Chapter 300 : Head On Battle

Seth let out a scream, and suddenly his back lit up with black light, engulfing the space storm. Then, his head, destroyed by the Spear of God, regenerated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Blood God, you are already at the Elder God level!" Seth shouted to Bert in shock. Not only him, but also the surrounding Elder Gods and Dimension Demon Gods were shocked. The Blood God is already an Elder God? This is too fast. How old is that guy?

Light Ancient One and Dark Ancient One sneered at the same time. If the Blood God is not an Elder God, how could they have agreed to the previous agreement? Thousands of years of loneliness, Bert did not waste his time.

"Can't I ?" Bert caught the Spear of God and threw it out again, targeting the snake head in the middle of Seth.

Seth did not dare to neglect. The two snake heads on the left and right devoured the space, preventing the Spear of God from coming over. At the same time, the remaining four snake heads traveled through space to bite Bert.

"Playing with space in front of me?" There was a huge difference in body size between Bert and the snake head, but he didn't care at all. He smiled contemptuously, and his body lit up with bright red and white light.

Immediately afterwards, Bert's body suddenly appeared in front of one of the snake heads, and he punched out, shattering the entire space, turning it into violent energy and punching the snake head together.

The huge snake head shattered on the spot, and the remaining momentum spread to Seth's neck, causing it to burst open.

The remaining three snake heads were startled and hurriedly devoured the surrounding space to prevent Bert from teleporting over again.

Bert snorted coldly, pressed his hands down, and the shattered space instantly reorganized. Immediately afterwards, Bert divided into three and appeared beside the three snake heads at the same time.

Seeing this, the three snake heads directly activated their phagocytosis ability, like three black holes trying to swallow the three Berts. The three Berts sneered and teleported to the necks behind the snake heads at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, the three Berts stepped out at the same time, shattering the space and beheading the three snake heads together.

At the same time, the broken space in front of the Spear of God suddenly recovered, and the Spear of God flashed its holy light, destroying the reborn snake head again.

Immediately afterwards, the Spear of God split in two, swept through the space, and cut off the two remaining snake heads of Set.

In a short period of time, Seth's seven snake heads were all beheaded.

"Just you, are you worthy of fighting with me?" The three Berts merged into one, and then the Spear of God reappeared in his hands, turning into a huge light Spear that was a thousand meters long.

Then, Bert raised the Spear of God and slashed it down towards Seth's body, directly cutting Seth and the space in half.

Of course, Seth didn't die. A serpent crown flew out of his broken body, and golden light flashed in the air, turning into a golden cage and trapping Bert inside.

Bert quickly stabbed the golden cage with the Spear of God. The golden cage kept vibrating, with more and more cracks, apparently it would not last long.

Seth was aware of this and greedily devoured the power of the Tens of Thousand of Serpents to regenerate himself.

"Wow, the Blood God is too powerful, isn't he? He's not like a new Elder God at all."

The Elder Gods were stunned. They didn't expect this at all. They had only anticipated a battle between the Blood God and Seth at most. However, Seth was completely crushed.

The dimension demon gods were frightened on the spot. The Blood God was so fierce; why didn't anyone tell them? They must have known that the Blood God was an ancient being and was so strong that they would not dare to invade Earth if they could.

A dimension demon sighed, "It seems that we have no chance to enter Earth."

All the demon gods nodded in agreement. The Blood God was so terrifying that they would not dare to invite them to enter Earth.

The demon kings of Hell stopped fighting one after another. They looked at the Blood God and couldn't help but sigh. They had thought that the Blood God was just the next Ancient One, but they didn't expect him to be more terrifying than the Ancient One. With him, the days of Hell would be sad in the future.

Adam laughed. He had someone behind him, and he would no longer have to rely on his appearance to mess with the world.

"Damn, that guy has been upgraded again, and it's still doubled."

Tony rolled his eyes as he shot the snake man. He was not even qualified to participate in the battle above.

He wasn't on the same level at all.

"I understand. The Blood God didn't talk big before. In the main universe, unless Seth sends his real body, he is by no means an opponent of the Blood God, because the main universe is the home of the Blood God."

The beholder's eyes kept rolling, and he said, "Just like our home field, of course, he can't fully use the power of the main universe, only a part of it. But at the scale of the main universe, part of it is already terrifying."

"I see."

