designing this look.

"Beauty is the most important thing these days, whether you're a hero or a villain. As long as you're beautiful enough, you can get away with anything," Little Hela retorted, straightening her hair. She then waved her hand, and a jet-black cloak made of the aura of death appeared out of thin air behind her, flying recklessly in the air and looking flamboyant.

"Ridiculous," Hela scoffed, secretly trying to erode Little Hela's soul and turn her back into her avatar.

Sensing Hela's movement, Little Hela snorted coldly and protected her soul with the Light dragon's soul. She then asked, "Weapons. Can your Nightsword be transmitted here?"

Hela sneered, "If the Nightsword could come out, I would have brought it with me long ago."

"That can be changed to a weapon," Little Hela retorted, looking up at the sky full of thunder where Thor was standing.

As Thor showed off his power, he suddenly felt a chill in his heart. He had a feeling that his wife was going to be stolen, or rather, his hammer was going to be stolen. He quickly grabbed the hammer, relieved when nothing happened. He couldn't live without the hammer, as the axe was not finished.

"Although Mjölnir is easy to use, I've used it too many times and I'm a little tired. Gungnir!" Little Hela raised her hand and shouted loudly.

Hela sneered, "You think too much. How could that old Odin give you his weapon? That's the symbol of Asgardian kingship."

The next moment, an electric light fell from the sky and landed in the hands of Little Hela. It was the Spear of Heaven, Gungnir.

Hela shouted in disbelief, "How is this possible?"

"Why is it impossible? The old man hurt me deeply. Besides, it's just a spear. It doesn't mean anything," Little Hela laughed.

At the same time, outside New York, Valkyrie asked Odin in astonishment, "You actually gave Gungnir to Hela? Odin, have you lost your mind?"

"If Hela can turn back, what harm can Gungnir do?" Odin sighed. He didn't care about the throne anymore, because he had already seen that no matter what, it couldn't be worse than that Thor bastard, right?

The Valkyrie looked a little ugly as she said, "Don't forget your promise to me."

"I won't forget. After this war is over, I'll let the Blood God release Hela and then revive the other Valkyries," Odin replied. "I have to use my last chance to make Hela turn back. It's my responsibility, and I can't avoid it."

The Valkyrie sneered, "Make Hela turn back? I think you should buy insurance in advance. By the way, make me the beneficiary."

"Are you not afraid of being beaten to death by the queen?" Odin complained that the Valkyrie had also fallen.

Let's turn the camera back to the battlefield. After obtaining Gungnir, Little Hela did not waste time and rushed to the front line. She then knocked Gungnir to the ground, and a large number of basilisks emerged from the ground and pierced into the air.

The snake army was shocked, and a snake lord immediately rushed over to attack Little Hela. Little Hela lifted Gungnir, and tens of thousands of spear shadows suddenly appeared in the sky. Then, they all fell down and pinned the snake lord to the ground.

It's not that the snake lord was weak, but Little Hela was too strong. Tens of thousands of spear shadows fell, and even the void was frozen.

"I am the Goddess of Death, Hela, your queen," Little Hela shouted. Gungnir's phantom turned into black gas and merged into the basilisk's body. The basilisks suddenly resurrected, roaring and killing other snake people.

"Eternal Flame," Hela took a deep breath and asked, "Odin even gave you this?"

Little Hela replied, "No, he gave half of the deal to my master."

Hela said sourly, "Your master is so generous. He is willing to give you the Eternal Flame."

"His own share was not given." While controlling the spear to shoot the snakes, Little Hela said, "What he gave me is half of Odin's Eternal Flame."

Hela was speechless. This was really Master's style.

Little Hela's performance made countless people look at her. Thor saw it too and laughed proudly, "That's my younger sister. Isn't she amazing?"

At this moment, a spear shadow fell from the sky and hit Thor's head. Little Hela snorted coldly, "Idiot, I'm your older sister, Royal Highness, Princess of Asgard."

"Sister? Who are you lying to? Wait a minute, eldest princess? Isn't your inheritance right above me?"

Thor blinked and shouted, "Hai, from today onwards, you are my sister. After this battle, I will give you the position of acting king immediately. After all, you are the first heir, and I cannot rob your position."

Thor thought he was too smart. He would be a free husky in the future, ahem, a free Thor.