The Elder Gods understood. "If we guessed correctly, it should be the Space Stone. Previously, Blood God did not know how to completely grasp the power of the Space Stone."

The Crimson Demon God said, "It's normal to crush other Elder Gods in their home court, just like beating a son."

"Yes, it's like beating a grandson."

The beholder nodded, and the crimson demon glared at each other. The beholder was not afraid, so who was afraid of whom?

"Stop arguing. There will be more opportunities to fight in the future."

An ancient being shrouded in black mist said, "Actually, Seth still has a chance. The Blood God can only use a part of the power of the main universe. As long as Seth comes in his real body, he may not be able to fight him. In this way, the Blood God is quite honest, and he made it clear from the beginning."

"Seth still has a chance. The Blood God has just mastered this power, and it is very unfamiliar."

Other Elder Gods also said words that were obviously meant to incite the Serpent-God Seth to come in his real body. Once Seth really did this, no matter whether he won or lost, they would all benefit.

Seth snorted coldly. He would not be so foolish, but then again, if he did nothing, the battle would be lost.

"I won't lose a second time."

Seth gritted his teeth, and a peculiar wave emanated from him. The Elder Gods knew what Seth had done after a little discernment. Seth had given part of the swallowing concept to the projection.

However, the projection had no conceptual power, so the concept could only be split. This was a dangerous move because once the projection died, the concept was likely to be taken away by the opponent. Hence, under normal circumstances, the Elder Gods would not assign the power of concepts to projections.

"Looking forward and looking back, hesitating, timid, I don't know what to say," sneered the Crimson Demon God. If Seth was determined, he would fight the Blood God directly. However, with the strength of the projection, Seth could still escape if he was not determined.

In the eyes of the Crimson Demon God, Seth's behavior of neither escaping nor being desperate, but only splitting the concept, was a typical act of surrender. Seth was unaware of the Crimson Demon God's disdain for him.

Seth roared at Bert, who broke the cage, "Blood God, you will definitely be swallowed by me today."

Bert pretended to check his watch and said, "I have an appointment with a female celebrity today, so I won't waste time with you. Please die obediently."

As soon as the word "die" was spoken, thirteen Berts appeared around Seth's body simultaneously. Then, thirteen Spears of God attacked at the same time, stabbing Seth's body like lightning. But to Bert's surprise, all the attacks were ineffective because Seth's body had swallowed the kinetic energy, holy light, and space energy.

This was the concept of devouring, devouring everything, including attacks. Seth grinned grimly, and his seven heads roared at the same time. The surrounding space disintegrated instantly. Then, three of his heads did not move and were ready to devour the regenerated space, while the remaining four heads opened their mouths at the same time, like a black hole, to bite the four Berts.

Bert swam around Seth at lightning speed, and the Spear of God in his hand attacked Seth's body one after another. Seth controlled his seven heads to fight with thirteen Berts, biting, devouring, or casting poisonous magic, spiritual magic, storm magic, but all were broken by Bert's Spear of God, which had hit Seth tens of thousands of times.

However, Seth could devour attacks, but Bert's attacks had no effect at all. Seth laughed proudly, "Blood God, I won't lose. It's only you who will lose today."

Bert stopped, and the thirteen figures merged into one. Then he said with a look of contempt, "You're a beaten guy, laughing ass?"

"Laugh at you stupid, do you think my devouring is simple?" Seth smiled grimly, and the seven big mouths lit up with dazzling holy light at the same time, mixed with huge space energy. Seth believed that his current strength combined with the power of the Devouring could kill the bastard.

"Passive beating is the stupidest thing, bang," Bert made an explosive sound. The next moment, all the energy in the mouths of Seth's seven snake heads exploded, and Seth's seven snake heads were instantly destroyed. This was not over yet, and the violent energy continued down his neck, destroying his body.

Seth split himself into two for the first time and roared in horror, "How could this be? Why is the energy I devoured out of control?"

"I said you're an idiot, don't you know about Concept?" Bert sneered. Seth's body burst open again, and a large amount of flesh and blood fell like rain.

In the tens of thousands of previous attacks, Bert wasn't idle. He included a drop of his blood in every attack, and Seth failed to notice because Bert had employed the concept of space to protect his blood.

Bert's power was overwhelming, and the Spear of God quickly attacked, directly annihilating a large piece of Seth's flesh and blood. Despite Seth's raging consciousness, he couldn't stop Bert as there was still a trace of Bert's blood in his body.