Odin outside New York almost vomited blood. If he had such a son, why not be so angry?

The Valkyrie was also speechless. She now fully understood why Odin was so open.

Not only was the Valkyrie speechless, but Hela also rolled her eyes. She repeatedly complained, "Why did Odin raise a silly and sweet son? Also, that's the throne. Could you please respect it? For that position, the old lady used Nightsword to kill from the Bifrost Bridge to the palace. If you behave like this now, the old lady will feel that she was stupid back then. In addition, are you sure that you have no problem with your mind? You actually called someone else sister in order to let go of the throne?"

Little Hela said, "Asgard's husky, you can get used to it. By the way, you have a younger brother. He likes to wear women's clothes, and he also has a crush on his brother. Every day, he is betrayed in exchange for his brother's attention."

"What kind of family is this?" Hela felt a little embarrassed, and then her murderousness increased, "Such a wonderful family should all be killed, so as not to keep embarrassing."

"You're the weirdest one."

Little Hela complained and used Gungnir to kill the Quartet with a brilliant record.

"That woman has the power of Asgard?"

On the battlefield, Lorelei, who was dressed in gorgeous clothes and strolled in like she was in the courtyard, looked at Hela curiously. Why didn't Asgard have such a god?

"Hey, hurry up, I'm so bored." Carol said impatiently. She was in charge of protecting Lorelei, and Lorelei would be attacked a lot.

"I've made sure that the basilisk is not interested in me. Fortunately, the snake man is very interested in me."

Lorelei smiled slightly, stretched out her hand, and a huge phantom appeared out of thin air. Then, the phantom said, "I want to eat snake soup."

"Kill the basilisk and make snake soup for the goddess."

All the snake men who heard Lorelei's voice and saw Lorelei's phantom betrayed them on the spot and killed the nearby basilisks. The goddess wanted to eat snake soup, of course, they had to do it. If they couldn't get the snake soup, they cut themselves to the goddess.

With just one sentence, she turned tens of thousands of snake armies against themselves. This is the upgraded version of the succubus witch.

"Witch, do you dare?"

Immediately, a snake rushed over and planned to kill this evildoer. Lorelei saw that the other party was a snake man and blew a kiss directly at him. The snake god's eyes flashed red on the spot and shouted loudly: "Goddess, I'll get it for you. God-level snake soup."

After speaking, the snake charged towards a giant snake several hundred meters long.

Carol was surprised: "You can control all of them?"

"It didn't work before, but now it can."

Lorelei said with a smile. In fact, it was not only the snake men who were affected, the pilots of Xandar were also affected when they saw Lorelei - they were so excited and full of energy that they wanted to perform well in front of the goddess.

Lorelei is a popular star of Xandar, and a certain centurion was very upset about it and even cursed her with a dirty word.

The Snake commander discovered Lorelei's huge damage and immediately sent a red magma snake to deal with Lorelei.

The magma snake said nothing and immediately spewed out a huge mass of magma with a diameter of hundreds of meters at Lorelei.

"It's finally time to make a move."

Carol rushed up immediately and punched the magma back in front of the giant snake. Then, she fell like a meteor, kicked the magma giant snake away with one foot, and slid thousands of meters on the ground.

After Bert's strict teaching, Carol has changed from what she used to be, and her control is even stronger. Otherwise, it would be impossible to beat back the liquid magma.

With the addition of Little Hela and Lorelei, the situation improved rapidly. These two are both strategic-level 'weapons'.

Mindy, who had just finished assassinating a basilisk, looked at Little Hela's figure and pouted angrily: "Why are they all grown up, and I'm still the same? It's not fair, Master is partial."

In the sky, when Light Ancient One heard Mindy's complaint, she smiled slightly, grabbed a handful of transparent flames from heaven, and threw it on Mindy, which was the fire of vengeance, that is, the source of the spirit of vengeance.

The fire of vengeance was so fast that Mindy couldn't dodge at all and was smashed in the face. The flame rushed into her body and merged with her.

"What's this?" Mindy was taken aback and hurriedly checked her body. At this moment, the information of the fire of vengeance poured into her mind, her eyes lit up, and she gratefully shouted to the sky, "Grandma Ancient One, thank you."

Light Ancient One smiled; she still liked Mindy very much.