All the Elder Gods sneered at Seth's defeat, mocking him for not realizing that the Blood God had not even utilized 50% of his strength to defeat him.

Seth, however, was not cowed, and challenged Bert: "Blood God, do you think you've won? In your dream, you'll follow the Earth, and destroy along with it."

At Seth's shout, all his flesh and blood transformed into black gas, which fused to form a black hole with a diameter of several hundred meters, rapidly swallowing and destroying everything around it. This was just the beginning. Seth devoured the origin of the Ten Thousand Snake Plane, causing the black hole to expand rapidly, engulfing countless snakes, grass, corpses, and stones and leaving nothing but destruction in its wake.

Though the Ten Thousand Serpent Plane wasn't Seth's primary plane(dimension), he possessed the highest authority and could even swallow its source, which was equivalent to the life force of the human body. Once the source was consumed in large quantities, the plane would suffer a catastrophic event, becoming smaller and ultimately leading to the world's destruction.

Seth's devouring action caused a series of major earthquakes, floods, and landslides that seemed like the end of the world. The snake army on the plain witnessed the black hole's growth and fled in terror, but their escape was no match for the black hole's expansion speed. The hole swallowed up a large number of snakes that were desperately trying to escape.

"God, spare us." Many snake tribes pleaded loudly, but unfortunately, Seth did not respond at all. In fact, he not only wanted to devour the army of the snake tribe, but also destroy the plane of snakes, at the cost of killing the Blood God.

As the situation grew dire, Steve realized something was amiss and quickly withdrew with the Earth's forces. They were mainly fighting on the border, and the black hole could not affect them for the time being.

"This is too scary, isn't it? I wonder if Bert can stop it?"

Tony and the others were apprehensive, as the movement was more terrifying than they'd expected.

"To perish together? No wonder the concept of devouring was brought down. It turned out to be the idea. Although it is not bold, it is indeed ruthless."

Meanwhile, the Elder Gods initially nodded in agreement before gloating at Seth's misfortune. This time, the Blood Gods might not be able to please them.

"Perish together, do you think you are worthy?"

However, Bert was unfazed by Seth's actions and summoned the power of the main universe, which he hadn't used until then, causing the Elder Gods' assumptions to be proven wrong.

The main universe immediately responded to Bert's call, and a large amount of power was poured into him from the universe, and this was just the beginning. Then, the shadow of Hell appeared behind him and blessed him with the power of Hell.

"The power of Hell?"

The Elder Gods were stunned. The Blood God was so wild that he even allied himself with Hell.

"Damn, Hell is better for the Blood God than it is for us."

The demon kings of Hell all had red eyes. The power that Hell gave them was far inferior to that of the Blood God. Who was the devil?

If the Blood God were to fall, he could become Satan in one breath.

"You dare to say that you are a good person, and the official Hell has certified you as a black-hearted ghost."

Adam secretly complained that the reason he could become the devil of Hell was because of the care Blood God got from Hell.

After the appearance of Hell, the Dragon realm, the Skeleton realm, the Blood realm, and the Beast realm emerged one after another, pouring their power into Bert.

The huge amount of energy made Bert's body swell, and in the blink of an eye, he had turned into a giant kilometer-sized figure, with terrifying energy rays all over his body, crushing time and space.

"Die for me, Seth."

Bert didn't waste any time, as he shattered time and space with the Spear of God's dazzling colorful light and slashed down towards the black hole.

The ultimate killer move, the Spear of Blood God - Destruction.

"No, how can you be so powerful?"

Seth shouted in disbelief. The next moment, the Spear of God destroyed the black hole, and the violent black hole energy swept the surroundings, causing the plains, mountains, and snakes below to disappear at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Immediately afterward, the Spear of God slammed into the ground without stopping. The entire continent collapsed, and countless magma emerged from the ground.

At the same time, the connection between the Ten Thousand Serpent Plane and Earth was cut off, and in the eyes of the Earth people, the collapsed Ten Thousand Snake Plane gradually turned into a phantom.

"Elder Gods, that's all."

Bert laughed and moved his hand, and a black light left behind after the destruction of the black hole flew into his hand. This black light partially swallowed the concept. As they mentioned before, the concept that has been projected could easily be snatched away.