"I want to grow up too." Mindy's heart moved, and her whole body burned with raging fire. The flame was transparent at first, but as it merged with the dragon's soul, it gradually turned green, which looked both beautiful and dangerous.

Immediately afterwards, with the help of the flame, Mindy grew up rapidly. She whistled, and the motorcycle specially customized for her by the Blood God flew over and landed beside her.

Mindy rode the motorcycle, and the flames spread to it, causing it to quickly deform, becoming more gorgeous and mighty.

"Knight of Vengeance, Mindy, coming in." Mindy cheered, carrying flames all the way, and rushed towards Damon, the Ghost Rider who was killing.

When Damon heard the sound of the motorcycle, he turned his head in surprise, and saw a beautiful girl with green fire all over her body riding a motorcycle and rushing towards him with excitement.

"Mindy!" Damon instantly recognized Mindy. He was both surprised and excited. He hesitated and shouted to Mindy, "Hit-Girl, let's fight together."

"Big Daddy, let's fight together," Mindy shouted excitedly. She always wanted to be a superhero, just to fight with her father again. That was the best time of her life.

Then, two flaming cool motorcycles swept across the battlefield, and a large number of snakes were burned to ashes by them.

"Mindy got what she wanted." Bert looked at the battlefield below and nodded with satisfaction. He said to Seth, the Serpent-God on the opposite side, "I'm sorry, your snakes can't beat the Earth. Your psychological tactics have completely failed."

"Psychological tactics? Do I still need psychological tactics to kill you?" The Serpent-God Seth sneered. "I let them do it because I want you to watch your own people die. Blood God, I said, I will make you die as painfully as it is painful."

"I'm sorry, you can't do it. Whether it's to make me suffer or let my people die," Bert sneered. "Earth will not let you devils in. Anyone who dares to take action on Earth must be prepared not to go back."

This sentence was not only said to Seth but also to all the Elder Gods and dimension demon gods. The Elder Gods snorted but did not refute anything. As for the dimension demon gods, their expressions were solemn.

When did Earth become so strong? Even the attack of the Snake Plane can be blocked?

"Do you think you won? You are just blocking the first wave. With your manpower, you will soon be defeated. At that time, all the so-called superheroes will die."

Seth snorted coldly. "The Earth army is indeed not weak, but it has a fatal weakness. That is, the number is far less than the snake army. They cannot fight for a long time, and victory must belong to the snake army."

At that moment, several huge explosions erupted from below, shaking the entire plain. Immediately afterward, several mushroom clouds rose up in a dazzling white light. Several shockwaves swept the snake army with billowing dust, destroying the snakes and the grass on the ground wherever they passed.

In just a few minutes, hundreds of thousands of Snake army members died. Seth's expression became extremely ugly. He was proven wrong when he said that the snake army would win.

Bert laughed. "This guy Doom is really an explosive maniac. He actually used so many nuclear bombs together. But then again, the effect is really good, and it can be called an artifact of clearing the field."

Bert shouted loudly, "Seth, not only will you die today, but your Myriad Serpent Plane will also be destroyed by me."

"Arrogant Blood God, since you want to die, then I will fulfill your wish in advance." The seven heads of Seth raised their heads simultaneously, and then seven dark rays of light shattered the space and blasted toward Bert, destroying everything in their path.

The Shield of God appeared out of thin air in Bert's hand. The light of destruction was easily blocked, and Bert did not even move. Immediately afterward, Bert shouted, and the Spear of God was thrown at Seth.

The spear affected time and space. As soon as Bert raised his hand, the spear flew in front of the snake head in the middle of Seth. The snake in the middle of Seth let out a loud shout, and the time around the spear became extremely slow, rendering it unable to hit the target.

At that moment, Bert's figure suddenly appeared on Seth's back. With a blade, the space was torn apart, turning into a space storm and blasting towards Seth's back. The snake head on the far right of Seth swerved to the back, and time and space slowed again.

Then, the other three snake heads sprayed destruction light waves at Bert simultaneously. Bert shook his hand, and the Spear of God and space storm broke through time, hitting Seth's head and back one after another.

The snake head in the middle of Seth was instantly destroyed by the holy light of the spear of God, and at the same time, a large hole was 'dug' on its back by the space storm, causing blood to splatter everywhere. As for the destruction light wave that Seth spewed out, none of them hit Bert because he had already traveled through space to avoid it.